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The New Console Debates

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Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Yeah! or Assasin´s Creed... OMG!
Metroid Prime 4? The next console Zelda? Kid Icarus Wii? (A guy can dream...)

I'm wondering if it will sell better than any console on history (which I doubt, isn't DS the most selling console ever? or the Game Boy series?)
The DS will definitely be unbeatable, me thinks. But I think outpacing the PS2 isn't completely out of the relm of the possible.

I'm not too concerned with sales, I'm more interested in the quality of games. It's hard to believe Wii is so successful yet the games are not, how does that work?
Some Wii games are games are doing well. Guitar Hero 3 on Wii is doing great, and both Resident Evil titles are doing pretty good. And obviously the big Nintendo franchises are selling.

I really want to see Geometry Wars Galaxies do well. I just got it over Christmas, the gameplay is amzingly fun and has incredible depth. The system really needs more games like that.

Totally baseless bull****.

A. The Wii is cheaper by $50.
B. The Wii had more recognizable titles it's first year.
C. PS2 didn't start booming until it's second year.

Basically the site called NINTENDO WII FANBOYS is comparing Apples to Oranges. OF COURSE the Wii will sell better when it is the cheapest of the other 2 by 150 bucks at launch. The real big part of PS2's amazing run was it's longevity.
True, the Wii's strong first year lineup and atractive price point are the reasons why it had such a great first year. And whether the system can hold a candle to the PS2's longevity remains undetermined. But even so, I think this could serve as an important symbolic victory. The fact that the Wii has done so well has the potential to increase developer's confidence in the Wii which would mean more 3rd parties taking the gamble of supporting the system.

(And for the record, it wasn't Wiifanboy that made the comparison. They were quoting Neogaf.)

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
The fact that the Wii has done so well has the potential to increase developer's confidence in the Wii which would mean more 3rd parties taking the gamble of supporting the system.
I thought the same... but how much time do they need? a year passed and, sincerely, the only good third party's game are RE and Zack&Wiki (which no one bought of course)

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Exactly my point, Red Exodus. All you will see is a ****fest of every developer thinking they can succeed on the Wii so they toss whatever they have.

Honestly, we saw the Holy Trinity of the Wii with - Zelda, Mario, and Metroid all in one year. That is the best Nintendo has to offer, so it really should have sold even better. The fact that the Wii had no stand-out 3rd party titles (sorry, I do not consider yet another Resident Evil 4 port a good contender) really worries me. Nintendo is making all their money off 1st party stuff, so why even take on new developers? They could make so much more if they just make ALL games themselves, reaping most profit. In the current Nintendo run world, we should see pretty much all third parties come from there, but instead we are seeing the PS3 getting a lot of third party titles (360 was the console to get them first, but many devs are finding the PS3 a better development platform).

I really cannot see the Wii maintaining even half the length of the PS2. It's still selling today, but the tech of the PS2 was at least close to the GCN and XBox which allowed developers to do ports for all of them from the PS2. To go from Wii to PS3 or 360 would require a lot more work on a developers part.

In short, the next two years will be VERY interesting for the consoles. The PS3 is finally finding it's stride, realizing it's last and needing to get some killer apps soon, and the Wii is reaping the benefits of number 1. The 360 I feel needs to work harder. There is no reason it should be in second with such a great online program, HD capacity, and Hard drive.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I thought the same... but how much time do they need? a year passed and, sincerely, the only good third party's game are RE and Zack&Wiki (which no one bought of course)
Sadly, as great as the reviews are, the game was not marketed at all and clearly left to die by Capcom. It wouldn't have mattered if it had been on Wii, Xbox 360 or Ps2, the game was guaraneed to sell poorly.

Does anyone here really that a game called "Zack and Wiki: Quest for Barbaros Treasure" and given no press whatsoever could have been anything BUT a flop?

Exactly my point, Red Exodus. All you will see is a ****fest of every developer thinking they can succeed on the Wii so they toss whatever they have.
That's not ALL you'll see. Square is making two new Final Fantasy games, Capcom is bringing Okami and Monster Hunter 3, EA is sure to bring Rock Band somethime next year, Treasure is bringig a new IP, Namco is bringing Tales of Symphonia 2, Camelot has a new RPG in the works. Then you've got the crazy Japanese stuff like No More Heroes and King Story...

Honestly, we saw the Holy Trinity of the Wii with - Zelda, Mario, and Metroid all in one year. That is the best Nintendo has to offer, so it really should have sold even better.
It would have. But... they kinda sold all the units in stock. It's hard to sell more Wiis when there are no more Wiis to sell. How much better would the system have done if Nintendo had enough factories to meet the demand?

The fact that the Wii had no stand-out 3rd party titles (sorry, I do not consider yet another Resident Evil 4 port a good contender) really worries me. Nintendo is making all their money off 1st party stuff, so why even take on new developers? They could make so much more if they just make ALL games themselves, reaping most profit. In the current Nintendo run world, we should see pretty much all third parties come from there, but instead we are seeing the PS3 getting a lot of third party titles (360 was the console to get them first, but many devs are finding the PS3 a better development platform).
Guitar Hero 3 on Wii outsold the 360 version.

Zack & Wiki got incredible reviews.

I can attest that Geometry Wars Galaxies is fantastic game.

Metal of Honor Heroes 2 and Umbrella Chroninilces aren't exactly system sellers, but they are solid, enjoyable games.

Am I missing something? The Wii has had a couple of stand outs. True, Nintendo will likely never have the 3rd party support of Sony or Microsoft, but they can still do well enough to fill the gaps between stellar first party releases. That's more than they had on Gamecube.

(Also, you should count RE4: Wii Edition. It's the best version of the game to date, and an incredible value at $40.)

I really cannot see the Wii maintaining even half the length of the PS2. It's still selling today, but the tech of the PS2 was at least close to the GCN and XBox which allowed developers to do ports for all of them from the PS2. To go from Wii to PS3 or 360 would require a lot more work on a developers part.
Which is precisely why we'll see more exclusives on the Wii. Yeah, alot of them will be crapy mini game collections ported from the PS1, but I'll bet a few developers (Capcom, Saquare Enix, ect.) will rise to the occasion and deliver some incredibly unique stuff you won't see on the other systems - much like we saw on the DS.

In short, the next two years will be VERY interesting for the consoles. The PS3 is finally finding it's stride, realizing it's last and needing to get some killer apps soon, and the Wii is reaping the benefits of number 1. The 360 I feel needs to work harder. There is no reason it should be in second with such a great online program, HD capacity, and Hard drive.
Agreed on all counts.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I'm not too concerned with sales, I'm more interested in the quality of games. It's hard to believe Wii is so successful yet the games are not, how does that work?
The problem is, good games aren't selling, while shovelware is flying off the shelves. If this continues, two things will happen:
1. Developers will focus on shovelware/minigame compilations and stop making good games
2. People will get tired of shovelware and stop buying games altogether.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
The problem is, good games aren't selling, while shovelware is flying off the shelves. If this continues, two things will happen:
1. Developers will focus on shovelware/minigame compilations and stop making good games
2. People will get tired of shovelware and stop buying games altogether.
That's not entirely true. Both Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition and Guitar Hero 3 have sold over a million units on Wii - making them among the top Wii games sold this year. I havn't heard the final numbers yet, but I heard Umbrella Chronicles is doing pretty well so far as well. This proves that if 3rd parties take the time to make a great game on Wii and market it properly, it can be a big success. The problem is that so few developers on Wii take the time to do either.


Oct 1, 2005
I thought the same... but how much time do they need? a year passed and, sincerely, the only good third party's game are RE and Zack&Wiki (which no one bought of course)
Are you freaking serious? Are you freaking serious? How many times have I said Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is an amazing third party game by EA. It got great ratings, and everyone who plays it online agrees. It has the best controls out of any wii game. If this game had the graphics of the PS3, would be ground breaking.

I honestly think you guys need to look past some of these games. All you are looking at are Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. There are other good games for the Wii. You just don't care, and you just want to complain about it and not check for yourself. I can understand if you don't like the Wii, that's fine, but come on, there have been some good games on the Wii. Do a little research before you go barging down those doors.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Oh GOD! lonejedi I forgot about Medal of Honor!... but don't take it seriously, I said there's a lack of good third party games, but take it as that, an OPINION, don't take it personal ;). And I don't hate Wii, whatsmore, when it comes to games Nintendo is my first choice (any console)

But tell me I'm not right about that Nintendo only needs his Franchises to sell.


Oct 1, 2005
Oh GOD! lonejedi I forgot about Medal of Honor!... but don't take it seriously, I said there's a lack of good third party games, but take it as that, an OPINION, don't take it personal ;). And I don't hate Wii, whatsmore, when it comes to games Nintendo is my first choice (any console)

But tell me I'm not right about that Nintendo only needs his Franchises to sell.
Obviously, the Wii is going to need to some third party support, but to be honest, Im happy with what we have right now.

You have to remember every first year of a system is not going to have amazing games right off the bat. And to even make it worse, it's a completely new technology, something developers aren't used to. It doesn't take a month to make a good video game.
There are some great games coming out from Third Party Developers this year.

Mushroom Men
Alone in the Dark
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Tales of Symphonia
Monster Hunter 3
No More Heroes
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Top Spin Tennis
De Blob
Final Fantasty Crystal Cronicles
Dragon Quest

Those are alot of good games, that are all Third Party. Throw in the First party games, and 2008 is looking to be a great year for the Wii.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Oh GOD! lonejedi I forgot about Medal of Honor!... but don't take it seriously, I said there's a lack of good third party games, but take it as that, an OPINION, don't take it personal ;). And I don't hate Wii, whatsmore, when it comes to games Nintendo is my first choice (any console)

But tell me I'm not right about that Nintendo only needs his Franchises to sell.
That's all they need for sure, but with a decent amount of third party support the system will have a much for healthy life cycle. They don't need to rely on others as much as the 360 or PS3, but always having something to play while waiting for the next Nintendo masterpeice would be nice. Fortunately, as lonejedi pointed out, the Wii has a bright future in this regard.


Also, w00t! Gametrailers.com just awarded Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition the best third person shooter of 2007. Pretty impressive, considering the stiff competition from Uncharted and Warhawk. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29257.html


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
That's all they need for sure, but with a decent amount of third party support the system will have a much for healthy life cycle. They don't need to rely on others as much as the 360 or PS3, but always having something to play while waiting for the next Nintendo masterpeice would be nice. Fortunately, as lonejedi pointed out, the Wii has a bright future in this regard.


Also, w00t! Gametrailers.com just awarded Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition the best third person shooter of 2007. Pretty impressive, considering the stiff competition from Uncharted and Warhawk. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/29257.html
I thought Warhawk or Uncharted would have taken it too.

No, it's complete bull****, why the hell would a **** port be a nominee?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I thought Warhawk or Uncharted would have taken it too.

No, it's complete bull****, why the hell would a **** port be a nominee?
Like they said, the inclusion of the Wii controls is done pretty ingeniously making one of the greatest games of all time even more immersive and enjoyable. And at the end of the day, a great game is a great game. I think the award is well deserved.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I thought Warhawk or Uncharted would have taken it too.

No, it's complete bull****, why the hell would a **** port be a nominee?
Because reviewers are tools. Resident Evil 4 is extremely overrated in my opinion as it is and this is the third time it's been released. Go figure.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Because reviewers are tools. Resident Evil 4 is extremely overrated in my opinion as it is and this is the third time it's been released. Go figure.
Resident Evil 4? Overrated? Is it even possible to use those words togther in a sentense? :confused:

Honestly, I hadn't played RE4 until the Wii version came out and I was very impressed. To me, the controls set a new standard for shooting games (dual analogue shooters feel clumsy and inaccurate in comaprison) and add to a game already overflowing with style and depth.

With RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles doing so well on the Wii, I hope we eventually see a new Resident Evil adventure designed from the ground up for the console.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Resident Evil 4? Overrated? Is it even possible to use those words togther in a sentense? :confused:

Honestly, I hadn't played RE4 until the Wii version came out and I was very impressed. To me, the controls set a new standard for shooting games (dual analogue shooters feel clumsy and inaccurate in comaprison) and add to a game already overflowing with style and depth.

With RE4 and Umbrella Chronicles doing so well on the Wii, I hope we eventually see a new Resident Evil adventure designed from the ground up for the console.
You called it one of the greatest games of all time when I could think of 10 better games on my own. Calling a game the top of all other games ever is a HUGE over exaggeration.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Gamerankings.com has RE4 listed as the 8th best rated game ever. Gamestats.com has it listed as the third. Both IGN.com and Nintendo Power listed the game highly in their "best game ever" count downs (third and second, respectively).

I think most people would agree that Resident Evil 4 set a golden standard for 3rd person action games. It's what I think, anyway. I've yet to play one better.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Midlothian, VA 3394-3207-5366 Tag: Owen
Because reviewers are tools. Resident Evil 4 is extremely overrated in my opinion as it is and this is the third time it's been released. Go figure.
WHAT!?! I am sorry, but have you ever even finished the first disc? OMG, RE4 was overrated? The game had no business to be that good. My mean, capcom didn't have to do **** to make it a seller. It was a masterpiece, I didn't just loved it, I was in awe, absolutely in awe as for how much incredible PURE, and I point out right here: "PURE" production value the game packed. You don't know anything about modern gaming, if you said RE4 was overrated. RE4 is only overrated to people, who were too scared to even finish the first disc. And I know you were too scared to even open the package, from the way you commented on this true modern classic, I am sure of it. I am sure of it.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
WHAT!?! I am sorry, but have you ever even finished the first disc? OMG, RE4 was overrated? The game had no business to be that good. My mean, capcom didn't have to do **** to make it a seller. It was a masterpiece, I didn't just loved it, I was in awe, absolutely in awe as for how much incredible PURE, and I point out right here: "PURE" production value the game packed. You don't know anything about modern gaming, if you said RE4 was overrated. RE4 is only overrated to people, who were too scared to even finish the first disc. And I know you were too scared to even open the package, from the way you commented on this true modern classic, I am sure of it. I am sure of it.
Hahahahahahaha, I really couldn't stop laughing while reading this one.

Why would I be afraid of a game? I don't really get that.

Here's a hint: It's called my opinion, *******. I can think however I want and if it doesn't agree with yours, fine, deal with it.

Closed minded pricks.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Midlothian, VA 3394-3207-5366 Tag: Owen
Hahahahahahaha, I really couldn't stop laughing while reading this one.

Why would I be afraid of a game? I don't really get that.

Here's a hint: It's called my opinion, *******. I can think however I want and if it doesn't agree with yours, fine, deal with it.

Closed minded pricks.
Why should you be afraid? Here is a hint: play it, just do it. Even if I am a closed minded prick.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Peace, gentlemen. No need to get all worked up.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion CK, I'm interested in the reasoning behind it. How far did you play into the game and why do you think it is overrated?

@RoyalRook: What version of RE4 did you play?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
RE4 is good, but not top 10 good, maybe the Wii version will change my mind but as it stands it's not a top 10 for me.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 18, 2007
Midlothian, VA 3394-3207-5366 Tag: Owen
Peace, gentlemen. No need to get all worked up.

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion CK, I'm interested in the reasoning behind it. How far did you play into the game and why do you think it is overrated?

@RoyalRook: What version of RE4 did you play?
GC man, you got to play something like that when it was fresh out oven. I always had the component cable, even for my Wii. The game sold me at the "lady on the wall" -- surely brutality shown no prejudice. God, I enjoyed the hell out that game, I couldn't believe what I was playing from the cube.

Come down to the technological side of brutality , till this day, there are no game sick as RE4. Forget about GoW, forget about Half Life, forget about silence hill, and surely forget about halo, you want a real hardcore game straight from the doc? Try RE4. Oh man, remember when the cult leader operating the huge turret in the center of the hall? Doesn't that remind you of scarface? How can you beat that? You can't!!!

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
What CK said is right, sometimes games are overrated, for example Dragon Ball Z: Bodokai Tenkaichi 3 got 8.0 on IGN, look at the review, it talks nothing about the game, yet giving it a very good score.


Lately the war isn't only about consoles, they pay reviewers to talk nice about their games, that's true fact. But RE4 isn't overrated, is an excellent shooter and the best of all (at least for Wii)

Those are alot of good games, that are all Third Party. Throw in the First party games, and 2008 is looking to be a great year for the Wii.
No doubt :cool:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
What CK said is right, sometimes games are overrated, for example Dragon Ball Z: Bodokai Tenkaichi 3 got 8.0 on IGN, look at the review, it talks nothing about the game, yet giving it a very good score.


Lately the war isn't only about consoles, they pay reviewers to talk nice about their games, that's true fact. But RE4 isn't overrated, is an excellent shooter and the best of all (at least for Wii)

No doubt :cool:
I agree that the review was kind of trash, but it does say that DBZ:BT3 plays pretty much the same as the second one, but better looking and more stuff to do. If you have played the first two you know what to expect, as it is kind of like thats where they are basing their review. That still doesn't excuse not reviewing the game in detail. Being a fan of a series and playing the game, I can come away saying it deserves a bit more than an 8.0.

In other news I heard the DS toped the PS2 in life time sales in only three years. I'm working on finding wherer I read that though XD

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Rauzaruke that's nice, DS is very powerful.



look at this:

This is the number of searches made on Google about the words "Wii", "Xbox 360" and "Playstation 3". This is something we don't have in mind. Look at the results, lets make some conclusions:

We can say, for example, that only in Australia and Sweden the word "Wii" is less requested and look at Japan (or Japanese language) the word "Wii" is by far the most searched word of all, awesome uh?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
That is downright fascinating. At the beginning of this little console war, everyone expected the Playstation brand to be an all powerful force in and of itself while the name "Wii" seemed pretty dumb. Now, the "Wii" brand has clearly taken hold in the public conciousness.

There are some seriously skilled marketing folks at the helm of Nintnedo, that's for sure.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
That's what I was going to say. XD

Nintendo lost out because of the treatment of third parties. The Cube started out pretty strong, but dwindled because it lacked a stream of decent software from third parties in between the Nintendo Flagship titles. It isn't the launch that is super important, but the total lifetime sales that makes a console successful. This can be proved thanks to the the PS2, which only boomed after two years on the market.

Oh, and Super Mario Sunshine was awesome. It wasn't a Mario 64 by a long shot, but it certainly beat out other games at that time. Besides, between all of the sports, a major game, wild parties, and kart racing, the plummer deserved a vacation.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud

This article on Joystiq makes me wonder if by choosing an underpowered system Nintendo has unintentionally set thenselves up as the defacto winner this generation. It seems to me that with development costs so high for the "next gen systems" we're could see developers release fewer games on those platforms and take fewer risks in the process. At the same time, the Wii's low development cost and sky rocketing installed base could make it an appealing platform for more creative, risk-taking projects.

For example, one of my favorite games of the year is Geometry Wars: Galaxies - a game that is super simple graphically but also incredibly addictive and inspired: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28216.html My hope would be that we see alot more games like that in the future.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
I don't know if Nintendo is the winner about consoles sales Wiseguy, but the winner concerning money, yes.

While Microsoft lost a billion on consoles repairs and Sony lost a lot of money with the price cut, lets not forget that Nintendo wanted to sell Wiis at $150-200, but stores wanted it to be more expensive, so $250 was the final price.

Having that in mind, the incredibly high number of accessories, virtual console and games, Nintendo is the monopoly guy of the year.


Smash Ace
Jan 7, 2007
Managua, Nicaragua
The thing that really bothers me is the lack of new IPs on Wii and I'm talking about real games not casual crap like Wii Play or Wii Fit, sony and microsoft on the other hand are creating many new series like Gears of War, Crackdown, Too Human, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance etc. the only two new IPs nintendo has shown Disaster: Day of Crisis and Project Hammer, one of them has been canceled and the other one there's barely any info which is sad considering nintendo is the biggest first party in the world.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
While Microsoft lost a billion on consoles repairs and Sony lost a lot of money with the price cut, lets not forget that Nintendo wanted to sell Wiis at $150-200, but stores wanted it to be more expensive, so $250 was the final price.
That's not exactly true.

The thing that really bothers me is the lack of new IPs on Wii and I'm talking about real games not casual crap like Wii Play or Wii Fit, sony and microsoft on the other hand are creating many new series like Gears of War, Crackdown, Too Human, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance etc. the only two new IPs nintendo has shown Disaster: Day of Crisis and Project Hammer, one of them has been canceled and the other one there's barely any info which is sad considering nintendo is the biggest first party in the world.
Yeah, that's my biggest complaint about Nintendo. There are other things that bother me but this is the one that keeps me from being a Wii only owner. As much as I hate them I can deal with FCs and all that stuff but I need orginal games.

I don't completely hate sequels , I played like 9 Zelda games before I got tired of that franchise, but it gets to a point where I don't care for a series that isn't moving forward and I want to play something new. Unfortunately Nintendo really likes to cycle through their franchises, Zelda,Metroid,Mario,Pokemon,Zelda,Metroid,Mario,Pokemon,etc. I would really like it if they started to focus on new games that don't have the word "Wii" in front of them. I'm definately keeping my eye on Disaster but it's not much.

This would require a shift that I'm not even sure the devs are allowed to make. The Zelda team for example is called the Zelda team because that's the series they work on. Team Ico on the other hand seems to be allowed to do whatever they want. In a perfect world Sony and Nintendo's ideals would merge.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
The thing that really bothers me is the lack of new IPs on Wii and I'm talking about real games not casual crap like Wii Play or Wii Fit, sony and microsoft on the other hand are creating many new series like Gears of War, Crackdown, Too Human, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance etc. the only two new IPs nintendo has shown Disaster: Day of Crisis and Project Hammer, one of them has been canceled and the other one there's barely any info which is sad considering nintendo is the biggest first party in the world.
I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand I would love to see Aonuma, Miamato, Intelligent Systems or Retro Studio try their hand at an entirely Nintendo character franchise on the Wii. Another part of me is dying to see Wii-vivals of establsihed series like Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Starfox, Earthbound, Kid Icarus, etc. I suppose that one solution would be to rely on third parties to make the original IP's like No More Heroes and.... Project O!

I'm the only one on the planet excited for this game, aren't I?

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
I am officially getting a Wii very soon as the community has finally hacked by the community. Homebrew games!!

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Yeah, that's my biggest complaint about Nintendo. There are other things that bother me but this is the one that keeps me from being a Wii only owner. As much as I hate them I can deal with FCs and all that stuff but I need orginal games.

I don't completely hate sequels , I played like 9 Zelda games before I got tired of that franchise, but it gets to a point where I don't care for a series that isn't moving forward and I want to play something new. Unfortunately Nintendo really likes to cycle through their franchises, Zelda,Metroid,Mario,Pokemon,Zelda,Metroid,Mario,Pokemon,etc. I would really like it if they started to focus on new games that don't have the word "Wii" in front of them. I'm definately keeping my eye on Disaster but it's not much.

This would require a shift that I'm not even sure the devs are allowed to make. The Zelda team for example is called the Zelda team because that's the series they work on. Team Ico on the other hand seems to be allowed to do whatever they want. In a perfect world Sony and Nintendo's ideals would merge.
That's exactly how I feel. I can't even add to it because it's so precise. I tried to argue this point to my friends once and they were like "MOTION SENSING! EVERYONE WILL COPY IT!". I bet if they even knew what the hell was going on the argument wouldn't be stagnant.

I really hope Nintendo sorts out their online though, FCs kind of annoy me because if someone wants to add me I won't know unless they PM me and gimme their number. It's not like I can play games and add who I want either because of that same reason so I'm limited to play who I have contact with via forum, real life or whatever.

I also hope they go region free [optional for online play] because their service isn't supported here [just like XBL] so I have to lie and say I'm from America. As angry video game nerd would say, whatta load of ****.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I also hope they go region free [optional for online play] because their service isn't supported here [just like XBL] so I have to lie and say I'm from America. As angry video game nerd would say, whatta load of ****.
*looks at RE's location*

Wow, Nintendo's service and XBL aren't supported in Heaven? I guess it's not quite as perfect as people make it out to be...


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
plz dont complain about nintendo making sequels that dont do aything DASTICLY new............look at sony.

Isnt Final fantasy at 13(and 3 versions of 13 at that) now? yea and grand tourismo(5 or 6)? tekken=6?

or even worst..........3 halos........that all have the EXACT SAME THING IN THEM.
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