Why do you try so hard to prove the Wii is so amazingly awesome, Tagxy? You have zero personal stake and in fact do nothing but lose from it anyway since you have to purchase games that you can play a limited number of times, so why push it so hard?
I already bought a PS3? I'm happy with it and I'm not going to return it, so why even argue over it?
Reading your last post really made me realize you are trying MUCH harder than I am at this and I felt a bit bad there.
Don't feel too bad, I rarely come by here in the first place and maybe spend about 10 minutes on posting. You and many others have put in a bigger effort arguing your side more then I have mine. Also, I didnt create those charts.
Anyways, why argue? Well considering the thread's theme and the fact that your arguing for likely the same reason as well, I dont think I need a lengthy answer for why. But mainly my posts have been to correct some misinformation (such as sales recently) or counter an attack. I wasnt really trying to convince anyone since its unlikely Ill change their opinion.
Nope, the franchises are wholly owned by Sony making them first party. Naughty Dog is a first party developer while Insomniac is second party. 3rd party devs look a number of factors when deciding where to place there games. It doesn't matter to them how well Sonys games are doing as long as their own do fine. That's why when devs see games like Zak and Wiki and No more Heroes sell poorly on the Wii it makes them think twice. There's also the potential audience they have to factor in, it's why you see a lot of games release on the 360/PS3 but not the Wii. The wii will of course get exclusive games but companies won't simply say 'the wii is selling!' and release all of their games on it. There's alot more to it than that.
You see a lot of games release on 360/PS3 because they can easily go multiplat, thats not the case with the wii. Of course if the wii surpasses PS3 and 360 total sales combined, you can expect that to change.
Also, all of Sony's games do poorly (also, first party has nothing with what you own, but whether it is in-house or not). That's not the case with wii games, even third party (the examples you listed were poor, but I wont delve into it unless youd like).