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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2006
I live in a little place called Strawberry, Arkans
Link, won't you help me defeat Ganon?


What? Please, I really need your help.


What? Please, I really need your help.


What? Please, I really need your help.


What? Please, I really need your help.


What? Please, I really need your help.

(God, alright...fine) Yes.

Oh I just knew you'd say yes! Thank you so much!
In Super Paper Mario, if you do that for long enough, the person asking you accepts your decline and you get a game over screen. I thought it was funny.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
I had a few ideas for a new Zelda game.

- Make enemies appear in larger groups, or with more hitpoints, or both.
- Add difficulty options.
- Give the option to switch to overhead view, but in some instance you have to not be in overhead.
- Bring trading quests back.
- Sword beams, of course.
- Bring back more old things.
- Make dungeons longer.
- Make items used more throughout the game after the dungeons they are gotten in. In TP, the items were not used to their full potential. You just used them once and then were done with them.

Lulz, Darkslash gave me the idea of coloring stuff.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I know everyone here wants the sword beam back, but I have what I think might be a better, though similar, idea. Bring back the Magic Rod from Link's Awakening. I mean, it shoots fire! That's awesome! I, for one, am all for waving the Wiimote to shoot fireballs. Just make it cost hefty magic, or hide it deep in the game, or at the end of a lengthy sidequest. If done right, it would be worth it. They could also incorporate it into puzzles and stuff, so it's not pointless outside of combat.

As for this idea of a futuristic Zelda, I don't know if I'm sold on it. I just don't think it would be the right direction for the series. I try to imagine it, and all I get is FF VII. A great game, but not what I want in Zelda. Perhaps Nintendo could make it, just not a Zelda game. Start a new series that's like Zelda, just in the future. I'm not trying to start a fight here, just offering my uninvited opinion.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I had a few ideas for a new Zelda game.

- Make enemies appear in larger groups, or with more hitpoints, or both.
- Add difficulty options.
- Bring back more old things.
- Make dungeons longer.
Zelda's an adventure game, not an action or combat one, so adding more enemies or giving them more HP won't make the game any better, it'll just make it longer and more aggravating.

If you want to add some challenge to the combat, make the enemies deal more damage, or, better yet, give Link fewer hearts. Mario Galaxy's teeny-weeny life gauge made enemy encounters significantly more dramatic than they would had Mario been given his standard life gauge.

Other than that:

I thought the dungeons in TP were plenty long. I don't know about you, but I don't really want to spend more than an hour at most in any given Zelda dungeon. Some of TP's got up around that range (City in the Sky), and by that point, I wound up a bit tired of going back and forth through the same four or five areas.


I don't think difficulty levels are needed. If anything, they should let us type in "Zelda" as Link's name to activate a sort of "Master Quest" style version of the game. However, if that would at all get in the way of the game being all it can be, then forget it.

Another alternative to this would be to build in an "automatic easy mode", wherein the basic game is a decent challenge for veterans, but to accommodate those newer to the series, if the game finds the player isn't doing so well (life gauge constantly in the red, multiple deaths, empty ammunition stores, etc.), it will shift into the easier mode, which would give enemies less damage-dealing capabilities, give Link an extra heart or two, and negate damage from bottomless pits/drowning.

And finally, define "old things", if you will.

P.S. I know I addressed your ideas in no actual order, but...whatever.

EDIT - Also, I agree with Scott! above me, just in case anyone was still unsure of my stance on the matter.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
And finally, define "old things", if you will.
You know, features from the old Zelda games, like the original, Zelda 64, etc.

Some old things they could bring back:

1. Fire, water, and light arrows.
2. Magic beans.
3. Old items.
4. Gold Skulltulas.
5. Masks.
6. Warp points.

Also, come to think of it, I agree with you.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
1. Fire, water, and light arrows.
2. Magic beans.
4. Gold Skulltulas.
5. Masks.
6. Warp points.
1. Well, they've only been absent in one game recently, and I'm sure they'll come back. What really surprised me about Twilight Princess was the total lack of a magic meter.


2. Weren't these only in one game? They're not really a franchise staple or anything. Basically, I think there're better things they could do along the same lines.

4. Some kind of useless collection quest, anyways. Collecting all the Golden Skulltulas represented a whole extra run through Ocarina for me, so something like that really boosts the replay value for veterans.

The Poe Souls were sort of similar, but they were way too easy to spot, what with the whole 'glowing balls of light, clearly visible from all the way across Lake Hylia' thing. Also there weren't enough of them.

5. I don't know about this one. Masks were a very specific feature of a very outlandish Zelda game. The concept of masks and Termina are pretty inseparable, I'd say. So if they do come back, they'd come back in Termina.

Which wouldn't be a bad thing at all, really.

6. You mean like Farore's Wind?

(Really I just wanted to post the comic. If that is what you meant by 'warp points', then I say: whatever. They could put the magic spells back in the game, so long as they remain neat extras, and not plot-points or dungeon items. If that isn't what you meant, well...it's still an awesome comic, right?)


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Thats not old stuff... Don't get me wrong, I want it back. It's just OoT stuff. Not old by any means.

Also, I agree that there should be a cheat to acticate a Master Quest style game. Mendez wins 1,000 awesome dollars (unfortunately, the awesome dollar economy is so low that you just lost money).

Health needs to either be lowered or enemies more powerful.

EDIT: How do you think a new Zelda game based in Termina would be?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Mendez wins 1,000 awesome dollars (unfortunately, the awesome dollar economy is so low that you just lost money).
Not to worry, not to worry: I'm an autonomous political entity as of yesterday morning--all currency aside from my own (the Bitores) is worthless in my hands.

Fell free to give me all your money! :bee:

Health needs to either be lowered or enemies more powerful.
Or both.

Hearts shouldn't decrease by the quarter. Weak, beginning-of-the-game enemies might be dealing half-hearts of damage, but by the second or third dungeon, each hit should be taking off at least one heart. Bosses should be dealing one to two by halfway through, and Ganon should have an attack that can take out five hearts at once.

EDIT: How do you think a new Zelda game based in Termina would be?
I honestly have no idea (or at least, I have no idea at 4:12 AM).

I'm sure Spire III has some spiffy suggestions, though.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
It was never really the combat system that made the Legend of Zelda great. The AI was completely moronic in every Zelda Game. The awesome Challenges of Zelda comes from the Puzzles in the dungeons. So yeah, dungeons should be longer, but they need to be more intricate, so that you actually have to stop and think about whats going on, and look at how a room or passage is organized.

Ocarina of Time's forest temple did the best job at creating a challenging intricate dungeon.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
So wait -- am I correct to assume that I've finally met somebody else who thinks that the Forest temple was harder than the Water Temple!

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
Yes, Water Temple is pretty hard, hardest one in my opinion. But to a beginner, any dungeon or temple can be just as hard.

Every time I beat the Water Temple, however, it just gets easier and easier. It just depends on much you play.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Oh, and that's 2 words If I'm not mistaken.

Sly Fox said:
Yes, Water Temple is pretty hard, hardest one in my opinion.
It actually took me a few months to get through it the first time around. I wasn't trying constantly, obviously, but I basically gave up like, twelve times, only to come crawling back eventually.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 20, 2008
The End of Time.
my time was close to that but for WT it was about 4-6 hours :p.
That's pretty good actually... my brother just gave up MQ after spending 2 weeks stuck at the Water temple. xD

I think the longest dungeon I played through was Spirit... It was easy but playing at 4:00 AM in the morning, not a good idea, couldn't even solve the easiest of puzzles. Took me 4+ hours xD


Smash Apprentice
Jul 15, 2008
Indiana, USA
Here's my little review on all the Dungeons in OoT:
1. Inside the Great Deku Tree - Easy, too easy actually. But it was an introduction to Zelda itself, so it's excused.

2. Dodongo's Cavern - Same opinion as the Deku Tree

3. Jabu Jabu's belly - First "real" dungeon in the game, good puzzles, fun boss battles, one qualm though. You get the boomerang for that dungeon only. I loved the boomerang, pretty dissapointed that you only get it for that dungeon.

4. Forest Temple - Fantastic, entertaining, cinematic, perfect. Makes you first realize why this was the 1999 Game of the Year. I loved the amount of rooms in the temple, as well as the object of defeating the poe sisters.

5. Fire Temple - Pretty easy, but not as entertaining as the forest temple. Nothing to brag about, but nothing too easy either.

6. Water Temple - I don't think I even have to say anything....

7. Shadow Temple - Despite the emo overtone, it was entertaining and pretty easy, EXCEPT for Bongo-Bongo. He was honestly the hardest boss I've ever faced in any game. It took me 15 tries the first time, but when I replayed OoT, I pwn'd him on the first try. So I don't want to complain too much.

8. Spirit Temple - My favorite dungeon in the game. It was long, tasking, but doable. I loved the two part concept, tied a lot together. The boss battles were fantastic as well.

9. Ganondorf's Castle - Pretty easy, not really a dungeon, but the final battle was pretty fun.

Overall, this is possibly my favorite game of all time, but Twilight Princess's combat comes very close to it. TP entertained me a lot, but not in the way OoT did. I loved TP because of the sword battles, accompanied by the special moves you learn which makes the game more of an interactive movie than a game, but I'm not saying that's bad. OoT entertained me because of the ways it tied so many things in the game together, like getting the song of storms, showing your Ocarina to the organ grinder as an adult after seeing him as a child. It was a nice "Ah-ha!" moment. Honestly, I'd have to put OoT and TP on the same level.

Pluvia's other account

Smash Master
Jul 30, 2007
No Internet?!?
I never got past the Fire Temple. I never found that game interesting, it felt like I was doing a chore rather than playing a game.

If they made Ganon slightly harder and changed that hunting for Triforce pieces bit, then Wind Waker would be almost perfect. I loved that game, its story was epic.

Twilight Princess was highly overrated. The bosses took off like half a heart with each hit, and there was only like 4 different enemies. I completed that game in 30 hours, I didn't even break a sweat.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
I completed that game in 30 hours, I didn't even break a sweat.
That it still took 30 hours in this day and age while being that easy is an accomplishment in itself. Games just aren't as long as they used to be and it blows.

Hopefully the next Zelda won't be sub-20 hours.

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
I agree 100% with the above post.

Apart from the discussion in the above posts, I have something to say about something I found out in Majora's Mask.

Well, everybody knows the save system for MM is... pretty bad. Yesterday, however, I had an idea to counter this problem. It lets you save whenever you want, forever, with an owl statue. Just save and quit at the owl statue, then at the file menu, erase the file you're not using, then copy the file you are using to the file you just erased. This way, if your game freezes while playing, you won't have to worry about starting over from the first day, as you can just go to the other file. When you go to that file if this happens, just repeat the erase/copy process, so now you can save whenever you want.

I know a lot of people might already know about this, and it should've been pretty obvious, but I didn't know about it until just yesterday, and I wanted to share it with the people who didn't know.

Anybody who knows if this is old news or not, please tell me.

AND with that said, Majora's Mask and OoT are both too awesome for words.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
If they made Ganon slightly harder and changed that hunting for Triforce pieces bit, then Wind Waker would be almost perfect. I loved that game, its story was epic.
Gonna have to agree with you on that. Especially the triforce hunting. What's the point of giving some 30 year old man 398 rupees so he can read a map for me? You helped him get out of jail but you need to pay him 8 times so he could say "KOOLOO-LIMPAH!!".

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Gonna have to agree with you on that. Especially the triforce hunting. What's the point of giving some 30 year old man 398 rupees so he can read a map for me? You helped him get out of jail but you need to pay him 8 times so he could say "KOOLOO-LIMPAH!!".

...he also throws confetti. And does a sweet-a** backflip. I know I'd pay an old man 398$ to do that. ;)


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York

...he also throws confetti. And does a sweet-a** backflip. I know I'd pay an old man 398$ to do that. ;)

He also makes his brothers slaves, thinks he's a fairy, and he's wierd.

At least the Tingle Tuner's kind of fun when you have 2 people.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
It's the Golden Wolf's humanoid form that teaches you the advanced sword techniques (like Mortal Draw and Helm Splitter) in Twilight Princess.

That said, I don't know if that's that characters' actual, factual name, or just a generally accepted nickname the internet gave him. :/


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
It's the Golden Wolf's humanoid form that teaches you the advanced sword techniques (like Mortal Draw and Helm Splitter) in Twilight Princess.

That said, I don't know if that's that characters' actual, factual name, or just a generally accepted nickname the internet gave him. :/
I know that....

What I really meant WHO IS Hero's Shade? I mean who was he before he became Hero's Shade
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