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Legend of Zelda The Milk Bar [Archived]

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Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
It doesn't make sense that WW would fit in the Adult Link Timeline. I know your stained glass pictures depict the sages, but there's one fallacy in your argument:

The gods would know of both timelines. They're gods after all. Didn't they build the temple where you get the Master Sword in WW?
In Wind Waker the Master Sword is in Hyrule castle basement. Twilight Princess its in the Temple Of Time.

Also why the heck didn't they mention the Triforce in Twilight Princess. Its freaking every where in Castle Town.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
In Wind Waker the Master Sword is in Hyrule castle basement. Twilight Princess its in the Temple Of Time.
That actually is the Temple of Time, where you get the Master Sword in Windwaker. Up the hill from there is Hyrule Castle, where Ganondorf has his base of operations, and where your final fight with him takes place.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
@Darkslash: Actually, according to the WW intro, here's what went down:

-Link stops Ganondorf
-Link goes back in time
-Ganondorf come back due to time being reversed
-Link, off in Termina (See: Majora's Mask), never comes to stop him again
-Gods flood Hyrule to stop Ganon because the Hero of Time never showed up
-The myth is being told from the perspective of the gods, thus, they know what is heppening with Link the whole time-on both timelines


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
@Darkslash: Actually, according to the WW intro, here's what went down:

-Link stops Ganondorf
-Link goes back in time
-Ganondorf come back due to time being reversed
-Link, off in Termina (See: Majora's Mask), never comes to stop him again
-Gods flood Hyrule to stop Ganon because the Hero of Time never showed up
-The myth is being told from the perspective of the gods, thus, they know what is heppening with Link the whole time-on both timelines
So WW follows the Young Link timeline? All this timeline stuff is really hurting my head.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
@Darkslash: Actually, according to the WW intro, here's what went down:

-Link stops Ganondorf
-Link goes back in time
-Ganondorf come back due to time being reversed
-Link, off in Termina (See: Majora's Mask), never comes to stop him again
-Gods flood Hyrule to stop Ganon because the Hero of Time never showed up
-The myth is being told from the perspective of the gods, thus, they know what is heppening with Link the whole time-on both timelines
Great now your starting to hurt my head...or is it the ice cream im eating..

I remember Reading Miyamoto or Aonuma saying its 100 years after Link defeats Ganondorf in Ocarina. Seeing that he only defeated Ganondorf in Adult time line I think its a safe bet thats its in the Adult time line

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
I've been thinking (no way!)...

People have been saying here that Minish Cap seems to be the first in the Zelda timeline. There is one tiny little problem with that theory:

In WW, to defeat Ganon, Link had to stab the sword into his head. In MC, there was a statue somewhere of Ganon from WW... with a sword in his head.

...If I remember correctly.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Great now your starting to hurt my head...or is it the ice cream im eating..

I remember Reading Miyamoto or Aonuma saying its 100 years after Link defeats Ganondorf in Ocarina. Seeing that he only defeated Ganondorf in Adult time line I think its a safe bet thats its in the Adult time line
I know the quote you're thinking of, but that was for Twilight Princess, not Wind Waker.


Smash Journeyman
May 10, 2008
It's a Secret to Everybody!
I found that interview

Eiji Aonuma Interview said:

–When does Twilight Princess take place?

Aonuma: In the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years later.

–And the Wind Waker?

Aonuma: The Wind Waker is parallel. In Ocarina of Time, Link flew seven years in time, he beat Ganon and went back to being a kid, remember? Twilight Princess takes place in the world of Ocarina of Time, a hundred and something years after the peace returned to kid Link’s time. In the last scene of Ocarina of Time, kids Link and Zelda have a little talk, and as a consequence of that talk, their relationship with Ganon takes a whole new direction. In the middle of this game [Twilight Princess], there's a scene showing Ganon's execution. It was decided that Ganon be executed because he'd do something outrageous if they left him be. That scene takes place several years after Ocarina of Time. Ganon was sent to another world and now he wants to obtain the power...

–And now we wait for the game to enjoy the rest of the story, huh? (laughs)

Aonuma: Well, that’s how things are. (laughs)

–There’s a reference to King Zora (the king of the Zora race in Ocarina of Time; his official name is Do Bon, the third), and there are some pictures of the man from the fishing pond (the owner of a fishing business near Lake Hylia in Ocarina of Time). You can get the feeling here and there that the events from Ocarina of Time happened some time ago.

Aonuma: Those things have a connection to Ocarina of Time, and we were not very sure of whether to include them or not, but the staff was having a good time, so those details just kept increasing.

–Kakariko Village and Lake Hylia haven’t changed their names, did you have in mind for their design that a hundred years had passed?

Aonuma: We clearly didn’t design Kakariko Village to reflect that a hundred years had passed. We had this town and when we decided the events that would take place there, we also decided it to be Kakariko Village, just the way it was. In this game, there are two places named, “Forest Firo-ne [Faron Woods]” and “Orudin [Eldin]”; they received their names after the three goddesses from Ocarina of Time. During Ocarina of Time, there were no such places, but after a long time, the names grew on the people living there and so those names were passed on.

However, this leaves a lot of unanswered questions if it is just a mere century for both TP and WW (for WW is parallel)

In TP the temple of time lies in ruin, Hyrule Castle town was moved to it's new more streamlined question. In WW the Temple of Time stands, although at the bottom of the sea, it stands non the less.

In TP, the Gerudo are all gone, and Gerudo fortress lies in ruins.

The Zora have been all been wiped out, yet this seems odd, wouldn't they be just fine in the water? Sheik (Zelda) even stated stated that Zora's domain would thaw and heal with time, so wouldn't they just be able to swim?

Ocarina of Time ended with calm for both timelines, such that they would be identical, (with Ganondorf sealed away,) and a legendary hero to thank.

Which means there must be some sort of event in between OoT and TP/WW to define the split in such away that these drastic differences can then make sense.

Disclaimer on the Last statement: This is merely one fans speculation, after all, 100 years is a long time, but some of the things that change require a cataclysmic event.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
IWontGetOvertheDam’s Zelda Timeline

This is my version of the Legend of Zelda Timeline Theory. First off, I have not played every Zelda game. I have used the Internet and videos for reference. Second, I believe in the controversial split-timeline theory. The split occurs when Zelda sends Link back in time in the end of Ocarina of Time, thus creating two Links. Another thing to point out about every timeline theory, not just this one, is that the Zelda series is constantly contradicting itself, thus making a real timeline impossible. And now, without further adieu, the timeline.

Link: The hero of the series. Most games feature a different Link from a different time, but many games share a similar Link.
Zelda: The titular princess of Hyrule. Like Link, there have been several different Zeldas.
Ganondorf/Ganon: The king of evil. Unlike Link and Zelda, every game features the same person as Ganondorf.
Hyrule: The land where most of the series takes place. Several times, it has been attempted to be taken over by Ganondorf.
LoZ: the Legend of Zelda. The series and the first game in it.
AoL: The Adventure of Link. The second game in the series.
LttP: A Link to the Past. The third game in the series.
LA: Link’s Awakening.
OoT: Ocarina of Time.
MM: Majora’s Mask.
OoS: Oracle of Seasons.
OoA: Oracle of Ages. OoA along with OoS are interchangeable in many circumstances.
FS: Four Swords.
WW: Wind Waker.
FSA: Four Swords Adventure.
MC: Minish Cap.
TP: Twilight Princess.
PH: Phantom Hourglass.

The legend begins with The Minish Cap. It tells of the origin Vaati, one of Ganon's minions, and the Four Sword, which comes into play later. It features an early Hyrule and explains the origins of much Zelda lore. Next is Ocarina of Time. By the time of OoT, Hyrule has developed greatly into a full-fledged kingdom. Here is where the timeline splits. I’ll delve into the “No Link” part first. At the end of OoT, Link goes back in time to relive his childhood. He leaves Hyrule to find Navi (who he never met on this timeline) and ends up in Termina. The events of Majora’s Mask then take place. Skip a head a while. Next comes Wind Waker. Link, who never stopped Ganondorf, never comes to save Hyrule. The gods then flood the land to stop him. Another Link rises up to stop him, and there is peace on the Great Sea. Then comes Phantom Hourglass, which isn’t related to the Ganondorf saga.

Now for Adult Link’s timeline. It begins with Link defeating Ganondorf in the end of OoT. After OoT, Ganon is sealed away in the Dark World. Ganon sends a minion of his, Aghanim, to get close to the King of Hyrule. Aghanim then kidnaps Zelda and takes her to the Dark World where Ganon is being held. Link defeats Aghanim and Ganon and wishes on the Triforce that everyone Ganon killed would be alive again, and that those in the Dark World would be in the Light World. Next is the original Legend of Zelda. Ganon sets up a base on Death Mountain, builds an army and steals the Triforce of Power. Zelda, fearing for her kingdom, split the Triforce of Wisdom into eight pieces. Link collected the pieces, fought his way to Death Mountain and destroyed Ganon once and for all. Ganon is now nothing more than a pile of ashes. The next game in the timeline is Link’s Awakening. While the game itself is not a truly important game in the timeline, it is still interesting to say the least. It arguably has least to do with Zelda lore out of every game, and is later revealed to be a dream. Next up is Adventure of Link. A direct sequel to LoZ, the minions of Ganon are trying to resurrect him by sprinkling Link’s blood on Ganon’s ashes. They fail, and Link defeats his evil counterpart, Dark Link. Because Ganon is still dead, the only game that could possibly come next is the Oracle games. After a failed attempt to raise Ganon from the dead, the task is turned to Ganon’s mothers, Koume and Kotake. Link defeats Ganon once again, and is sent back to the Dark World.

Next comes the Four Sword series. Ganon, once again imprisoned in the Dark World, Ganon sends his minion, Vaati to stop Link. Link turns to a legendary weapon called the Four Sword (see: Minish Cap). The Four Sword is a blade that splits its wielder into four separate entities. The four Links defeat Vaati and peace is restored to the land. Vaati is dead. Ganon is locked away in the Dark World. Hyrule is undisturbed.

Meanwhile, on the Child Link timeline, things are backwards. Ganon rules the land. Link is nowhere to be found. The gods have no choice but to stop Ganon by flooding Hyrule, destroying it and the memories associated with it. On this timeline, the Wind Waker and Twilight Princess happen at the exact same time: hundreds of years after the split events of OoT. Ganondorf is to be executed by the sages. However, he escapes, killing one sage. To hide his trail, he hires Zant-the usurper king of the Twilight Realm. Link defeats Zant, who tells him of his story. Ganondorf helped Zant take over the Twilight Realm, while Ganondorf hid away to regain his lost power from almost being executed. Thus, Zant believes him to be a god. Link finds Ganondorf in Zelda’s castle, now the self-proclaimed king of Hyrule. Link stops him once and for all, thrusting a sword into his chest.

At last, peace. Ganondorf is dead- this time, on both timelines. Child Link’s Hyrule, still buried by the sea, remains a legend. Adult Link’s Hyrule has been returned to what it once was. The legend is over-for now.

The Minish Cap
Ocarina of Time
Majora’s Mask
A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda
Link’s Adventure
The Adventure of Link
Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Four Swords
Four Swords Adventure
Twilight Princess
Wind Waker
Phantom Hourglass

Note-Due to the split nature of the timeline, text cannot accurately convey how it works. Here is an image of the timeline.

The Nature of the Hero
Link is the hero of the series. However, “Link” is merely a title: The person is rarely the same person. The total number of Links is about 8.
The Links are as follows: The Minish Cap (1). Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask (2). A Link to the Past (3). The Legend of Zelda/Link’s Adventure/The Adventure of Link (4). The Oracles series (5). The Four Swords series (6). The Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass (7). Twilight Princess (8).
The hero usually shares these qualities:
-Wears green, along with a floppy green hat.
-Very brave and courageous
-Wields a sword, shield and a plethora of weapons
-Usually collects the Master Sword, at least when confronting Ganondorf
-Bears the Triforce of Courage
The hero is never by chance: Link is chosen by the gods to stop Ganondorf and defend Hyrule. Link, Zelda and Ganondorf are all bound by destiny and the power of the Triforce.

The Nature of the Princess
Zelda differs from Link in one key way: Zelda is linked to every other princess by blood. Link is never explicitly stated to be directly related to any other hero, but it is stated several times that every princess of Hyrule is to be named “Zelda.” There are more Zeldas than Links. There are about 9 Zeldas throughout the series, not counting alter egos. The Zeldas are as follows:
The Minish Cap (1). Ocarina of Time (2). A Link to the Past (3). The Legend of Zelda (4). The Adventure of Link (5). The Oracle Series (6). Four Swords series (7). The Wind Waker (8). Twilight Princess (9).
Zelda usually shares these qualities:
-Her and/or her kingdom are put in jeopardy
-She does what is right for her people
-She is able to evade capture
-She has a servant/maid/other acquaintance named Impa
-Bears the Triforce of Wisdom
Zelda has twice adopted alter egos: One in OoT, and another in Wind Waker. In OoT, she transformed into Sheik, a member of the ninja-like Sheikah tribe. Sheik gave Link information about Hyrule, the Triforce, Ganondorf, and other things. She also taught him songs on his Ocarina. In the Wind Waker, she was masked as Tetra, the female leader of a gang of pirates. She was later revealed to be Zelda, the keeper of the Triforce of Wisdom. The difference, however, is that Zelda transformed herself into Sheik to help Link, whereas Zelda’s mother masked her daughter’s identity to save her; Zelda didn’t know about being Tetra.

The Nature of the Villain
Unlike Link and Zelda, Ganondorf is not a reincarnation of any previous entity-Ganon is the same person in every game. Ganondorf is anywhere between hundreds and thousands of years old, depending on the true chronology of the games, and has tried on several occasions to steal the Triforce and take over Hyrule. Because he is the only constant character in the series, he has an actual back-story. Ganondorf was once the leader of a group of thieves. Later, he became the first person to enter the Sacred Realm. He got his hands on the Triforce and turned the Sacred Realm into the Dark World. He was stopped by the Hyrulean army and trapped in the Sacred Realm. In Wind Waker, it is revealed that he wants the power of the Triforce to gain revenge for his people, the Gerudo.

Ganondorf or Ganon?
The evil king has been referred to both as Ganon and Ganondorf in the games, leaving the true reason behind the names. Some believe that Ganondorf becomes Ganon when using the Triforce of Power, while others believe that the two names are interchangeable.

Link’s Partners
In many games, Link has a friend of some sort that guides him along and provides exposition.

Navi is Link’s first partner in a game. First appearing in OoT, she is a fairy who helps Link at the request of the Great Deku Tree.

Tatl and Tael
Navi was replaced by two fairies in Majora’s Mask: Tatl and Tael. They provide the same function as Navi.

King of Red Lions
Link’s transportation across the Great Sea came from this boat, which turned out to be the king of Hyrule.

Ezlo is a Minish who was transformed by Vaati into a bird shaped hat.

Arguably the most fleshed out of Link’s partners, Midna is the princess of the Twilight Realm. She was dethroned by Zant, and used Link to get revenge.

Ciela is a fairy resembling Navi who guides Link to help him rescue Tetra in Phantom Hourglass.

Epona is the horse that Link owns in OoT, MM and TP to name a few games. She is mainly used for transportation.

The Sages
The Seven Sages are the guardians of Hyrule. They play very important roles in almost every major Zelda event.

The Sages first appeared to seal off Ganondorf from Hyrule during the Imprisoning War.

The Sages were reincarnated in OoT as the guardians of the Temples who had to be awakened. It is revealed that the original Sages built the Temple of Time to protect the Triforce and repel evil. The reincarnated Sages then resealed Ganon back into Dark World.

The Sages were reincarnated again in Wind Waker. It is unknown how many there are, but two are mentioned. Ganondorf murdered the original sages of the Earth and Wind Temples, so Link had to seek out the new Sages: Makar and Medli.

In Twilight Princess, these reincarnated Sages are to execute Ganondorf. However, he breaks free and kills one of them in the process. The remaining six then show Link the Mirror of Twilight.

The Triforce
Almost everything we learn about the Triforce, we learn from either the King of Red Lions or Sheik. From Sheik, we learn the history of the Triforce: That the three goddesses, Din, Farore, and Nayru created the Triforce to uphold the land they had created.

The King of Red Lions tells us more of how the Triforce functions. The Triforce has two functions: It will grant the wish of whoever touches it, regardless of who it is. Another function is that if whoever bears a Triforce piece leaves Hyrule, they will lose their piece.

The Triforce is divided into three pieces: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. In many games, Ganondorf, Zelda, and Link hold the pieces of the Triforce, respectively. Each reincarnation of Link and Zelda usually has the piece; Ganondorf keeps his piece because he is always the same person.

The Gods
In the Zelda universe, there are many gods who watch over the land of Hyrule. The three main goddesses, Din, Nayru and Farore, created Hyrule and the Triforce. The gods are referenced many times in the series: they are told of in legends, and they even flooded the land of Hyrule when Ganon’s evil began to spread.

The Imprisoning War
Note: This next part is a very important part of Zelda lore. However, much is up to speculation as to what happened. All info is derived from game manuals, in-game text, and the Zelda timeline constructed by Kirby021591 of Gamefaqs, reposted in the Zelda thread on Smash Boards.

The Imprisoning War began when the three goddesses created the Triforce and the land of Hyrule. In the beginning, the land was known as the Golden Land. The entrance to the Golden Land had been lost for centuries until it was discovered a Gerudo thief: Ganondorf. He fought his way into the land and stole the Triforce, having all of his wishes granted. Soon, the Golden Land became infested with evil, which began to spread throughout Hyrule.

The king ordered the entrance to be sealed off forever. Before this was done, the sages forged a blade that was blessed by the gods: The Master Sword. While the sages searched for someone to wield the blade, war broke out between the Hyrulean army and Ganon’s army. Eventually, the Gods sealed off the rotten Golden Land.

Now, I have never played the Minish Cap, so I will quote Kirby021591, who has a wonderful timeline theory that everyone should check out.

“The Imprisoning War is not Ocarina of Time.

What does this mean for the timeline? Let’s investigate further by quoting a few verses from Minish Cap.

‘A long, long time ago...when the world was on the verge of being swallowed by shadow...The tiny Picori appeared from the sky, bringing the hero of men a sword and a golden light. With wisdom and courage, the hero drove out the darkness. When peace had been restored, the people enshrined that blade with care. And the force of the golden light, embodied in Hyrule's princess, shone forth upon the lands.’”

From this, it can be deduced that the Picori forged the Master Sword.

The Master Sword
The Master Sword, also called The Blade of Evil’s Blade and the Sword of Time, is a legendary blade that can only be wielded by Link.

According to Kirby021591, the Sword was forged by the Picori (See the theory of the Imprisoning War).

The greatest sword in the original Legend of Zelda was called the Magic Sword. It is debatable whether or not this was actually the Master Sword, however, it does not look like it. This does present a problem, however. It is stated in the Wind Waker that the only sword that can hurt Ganon is the Master Sword. It is most likely that this was just a renamed version of the Master Sword.

The Master Sword is first wielded by Link in Ocarina of Time. In order to wield it, however, his soul had to be frozen in time for seven years. When he puts the sword back, he becomes a child again. Link used the Sword to defeat Ganon, as this is the only blade that can hurt him in his final form.

In ALttP, the pedestal that bears the Master Sword says the following passage:

"The Hero's triumph on Cataclysm's Eve wins three Symbols of Virtue. The Master Sword he shall then receive, keeping the knights line true."

This is referring to Link destroying Ganon with the Sword at the end of OoT. This proves that ALttP is after OoT.

In the Wind Waker, Hyrule has been hidden away for hundreds of years. Most had forgotten about the Sword, and thus it was usually referred to as “The Blade of Evils Bane.” In both WW and OoT, the sword acts as a key, holding Ganon’s evil in check.

The Master Sword in Twilight Princess is the only sword that can stop Ganondorf. It also allows Link entrance into the Temple of Time. The Temple had been hidden away for years, with the Sword resting in the place.

The Temple of Time
The Temple of Time was consists of two major important things: It houses the Master Sword, as well as the gateway to the Sacred Realm. It was built sometime before Ocarina of Time and after Minish Cap. When Link opens the Door of Time and takes the Master Sword, Ganondorf enters as well, taking control of Hyrule.

The Temple of Time takes on an interesting appearance after OoT. On the Child Timeline, the Temple of Time is presumably destroyed when the gods flood Hyrule; this can be deduced because in Wind Waker, the Master Sword is found in the basement of Hyrule Castle rather than the Temple. It is unknown what happened to the entrance to the Sacred Realm.

At the end of OoT, Link puts the Master Sword away after defeating Ganon. This has an interesting effect on the Adult Timeline. Because the Master Sword is forgotten about, as such is the Temple of Time. It eventually decays to the point that an entire forest grows around the Sword. Evidence of this can be found in A Link to the Past, where the Master Sword is found in the Lost Woods.

More evidence of this theory is established in Twilight Princess, where the Sword rests in the Sacred Grove. When Link takes the Master Sword, he opens the Temple of Time once again. This is more evidence of the fact that TP takes place on the Adult Timeline.

The Hero’s Spirit
The Hero’s Spirit is a ghost-like entity who teaches Link secret moves in Twilight Princess. I believe that the Hero’s Spirit is actually Link from Ocarina of Time. I have no concrete proof of this, and it is only a theory. Here is my reasoning.

First, the Hero’s Spirit says that he accepted his role of Hero long ago. While no specific dates are given in the timeline, Ocarina of Time is the longest time apart from TP. This doesn’t really mean much except that he was once a Hero, likely a Link.

Second, the Spirit says, "Go and do not falter, my child!" This could mean that the Hero sees Link as a successor of sorts.

Third, the Hero says, "At last, the skills I have to teach you have entered the realm of true secrecy. They are forgotten ways that do not leave our bloodline." The bloodline he is referring to may be referencing the fate of the Triforce and those chosen by the gods.

Fourth and finally, the Hero moves his feet in a way that Link did when targeting in OoT.

There is not conclusive evidence to back this up, and, like this whole timeline, nothing is official until we get word of it, but I believe that this was put in as an Easter egg for fans to find.

Many thanks to the following:
Zelda Wiki

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
IWontGetOverTheDam, let me just say that your timeline is excellent. I don't see a flaw in it, and it was interesting to read. You put your knowledge and the knowledge of other very informative resources together, thus making this great timeline.

Awesome post.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Dam one of the best time lines i've seen. Okay so Twilight Princess happens in the adult Time line while Wind Waker is in the kid? That could mean that the sages where awakened in both time lines but then that opens the question about Fado and Laruto.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Here's my sage theory: The sages were reborn at the same time on each timeline. On Child Timeline, Ganondorf killed two of the sages (we don't know if he killed more, but then again, we don't know if there were any more) to keep Link out of the temples. On the Adult Timeline the sages are reborn, but are going to execute Ganondorf. Anyways, the theory is that every time Ganondorf returns, the Sages are reborn.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
IWontGetOverTheDam, let me just say that your timeline is excellent. I don't see a flaw in it, and it was interesting to read. You put your knowledge and the knowledge of other very informative resources together, thus making this great timeline.

Awesome post.
Dam one of the best time lines i've seen. Okay so Twilight Princess happens in the adult Time line while Wind Waker is in the kid? That could mean that the sages where awakened in both time lines but then that opens the question about Fado and Laruto.
Thanks, guys. :D

I'm adding a section about the Temple of Time to my theory. It's in the timeline, and I'll post it here, too.

The Temple of Time
The Temple of Time was consists of two major important things: It houses the Master Sword, as well as the gateway to the Sacred Realm. It was built sometime before Ocarina of Time and after Minish Cap. When Link opens the Door of Time and takes the Master Sword, Ganondorf enters as well, taking control of Hyrule.

The Temple of Time takes on an interesting appearance after OoT. On the Child Timeline, the Temple of Time is presumably destroyed when the gods flood Hyrule; this can be deduced because in Wind Waker, the Master Sword is found in the basement of Hyrule Castle rather than the Temple. It is unknown what happened to the entrance to the Sacred Realm.

At the end of OoT, Link puts the Master Sword away after defeating Ganon. This has an interesting effect on the Adult Timeline. Because the Master Sword is forgotten about, as such is the Temple of Time. It eventually decays to the point that an entire forest grows around the Sword. Evidence of this can be found in A Link to the Past, where the Master Sword is found in the Lost Woods.

More evidence of this theory is established in Twilight Princess, where the Sword rests in the Sacred Grove. When Link takes the Master Sword, he opens the Temple of Time once again. This is more evidence of the fact that TP takes place on the Adult Timeline.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Wow, that's a pretty good timeline. I actually understood the whole thing.
Prepare to not understand anything. Ever again. :bee:

SteveT and Masamune said:
The Triforce of Time Theory

First Iteration ------------------------------

It all started when the Hero of Time, Link, was born. Or at least, this event was one corner, arbitrarily considered to be the one in the lower left, and consequently, by the rules of English writing, the first. More accurately, this event marked the first convergence of two sides of the Triforce of Time.

In any case, the Hero of Time was born. His mother, Princess Zelda, held ancient future knowledge of the whereabouts of the Triforce of Courage, and her jealous brother demanded it from her. Meanwhile, war broke out in Hyrule. In the strife that followed, she deposited her son with the Great Deku Tree, who raised him as a Kokiri. Zelda herself, as told in the Adventure of Link back-story, was put to sleep by a wizard in her brother’s employ. The spell was such that although the wizard certainly had not planned it this way, Zelda slept backwards through time, rejuvenating as she did so (this will make sense later).

Eventually, Ganon came to Hyrule. Link then became involved in the familiar plot of Ocarina of Time. With Ganon sealed in a prison that transcended time, Link was free to relive those seven years in the comfort of the Kokiri woods. In fact, he resided there much longer than seven years, and prolonged exposure to Deku Tree magic combined with Princess Zelda’s (not the same as the sleeping Zelda) rejuvenating spell permanently caused Link to age very slowly, even after leaving the Kokiri forest. (Ocarina of Time)

Link then was lured into Termina by the Skull Kid. There, he saved Termina, and in a feat of dramatic irony completely failed to realize that just as Termina was locked in a time loop to prevent its own destruction, Hyrule was in a much larger time triangle to prevent its salvation. This irony was not lost on Tingle, as shall be shown. (Majora’s Mask)

Due to the unpredictable nature of inter-dimensional travel, when Link left Termina, he found that Hyrule had long ago been destroyed and was now a system of islands. (Not that he remembered Hyrule. Link was a chronic amnesiac—the rejuvenating spells affected his mind as well as his body.) He was adopted by a kindly old woman, who took mercy on this homeless piece of driftwood. He lovingly referred to her as “grandmother” and partook of her excellent soup. Soon enough, Link found himself on a pirate ship on a quest to save his sister. Soon enough after that, he was on a quest to stop Ganon from stealing the Triforce.

The King of Red Lions and Jabun explicitly stated that this Link was not the Hero of Time. Shows what they know.

Anyway, Link defeated Ganon, but not entirely. Ganon, the Villian of Time, had the favor of the goddesses. It was their wish for Hyrule to be lost beneath the sea. Here, the timeline would have straightened. However, King Hyrule’s final wish was to bring to Hyrule. That hope could only be achieved in one way: by repairing the past. (The Wind Waker)

After coming up with a plan, the Triforce yanked Link from the new land he would have settled, and dropped him at the doorstep of a friendly knight of Hyrule centuries earlier. The knight took in the boy with no memory, and Link became fond of him, and called him his uncle.

Unbeknownst to Link, he had arrived in Hyrule just before Ganon had freed himself to wreak the havoc that resulted in the flooding of Hyrule. As chronicled in Link to the Past, Link averted this disaster by preventing Ganon from ever escaping the Dark World. This completed the right-hand corner of the triangle. (A Link to the Past)

Link’s uncle became a blacksmith, and on the day he sprouted his first grey hair, Link began to call him “grandpa.” Having already forgotten the events of LttP, Link embraced the power of the Four Sword to defeat the upstart wizard Vaati, with the aid of his new ally, Ezlo. (The Minish Cap)

Thereafter, Link began to wonder why he did not age like the other people of Hyrule. As if to prevent him from realizing who he was, the Triforce intervened and sent him on a quest in the distant lands of Holodrum and Labrynna. Distant in the future, that is. (Oracles)

The Oracle games constitute another corner of the Triforce of Time. Had Link not prevented the resurrection of Ganon, Ganon would have again succeeded in straightening the timeline, and many a good thing would have failed to happen.

After bending time once more, and forgetting who he was once more, Link used the Four Sword to defeat Vaati again. Twice. The second time, he encountered Ganondorf for the first time. That is to say, Ganon was born on this side of the triangle. (Four Swords, Four Swords Adventure)

After this, Link engaged in his ancient hobby of sailing. He was summarily shipwrecked. The goddesses had sent a vicious storm in their anger at having their timeline turned into a triangle. Their plan failed, however, and Link found himself in the mind of the Wind Fish, where he defeated the Nightmare, as shown in Link’s Awakening. The Wind Fish, however, had slumbered for centuries from the point of view of Hyrule, and by the time he awoke, and consequently by the time Link returned to reality, centuries had passed. (Link’s Awakening).

Hyrule had changed so much that Link could hardly consider himself a citizen of it, even if he had known who or where he was. His first action was to save an old woman named Impa from a group of Moblins. She begged him to collect pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom and defeat Ganon, which he gladly did, since he didn’t really have much going on at the moment. (The Legend of Zelda)

He then went on to awaken the sleeping Princess Zelda, who after her slumber back through time was a young woman again. (The Adventure of Link)

Link married Zelda and helped rebuild Hyrule. Nine months later, the timetrangle converged, and Link was born.

Second Iteration ---------------------------

The shock of becoming his own father was too much for Link. Deciding he need to find himself, Link abandoned his family and wandered Hyrule for decades, until settling in the Ordana province. He became a rancher, until Zant’s minions attacked his village. Enslaved by Midna, he set off to defeat Zant and restore order. As it turned out, Zant was just a pawn of Ganon, so Link fought him, too. (Twilight Princess)

In the coming months, Link’s amnesia finally began to fade. Link became obsessed with fairies, slouched until his height diminished, gained a few pounds, and adopted the name “Tingle,” after the sensation he constantly felt when an old memory came to him.

He resolved to spare himself from the pain and suffering that he had experienced, and chased his son, hoping to hinder his every quest with minor annoyances, such as charging too much for maps or distracting him with entertaining games like “hammer tag.”

Sometime before Link to the Past, Tingle came across the Four Sword. He used it and split into four Tingles. They remained separated and kept the Four Sword, calling themselves the Tingle brothers (Tingle, Ankle, Knuckle, and David Jr.). They toured Hyrule, annoying Link at every opportunity.

Tingle died sometime after The Adventure of Link, and his blood was used to revive Ganon, thus prompting Ocarina of Time. But Tingle did not entirely die. Since he was still split, the Magic of the Four Sword kept his spirit alive. His ghost(s) remained in Hyrule.

Third Iteration -----------------------------

Link/Tingle’s ghost desperately hoped to prevent himself from coming into existence. First, he appeared to Link as the Undead Warrior in Twilight Princess. He hoped that his lessons would help his younger counterpart to retain his sanity. When this failed, he decided to try more desperate measures. He waited for Link to appear at the Pyramid of Power (LttP GBA) and tried to murder his younger self.

Fate would not be cheated, however, and Link defeated the Four Tingles, finally laying his own spirit to rest.
Enjoy trying to figure all that out. I've got some nice cool water for when your brain overheats.


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
See, the main difference from that and mine is that mine is that mine is a timeline, with proof and examples from games, while that is a bad fanfic.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
See, the main difference from that and mine is that mine is that mine is a timeline, with proof and examples from games, while that is a bad fanfic.

I didn't make it, but if you look it up (just google 'triforce of time', and you'll find plenty) there's plenty of documentation and proof behind those guys' concepts.

I don't actually buy into it, as there is a lot of assumptions in it, but d*mn if it isn't a good read. :bee:


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
Actually, it doesn't fit at all. Link=Tingle? Only one Link? It's full of holes, and it doesn't even try to acknowledge that it doesn't make sense.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
That sounds too much like a Fanfic.

So if there is 1 Link like that says he would be 200 years old. Ganondorf said in Wind Waker some where that WWLink was the Hero of Time Reborn

Tingle is a state of a curse, caused by Uncle Rupee.

This Triforce of time is bassicly a big fanfic

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
They probably made that as a joke. :p
No, they actually treat is as real.

But like I said, I don't want to be the messenger for the people who made it, so if you have issues with it, go join Zelda Universe and look them up. I'm fully aware of how flimsy it is in certain areas--I just think it's an awesome piece of fan-service, that's all the better because it actually doesn't have any concrete contradictions in it.

GI Josh

Smash Journeyman
May 11, 2008
Mt. Ara
I only see one flaw with your timeline, the minish cap takes place Hundreds of years after the war for the triforce, and, according to a cutscene in OoT, OoT takes place 10-11 years after the war


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
I only see one flaw with your timeline, the minish cap takes place Hundreds of years after the war for the triforce, and, according to a cutscene in OoT, OoT takes place 10-11 years after the war
Wait there was a War for the Triforce? I'm sure they were talking about the Great Cataclysm in OoT


Jul 21, 2008
{sorry for off the timeline topic, just saying somethings ^^D)
I'm stuck in Master Quest... I'm in this room with 2 Blocks of Time in the Spirit Temple and I need to get some box down to press a switch. (but don't tell me how to do it, I haven't used any FAQs or guides yet and wanna keep it this way) This is by far the hardest level in any videogame I've ever played... I was already stuck on it before for a few months (trying to find one key, and realized I missed an eye in some pit) now I'm stuck again...

I personally didn't really dislike the Water Temple. It wasn't THAT bad, but it was still really annoying.
I'm even a big enough loser that I have the JPN soundtrack (along with MM, and WW as well) on my iPod, I love just listen ing to VG music... :p

But this is still the greatest game ever made.
Also, how many people enjoyed Majora's Mask? It's my second favorite game ever, and I think that it is heavily underrated


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
No, they actually treat is as real.

But like I said, I don't want to be the messenger for the people who made it, so if you have issues with it, go join Zelda Universe and look them up. I'm fully aware of how flimsy it is in certain areas--I just think it's an awesome piece of fan-service, that's all the better because it actually doesn't have any concrete contradictions in it.
I actually liked it even though Link ended up becoming Tingle.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
I actually liked it even though Link ended up becoming Tingle.
That's why it's so awesome though. It gives Tingle a whole new meaning aside from his regular whorish self.

NessLuigi said:
Also, how many people enjoyed Majora's Mask? It's my second favorite game ever, and I think that it is heavily underrated
I actually prefer Majora over Ocarina. It took me a while though.

Ocarina was my second (maybe third) Zelda game, and of course the first 3D one, so it had a tremendous impact on me and my views of what games should be like. So when I picked up Majora, I initially detested it. I beat it, then let it sit in a closet for a few years.

During those years, I went through Windwaker, Minish Cap, and the other Zelda's I'd missed. I also played Ocarina through many, many more times. After a while, I picked up MM again, and lo and behold, it was suddenly a masterpiece.

Through the gift of retrospect, I saw that it has an incredibly emotional storyline, made even better by the very un-Zelda tone and setting. Ocarina's the epitome of the staid "quest", but Majora's a true piece of art.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Any one noticed some thing about the Darknut in the Temple of time. It just noticed it right now. Ganondorf OoT sword and the DarkNut in the Temple of Time have the Same Blade design. The Hilt is different though

Is this pure coincidence or could it mean some thing else?


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
No, they actually treat is as real.

But like I said, I don't want to be the messenger for the people who made it, so if you have issues with it, go join Zelda Universe and look them up. I'm fully aware of how flimsy it is in certain areas--I just think it's an awesome piece of fan-service, that's all the better because it actually doesn't have any concrete contradictions in it.
The idea of a single-Link timeline was actually a very real possibility for a long time. I think coherency-wise it was possible (maybe not probable) up until Wind Waker. They've compensated in their timeline for these discrepancies by suggesting that Link was so affected by the flow of time that he jumped frequently and was dis-affected by normal aging (which is not outside the realm of possibility, knowing some of the plots the Japanese come up with for their games). It's clever. Unlikely, but clever.

Now just imagine the disarray the whole Zelda universe would be thrown into if that futuristic Zelda was made. :laugh: We'd be right here (and in the Stone Tower Temple) discussing it for months on end.

EDIT: A thought just came to me, off-topic though it might be. Is every Mario a single Mario? Or is there a Mario born every time evil raises throughout the land?


Smash Lord
Dec 5, 2007
You know, I thought that exact same thing the other day. Is SMG's Mario the samer person from SM64? And is Paper Mario the same person, or a different person entirely?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
It's an homage.
Fix'd. ;)

derek.haines said:
Is every Mario a single Mario? Or is there a Mario born every time evil raises throughout the land?
Mario's not a chronologically-structured series. Each game is a separate identity, with little to no continuity or influence on the others (the 2 Yoshi's Island games might be related or something, and I think the Mario & Luigi games are as well, but outside of that--).

So yeah, it's the same Mario in all the games.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Pallet Town
You know, I thought that exact same thing the other day. Is SMG's Mario the samer person from SM64? And is Paper Mario the same person, or a different person entirely?
I think we'd again be looking at alternate timelines (CURSE YOU MIYAMOTO-SAN, AND YOUR TIMELINES). SM64, Sunshine, and Galaxy would all be the same Mario, and that would probably be the same Mario as World, and SMB 1 & 3. Yoshi's Island and the Mario and Luigi games would probably fit into this timeline somewhere as well.

Paper Mario would represent an alternate timeline, although the Mario in all three games would be the same.

Could be a fun topic to get started if anybody would be interested.

Chief Mendez said:
Mario's not a chronologically-structured series. Each game is a separate identity, with little to no continuity or influence on the others (the 2 Yoshi's Island games might be related or something, and I think the Mario & Luigi games are as well, but outside of that--).

So yeah, it's the same Mario in all the games.
One could make the the argument that Zelda--except for direct sequels--is not a chronologically-structured series either, as per the admission of Miyamoto himself. A big part of the fun is trying to put everything together to make it fit, and find where everything would go if it were a true chronological series.

Now, uh, back to the Zelda before we get in trouble. ;)
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