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The New Console Debates

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Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
So you can't see, but you can understand? It's normally the other way around.
I haven't played enough FE [I got to like the 5th mission on 2nd one that came out on the GBA] to see what's so good about it, but I used to be a Nintendo fanboy, and since I only had a Gamecube I know how it feels to be limited to the scarce games that come once in a while. Whenever I went over to my friends' house there was little to no variation in libraries.

We didn't have the same taste [far from] but there was so little to look forward or buy that we wound up with similar libraries.

In all seriousness though, Fire Emblem(along with Advance Wars) is one of Nintendo's most well thought-out games. Every character has a storyline, every character establishes relationships, every character has one life. It's really a good formula for building likable characters(or at least characters you care to at least live, in my case for the most part). You have to use strategy to win, especially on the harder difficulties and further into the game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the closest thing to strategy in a Nintendo game is...Mario Party.
Like I said, I played it, but it's not my cup of tea. The only other RPG I can think of would be Tales of Symphonia [excellent game imo] but other than that there's not much, even outside the RPG franchise.

A good game will be considered a 'must buy' whether or not it's on a system full of topnotch games.
Maybe I mis-used the term, I wasn't even too sure about that part myself.

Look at the 360:Mass Effect, Halo 3, Gears of War, The Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, PGR 4, Forza 2, Bioshock, Rock Band(though only if you have friends over often), and Grand Theft Auto 4 are all considered such, and are among many.
I suppose you're right.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
He or she, you or me, may or may not like nintendo. It doesnt matter.

Nintendo is make-ing and break-ing records.

Expanding the pool of people that play games(more than the other consoles).

Make-ing more money than the other 2.

Setting new standars to how games will be played(mark my words, if not this gen, next gen the other 2 will copy wii mote).

Creating new genres.

All of this is truly something that has not been done before. Nintendo raises the bar everytime(not counting horrible GCN). Nintendo has always lead the way for new technologies. D-pad,power glove,power pad......ect. All this hate on nintendo.........it makes me sad. yea it has 80% kiddy games.........so what? Playing games is no where mature or kiddy at any level. Its entertainment. Have fun.

If the Wii is still not cutting it for you and you still are complaining it has nothing that appeals you, plz try these for your genre needs:

Want a RPG? Grab a a butter knife and go kill some bugs. you might level up!

Want sports.......get up from your cpu, pick up a bat and hit a pine cone or rock.

Racing? get in your car and street race.....maybe a hot japanese chic will flag you on green...

FPS freak? Grab a water gun and shoot you your hamster,dog,cat or mother.......

Party game be your crave? Monopoly.......

Platformer? line up chairs to go all around your house. hop on them till u get to the end of your house, the final boss should be in the bathroom.

Strat games perhaps? chess is the cure.

RTS? chess........lol

Maybe your an MMO guy? Get AIM, enter AIM chat.

PS: this is aimed at anybody who cant accept wii as what it is. F-ing amazing. Im not saying the other 2 arnt however.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
He or she, you or me, may or may not like nintendo. It doesnt matter.

Nintendo is make-ing and break-ing records.

Expanding the pool of people that play games(more than the other consoles).

Make-ing more money than the other 2.

Setting new standars to how games will be played(mark my words, if not this gen, next gen the other 2 will copy wii mote).

Creating new genres.

All of this is truly something that has not been done before. Nintendo raises the bar everytime(not counting horrible GCN). Nintendo has always lead the way for new technologies. D-pad,power glove,power pad......ect. All this hate on nintendo.........it makes me sad. yea it has 80% kiddy games.........so what? Playing games is no where mature or kiddy at any level. Its entertainment. Have fun.

If the Wii is still not cutting it for you and you still are complaining it has nothing that appeals you, plz try these for your genre needs:

Want a RPG? Grab a a butter knife and go kill some bugs. you might level up!

Want sports.......get up from your cpu, pick up a bat and hit a pine cone or rock.

Racing? get in your car and street race.....maybe a hot japanese chic will flag you on green...

FPS freak? Grab a water gun and shoot you your hamster,dog,cat or mother.......

Party game be your crave? Monopoly.......

Platformer? line up chairs to go all around your house. hop on them till u get to the end of your house, the final boss should be in the bathroom.

Strat games perhaps? chess is the cure.

RTS? chess........lol

Maybe your an MMO guy? Get AIM, enter AIM chat.

PS: this is aimed at anybody who cant accept wii as what it is. F-ing amazing. Im not saying the other 2 arnt however.
Opinions. All opinions.

The Wii has nothing spectacular to me at all. The Wiimote is just a variation of the mouse, pointer technology, and ultra-low scale motion sensing. Brought together, it's interesting the the short term, but long term it stops being a cool, immersive addition, and starts becoming a nuisance when it forces you to play games differently and only a certain way. You will never see Free roaming games on the Wii because the technology cannot handle it. Instead of creating a processor with unparalleled power for cheap (and Nintendo probably could if they worked at it) they created a slightly supped up GCN with Motion Sensing.

You are allowed to have your opinions and I am allowed to have mine, but to say if I don't find the Wii amazing I should stop playing games, then just deal with it.


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
Nintendo is winning.....Obviously what they are doing is what people want(majority). numbers speak.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Nintendo is winning.....Obviously what they are doing is what people want(majority). numbers speak.
Winning for now. Console generations are marathons, not sprints. All that matters is how it ends.

I couldn't care less if Sony went bankrupt, as long as I got the games I wanted, it doesn't really bother me.


Oct 1, 2005
Winning for now. Console generations are marathons, not sprints. All that matters is how it ends.

I couldn't care less if Sony went bankrupt, as long as I got the games I wanted, it doesn't really bother me.
You do realize if sony went bankrupt, your PS3 would be rendered useless, since they won't be making games if they have no money.

But I agree with CK, buy the system that suits you, don't bash someone else just cause they don't enjoy your system.

Although I disagree about the simple motion control. Sure alot of games have failed at implementing it. But there are some games that have taken full control of the game.
MOHH2, is by far, is the one game that has taken complete control. It lacks the graphics power of COD4. But the game is blast to play with the controls. I personally enjoyed playing this game more than I did Halo 3. I seriously believe, if the Wii had the graphics capability to crank out COD4 and Halo 3. No one would complete. The system is perfect for FPS, and that's coming from someone who really only enjoys FPS on the computer.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
The Wii has nothing spectacular to me at all. The Wiimote is just a variation of the mouse, pointer technology, and ultra-low scale motion sensing. Brought together, it's interesting the the short term, but long term it stops being a cool, immersive addition, and starts becoming a nuisance when it forces you to play games differently and only a certain way.
I must disagree. When used properly (Prime 3, RE4: Wii Edition) I've found that the Wii controls make certain games incredibly immersive. And more and more, in Wii games where the motion control isn't ideal (Geometry Wars, Brawl) they give you the option of using a traditional dual analogue controller.

Think of the DS: originally, every developer slapped touch control in their games whether it made sense or not. Now, most developers either use it to full effect (Elite Beat Agents, Phantom Hourglass) or not at all (New Super Mario Bros, Castelvania). I suspect developers will continue to perfect motion control in the next few years.

You will never see Free roaming games on the Wii because the technology cannot handle it. Instead of creating a processor with unparalleled power for cheap (and Nintendo probably could if they worked at it) they created a slightly supped up GCN with Motion Sensing.
Obviously, that matters to some people. But do you think it matters to the people who bought the system for Wii Sports? I'm thinking not so much.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
You do realize if sony went bankrupt, your PS3 would be rendered useless, since they won't be making games if they have no money.
Once I have the games I want to play, I can play them as long as I want, so why would it matter to me. The point is I have zero invested interests in companies so if they went out of business, it'd affect me none, hence why I don't get so worked up over promoting the PS3 as much as when people tell me I am wrong for not liking a Wii.

Think of the DS: originally, every developer slapped touch control in their games whether it made sense or not. Now, most developers either use it to full effect (Elite Beat Agents, Phantom Hourglass) or not at all (New Super Mario Bros, Castelvania). I suspect developers will continue to perfect motion control in the next few years.
See, I never liked the touch screen. I got a DS because the games were new and interesting, but quickly, it boiled down to Touch Screen show-off or GBA upgrade game. I had fun with my DS for sure, but after a while, I realized I played mostly the games that didn't use Touch screen, so I sold it and bought a PSP for a wider selection of games like that. It's neat for sure, but I hated the force innovation. That is always my gripe with the Wiimote and why I love the SixAxis. In nearly every game that uses SixAxis you can turn it off and suffer no affects to the gameplay, but this was not the case with the Wiimote. Warhawk is a great game, but I found it way too hard to learn to fly with the motion sensing, turned it off and got a few kills. I rather playing games my way, not the way a developer thinks I should play.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Instead of creating a processor with unparalleled power for cheap (and Nintendo probably could if they worked at it) they created a slightly supped up GCN with Motion Sensing.
Nintendo is winning.....Obviously what they are doing is what people want(majority). numbers speak.
Nintendo is winning because they're trying something "new" on game industry. You know, playing games with a joystick was all we were used to, but DS and Wii brought new concepts of gaming.

What is incredible, is that Nintendo put 0 effor on graphics, something that PS3 and 360 did, so it's a surprise to see that someone who "pimps" systems is doing better than others who spent money and more money on research.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
The system is perfect for FPS, and that's coming from someone who really only enjoys FPS on the computer.
perfect yes. but it will never be allowed to have a good one.

Nintendo is winning because they're trying something "new" on game industry.
i laugh when i hear this. the motion sensing controller isn't new, nintendo just want you to think that.
what realy makes me laugh is when the wii finally gets a game thats been out for quite a long time on other consols, you guys freak out and think it is a miricle game. you did it for GH3 on MOH.
and you may want to deny it as much as you can, but in the end, CK is right about the controller and how there used in a game. you know that much to be true.
TGM, i thought i had already found the worst fan boy out there over at game FAQs, he was a nut about halo. your far worse because you won't even second guess nintendo if tomorrow the told you to go kill your family. i know its harsh, but that is the impression your giving off.
i know no one will listen to this, but don't make fanboy posts, make rational ones.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Nintendo is winning because they're trying something "new" on game industry. You know, playing games with a joystick was all we were used to, but DS and Wii brought new concepts of gaming.

What is incredible, is that Nintendo put 0 effor on graphics, something that PS3 and 360 did, so it's a surprise to see that someone who "pimps" systems is doing better than others who spent money and more money on research.
The Wiimote is just a mouse for consoles. It is not new or innovative, but something different for consoles. The Touch Screen has been in use for about 10 years before the DS, just never on consoles.

And yes, I do find it funny that a flashy console is beating consoles who do work to make better games rather than rely on pretty add-ons.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
The Wiimote is just a mouse for consoles. It is not new or innovative, but something different for consoles. The Touch Screen has been in use for about 10 years before the DS, just never on consoles.
Yup, hence the inverted commas I put on the new word. Touching and pointing is old, but "new" for consoles.

I'm very disappointed with graphics, with N64 and GC they followed their rivals (GC --> XBOX,PS2), but now...

my fear is they will get behind on this aspect and starts with add-ons craziness.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
See, I never liked the touch screen. I got a DS because the games were new and interesting, but quickly, it boiled down to Touch Screen show-off or GBA upgrade game. I had fun with my DS for sure, but after a while, I realized I played mostly the games that didn't use Touch screen, so I sold it and bought a PSP for a wider selection of games like that. It's neat for sure, but I hated the force innovation. That is always my gripe with the Wiimote and why I love the SixAxis. In nearly every game that uses SixAxis you can turn it off and suffer no affects to the gameplay, but this was not the case with the Wiimote. Warhawk is a great game, but I found it way too hard to learn to fly with the motion sensing, turned it off and got a few kills. I rather playing games my way, not the way a developer thinks I should play.
I see. So what you're saying is that the Wii is going to fade into obscurity while the PS3 dominates, much like the DS has been crushed by the PSP.

Wait a minute...

(I kid, I kid. ;))

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Hardly. I just said the Touch screen was worthless to me so I got a PSP, and I prefer the first party titles of the PS3 over the first party titles of the 360 hence why I went with it because I don't like the Wii's forced motion sensing.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I have a DS, but I hardly ever use it anymore because I got tired of the lame GBA rehash titles they pump out for it. The reason I purchase the DS was so that I could play 3D games with near-N64 graphics.

Yes, the PSP has a wider selection of games, and is, IMO, an all-around better system. But I got one because the PSP's CPU has amazing potential for game emulation. In a few months, it might be possible to play SSB64 at 100% speed on a PSP. How cool is that?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I have a DS, but I hardly ever use it anymore because I got tired of the lame GBA rehash titles they pump out for it. The reason I purchase the DS was so that I could play 3D games with near-N64 graphics.

Yes, the PSP has a wider selection of games, and is, IMO, an all-around better system. But I got one because the PSP's CPU has amazing potential for game emulation. In a few months, it might be possible to play SSB64 at 100% speed on a PSP. How cool is that?
What really interests me in the PSP is what they will do with the UMD slot if they do phase out UMDs. The PSP PC Store is quite well done and in weeks will be packed with games, so I think if they do another remodel later on, or just a PSP2, of sorts, it may replace the UMD slot with a large processor and a small Hard Drive (10 gb max since the new 8GB flash drives are getting smaller as well). It's all total speculation, but I like the potential. I loved the new games on DS, but if you aren't in to short, easy games or ridiculously hard games with time limits then it's not for you.

Trauma Center was my favorite DS game, until one day I realized the only reason an operation was so hard was because of a time limit, making me rush, and mess up the surgery. I slowed down and was within a few second of failing, but finished it only to earn like a C. It really turned me off of the whole game. Then Castlevania: Aria of Sorrows was awesome until I got all the souls and nothing was even a challenge to me.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Hardly. I just said the Touch screen was worthless to me so I got a PSP, and I prefer the first party titles of the PS3 over the first party titles of the 360 hence why I went with it because I don't like the Wii's forced motion sensing.
Yes, I know. But by the same token there are alot of people out there who still prefer the DS (like, for example, me) so much so that its on its way to becoming the best selling game system IN HISTORY. I would say deservedly so.

All I'm saying is that the Crinsom-King-Stamp-of-Approval is not necessary for a game system to suceed. So even though the Wii doesn't appeal to you, there are alot of people for whom it does.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I've never heard of them phasing out of using UMDs, but if they do, and replace it with a bigger hard drive, that would be perfect. It gets annoying switching out roms and their respective emulators with just a 2 gigabyte SD card. :p

Plus, the bigger hard drive would fit perfectly with downloadable content. There wouldn't even be a need to run to the store to buy new games, if that's not your cup of tea.

I loved the new games on DS, but if you aren't in to short, easy games or ridiculously hard games with time limits then it's not for you.

Trauma Center was my favorite DS game, until one day I realized the only reason an operation was so hard was because of a time limit, making me rush, and mess up the surgery. I slowed down and was within a few second of failing, but finished it only to earn like a C. It really turned me off of the whole game. Then Castlevania: Aria of Sorrows was awesome until I got all the souls and nothing was even a challenge to me.
Alright, what I said before was a little harsh. There are good games on the DS--the Phoenix Wright and Trauma Center ones being among them. It's just that I don't have that much time to play videogames, and when I do have time for them, I'm usually on the Wii playing Strikers or on my PC playing an FPS. It's just that the DS's game selection is horribly limited to a handful of good games.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Yes, I know. But by the same token there are alot of people out there who still prefer the DS (like, for example, me) so much so that its on its way to becoming the best selling game system IN HISTORY. I would say deservedly so.

All I'm saying is that the Crinsom-King-Stamp-of-Approval is not necessary for a game system to suceed. So even though the Wii doesn't appeal to you, there are alot of people for whom it does.
I never said it does. I care only what I spend my money on and what I deem worthy enough to spend money on. Just because I don't agree, doesn't make me wrong. It's my money and I will do with what I wish. I am tired of people saying the Wii is the best console ever and to earn that award it means that everyone ever had to like it.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I never said it does. I care only what I spend my money on and what I deem worthy enough to spend money on. Just because I don't agree, doesn't make me wrong. It's my money and I will do with what I wish. I am tired of people saying the Wii is the best console ever and to earn that award it means that everyone ever had to like it.
The wonderful thing about opinions is that there is no right or wrong. It's just what people think. For me personally, the Wii is the best console ever. For you, it isn't. Our opinions are both equally valid, because we each decide what we find fun. Right?


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I suggest trying out Elite Beat Agents and Phantom Hourglass, RDK. The DS has more great games than you might think.
I have Elite Beat Agents, and love it, but I haven't gotten a chance to play Phantom Hourglass yet.

I never said it does. I care only what I spend my money on and what I deem worthy enough to spend money on. Just because I don't agree, doesn't make me wrong. It's my money and I will do with what I wish. I am tired of people saying the Wii is the best console ever and to earn that award it means that everyone ever had to like it.
I wouldn't go as far to say that the Wii is the best console ever--it does have its downfalls (freind codes? WTF?). But nonetheless, it is a good and well-rounded console, even if the graphics and online system could be better.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
The wonderful thing about opinions is that there is no right or wrong. It's just what people think. For me personally, the Wii is the best console ever. For you, it isn't. Our opinions are both equally valid, because we each decide what we find fun. Right?
Exactly. That's method of thinking is what separates your from being a fanboy.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
The wonderful thing about opinions is that there is no right or wrong. It's just what people think. For me personally, the Wii is the best console ever. For you, it isn't. Our opinions are both equally valid, because we each decide what we find fun. Right?
Best EVER? I dunno if I'd go that far, but I certainly find it the most entertaining one on the market.

Personally, I find that there are excellent games on every system in the market (including PC and PS3), but there are many factors to take in for each person buying each system. Personally, I enjoy the Wii and 360 the most, as for hand-helds, I enjoy the DS's games more than the PSP's games, however, I use my PSP more because I got it customized with SNES and PSX emulators on it, so I can play the best system ever (SNES [<- Blatant fanboyism, LAWL]) on the go.

I do agree with some of the criticism on the Wii. They're trying to hard on reviving un-needed peripherals, like the Zapper and Power Pad (honestly, did we ever need to see THAT again?) with the balance pad. The zapper isn't even really needed, and the balance pad... I don't even wanna see. Graphics could have been better (Yes, they ARE a factor in defining a console), and way too many "games" that are just hardware demonstration. What the hell is the point of Endless Ocean?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Best EVER? I dunno if I'd go that far, but I certainly find it the most entertaining one on the market.

Personally, I find that there are excellent games on every system in the market (including PC and PS3), but there are many factors to take in for each person buying each system. Personally, I enjoy the Wii and 360 the most, as for hand-helds, I enjoy the DS's games more than the PSP's games, however, I use my PSP more because I got it customized with SNES and PSX emulators on it, so I can play the best system ever (SNES [<- Blatant fanboyism, LAWL]) on the go.

I do agree with some of the criticism on the Wii. They're trying to hard on reviving un-needed peripherals, like the Zapper and Power Pad (honestly, did we ever need to see THAT again?) with the balance pad. The zapper isn't even really needed, and the balance pad... I don't even wanna see. Graphics could have been better (Yes, they ARE a factor in defining a console), and way too many "games" that are just hardware demonstration. What the hell is the point of Endless Ocean?
What the matter? Looking at fish isn't your idea of a good time? ;)

And my saying the Wii is the best console ever has the do with the fact that (emulators aside) its the only console where you can play EVERY Nintendo console game ever via Virtual Console and Cube reverse combadibility. Plus, its had the strongest first year lineup of any console in my estimation.

Oh, and some game called "Super Smash Bros Brawl" that I keep hearing about. Might be decent, who knows? :lick:


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
What the matter? Looking at fish isn't your idea of a good time? ;)
I'm an American. I only enjoy games if they're on the XBox and involves the main character blowing up everything that moves.[/sarcasm]

And my saying the Wii is the best console ever has the do with the fact that (emulators aside) its the only console where you can play EVERY Nintendo console game ever via Virtual Console and Cube reverse combadibility. Plus, its had the strongest first year lineup of any console in my estimation.
Yeah, I guess that's good justification (you forgot the gGenesis and Turbografix, as well as the other various systems). I don't use VC that much because I have all Nintendo systems from the NES up and Genesis, but I suppose if you didn't have those when growing up, it's a great way to catch up. Isn't it also the best selling system on the market?

Oh, and some game called "Super Smash Bros Brawl" that I keep hearing about. Might be decent, who knows? :lick:
I've heard rumors.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I'm an American. I only enjoy games if they're on the XBox and involves the main character blowing up everything that moves.[/sarcasm]
You forgot the part about said main character being a bald space marine.

Yeah, I guess that's good justification (you forgot the gGenesis and Turbografix, as well as the other various systems). I don't use VC that much because I have all Nintendo systems from the NES up and Genesis, but I suppose if you didn't have those when growing up, it's a great way to catch up. Isn't it also the best selling system on the market?
Yeah, I've only ever owned a N64 and Cube until now, so the Virtual console is my dream come true. (Download Sin & Punishment. Seriously, you won't regret it.)

And I believe the DS still has the Wii beat in terms of being the best selling system right now, but it's pretty close. The recent monthly NPD numbers for North America showed the DS at 1,500,000 while the Wii came in second with just under a million. Good times to be Nintendo, for sure.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
You forgot the part about said main character being a bald space marine.
Yeah....Master Chief is so badass :rolleyes:

Yeah, I've only ever owned a N64 and Cube until now, so the Virtual console is my dream come true. (Download Sin & Punishment. Seriously, you won't regret it.)
That's the kind of stuff I'll be using the VC mostly for. I'm still ticked that Saki is an AT. There was so much potential for a character :(

And I believe the DS still has the Wii beat in terms of being the best selling system right now, but it's pretty close. The recent monthly NPD numbers for North America showed the DS at 1,500,000 while the Wii came in second with just under a million. Good times to be Nintendo, for sure.
I meant consoles exclusively, excluding handhelds. Still, I think this proves that all the "Nintendo is dead!" comments wrong.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
That's the kind of stuff I'll be using the VC mostly for. I'm still ticked that Saki is an AT. There was so much potential for a character :(
Honestly, I didn't even consider him being a PC until after the fact. I'm just happy to see Sakurai paying homage to the game, even if it is only in AT form.

In other news, Treasure is making a new Wii game. *Hopes for Sin & Punishment 2*

I meant consoles exclusively, excluding handhelds. Still, I think this proves that all the "Nintendo is dead!" comments wrong.
Oh, in that case you're absolutely right. The Wii outsold every other console save for Halo month (and even that was a close second). Interestingly enough, if you tally up Nintendo's market share today (Wii and DS combined) Nintendo is bigger now than they were in the NES or SNES eras. Truly, anyone who sees Nintendo on a downward spiral is sadly mistaken.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Nintendo might not be on a business wise downward spiral, but the games sure are. They're getting less though out, uglier and lower quality. This isn't Nintendo's fault directly, but from what I've heard their quality assurance isn't exactly solid so blatant copycat games like Animates [DS] get through.

I've seen some copycats on PS2 as well, one copied MGS and the other copied Ratchet and Clank but I'm not too sure about any others.

I figure if Nintendo roughed up the aspiring devs a bit they'd try harder to make their games matter.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
i think the VC is fun and all, but (with the inclusion of titles such as super paper mario and remade downgrades such as galaxy and TP) it makes nintendo seem like they're trying to keep us dwellinginthe past, so the futre games look better


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
Interestingly, Mass Effect is being ported to the PS3.
I thought ME was microsoft's property.

IMO the wiiremote is an improvement like the analog stick was in its time, some games will actually play great like MP3 or trauma center while some others will feel tacked on like in Super Paper Mario.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I thought ME was microsoft's property.

IMO the wiiremote is an improvement like the analog stick was in its time, some games will actually play great like MP3 or trauma center while some others will feel tacked on like in Super Paper Mario.
Bioware. It's not definite, but the devs keep it pretty mysterious.


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
Even if Mass Effect does get ported to the PS3, it's still not a reason to get excited about the system itself when people who already have 360s or PCs can get it for their consoles. Until they start pumping out games that actually put the PS3's ridiculously superfulous graphics and multiple CPUs to good use, there's really no reason to buy one.

IMO, aside from MGS4 and Metal Gear Online, there's no reason to buy a PS3; at least right now.


Oct 1, 2005
And yes, I do find it funny that a flashy console is beating consoles who do work to make better games rather than rely on pretty add-ons.
I don't how you can say that. Sure the third parties have sucked, but why is that nintendo's fault. Every game Nintendo has made for the Wii, with the exception of maybe TP, was not even close to a port. Is it Nintendo's fault that developers are lazy? Capcom has gotten on board, and are making great games for the Wii. EA is having success as well. You could say the same thing about games like Lair. A game everyone was pumped about, and it was a huge failure, because of lazy developers.

At some point, the developers will start making good games. Im hoping sooner rather later though.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I don't how you can say that. Sure the third parties have sucked, but why is that nintendo's fault. Every game Nintendo has made for the Wii, with the exception of maybe TP, was not even close to a port. Is it Nintendo's fault that developers are lazy? Capcom has gotten on board, and are making great games for the Wii. EA is having success as well. You could say the same thing about games like Lair. A game everyone was pumped about, and it was a huge failure, because of lazy developers.

At some point, the developers will start making good games. Im hoping sooner rather later though.
I enjoy Lair. A LOT. Just the rest of the Nintendo crop seems really bleh to me. MP3 is not my thing as I didn't like the first two at all. Leaving really just Mario Galaxy as any non-port title worth buying right now.
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