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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
You're forgetting the Goron mines.
That is true. Then again, so many games came after TP, going by Spire's timeline. ALttP is the only Hyrule-based one I've played, and it has little to no progression in terms of technology. Oh wait, the Oracle games did have the mine carts, and ALttP did too, I think. I'm not sure on that, but yeah. So that's a different aspect of the technology needed for trains. One timeline has the basic structure (mine carts), while the other has the power (steam). Hm... It seems I've disproved my own argument, with some prodding.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Haha, I know, right?

Believe it or not, hype affects me whether or not I participate in it. For example; my friends did nothing but play and talk about CoD5 for about two weeks. I hated it for the second.
One of my friends did nothing but play Team Fortress 2 for an entire week. After the first day I hated it.
My friends all treated Halo as something from heaven for quite a while. I had a fanboyish hate of Halo for quite some time thanks to this.

If I continuously hear hype for this game and how awesome it's going to be, soon enough I'm going to hate it.

And no, whether or not I decide to like the game doesn't affect you, but there's a little thing called consideration...I know the presence of it is fairly small in the present day but it'd be nice if you could not be stubborn and say "Lol you don't affect me."
Firust, the reason I singled you out and made fun of you was because I thought YOU were being inconsiderate. Think about it, this room is filled with Zelda fanboys. It is in fact you who are being inconsiderate asking them not to get as excited as they want about this game because it may affect how much you want to get it.

What I see is 1 person being inconsiderate over 20+ other people's excitement. Sorry.

Yes, it's been officially stated by Aonuma and Miyamoto that after OoT, the timeline splits into two because of the Hyrule that Link left after Ganon's defeat, and the Hyrule that he was sent back to as a child.

We've covered this a billion times, Vorguen, what gives?

Refer to what I wrote above, but TP and WW are parallel games -- officially stated. They happen at the same time, but in parallel timelines.

Link's Awakening is a sequel to ALttP, but it is revealed at the end of both Oracle games that Link sets sail on a boat that looks identical to that seen in the introduction to LA, so it is highly assumed that LA follows one of the Oracle games as Link is sailing to the land featured in the other. Because OoS is featured first in advertising and practically all instances where the two are seen together, I placed it first chronologically.

Spirit Tracks is based in a Hyrule with established railroads, a Hyrule Castle, and who knows what other establishments. How could it possibly follow Phantom Hourglass? Why would Tetra want to take up the mantle of Zelda once again when she hated that attire and role, preferring that of a pirate?

And Vaati is debatable, with the only logical placing of The Minish Cap being before OoT (despite my disliking of the idea). However, Ganon gets his trident in FSA, so it has to come before ALttP (plus, FS is featured bundled with the remake of ALttP on the GBA, so that automatically relates the two).
Hey! You Zelda elitist you! Why would I go back and read something when I know you'll get your panties in a bunch and tell me anyway. =P

But yeah, I agree. Jokes aside, when you mention the Ocarina of Time two-universe idea, you actually make sense.

Link did leave behind a messed up Hyrule as an adult which he rid of Ganondorf, and came back to a peaceful Hyrule himself.

I have finally gotten on the timeline bandwagon, this seems exciting. I am going to finish the Zelda games I am playing right now so I can understand it better...

Too bad I am going to have to resort to evil ways to play the handheld console ones...


Oh and I love Scott.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
OK, that's every Zelda game on the Wii that was home console.

A new trend that I have just noticed (thanks to the new game), is that the game was evolving from a purely medieval (or rather, a Victorian view of medieval, which is what all of us think first of as medieval), to a combination of Medieval and industrial traits. The use of steam wasn't used until the 1800s, and both the DS games use steam powered machines (in Phantom hourglass, a steam boat, in the new spirit tracks, a steam train). do any of you find this awkward mix of technology, kinda weird?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
OK, that's every Zelda game on the Wii that was home console.

A new trend that I have just noticed (thanks to the new game), is that the game was evolving from a purely medieval (or rather, a Victorian view of medieval, which is what all of us think first of as medieval), to a combination of Medieval and industrial traits. The use of steam wasn't used until the 1800s, and both the DS games use steam powered machines (in Phantom hourglass, a steam boat, in the new spirit tracks, a steam train). do any of you find this awkward mix of technology, kinda weird?
With magic thrown into the spectrum, it's not too unbelievable for Hyrule to have these weird ranges of technology.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
OK, that's every Zelda game on the Wii that was home console.

A new trend that I have just noticed (thanks to the new game), is that the game was evolving from a purely medieval (or rather, a Victorian view of medieval, which is what all of us think first of as medieval), to a combination of Medieval and industrial traits. The use of steam wasn't used until the 1800s, and both the DS games use steam powered machines (in Phantom hourglass, a steam boat, in the new spirit tracks, a steam train). do any of you find this awkward mix of technology, kinda weird?
Not really. Considering the fact that there is a timeline behind the games, it makes a lot of sense that the technology would advance as time moves forward. I mean, it's hundreds of years between OoT and the later ones. Hundreds of years after our own medieval times, we had this kind of technology. Plus the magic, of course, for Hyrule. That helps make things advance differently.


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Would you guys think it would be better if they dove into the future (like FF7, futuristic, but maintaining the classic aka Swords and stuff)

and then developed the timeline in between (developing the technology)

or advanced chronologically?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
One thing I like about the Zelda timeline is that it bounces back and forth. If they ever make a Zelda game that takes place in the distant future, it wouldn't be as if they'll never make another game with a medieval setting. It's good news for people like myself who love the Middle Ages, lol.

Also, I'm sure no matter how far into the future Zelda games go, they'll still remain a fantasy-based series with things like swords and magic. I doubt they'll ever become a scifi type of genre.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Very scary ruins
Well Phantom Hourglass had a steam-boat so a train is the next big step. PS Where do you think this game takes place? The new land they were searching for to be the new Hyrule?


Smash Champion
May 13, 2008
Yeah well, the technology is all over the board. They are advanced enough to have trains yet not advanced enough to make a crossbow. It is kinda erratic on all the places. Magic does help explain some of it, but sometimes it doesn't really make a whole lotta sense.


Apr 13, 2008
Mexico internet for the win!
Brownsville is the closest thing to Mexico the US has. Oh wait, Laredo...
Yeah well, the technology is all over the board. They are advanced enough to have trains yet not advanced enough to make a crossbow. It is kinda erratic on all the places. Magic does help explain some of it, but sometimes it doesn't really make a whole lotta sense.
We don't know all of the items that will be in ST. Who knows, maybe we'll have a musket instead of a bow? If not that, then we can meet halfway between the two with a crossbow.

If we can include Link's Crossbow Training as canon, then as of TP, the crossbow has been invented.

Perhaps the reason that the TP timeline has not developed steam-powered engines is due to the fact that they have no oceans to develop steamboats for. They simply haven't had a reason to develop such technology. The WW timeline, however, is very different. Their world is flooded, and in order to travel from island to island in reasonable time (and more safely), steamboats are necessary (why? because they don't have the magic to do so; technology is obviously present).


Smash Champion
Jun 7, 2008
Vorgy = RGV = Brownsville, Texas
Oh yeah you are from Texas. You need to come down to Brownsville for one of our tourneys and main Link (see, I just made it Zelda related).


On a side note, I actually live in Matamoros and have actual Mexican internet, but since that is in the border with Brownsville, I just say I live in Brownsville so I don't have to explain. haha


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
Lol there are several US border towns. California has Calexico, Texas has Laredo, etc.

And games and the society within them don't develop as we did, so in the Zelda universe it's completely acceptable to have steam boats but not crossbows. Anyways bows are better.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
Yeah, it definitely has some really weird gaps like cannons but no guns. Also, another statement about technology, there is most definitely not a constant improvement in technology with time. The Greeks had automatic doors! (CLICK HERE!) These doors opened when a fire was lit on a certain alters in Greek temples. Greeks, and Romans also utilized flame throwers. CLICK HERE TOO. So, there's really no reason at all for technology to follow any particular path of development. It will definitely be interesting to see what they do with Spirit Tracks though.

MM coming to the virtual console definitely has me more excited than ST.


Apr 13, 2008
Yeah, it definitely has some really weird gaps like cannons but no guns. Also, another statement about technology, there is most definitely not a constant improvement in technology with time. The Greeks had automatic doors! (CLICK HERE!)[URL] These doors opened when a fire was lit on a certain alters in Greek temples. Greeks, and Romans also utilized flame throwers. [URL=http://www.greece.org/Romiosini/greek_fire.html]CLICK HERE TOO. So, there's really no reason at all for technology to follow any particular path of development. It will definitely be interesting to see what they do with Spirit Tracks though.

MM coming to the virtual console definitely has me more excited than ST.
Whoa, news to me. Thanks for the link!

And yes, MM on VC >>> ST. My MM cartridge for the 64 broke a long time ago, so I've never been able to finish it (the GCN disc freezes and lags all the time). I'll finally get a chance to play through the game completely.

For the record, I'm proud to be Greek. My people invented the first automatic doors!


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
One Piece is an amazing anime. The only anime (except for one other) that I have rated a 10/10, and I have seen like 40+ animes.

And about Zelda.

"it puts the sword in the fountain"

What about HOKUTO NO KEN.

Hnk kicks OP *** all daiiiiiii. and pretty much every other anime.

I can't buy stuff on the wii D: How much is 1200/1000 wii points? 10/15 bucks?


Apr 13, 2008
What about HOKUTO NO KEN.

Hnk kicks OP *** all daiiiiiii. and pretty much every other anime.

I can't buy stuff on the wii D: How much is 1200/1000 wii points? 10/15 bucks?
500 pts = $5, so do the math. You can buy in 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 increments.
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