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The new Ridley for SSBB thread =-Version 3.0-=

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Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
You should be carefull Platnum... a little bird told me the higher ones are watching you.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Platnum, you realize of course that Shuma is just egging you on to make you look even more foolish.

It's working too.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
Ridley prime, you are know for some of the longest post on this website, besides wiseguy. at least thats what i think.
I am? Um, that's cool, I guess...

Might want to meet this wiseguy sometime soon. :chuckle: :p

All your quotes hurt my brain!
Um, sorry...

Would you rather have me double post, triple post, etc. instead? Because that's not really my style of posting.

Maybe you could cut down the post length by not quoting useless posts with "Hmmmm"s. /not trying to be mean just trying to save my brain from even further harm
After looking back at my last post, I quoted a post with "Hmm" only twice...
But eh, okay. I understand.

For the record, i was joking about Ridley being the name of the species, the specie is "Zebesian Dragon".
Oh, okay.
Yeah. I kinda figured you were joking...

@Ridley Prime's Wall of Text

Christ, Prime--way to be an Alphazealot.
AlphaZealot? lol I guess that's a good comparison in this case. :laugh:

Ridley_Prime is great, because he gets all the good stuff from the last few pages into one post.

Keep doing what you're doing sir!
Alright then. It's what I do after all. :p
And thanks.

Ridley_Prime Story teller of the Purple Legion.

I've played and beaten every Metroid game, I love Ridley and he's perfect for Brawl!
Really? So you've mastered all 10?

Lucky then I guess, as I never got to have Metroid II: Return of Samus (for the original Game Boy). Then again, from what I've heard about it from others, it's not that good, so I didn't really miss out on much there (not to mention Ridley isn't in it)...

I hate people who suggest Ridley for boss... there's that fat sack of crap Kraid for that.
Fat sack of crap? Ouch. Not even Kraid deserved to be called that :crying:...

U know Sakurai mentioned him a couple of times in dojo.

My suspicion: Ridley Boss theme is Ridley's music

Norfair is Ridley's stage.

Samus will have a different stage (Brinstar perhaps?)
Err, Brainstar is Kraid's stage last I checked, and I don't recall Samus ever having her own stage (in both the N64 SSB and SSBM), so I don't see why it would happen in Brawl.
The only stages related to her are places she's been to, basically.

The more I hear that about the Brawl Boards, the more I realize it's true.
And your post there (along with the one you quoted in your reply) doesn't seem to be helping the situation either :ohwell: (though I realized the unintelligence a long time ago in regards to most of the Brawl boards).

Even though Sakurai hates Metroid Prime and anything to do with it, I hope he includes a Meta-Ridley alternate costume/color swap for Ridley
If Ridley's in and part of the playable roster, I don't see why they wouldn't have Meta as an alt costume, since they apparently had Samus' Phazon Suit as one in the demo (if I'm remembering correctly).

It won't make a big impact on the video game world but it will be a megaton pwn to all those that say Ridley is too big or will just be a boss. I see it all the time when he is mentioned.
Yeah. In that case, I agree. Big time -_-...

He may be revealed when the character select screen is shown in the Dojo (my cue to stay away from the site) or might be busy playing Brawl.
Oh, I see. I don't really plan to visit the official smash site much either (if any) after Ridley's possible confirmation, so I guess that's understandable.

It seems we have another mission RIDLEYs, http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=125207 votes away.
lawl I love how he said you could vote for Naruto if you wanted.

as much as i would like to say ridley taunting in a cockney accent, i think ive done enough noobing.....i like the ganon style taunt myself, but something similar to bowser seems more akin to ridley
Agreed. If there's ever gonna be one game where Ridley talks (which I know he can), it won't be in Brawl.

He could "laugh" however in a taunt
It would be like Dark Samus' laughter all over again, but more badass. :chuckle:

He could be like Mewtwo and speak during a victory pose? (Well, he does in the Japanese version... awesome voice, Mewtwo)
Dang... what exactly does he say during the victory pose? (in the Japanese version)

Yeah but Mewtwo speaks for the "creepy" factor, Ridley speaking wouldn't look very good, or he could end with a ****ty voice.
Well, we know little to nothing of what the tone or anything of Ridley's voice would actually sound like, though it'd be cool if he had some deep/dark tone to it like some rare villains nowadays do.

im gonna go to bed now in the name of ridley
'k. Goodnight.

Argh! the memories! the memories!. *clars throath* Ridley would have to speak like a mix between Darth Vader/Master Chief/Cooler from DBZ to sound awesome.
Dude... bringing up those characters just got me thinking. If Ridley had a voice much like Dabura's from DBZ, it would be the perfect tone for his character.

I couldn't think of a fail pic brutal enough for you.
Because there is none.

Now why can't you people just forget about him?:ohwell:

Maybe Ridley should get a menacing high pitch voice.
That would probably be considered annoying more-so than anything else.

I dunno but I thought SSBM did a good job in voices acting. Especially the pokemon.
I guess that's true, but the Star Fox character's voices sucked in Melee compared to SF64 (even though they were all bound to get voice changes anyway).

how manny federation troppers has Ridley killed?
There's no telling (needless to say), but as far as in-game scenes go, Samus and a fellow Federation PED Marine could only watch helplessly as Meta-Ridley single handedly wiped out an entire platoon of Marines on the other side of the base (during the battle on Norion, when you're heading back to your ship after restoring the 2nd generator).

Yep. He killed an entire squad of GF Troopers in just one attack...

and if higher ones are watcing this will take care of them

Are you kidding me? SSJ4 Goku was shown to have trouble lifting a building in one episode :p(even if his power level was "over 9000"), whereas Superman's lifted a building with ease, and then some.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007

Aniway... i hate Dabura, Cooler has a better voice, and Cell is more awesome in everything.


Platnum, you realize of course that Shuma is just egging you on to make you look even more foolish.

It's working too.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
There's a certain voice that I think of when I think of Ridley speaking, but I don't know where I've heard it. Er... Well, I'm almost certain it was from DBZ, but I don't know who's it was. Ah well, Dabura and Cooler sound like they'd work well. They're all fairly similar... Could be easy to mistake one of their voice for another.

Non-speaking Ridley for potentially Monday...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I still say something like Cooler's voice suits Ridley... actually... anyone here has played DoW? Dawn Of War? the Chaos Marine Commander from Dark Crusade... Eliphas the inheritor... that's how Ridley should talk.



You can guess who's Eliphas.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
well, not quite actually Ridley_Prime :laugh:

I've beaten zero mission, fusion (100%), prime (100%), prime 2, prime 3 (100%) metroid 2, super metroid (working for 100%)

I've played some of the orignial and couldn't stand it so I never finished it.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I dont like the image of ridley and geno, it makes geno look like he commands ridley like a dog, I think geno is less than ridley IMO. if anything I would have rather they team attacked him/whatever it is.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Talking about Brawl, yes... he shouldn't talk, however he does talk, and that's how i imagine his voice.


Geno and Ridley are attacking Primids, Geno is shotting a beam from his hand, hence the pose.


Proteus Geoform
Sep 18, 2007
Switch FC
the text wall it is lowering my spams power NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

i have faild

Aniway... i hate Dabura, Cooler has a better voice, and Cell is more awesome in everything.
Well, yeah. Cell and Cooler (heh. Funny how there's a Meta Ridley and a Meta Cooler) are easily my 2 favorite DBZ villains overall as well, but why hate Dabura? He's got the awesome satanic voice (regardless of you thinking Cooler's is better), is the Demon King, and anyone/anything he spits on turns to stone. =)

All I was saying was that it would be awesome if Ridley had Dabura's voice. :ohwell:

i got warned
Which is more than you deserve apparently...

well, not quite actually Ridley_Prime :laugh:

I've beaten zero mission, fusion (100%), prime (100%), prime 2, prime 3 (100%) metroid 2, super metroid (working for 100%)

I've played some of the orignial and couldn't stand it so I never finished it.
Oh, I see. Guess that's understandable (about not wanting to complete the original Metroid)... Once you figure out what to do though, it's not that hard, and while you usually only start out at 30 health, you can easily get up to 99 by repeatedly blasting the small enemies that come flying out of those tunnel things (like in the original Mario games :p).
If you know your way around Zebes in Zero Mission, you should be able to in the original as well.



Yes, that's how Ridley should talk.
Hmm. Maybe...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Well i don't really remember how Dabura talks, i just remember i hated his voice, andi found the "demon King" thing very cheesy... like the whole Majin Buu saga... they should've stoped at the Cell saga.



The Cult has the uper hand! We cannot let this happen, why are our numbers so thin!? where is the Legion! Where is R.I.D.L.E.Y!? have we been abandoned!? how can this be happening!? I'm... very dissapointed... i don't like. To. Be. Dissapointed...


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007

Well, yeah. Cell and Cooler (heh. Funny how there's a Meta Ridley and a Meta Cooler) are easily my 2 favorite DBZ villains overall as well, but why hate Dabura? He's got the awesome satanic voice (regardless of you thinking Cooler's is better), is the Demon King, and anyone/anything he spits on turns to stone. =)

All I was saying was that it would be awesome if Ridley had Dabura's voice. :ohwell:

Which is more than you deserve apparently...

Oh, I see. Guess that's understandable (about not wanting to complete the original Metroid)... Once you figure out what to do though, it's not that hard, and while you usually only start out at 30 health, you can easily get up to 99 by repeatedly blasting the small enemies that come flying out of those tunnel things (like in the original Mario games :p).
If you know your way around Zebes in Zero Mission, you should be able to in the original as well.

Hmm. Maybe...

your text is painful. stop the text wall


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
You know... the "text wall" it's what we call a good post, don't mess with the Legion's story teller.


Actually... LEgo is the Story teller, then Ridley_Prime is...


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
Hmm. Maybe, maybe not :p... but I was just being sarcastic there (about the whole screaming thing). xd
Sure you were. :laugh:

Oh. Alright then. >.>
Toughness. I like that in a girl... (just take that as a compliment and nothing more)

After looking at that, I don't know if I'll ever again have the heart to 'kill' Ridley the next time I play a Metroid game that he's in :( (I've shown similar mercy towards the Infant Tallon Metroids in Echoes as well. They're just too cute to kill >.>)...
I've always had a soft spot for dragons (turns out for a very special reason <.<), so I have a hard time.

If a combo of Samus' and Metroid Prime's DNA was able to create Dark Samus, who knows what kind of powerhouse Samus' and Ridley's would create?
One full of pwnage for sure.

-reads a few pages back to catch up from sleeping-
<__< When did Sakurai mention or imply he hated Prime? Pics/quotes or gtfo.

Ridley could speak, but all he needs is a text box and some of his screechy sounds to go with it.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
Cartoon versions of manga make good series look like ****. Trust me, I'm a (or was) fan of the Naruto manga.
I was never really into manga. I watched DBZ when I was a kid when I was bored. I watched a little bit of pokemon too. But i'm over all of that and I rarely watch stuff like Naruto.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
I was never really into manga. I watched DBZ when I was a kid when I was bored. I watched a little bit of pokemon too. But i'm over all of that and I rarely watch stuff like Naruto.
I rarely watch T.V.
That reminds me why I love video games, on TV it's always about someone else having fun, at least I can be part of a video game. :3


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2007
I rarely watch T.V.
That reminds me why I love video games, on TV it's always about someone else having fun, at least I can be part of a video game. :3
I'm not really playing too much video game right now. Cause there aren't that many great games on the wii. I've beaten TP, played need for speed, played call of duty, almost beat metroid prime 3, and I haven't bought any vc games. I really need to buy some wii points, I just wanna get super mario 64 and mario kart 64. I will probaly be playing more video games in a couple weeks once I buy galaxy and medal of honor and I need to beat metroid prime.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2007
Corneria, fourth panet of the Lylat System
I'm not cool enough to join R.I.D.L.E.Y. :(
So I'll just stay behind as the fangirl. :D
dont you guys realize? Everyone is cool enough to join R.I.D.L.E.Y. because only nerds, even by video game standards (I.E. Nintendo Fanboys and Square junkies) know who Ridley is. I converted a nonbeliever the other day, who now sees ridley as epic win, where he once saw a failiure. EVERYONE is accepted by Ridley....

except the chozo, bryo, luminoth, canadians, white people, columbians, PS3 owners,
Samus, X virus, and Oprah.


Smash Champion
Sep 3, 2007
dont you guys realize? Everyone is cool enough to join R.I.D.L.E.Y. because only nerds, even by video game standards (I.E. Nintendo Fanboys and Square junkies) know who Ridley is. I converted a nonbeliever the other day, who now sees ridley as epic win, where he once saw a failiure. EVERYONE is accepted by Ridley....

except the chozo, bryo, luminoth, canadians, white people, columbians, PS3 owners,
Samus, X virus, and Oprah.
What I mean is as I haven't stuck around playing Metroid enough time to consider myself worthy of joining Ridley's most notable group. :chuckle:
I'll stay a supporter though. :3

(I'm hispanic?)


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
^Only the real nerdy nerdy kids are allowed to join RIDLEY. You have to live, breath, sweat, and expel Ridley from various body orphuses to be a member.

Faustus, he's right. You have to become ONE with Ridley.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 9, 2007
Corneria, fourth panet of the Lylat System
well kids, im afraid i must tell you.....I have only played Ridley in the Prime games. Ive played super metroid, but didnt get far because i borrowed it for a day. I own the original, and its hard for me. That being said, I love ridley, LOVE HIM. I dont crap ridley, that is a disgrace. I crap Phazon, and feed it to ridley.

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