I strongly disagree, Sole. I started off as a complete scrub who didn't know how to play Melee at all, and through hard work...I became at least a respectable threat in bracket. It was all through repetition, study, and practice. I agree that natural talent can play a big part in a player becoming good, but there are also plenty of other players who have reached a similar level to the naturally talented by working hard for it.
Also, regarding my SiiS travel plans, they are as follows...
Car - Me, Shugo, MX, two spots remaining. I absolutely will not go out of my way to grab anyone, especially since I already have to swing East to Elyria to grab Shugo and most of you are West/Southwest from that location. If any of you really have to desire to get picked up, find a way to get to a closer location or I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I know I'm being pretty adamant this time around but I've gone out of my way to grab people before going to Cincinnati before and I'm sure as hell not going through that again, lol.
Gas Money - I'm charging $20 per passenger for gas. That's always been my standard price.
Hotel - I'm probably going to get a room at the hotel that Day suggested in the tournament thread, or possibly at the same location as the other NEOH/OUGA party (Lokii, Denzi, Sole, etc.) so that we can all hang or whatever. What hotel are you all getting your room at? So far the confirmed people for my room are me and MX so far, I still have to get a hold of Shugo to see if he's included. I will be sleeping on a bed (and will chip in extra towards the room to ensure it if necessary), anyone else can discuss their sleeping arrangements amongst themselves.
Schedule - I'm planning on heading down there either Friday night or early Saturday morning (tentative, haven't decided yet). I will be leaving around 4-5pm on Sunday if I'm already eliminated from the bracket. I know Shugo might be in the bracket still and it'll probably end up being an inconvenience to him, but I do have to work on Monday and I'd rather get home at a decent time because of that, so that's just a heads up.
That's about it.