... To get this out of the way:
Graphical potential last gen:
Xbox > GameCube > PS2
Sales last gen:
PS2 > Xbox > GameCube
Zink, $10 more for games doesn't change sales at all. You had people paying $130 for the Legendary Halo 3 package, and people seem to have absolutely no problem buying titles like Assassin's Creed at $60, or $100 for Guitar Hero 3 on the 360 or PS3. So even though every Nintendo-exclusive gamer is going to say it's a weak point to the system, it isn't enough to stop people from buying the system or games for it.
RDK, some N64 games ran at $70 or even $80. If I remember correctly, Pokemon Stadium was $80, and I remember Conker's Bad Fur Day being released at $70 and nobody buying it.
And according to early reports, the Wii sold over 1,006,000 units, the 360 728,000 units and the PS3 421,000 units. Official NPD data comes out Thursday.