Who. Called. That?
BTW, by wading through all the spam, I've come to a few conclusions:
1) Ike has to play super defensively, campy, and mistake-free if he wants to win. A single mistake on his part can easily bring him to 50% or more --And a single mistake on your part will get you killed at 50%
2) The onus is on Ike to control the tempo of the match - if the Kirby overwhelms him, gg next stock. If he doesn't, the Ike can keep getting chip damage until Kirby is in kill percent range --More or less.
3) Ike players underestimate Kirby's F-smash --Not good to generalize. Most people know Kirby's Fsmash is quite good.
4)Both swallow and spit out are good choices --I say spit is the better option. But that's just me.
5) Simple way for Kirby to win: stay on the ground. Run toward Ike. Shield. Shieldgrab. Beat the **** outta Ike. Rinse. Repeat. Profit. No ????? here. Just profit. --If you're going to approach with shield all day, I'll just go in and grab you first. See what I did there? :o No one strategy can completely shut down a character...
6) Ike has weight, range, and power going for him (and his jab) --Yes...yes...yes...and **** yes.
7) Kirby has attack speed, grab game, edgeguarding and anti-edgeguarding --Agree here to.
Can somebody list all the good and bad stages in this matchup? --Ike tends to do well on Battlefield, Pirate Ship, small stages, stages with platforms, close blastzones, etc. Bad stages include Jungle Japes...i can't think of any at the moment... :/
There's the player preference issue here as well...i.e. some Ikes, like myself, are fine with Rainbow Cruise and can play the stage to Ike's strengths well. While others can't handle it because it forces you in the air a lot and it beats up on Ike's poor recovery.
And I just don't see how Ike can get around Kirby's dashing shieldgrab approach. He has almost everything covered, but it's way too easy for Kirby to get inside if he just dash --> shield --> grab --> pwn. If somebody could explain this to me, I can see that its 55-45 in Kirby's favour or neutral. But if Ike just doesnt have a solid counter, the matchup is no less than Kirby's favour
--Like I said before...I'll just grab you if you approach with shield all the time. Other options include simply retreating back or jumping away...because it'd be silly to attack a shield now wouldn't it? And if you start spotdodging...I'll just hold A. But then I'm going into "If this, then that" scenarios...and that wouldn't be very productive. Regardless, there are options to beat...shielding? :o
The autocanceling misnomer has really been bothering me. There's no no such thing as autocanceling. Nothing is canceled, automatically or not. It's just varying stages of landing lag, depending on when the aerial is landed. Aerials have had multiple landing lag windows since Smash 64, but everybody Z/L-canceled, so nobody ever figured it out because nobody ever took the time to not Z/L-cancel. If you need proof, fire up your N64 and take a look at Fox's B-air. Almost any time in the aerial, it has massive landing lag. But if you land before the hitbox comes out, there's almost no lag at all.
Thesis: stop calling it autocanceling!
--There is in fact autocanceling. Ike's Bair is a perfect example. Peformed in the air, one can see how long the attack lasts before you can take another action(55 frames to be exact). When performed immediately after a short hop, the Bair clearly lands before the animation is over(I've measured it landing ~37 frames in), but with none of the normal landing lag(only the universal landing lag a character gets upon landing, 2 frames).
This is what autocanceling refers to.