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The New Super Awesome Oregon Home Thread!!! :D

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Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2007
Scappoose, Oregon
I don't think it was all your fault. Sure, there were things that could have been handled better, but too many people showed up late. Next time be more asseritive in timing. Say that if they don't show up on time that you'll start without them. Give a little leeway during the tournament, but stand your ground on the page.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 11, 2010
Portland, OR
Since everyone showed up so late though. The tournaments wouldn't have much attendance both tournaments seriously would have had 8 people had I started them on time. Granted, that's not a whole lot less than the final product but I would like to have good numbers.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
Milwaukie, Oregon
Imo it was just the fact that we were so focused on running brawl doubles but the whole time nothing was being done with melee. Could have had some teams playing some melee matches possibly even some melee singles going on would of been hectic for a while trying to figure out who's playing where but it could have been done.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Don't be a hater. I think we should all be able to play whatever game we enjoy without hearing contemptuous remarks from others.

Try this:
Melee is awesome!

Peach Masta

Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Hey guys brawl sucks lololol

it's dumb and camp n spam

aka the whole hating on Brawl thing is dead and overplayed. I hate a lot of fighting games more than anything, but I've stopped saying how much I hate them. Since there isn't any point. Nothing cool happens if I say "Street Fighter is really boring to watch and hideous looking". I'm just saying since I don't like boring comments and "Brawl Sux!!11!" is as I said, an overplayed and boring thing to say.


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
Who's tryin' to go to GC on January 7th. I assume right now it is me, Jordan and Jesse. That leaves room for 1 or 2 more in my car. Unless several more want to come, then we will get another carpool going. Let's do this.

If it is any more incentive for people who are trying to avoid playing good people or something. 1-9 or some **** on the WA PR are going to be at APEX.


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
Milwaukie, Oregon
I want to go but if I do I'm gonna have to drive myself there cause I gotta be back at my place by like 10 so I can get ready for work.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
if 1-9 are going to apex why would any of us bother traveling 3 hours to play them, why not just have a smashfest at someones house


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
A... carpool?

Maybe if you could get a carpool "chain" across states, but one car sounds like that car isn't going to live long after a trip like that unless it's a very rugged build XD


Smash Ace
Jun 1, 2004
Portland Oregon
if 1-9 are going to apex why would any of us bother traveling 3 hours to play them, why not just have a smashfest at someones house
'Cause no one has seemed compelled to travel 3 hours to lose their money the last 2 times we have gone. For me, it is about going and playing with good people to get better (In this case, I make the exception, because I am just trying to get as much tournament practice as I can. Doesn't matter who is there. I choke hard when the pressure is on, and figure if I play more tournaments that will stop happening.)... But I know some people are just tryin' to get their win on you know?

Oh, and there are people not on the PR who are hella tight, fun to hang out with, and fun to play with.


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Why is brawl still being played?
It's really a beautiful game. The amount of content in that game is amazing, it's just that the gameplay is very anti-competitive and to make it competitive you have to try really hard. Watching Felix play Diddy is actually really awesome, but most of the game isn't so much. Shame, really. If you haven't noticed, the scene has died a fair bit.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I think brawl is kind of a double edged sword, it taught a lot of more casual players the intricacies of spacing and camping that they could use to be competitive in melee, and made it so the learning curve was really only a tech one, and maybe some needed improvements in reacting. There is plenty of video content out there to learn one character in maybe 6 months to a year and be doing well in tournaments if you are talented.

At the same time though it ***** our melee scene when it released, even though our scene had quite a few players though we weren't getting any new blood at all, so the fact that brawl tournaments are now being replaced with melee ones in a lot of cases is really helping our scene get those new players who were picked up from brawl.

Brawl would be a fine game if power shielding deflected projectiles, even though its slower you still wouldn't be able to camp the way you do now, I don't know why they took that out. I also don't know why they took out dash dancing and made it so tripping couldn't be turned off. If the game had those things I would have been fine with it, I also think auto sweet spot should be able to be turned off. I also think tether recoveries should have remained the same as they did in melee, although I guess its fine that those sweet spot for you since you can still be hit during the pull in many cases.

If Smash 4 has those things I will probably play it pretty earnestly even if I don't think they can ever really replace melee.

This of course is only considering the games in a competitive light, if you look at them as the party games they were intended to be then brawl becomes a lot more fun than I think about it now. But melee is pretty damn fun with multiple people too IMO.

Basically Brawl is the second best game that can be played on a Wii after melee ^_^


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
This of course is only considering the games in a competitive light, if you look at them as the party games they were intended to be then brawl becomes a lot more fun than I think about it now. But melee is pretty damn fun with multiple people too IMO.
Playing casually is still fun. I still have fun playing on Hyrule Temple, because staying alive is really limited to how hard you can DI in the under area and hoping you tech. Every single person I know that plays just for fun has their own little item loadouts they prefer, such as some using only Pokéballs.

Basically Brawl is the second best game that can be played on a Wii after melee ^_^
Aw hell no. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is a great game. Looking at my Wii library, it's actually kind of sad. The only two games I look at and think are good are MP3:C, LoZ:TP, and RE4. Two of which are GCN ports anyway. In the Wii library's defense, I haven't bought anything for it in a long time, like Skyward Sword or any of the Super Mario games.

Harvest Moon. :awesome: :troll:
I know some people that love that series.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
Skyward Sword is pretty good, I haven't played much of it but the controls are really smooth, I could never get into Mario Galaxy 1/2 for some reason, even though I really had a good time with Mario 64.

Okami is super good on the Wii but its a port as well from PS2 I believe.

Wii doesn't have many good titles aside from the ability to dl old school snes titles and such which I could do with an emulator anyways I guess. If i would have played brawl before buying a Wii I might have reconsidered the purchase but oh wells.

You coming to BB keeper?


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2008
Lake Oswego, OR
Skyward Sword is pretty good, I haven't played much of it but the controls are really smooth, I could never get into Mario Galaxy 1/2 for some reason, even though I really had a good time with Mario 64.

Okami is super good on the Wii but its a port as well from PS2 I believe.

Wii doesn't have many good titles aside from the ability to dl old school snes titles and such which I could do with an emulator anyways I guess. If i would have played brawl before buying a Wii I might have reconsidered the purchase but oh wells.

You coming to BB keeper?
I think I am if I get picked up by Kami, but maybe I read what he said wrong and it ends up being a miscommunication and I pass out. I've been up for 16 hours and I'm not tired for some weird ****ing reason.

I played Kirby Adventure and Super Metroid for the first time on my Wii. Great games. I'm a bit of a Metroid fanboy, even though I never played Other M (didn't look fun).


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
I think brawl is kind of a double edged sword, it taught a lot of more casual players the intricacies of spacing and camping that they could use to be competitive in melee, and made it so the learning curve was really only a tech one, and maybe some needed improvements in reacting. There is plenty of video content out there to learn one character in maybe 6 months to a year and be doing well in tournaments if you are talented.

At the same time though it ***** our melee scene when it released, even though our scene had quite a few players though we weren't getting any new blood at all, so the fact that brawl tournaments are now being replaced with melee ones in a lot of cases is really helping our scene get those new players who were picked up from brawl.

Brawl would be a fine game if power shielding deflected projectiles, even though its slower you still wouldn't be able to camp the way you do now, I don't know why they took that out. I also don't know why they took out dash dancing and made it so tripping couldn't be turned off. If the game had those things I would have been fine with it, I also think auto sweet spot should be able to be turned off. I also think tether recoveries should have remained the same as they did in melee, although I guess its fine that those sweet spot for you since you can still be hit during the pull in many cases.

If Smash 4 has those things I will probably play it pretty earnestly even if I don't think they can ever really replace melee.

This of course is only considering the games in a competitive light, if you look at them as the party games they were intended to be then brawl becomes a lot more fun than I think about it now. But melee is pretty damn fun with multiple people too IMO.

Basically Brawl is the second best game that can be played on a Wii after melee ^_^
So true. I pretty much started casually as 64/Melee, and I was the only guy in my area that remotely experimented with wavedash/dash dance (but I was so bad and unable to implement them most of us dismissed them as "parlor" tricks). I watched the occasional competitive video and thought otherwise, but couldn't prove it.

Then Kevin introduced me to competitive Brawl when it like first came out, and it has been a very, very good segue into competitive Melee.

That being said, I hate how "thinky" Brawl is sometimes (by that I mean how frequently and emphasized making each successive choice, I feel in Melee you miss something you get reset to neutral more often (which sucks still, but isn't as bad as it getting reversed, if that makes sense), in Brawl doing something wrong sometimes gets the tables turned on you usually (like for me, it just takes an air dodge -> buffered powershield (or worse, when you hit w/ a move that somehow doesn't have enough hitstun at low percents like w/ sheik and then get uair stringed by MK or something lol), and they get me offstage and proceed to poop on me because they have stage control while I don't, because I failed to read the air dodge correctly)). At mid-level, it's annoying to always be adapting to an opponent's options just when you get a handle on them prior, because momentum doesn't help as much (which is why I love Lucario, he can still work with an offensive playstyle and he plays really rewardingly if you pull him off to kinda compensate for the fact that a good read w/ anyone else barring snake and ICs does like... 13% at most w/ someone up-to-date in the game and knows how to SDI/DI out of more of the stuff)

Melee's awesome because of how option rich you are in the neutral position (unless you're against falco :p) and it rewards you fairly for a proper guess. It's really different thinking, but overall, I love Melee because of how balanced options feel, but I do love Brawl for giving a good rudementary run-down on things (Brawl shield mechanics imo actually help even more in transitioning to Melee, because you learn to not take spacing at all for granted and space/poke really well around shield).

edit: wow, I used a lot of parentheses


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
Brawl, Melee and SSB were all made under different conditions and for different intents. Melee is such a good competitive game because they took SSB and looked at how to expand on it (SSB is nearly perfect as far as competitive smash goes, but Melee polished it up so nicely and added even more characters and content). Brawl is nothing more than Sakurai looking at how he might have made Melee if he had a second chance at it (specifically making it more attractive to newer players to get them into the game) as well as all the additional content he could add to it on his limited schedule. Tripping was a terrible idea, especially without the ability to toggle it off in the custom rules settings, there's really no excuse for it and no one likes it. Thankfully we have awesome hax to fix up things ourselves.

I don't want anyone calling Brawl 'anti-competitive' or whatever. It's a common fallacy that people like to spread around to others with the only motive I can see being to try to make Brawl look worse. I heard enough of that non-competitive, party-game garbage while playing Melee that it's wearing thin and the joke has gone sour long ago.


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2010
Salem, OR
Wii doesn't have many good titles aside from the ability to dl old school snes titles and such which I could do with an emulator anyways I guess. If i would have played brawl before buying a Wii I might have reconsidered the purchase but oh wells.
I'm in the same boat. I ended up disliking two games from my favorite Nintendo series, Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers. Mario Kart DS is my favorite DS game and Melee is my favorite Cube game, but the sequels on the Wii are both extremely mediocre in my opinion.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
donkey kong country returns is my favorite wii game. it is a wonderful little miracle.

probably skyward sword after that eventhough I've only played the first half hour of it.

super paper mario looks really good too, but I've never gotten a chance to play it.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Let me just say though that tripping is such a dumb mechanic. Even most of my casual friends who play smash long enough are at odds with tripping.

I find myself enjoying Melee more and more, I just love how fast it goes, how relatively different you have to play between each character, how much more fun it is when you play it long enough to get consistent (it's really frustrating when your tech skill is poop on some days though), and I can't wait until I get my fingers to work well enough to play someone more like fox/falco (although marth is really awesome in terms of how deceptively good he looks in mobility, and his combos look really cool/fluid).

Twilight Princess was disappoint (well, relatively speaking, it's still a really good game in its own right), but I really want to play Skyward Sword.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
donkey kong country returns is my favorite wii game. it is a wonderful little miracle.

probably skyward sword after that eventhough I've only played the first half hour of it.

super paper mario looks really good too, but I've never gotten a chance to play it.
dkc wii is garbage


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2007
dkc wii is garbage
I understand this. it pales in comparison to what the first two accomplished. also the boss fights were a joke.

but it was very pretty and a lot of fun for me who never owned a snes as a kid. I 100 percented it with my roommates over the course of two days. I haven't done that with a game in years so I'll always remember it fondly

Mr Postman

Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2011
Oregon Mountains
keeper, I love harvest moon and rune factory!

I understand this. it pales in comparison to what the first two accomplished. also the boss fights were a joke.

but it was very pretty and a lot of fun for me who never owned a snes as a kid. I 100 percented it with my roommates over the course of two days. I haven't done that with a game in years so I'll always remember it fondly
snes is probably my favorite console.
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