which one's bair? Have fun trying to hit Kirby with that considering his shortness on the ground and how much he outprioritizes you in the air.
When you talk about Kirby's small size being on the ground, you are being dishonest. You only think about flat surfaces, never minding curves surfaces or even platforms. Platforms, though they are in the air, are considered to be "ground," since the character on the platform isn't jumping. Besides, even if Kirby is on a flat stage like Final Destination, who is going to use b-air?
As for Kirby out-prioritizing Samus in the air, please consider the Homing Missile, Super Missile, Charge Shot, f-air, and z-air. Z-air is especially easier to hit opponents with when they are in the air, even if they are small targets. Heck, I'm able to use z-air against small opponents when they're on the ground.
Dsmash? Trajectory is all messed up. Anything else?
I don't think you're aware about something regarding Samus' d-smash, which is why I'd like for you to check
this video. Samus cannot KO Mr. Game & Watch at 78% with her d-smash, but in this video, she does. I know how this works, but I won't be revealing it. I thought I'd let you know about this find, however, considering that Kirby, like Mr. Game & Watch, is short and light-weight.
Kirby is considered to be deceptively powerful because he can easily KO a heavy character like Samus ~100%. Samus moves aren't deceptive powerful because not only are they not powerful, but you should expect power like that from a character like Samus. Also with the exception of bair, Samus doesn't kill well considering he can survive a fsmash at aroun 120~130% and he's a lightweight
That's all fine. As long as Kirby is out of Samus' range, Kirby is practically harmless. I'm still curious on whether or not you brawled with a good Samus players, hopefully ones recently, since the meta-games do change, even in a short period of time like six months.
Fair, bair, and uair are all moves that Kirby uses to rack damage in the air. Uair and fair can feint airdodges, and bair can be mindgamed though mindgames shouldn't be included in match-ups since everyone isn't capable of them so ignore that statement about his bair.
These don't talk about "combos." I guess Fox's f-air would be a combo, since it does consecutive hits. Or I guess Samus' f-air would be a combo, since it also does consecutive hits.
I played this guy's Samus once. He two-stocked me the first match we played. I then two stocked him the next two matches and three stocked him the next match. The first match was unexpected, but once I got adjusted to playing Samus for the first time, it was easy as cheese.
This says nothing of edge-guarding or gimping. You also don't state how recent this was. However, I can tell you I've brawled with someone named PangLand, who plays as Kirby sometimes, and this was fairly recent. There was also IsmaR, though hers, while within this year, is not within this month or last month.
Asdioh said:
Well, on the ground, fsmash outranges most of her moves. In the air, some of her moves (fair comes to mind) have good range with disjointed hitboxes, so she beats him at some points there. Don't underestimate Kirby's range just because he's so short, though.
"Most of her moves"? Let's see what Samus has. Charge Shot, Homing Missile, Super Missile, f-tilt, d-tilt (yes, this has great range, considering Samus' d-tilt beats Zelda's d-tilt, and Zelda moves her leg outward). It's interesting that jiovanni007 agrees with me that range isn't equivalent to start-up time, and that Samus beats Kirby in range, yet you say that Kirby's f-smash "outranges most of [Samus'] moves."
Asdioh said:
She's really not that hard to ko. I expect a fresh forward smash would ko her at 90-100%, possibly in the 80s if she's near the edge. And no, most of her smashes suck.
Your expectations are wrong. Without DI, she might be KO'd off the stage if she is at the edge. With DI, Samus can survive if she is at 100% and f-smashed. I tested this out just now, putting Samus at the edge for every test. I didn't test anything higher than 100%, but that's only because you said "90-100%." You're better off using Kirby's Forward+B, but that attack is slightly slower than Ness' f-smash. (Since this discovery of Kirby's Forward+B being slightly slower than Ness' f-smash, my brother has been using the f-smash more in his gameplay. Thanks for revealing that to us, whoever played as Kirby in an FFA match.

Asdioh said:
I know her dtilt is a great ko move, but it's fairly easy to avoid, especially since Kirby is usually in the air. Fully Charged Shots are a good ko move, but those are only really deadly on wifi, where lag exists. A good player would not have trouble dodging them most of the time offline.
I don't think you're aware of the possibilities Samus has with her d-tilt. She can f-air to d-tilt without leaving any time for her opponent to shield or dodge, since it's buffered the moment she touches the ground. As for Samus' Charge Shots, that's not a problem. We Samus players find ways of using our Charge Shots. If you ever brawled with Xyro77, you'll know what I am talking about.
Asdioh said:
How often do you play decent Kirbys? At 0 or very low percents, Kirby's fthrow or dthrow can combo into other attacks.
PangLand, a member of AiB, did this on me a number of times. I won't say who won the match, though.
Asdioh said:
At higher percents, Samus is very easy to juggle with aerials.
True, I agree with you on this. I've been juggled in the air when brawling against a Kirby player. It was always rewarding when I'd d-air him off the stage.
Asdioh said:
It's one of the reasons Kirby is pretty good against Meta Knight; MK may be super aggressive and hard to hit, but once Kirby gets that first hit off, he can follow up very easily, and that's on MK, who is very light and can counterattack quickly. Imagine how much easier it is to do on Samus, who is heavy like you said, and has laggier moves.
lololol "Laggier moves"? Did you know that Samus' aerial attacks have little to no lag, especially when she lands on the ground? And don't think that Samus is like Bowser or Donkey Kong when it comes to weight. She's heavy, yes, but compared between her and the other two giants, she doesn't suffer as much.
Asdioh said:
Anyway, the edgeguarding was only theory. I know it'll be extremely hard to counter her tether recovery, but her up B has pretty awful horizontal recovery, leaving it open to Stone or dair->footstools of death. And bair wall of pain still holds true.
The meta-games have changed. If you jump out after Samus while she is off the stage, don't think she won't use Homing Missiles to force you back on the stage, let alone think that Samus won't use Bombs to recover, saving her second jump and Screw Attack. In this instance, the Screw Attack isn't really necessary. Besides, when it comes to edge-guarding, Samus beats Kirby. She can use projectile attacks and z-air.