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The -NEW- Florida 2011 Brawl Power Rankings! Updated 5/10/11!

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Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Seibrik you mean when I was sandbagging in friendly against you? lol I was sand bagging my falco also against your wario and your wario was taking a *** whooping lol so I let up a bit. And every time I play your mk in tourney you barely win because I'm a nub and drop the final cg. Like dude no lie I sand bag hardcore against you. Don't believe me? Watch the wario fight again I died on purposes second stock. Because your boring to fight. When I played your mk I coulda won I was styling on u with ic I really didn't wanna play you I wanyed to play garb but you jumped in. Please pr mm your mk vs my ic lol 5$. You to afro lol. Better go train up wth esam because I was sand bagging hard core. I'm not trolling ethier

i was sandbagging to!

see wat i did there? used meaningless words u used, back at u! the ultimate defence >D

and hrnut, i was trash talkin sayin i beat him with wario, i didn't even bring up my mk, and as most people kno, im very nice to people, when their nice as well.

and jeff, we can PR mm vs my mk thats fine, but i also wana reg. mm wit my wario, i like monayyyyyyy

(of course after the matches i'll help u get better, if u are gracious enough to ask for help, regardless of the outcomes of the mm's)


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
yea sure lets do it. not in the same day though depends how much money i got lol and ok yo where sand baggin. you bragging about beating me in a friendly when i wasnt taking anything. I beat you like 3 times with falco and you would get off the tv but i never brought that **** up because it was friendlys. bro i dont need your help like foreal. personally i only think your as good as your character like no lie lol. Your annoying and you got the gayest jokes like for real. lol its a video game lol yea hrnut helps me out but you and some of the other players be acting like its life or death lol. get out the house please lol. Like halberd said if halberd went to sfl and played and train with you guys all the time he would probably be unstoppable. If i analyz every bit of the game and what happen in my matches and what i can do better for every little bit ill probably be as good as you but i dont have the time or its like who cares you know? lol


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
and thats ok xdeath lol im just saying ppl comes in and saying he beat me and **** and blah blah blah
and then we look at the fact of the matter who spend more time playing this game? who study frame data all the time lol. i didnt even say anything and these guys are calling me out lol. like come on bro lol this guy is barley beating me in a FRIENDLY since friendlys means everything and tournement means nothing. now i think about it when we did friendly on live stream seibrik why did you save game 2 but not game one? lol you won game 1 but you was getting styled on hard core and i was making **** up as i go


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
I like Jeff, just not in tourney, but afterward we're cool again lol.

Lol its just my poker face :troll:.. but to everyone I beat, I do not brag about beating you or put you down. Unless you talk **** to me. Unlike seibrik and afro etc. Who brags about friendlys, because they mean everything. Unlike them after I get a win its w.e. nothing to say. Not a big deal. Like redhalberd he has a big ego but he dosnt really brag after a win he focuses on the future.
@ace lol dude you look like a 12year old lol please your done lol


[FBC] Papa Mink

Smash Legend
Feb 15, 2010
Orlando, FL
If you say "I wrecked your _____ with my ice climbers"

"you we're salty after i beat your _____ with my ice climbers"

Thats considered bragging. Kinda.

Also, everyones salty after losing to the ice climbers. In the end, no one has fun. :(

Also, Jeff. You're cool in my book.I like trolling you.


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2008
Orlando(UCF), Fl
Everyone hating on nana and popo. Its a shame.

This is me reading seibriks post

Why didnt i see that copming!!! Haha.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
If you say "I wrecked your _____ with my ice climbers"

"you we're salty after i beat your _____ with my ice climbers"

Thats considered bragging. Kinda.

Also, everyones salty after losing to the ice climbers. In the end, no one has fun. :(

Also, Jeff. You're cool in my book.I like trolling you.
When did I say after a match I wrecked you with my ic without the opponent comfronting me first?
Also when some one say to you after the match, I'm going mk just to gay you and show you how it feels. Sounds pretty ****ing salty to me lol l. Fact of the matter they said something to me first
Tell the brawl community not to camp and ill drop ic. Simple as that. I hate being a character other then ic that always have to chase ppl so I pick ic. If your going to run I'm going to make my punishment toll count really big


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Yep that's how the Top players help build up the upcoming players in the state by trashing them

Instead of criticizing him and trying to make him feel bad, maybe someone should try to help him out.

We're suppose to try and make our state better but people are too busy dealing with Jeff's Ego to actually teach him anything outside of the few people that do.

Jeff's fairly new to the scene knows a few matchups and all I see is u guys criticize him lol your playing mk, ICs should be free for you WTF play sheik or pika, play one of their even or losing MU then trash him

My whole point is get off my boy Jeff, because there's a ton of you guys in SFL with Ego issues but you don't see me or anyone trashing ya'll about it

I'm done

Yo...lets be real here for like 5 minutes.

There are 2 things at work here...



One without the other is fine, its both that creates the problem.

When someone has a big ego, it means they think highly of themselves, but usually dont go looking for a fight.

When someone is cocky, they make sure nobody forgets how awesome they are, but if you're just cocky without a huge ego, then you'll usually just be fun to be around, cuz you wont get butthurt when people take shots at you, because you always do it to everyone as well.

When someone is cocky, AND has a big ego, they become 2D-Jeff and instantly become incredibly annoying on the boards :awesome:

If you're cocky and have a big ego and you're really good, you're an *******. If you're cocky and have a big ego and you're not really good you're just irritating...

Word from the wise here...


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2009
Miami, FL
It should change just for the integrity of the PR period no vote no discussion its that simple



Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
When did I say after a match I wrecked you with my ic without the opponent comfronting me first?
Also when some one say to you after the match, I'm going mk just to gay you and show you how it feels. Sounds pretty ****ing salty to me lol l. Fact of the matter they said something to me first
Tell the brawl community not to camp and ill drop ic. Simple as that. I hate being a character other then ic that always have to chase ppl so I pick ic. If your going to run I'm going to make my punishment toll count really big
I don't camp you. Then again, it's me. I'm an outlier.



Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
lololololjeff u friggin suck bro

i could use the practice gimpin nana tho, playin u will give me twice the opportunity :)
Yea maybe I should pick up mk because hrnut, co18,esam and the rest of fl is to hard to beat. Lol seibrik your sorry as **** like no lie lol. You barely beat me in tourney when I just started lol talk it up because at the end of the day you have more loses then me tourney and friendly wise. I place in the money in my region so idc. No I see why ppl used to make fun of you.
For get the mm ill see you in tourney Kid.
Your free son. If I'm so easy free pr match don't worry ill give you back your little pr point lol

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Yea maybe I should pick up mk because hrnut, co18,esam and the rest of fl is to hard to beat. Lol seibrik your sorry as **** like no lie lol. You barely beat me in tourney when I just started lol talk it up because at the end of the day you have more loses then me tourney and friendly wise. I place in the money in my region so idc. No I see why ppl used to make fun of you.
For get the mm ill see you in tourney Kid.
Your free son. If I'm so easy free pr match don't worry ill give you back your little pr point lol
lol 2free-jeff

get it?

cuz yo *** is too freeeeee


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2009
Miami, FL
so what Jeff? the game evolves and I ony been playing for less than half his time and im top 3 snake in the country
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