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The ~New~ SWF GYM! Newbies and New Years Resolution Peeps Wanted!


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Well, I was taking a weight lifting class last semester. Closest I came to physical therapists and people who knew stuff. I can get a free appointment from doctors who specialize in sports medicine, but not sure when I'd get the appointment.

And all I"m asking is what I can do to prevent it from happening for a third time.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Probably a minor strain.

Take a week or two off, self massage, and apply ice if is still painful at rest.

Foam rollering the area is also recommended.

I'd suggest a really solid warmup for when you try squatting again; like a 20 minute jog or something.

And stretch everyday.



Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
Hey everyone should join this website:


It's like an rpg for fitness, you put in your activities and you get points for them and level up. There's quests and achievements and stuff, it sounded pretty nerdy to me at first but I'm having fun with it and it's making me try new things in the gym to finish quests or get achievements :bee: I'm already level 7 :bee:

and we can all be lifting buddies :^) I just started lifting regularly again and it'd be cool to have other ppl to discuss stuff with and compare to.

It's still in beta, so it's invite only. if you are interested, post your email. I still have 6 invites left.


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
Hey everyone should join this website:


It's like an rpg for fitness, you put in your activities and you get points for them and level up. There's quests and achievements and stuff, it sounded pretty nerdy to me at first but I'm having fun with it and it's making me try new things in the gym to finish quests or get achievements :bee: I'm already level 7 :bee:

and we can all be lifting buddies :^) I just started lifting regularly again and it'd be cool to have other ppl to discuss stuff with and compare to.

It's still in beta, so it's invite only. if you are interested, post your email. I still have 6 invites left.
Sounds fun. If you invited me that'd be awesome smckay1019@gmail.com


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
didn't realise anyone used kettlebells... they seem a little gimicky.

sure they can be useful, but i never understood why they'd be more beneficial than anything else.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Have you ever tried them before? They do just about everything dumbells do, only better. The weight is always on the outside unless you're gripping them so that they are bottoms up, so the resistance stays consistent throughout the range of motion. Unlike dumbells..which for example during curls are hardest at the bottom and easiest at the top. K-bell swings and snatches are some of the most intense cardio you can do and with a proper weight build strength at the same time.

The handles on good ones are thicker and more difficult to hold than a dumbell, building grip and due to it's offset nature constantly test your stabilizing muscles.

If your under 150 lbs, try swinging a 16kg or 35 pound k-bell, 24kg or 55 lb if you're more than that weight with both hands. Look up how or have someone knowledgeable show you. It helps with your form with your heavy lifts such as deadlift in fact you can almost think of the k-bell swing as explosive deadlifts done in repetition.

Alot of gyms are starting to incoporate them. Try em, even just try to hold a 16kg one at your side with the ball up in the air and I think you'll be surprised how difficult and useful they are.

Swings how to:

Snatches how to:

Those are two basic k-bell lifts but there are many others and most things you do with a dumbell, you will get better results with a k-bell.

An article on K-bells vs dumbells

I own a 35 and 55 and when I cant get to the gym or can't afford it. They give me what I need at the very least maintain but I have yet to get anywhere close to being too strong to not have alot of use for both of them. If it's a 4 foot arc from your feet to parallel or a bit above parallel, and you're swinging a 55lb k-bell that's approx. the equivalent of deadlifting 220 lbs and you're doing it over and over for reps. <3 k-bells


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
the resistance will change, or at least, any exercise that has easy/hard parts will still have easy/hard parts.

even if the bell moves and stays constant with gravity, physics says gravity will act the most when the levers are at right angles, and this stays true, espc for your example with curls.

tbh though, i dont really do any movements that involve a true arched range of movement. in fact, aside from curls (which i havent done in years), i cant really think of any other exercises that i do that utilize an arc at all.

so i suppose that gives me a reason not to use them lol

i'm not saying they're not effective, just saying that i don't think they're anything special. at least not to me. but i know people who swear by them, and wouldn't train any other way ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
You have to try them dude. Did you read the comparison article? What you said is true concerning right angles, But as the k-bell sits outside of your wrist

The gravity is always off center causing you to fight to keep it in place let alone move it.

Or even better if you have the ability you can hold it bottoms up like this.

Just try em if they are at your gym check em out. ^^;


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
My gym does not have them :c I'd probably shy away from them anyways since it looks like they put a lot of pressure on your wrist, I really can't do that.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
They come in all sizes from 5 lbs all the way to over 100. 35lb or 16kg being the average starting weight.

You could start smaller and work your way up. If there's walmarts or ****'s Sporting Goods around alot of them are suppliying k-bells now and the kind of packaging or lack there of you can pretty much try them out right there lol

EDIT: Went to the gym for the first time today. It was freakin awesome to finally do some of the lifts I had been missing out on. I was a little dissapointed in my slight regression with deadlifts but the barbell was bent so the bar rolled or tried to roll in my hands everytime I would pick it up which made it more difficult. Really surprised with my incline bench (I always get the terms incline and decline confused it's the one for upper pecs.) jumping up 40lbs since the last time I did them! Was really happy about that.

I kinda feel like this should have been a seperate post since it's today not the 30th that I did this but idk on double posting =\

But yeah back to gym again!

EDIT EDIT: The worst thing about starting heavier lifts again..everything's sore the next day for a while. lol


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
What's everyone's name on fitocracy? It'd be cool to get the whole swf gym into this. I only have peaches so far. I'm pretty sure everyone who has been invited so far can also invite people.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Thanks guess I missed it.

Went to the gym yesterday. Trying to get back into the heavier lifts I used to do and let this be a lesson to everyone..don't jump back in too fast..just because you''ve lifted it before doesn't mean after a hiatus of more than a couple weeks that you still can safely. Go slowl back into your routine and build back up like you've never done it before even..because due to this I may not be able to lift for quite a while. =[

Everything started off great warmed up and then started off at 225 for 6 reps. Good starting point then I went to 315. Still felt strong but I could feel there was alot of internal pressure that I was no longer used to. Face bright red lol But I still despite that felt pretty strong. My max before I stopped working at the gym for I guess a couple months was 385. So I stayed 20lbs below that and threw 2 25's on to make it 365.

I got all the way to the top but it was tough but I was still in good form but when I set the weights down I got just about an instant bruise 1/4 I guess about the length of my left forearm along the inside of it; my weaker arm. It didn't hurt though so I kept going. Dropped it back to 315 and did a set then wrapped it up at 225 then went on to other stuff.

Next day I woke up everything's fine and then later I go to the bathroom and felt a bulge in the inside of my thigh. I'm going to the doc's tomorrow to check for hernias. When you think of hernias you think of the abdominal wall...your stomach. I always trained that hard to keep up with my back. Never used an assist belt or gloves I wanted the core strength and wanted to know that I had the strength to avoid this exact thing. I'd do planks and weighted sit ups and leg raises and turkish get ups and windmills and keep them a part of my routine or focus on them exclusively on a rest day. Never thought I'd get one on the inside crease of my leg where it attaches to my hip.

What does one even do to train that area?

Wish me luck...gonna need it.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Thanks guess I missed it.

Went to the gym yesterday. Trying to get back into the heavier lifts I used to do and let this be a lesson to everyone..don't jump back in too fast..just because you''ve lifted it before doesn't mean after a hiatus of more than a couple weeks that you still can safely. Go slowl back into your routine and build back up like you've never done it before even..because due to this I may not be able to lift for quite a while. =[

Everything started off great warmed up and then started off at 225 for 6 reps. Good starting point then I went to 315. Still felt strong but I could feel there was alot of internal pressure that I was no longer used to. Face bright red lol But I still despite that felt pretty strong. My max before I stopped working at the gym for I guess a couple months was 385. So I stayed 20lbs below that and threw 2 25's on to make it 365.

I got all the way to the top but it was tough but I was still in good form but when I set the weights down I got just about an instant bruise 1/4 I guess about the length of my left forearm along the inside of it; my weaker arm. It didn't hurt though so I kept going. Dropped it back to 315 and did a set then wrapped it up at 225 then went on to other stuff.

Next day I woke up everything's fine and then later I go to the bathroom and felt a bulge in the inside of my thigh. I'm going to the doc's tomorrow to check for hernias. When you think of hernias you think of the abdominal wall...your stomach. I always trained that hard to keep up with my back. Never used an assist belt or gloves I wanted the core strength and wanted to know that I had the strength to avoid this exact thing. I'd do planks and weighted sit ups and leg raises and turkish get ups and windmills and keep them a part of my routine or focus on them exclusively on a rest day. Never thought I'd get one on the inside crease of my leg where it attaches to my hip.

What does one even do to train that area?

Wish me luck...gonna need it.
Good luck man. That would be an inguinal hernia, which may be direct or indirect depending on whether the protrusion went past the inguinal canal (direct) or in through it (indirect). Nevertheless, I believe it requires surgery and a long recuperation. I hope for the best brother. May you have a safe and speedy recovery.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Just got back thank God it's not a hernia. Just a cyst some crap that if it gets worse will need to be taken off. Still gonna slow down a lil and eas in but just really glad.
I didn't need that.

Thanks guys and sorry for the false alarm.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
I will at some point but it has nothing to do with strength training so I'll worry about it when it starts bothering me. Which is what the doc said just to leave it alone unless it gets infected or something.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
inguinal hernias are actually the most common type, although they often extend down into your scrotum (if you're a guy). then they can cut of the blood supply to the balls.

not good.

glad the doctor was wrong.

although it's weird that the cyst suddenly appeared, and that you felt off during your workout.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
inguinal hernias are actually the most common type, although they often extend down into your scrotum (if you're a guy). then they can cut of the blood supply to the balls.

not good.

glad the doctor was wrong.

although it's weird that the cyst suddenly appeared, and that you felt off during your workout.
It's not in a place you look all the time and so maybe I just didn't notice before. I was in there for not even 5 min and the doc said "nope not a hernia you're good to go"

I think I just lifted a little too much too soon. When you do something hard and then go away from it awhile and then try it again..you don't always get quite the same results. I didn't feel off during my workout, the weight just felt alot "heavier" than I remembered once I got past 315. I hold my breath till I reach lock out at the top of my dead lifts and then breathe out; breathing in on the way down. Which is what I mean by internal I felt like it was more strain than it should have been.

I'm not sure on the cutting the blood supply to anything else with inguinal hernias but if they lose their own from getting too big, that portion of whatever organ is sticking out dies, rots and then you die from your own body poisoning you.

Being as it is the most common place to get one I guess, what are some good exercises to specifically avoid that?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Good form when you're lifting is probably the best thing to avoid an inguinal hernia. Or just not lifting :p Anything that increases pressure in the abdominal wall increases your chances of developing/worsening an inguinal hernia. Chronic cough, obesity, weightlifting, chronic constipation are the obvious risk factors. Some people just have weak points in their abdominal wall (for various reasons). Young men shouldn't have problems as long they lift properly but around a quarter of men will get inguinal hernias in their lifetime so meh.

Hernias are when internal bits of your body stick out of places they shouldn't. Inguinal hernias involve your bowel sticking through weak areas your abdominal wall. Sometimes they get stuck and twist, which cuts off the blood supply to the affected area of bowel. Inguinal hernias don't affect other organs like testicles.

You'll know when blood supply is compromised because, aside from being very painful, it stops your digestive system working. Food can't pass through a deadened area and you'll get symptoms stemming from that.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
So I am super chuffed about how much better my body has become. I've been putting off taking a photo, to compare with my "before" picture, because I keep on thinking "No I can get better".

I just use dumbbells and a bench but I think I might buy something new too.



The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
uhh... hernias don't cut blood supply to testicles lol.
sorry broski, but they most definitely can. part of your intestines chilling in your ballsack... there's only so much room... things get compressed.

not everytime, but it's a pretty common complication, and one of the first things the hospital will check for if you're admitted with an inguinal hernia.

It's not in a place you look all the time and so maybe I just didn't notice before. I was in there for not even 5 min and the doc said "nope not a hernia you're good to go"

I think I just lifted a little too much too soon. When you do something hard and then go away from it awhile and then try it again..you don't always get quite the same results. I didn't feel off during my workout, the weight just felt alot "heavier" than I remembered once I got past 315. I hold my breath till I reach lock out at the top of my dead lifts and then breathe out; breathing in on the way down. Which is what I mean by internal I felt like it was more strain than it should have been.

I'm not sure on the cutting the blood supply to anything else with inguinal hernias but if they lose their own from getting too big, that portion of whatever organ is sticking out dies, rots and then you die from your own body poisoning you.

Being as it is the most common place to get one I guess, what are some good exercises to specifically avoid that?
lifting poorly shouldnt cause a cyst.

and if you havent got a hernia, then just keep doing what you're doing; lift properly, and activate your core whenever lifting (light or heavy).


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
sorry broski, but they most definitely can. part of your intestines chilling in your ballsack... there's only so much room... things get compressed.

not everytime, but it's a pretty common complication, and one of the first things the hospital will check for if you're admitted with an inguinal hernia.

lifting poorly shouldnt cause a cyst.

and if you havent got a hernia, then just keep doing what you're doing; lift properly, and activate your core whenever lifting (light or heavy).
Yes I know it wouldn't. That's why I said it was a false alarm. ^^; Just my dumb luck noticing the thing the day after.

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
Hey guys, I had gallbladder removal surgery 3 weeks ago. How long must I wait before I can run or lift more than 15 lbs?


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I don't think that's something for us to diagnose or give you advice on. Best to talk to a physician or a sports medicine doctor about that.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
sorry broski, but they most definitely can. part of your intestines chilling in your ballsack... there's only so much room... things get compressed.

not everytime, but it's a pretty common complication, and one of the first things the hospital will check for if you're admitted with an inguinal hernia.
No. It's not a "common complication" and it doesn't happen. Doctors check if your hernia has descended to your scrotum, yes. I'm not sure what you mean by "checking" if your testicular blood supply has been compromised. People don't wait for a mass to reach their scrotum and let it grow enough to occlude blood vessels of other structures inside lol. They'd have suffered many many complications before reaching this point.

You can get testicular pain with inguinal hernias because the mass presses on structures such as the genitofemoral nerve inside the inguinal canal. This is not at all the same as losing blood supply, it is referred pain. If the hernia becomes particularly large, the scrotum will naturally feel uncomfortable with an extra mass inside. Losing blood supply to your testicles is a surgical emergency and does not occur with inguinal hernias.

It is not very hard to prove this. Understand your anatomy. Open a medical website and look at common symptoms and complications.

Hey guys, I had gallbladder removal surgery 3 weeks ago. How long must I wait before I can run or lift more than 15 lbs?
The nurses/doctors in charge of your care will know the answer. People here don't know the details of your operation (e.g. was it open or keyhole) so it's best not to take advice on the Internet.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2005
Neenah, WI
Just did 15 pullups in one set for the first time (in the last year, at least). Pretty happy about it, especially since my fat *** weighs over 190 lbs. I've been doing weighted pullups to work on my lats since unweighted sets were getting me nowhere and pulldown machines make my forearms fail out first for some reason :| I must be using a weird rom on the machine. Idc tho cause pullups are pretty much my fav exercise ever~~

Grey Belnades

The Imperial Aztec
Jan 20, 2009
Brawley, CA
I don't think that's something for us to diagnose or give you advice on. Best to talk to a physician or a sports medicine doctor about that.
The nurses/doctors in charge of your care will know the answer. People here don't know the details of your operation (e.g. was it open or keyhole) so it's best not to take advice on the Internet.
Sorry guys, I just thought maybe one of you guys may had had gallbladder surgery and might tell me about the recovery.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Just did 15 pullups in one set for the first time (in the last year, at least). Pretty happy about it, especially since my fat *** weighs over 190 lbs. I've been doing weighted pullups to work on my lats since unweighted sets were getting me nowhere and pulldown machines make my forearms fail out first for some reason :| I must be using a weird rom on the machine. Idc tho cause pullups are pretty much my fav exercise ever~~
Weighted pullups are my favorite exercise.


Smash Lord
Apr 11, 2008
Where people get NOTHING.
Just did 15 pullups in one set for the first time (in the last year, at least). Pretty happy about it, especially since my fat *** weighs over 190 lbs. I've been doing weighted pullups to work on my lats since unweighted sets were getting me nowhere and pulldown machines make my forearms fail out first for some reason :| I must be using a weird rom on the machine. Idc tho cause pullups are pretty much my fav exercise ever~~
Great job man! I can do...3 hahaha my fat *** needs to get down to about 190 or so. Staying about 215 right now.
Think of it this way since you do weighted pull ups your lats, at the weight you are now, if you keep it at that weight once or if you lose whatever body fat you have it will make them pretty freakin impressive.

I'm doing pull downs, assisted pull ups either with a platform under me or using a bar and having my feet in front of me. Lats are deffinately a weak point for me. Trying to catch em up a little Never had or heard of forearms quitting on that though that's odd. lol
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