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The New Console Debates

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 8, 2007
Ahhh it's such a relief to see that there are some open-minded gamers out there who don't care about console competition, but games.

I currently own a Wii as my only "next-gen" system partially because it was the cheapest, but mostly because I trust Nintendo and love their games. The Wii doesn't have the best third party support but MP3, SMG, and TP have all been games I've enjoyed immensely and no doubt will enjoy brawl. To me the PS3 and X360 kind of blend together as of late as far as games but they definitely each have their own interesting exclusives (Uncharted definitely piques my interest). In the end though I hope to get a PS3 eventually most likely once titles like MGS4 and FF13 land.

(you can ignore this next little bit)
[rant]I've been living with a gaming hypocrite all semester long who claims himself to be a Zelda fan but decided to go on a personal crusade against the Wii because Link is right-handed in the Wii's version of TP. This definitely takes away some of the fun of playing it because he always feels the need to say some snide comments whenever I play a game on it, and doesn't consider me a hardcore gamer yet I own both the Wii and PS2(that he plays) in our room. He also claimed I'm just a fanboy for thinking Mario Galaxy looked awesome from some gameplay vids. Meanwhile, he sees the Ratchet and Clank commercial for the PS3 and calls it a system seller... *sigh* [/rant]

It's just good to see people use reason in this thread after a semester similar to the above.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Nintendo might not be on a business wise downward spiral, but the games sure are. They're getting less though out, uglier and lower quality. This isn't Nintendo's fault directly, but from what I've heard their quality assurance isn't exactly solid so blatant copycat games like Animates [DS] get through.

I've seen some copycats on PS2 as well, one copied MGS and the other copied Ratchet and Clank but I'm not too sure about any others.

I figure if Nintendo roughed up the aspiring devs a bit they'd try harder to make their games matter.
For a second I thought you meant that the Nintendo first party games were on a downward spiral... :dizzy:

But the I agree that there is a moutain of shovel-ware out on the Wii and DS right now too from lazy 3rd party developers eager to cash in on Nintendo's success. It's not so much that having a moutain of crap games on Wii hurts savy gamers (no one ever forced me to play Ninja-Bread Man instead of Mario Galaxy) it is definitely a problem for consumers who don't know better.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
*joins thread*

This generation I have gone the down the road of Wii60. After comparing all the game consoles together, I ranked them on what they offered, cost, and games. It was actually an easy choice to make at the time. The Wii offered a brand new way to play games, the most consumer friendly price and value (Wii sports bundled), plus the inevitable line of Nintendo's flagship titles (Smash, Galaxy, Prime 3, Zelda, etc.) The 360 offered the greatest online service in the history of console games, and it wasn't way too expensive with the two different SKUs, plus the undeniable library of excellent first and third party titles with great game play and graphics to boot.

The PS3 left a sour taste in my mouth when I discovered it wasn't all what it was cracked up to be. While Blu-ray was nice, it isn't necessary for gaming at all, and seemed to be a ploy to get Blu-ray farther into the market. The price point was not pretty, at $600 per pop, a discontinued $500 SKU, and a gimped $400 SKU. Combine that with the fact that I could own both a Wii and a 360 +1 game for the price of a decked out PS3 was a bit unsettling. Along with that, the games were both lacking and still are today. With only two titles worth purchasing on launch (and for a while), a bunch of disappointments (Lair, I am looking at YOU), the fact exclusive games still aren't releasing, and that multiplatform games are superior on the 360, you wonder why I even wanted a PS3 in the first place. The graphics difference Sony promised and the whole PR department screw up even angered me more with the company. Added up, the scale tips in the favor of the other two consoles in my opinion.

Then again, it is just my opinion. I understand other's might differ from mine, but this is what I see, and until I observe something that changes things, I'm not changing my mind.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2007
Hey, I didn't say I hated it without reason. I don't "hate" it though. It just hasn't given me any reason to purchase one, that's all.
Well I was referring to the majority of people here. It actually doesn't surprise as much, seeing as how this is a more Nintendo friendly message board.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't hate Sony or PS3, but I hate the reps that over hyped the system and made it sound like they already won, which made people want it to fail.

Bored your sig is weird....

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
Yeah but they gimped the Console in hard drive space and backwards compatibility. :/
Yup, but thinking about it, most PS3 users have a PS2 (and Wii users have GC), so having backwards compatibility isn't useful on that case, you're wasting money.

But, if you are pissed because of this, there's no problem at all: PS2 + PS3 new price = PS3 old price. Every next gen console should have this in mind.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Yup, but thinking about it, most PS3 users have a PS2 (and Wii users have GC), so having backwards compatibility isn't useful on that case, you're wasting money.

But, if you are pissed because of this, there's no problem at all: PS2 + PS3 new price = PS3 old price. Every next gen console should have this in mind.
Naw. I'm pissed more about that fact that the Sony PR department bashed the crap out of the Xbox 360's BC library, only to pull this down the road later.

That's another thing I have against the PR team, console SKUs. They laughed at the fact that the 360 was launching with two SKUs, but then turned around and introduced two SKUs, and then they added a third, and now a forth. Nice job guys. Reeeeeeaaaaaaalllll smooth.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
^ You hit the nail right on the head. Had Sony been more humble I'd feel more sorry for them but the fact is they brought it on themselves. I have friends that adopted that same mentality and it pisses me off. I don't even talk to them [about consoles] anymore because they're biased asshats and everything they say is a biased ******** opinion that only fanboys have.

I prefer it when people have some humility and actually take about things like human being rather than saying "This is t3h superior thing! Everything else sucks!".

Of course this has no affect on how I feel about PS3, only about the reps and the rare occurances of fanboys that go out of their way to bash other things.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
I've hated Sony since the DRM thing. Bunch of *******s, lemme tell you. Don't try to sneak a rootkit under the watching eyes of the world's hackers and try to get away with it.

But besides that, FFXIII is about the only thing that's interested me in the PoS3. Definitely not worth the money to shell out just for that either. I'm still happy with my Wii60, though I've been playing my 360 more than my Wii lately. I suspect that trend will continue after the holidays as well. Brawl's about the only thing that Nintendo has that really excites me.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
^ You hit the nail right on the head. Had Sony been more humble I'd feel more sorry for them but the fact is they brought it on themselves. I have friends that adopted that same mentality and it pisses me off. I don't even talk to them [about consoles] anymore because they're biased asshats and everything they say is a biased ******** opinion that only fanboys have.

I prefer it when people have some humility and actually take about things like human being rather than saying "This is t3h superior thing! Everything else sucks!".

Of course this has no affect on how I feel about PS3, only about the reps and the rare occurances of fanboys that go out of their way to bash other things.
You will never see a truly humble business. Do you really want to see people saying "Well, our system isn't so great, but it could be. You should buy it. I guess, if you want to." You would feel no confidence in them. But, now you want to see what happens with them and there is really nothing harmful you can do to them. All publicity is good publicity, and the fact you are talking about them proves they are successful. Eventually, you will probably buy the console if it comes out with something good enough to entice and really, by then you won't care what the PR department does. If you don't buy it, you're just one person and it would take millions to hurt them.


Oct 1, 2005
you're just one person and it would take millions to hurt them.
Millions are hurting them, whether it's a great system or not, people are bypassing the PS3 for 360, and the Wii. There are reasons the Wii and 360 sales are 2:1 over the PS3. Alot of people are ticked off at sony right now, and they're starting to lose exclusives. I went on Game spots PS3 game of the year. 4 out of 5 games they had nominated, were also on the 360. While Wii had all 5 games as exclusives. So basically, you can just buy a 360 and a Wii, and you're covered on most games. Sure, MGS4, FF, and others are going be coming on the PS3, but how many people are going to be willing to shell out that much cash for one system?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
You will never see a truly humble business. Do you really want to see people saying "Well, our system isn't so great, but it could be. You should buy it. I guess, if you want to." You would feel no confidence in them. But, now you want to see what happens with them and there is really nothing harmful you can do to them. All publicity is good publicity, and the fact you are talking about them proves they are successful. Eventually, you will probably buy the console if it comes out with something good enough to entice and really, by then you won't care what the PR department does. If you don't buy it, you're just one person and it would take millions to hurt them.
There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Sony could easily be confident without being arrogant like they were when this gen started. MS and Nintendo are confident, I almost never hear their reps say arrogant things and when they do it's so rare that it's easily ignored. I'd have to say out of the 3 Nintendo is the most humble [probably because they never respond to anything] yet they still put in lots of sales.

Like I said, the Sony reps' behavior doesn't affect how I feel about the PS3 itself at all but it's just something that bothers me whenever I read interviews and whatnot.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Sony could easily be confident without being arrogant like they were when this gen started. MS and Nintendo are confident, I almost never hear their reps say arrogant things and when they do it's so rare that it's easily ignored. I'd have to say out of the 3 Nintendo is the most humble [probably because they never respond to anything] yet they still put in lots of sales.

Like I said, the Sony reps' behavior doesn't affect how I feel about the PS3 itself at all but it's just something that bothers me whenever I read interviews and whatnot.
I have to agree here. It isn't just Sony's PR that has ever sent me over the edge. Remember when Nintendo bashed online play a few years back stating that it was adding nothing to the console experience? I resented Nintendo's PR for a while too. When they announced Wifi for the Wii, I lol'd hard because I remembered this.

Why is Smashboards sensoring out the word c-o-o-l?
Good one. XD


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2006
Houston, Tx
Online is the future, nintendo wa the last one to accept this. motion sensing in the future, sony and micro hve not accepted this yet. but next gen.....watch, you will see all 3 have motion sensing or better.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Motion sensing isn't worth anything unless you use it only when necessary. So far I've only played Metroid Prime 3 and the motion sensing is pretty good [except for the occasional moment where it goes berzerk] and it doesn't feel overwhelming or tacked on. From what I've heard other games try to use it only to make the game feel clumsy.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Online is the future, nintendo wa the last one to accept this. motion sensing in the future, sony and micro hve not accepted this yet. but next gen.....watch, you will see all 3 have motion sensing or better.
If it is, then I am basically done with console gaming. My arthritis from high school pretty much makes Wii playing like you see on television a painful, painful thing. 15 minutes of Madden (throwing the football) and I felt like my hands were lead because my wrists are so badly damaged.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
That's terrible! I'm truly sorry to hear that, CK. :(

Personally, I love motion control... in certain games. Just about any game involving pointing or shooting can be made a lot better with the Wii controller, in my experience. Other games (hack and slash action games, for instance) I've rarely seen it done well. I cried tears of joy when I knew Brawl was Gamecube controller combadible.

Motion control is new, so I expect that as developers learn to use it responsibly it will completely overtake specific genres (watch out FPS fans!) and used very sparingly in others.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
30 feet behind you with a sniper rifle
the problem with pc games is the fact that you always have to buy something new for it(graphic card).
of the next gen consols, xbox live is still the best out there. the wii'sis horid because of low quality and friend codes(WTF!!)

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
^that's amazing. Next gen should have this kind of mechanics.

The only problem: The end of multiplayer.
See THAT is good motion sensing. Open it up to the independent gaming community and you have unlimited gaming experiences. Imagine Oblivion like this.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
My mind is blown. That is downright epic!

Hopefully with the advent of Wii Ware in a few months (Nintendo's answer is Xbox live arcade) some small, creative development team will put this awesome idea to use.
Don't expect it to happen soon. As the guy said, it's very experimental, requires accessories and slightly modifying the Wii Mote. If we see it in practice anywhere, it'll be on PC. Nintendo would probably jump on the patent to bring it to the Wii and that would end that innovation.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
That dude just swapped the Wiimote with the Wii sensor bar. Pretty hard to patent where you put your controller, me thinks. I bet anything we'll see this idea used in some creative little downloadable game within the first year or two of Wii Ware development.


In other news: the Wii's first year was a bigger success in its first year than the PS2 in its first year:


Impressive. Most impressive.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Don't expect it to happen soon. As the guy said, it's very experimental, requires accessories and slightly modifying the Wii Mote. If we see it in practice anywhere, it'll be on PC. Nintendo would probably jump on the patent to bring it to the Wii and that would end that innovation.
Still, it's pretty neat.

Eight Sage

Smash Lord
Nov 2, 2006
in the range of to
See THAT is good motion sensing. Open it up to the independent gaming community and you have unlimited gaming experiences. Imagine Oblivion like this.
Yeah! or Assasin´s Creed... OMG!

In other news: the Wii's first year was a bigger success in its first year than the PS2 in its first year:

I'm wondering if it will sell better than any console on history (which I doubt, isn't DS the most selling console ever? or the Game Boy series?)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I'm not too concerned with sales, I'm more interested in the quality of games. It's hard to believe Wii is so successful yet the games are not, how does that work?


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Don't expect it to happen soon. As the guy said, it's very experimental, requires accessories and slightly modifying the Wii Mote. If we see it in practice anywhere, it'll be on PC. Nintendo would probably jump on the patent to bring it to the Wii and that would end that innovation.
Yeah, as long as the minigame compilations continue to make money, I wouldn't expect anything. And even if they do take advantage of this technology, they'll just make more minigame compilations out of it.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
In other news: the Wii's first year was a bigger success in its first year than the PS2 in its first year:


Impressive. Most impressive.
Totally baseless bull****.

A. The Wii is cheaper by $50.
B. The Wii had more recognizable titles it's first year.
C. PS2 didn't start booming until it's second year.

Basically the site called NINTENDO WII FANBOYS is comparing Apples to Oranges. OF COURSE the Wii will sell better when it is the cheapest of the other 2 by 150 bucks at launch. The real big part of PS2's amazing run was it's longevity.
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