I'm still in Melee. And Brawl. In fact, My brawl is far more rusty than my melee imo...I'm slowly improving my lcanceling n shuffle (Even experimenting with timing of it. It's real fun :3). I'm up for friendlies any time...Due to my light sensitive eyes, generally I either stay in my house or visit someone else's on the weekend, so if you ever wanna do friendlies with me, get me a ride to wherever you are or show up at my house after calling ahead n I'm down unless there's an issue. In fact, I'd like to say something to everyone;
I will be handling my house's trick or treating sunday. As a result, I will be in the living room for most of the day, playing alan wake for achievements, HOPEFULLY SSF4 if it arrives by then from my uncle, 64, melee, brawl, or any othern umber of multiplayer games. (Yes I have MvC2. No, I do not have 100% unlocked.) IF ANYONE wants to show up at my house to keep me company, or even better, do some friendlies (or hell guys, do some MM here. I'd enjoy watching em :3) here to help me improve, I'd MORE than appreciate it this sunday/saturday. If, however, no one can show, no biggie. I've got many a single player 360 game I can chalk on. Chances are until folks show, I'll try to get some bullet witch and/or ff13 done...so yeah....
If anyone's interested, I'm open for hangin out at my house for friendlies or w/e on halloween. You wanna show at noon? Go right ahead...Just...call ahead so my family knows
(also, ask in here or send me a PM for directions.)