Smash Ace
Easily. Maybe cause I grew up from like 5/6-11 playing it. Even after I got an N64 I kept playing and buying games for it. The first sentence I ever read was "The package has opened" in Final Fantasy 2 aka 4. And it's collection of games was incredible. Even the "crappy" games were pretty awesome compared to todays "crappy" games. Seems like there is so much emphasis on getting things out as fast as possible and moving onto the next thing now days. Makes for a lot of really bad games. Really a huge bummer.snes is probably my favorite console.
The SNES had more time as the flagship system, than most any system has since. (Playstation and N64 had 5 year runs, SNES had 6 years), and has significantly less games to it's name than any modern systems. However the quality of all the games is pretty superb.