Alright, I guess I'll bring up general issues on the match-up (my experiences

), and get opinions on how you handle them.
GnW has always given me trouble on WiFi. I haven't played a Game and Watch offline yet.
But ya, I'm agreeing with A2 on this match-up. You really have to watch his spacing mistakes, pretty hard for a Game and Watch to do. Just the effort you have to put in to punish his mistakes, and bait him with K.O moves is ridiculous!
Offstage, it's hell. He can just f-air you, and your toast if you recover from too low. Your only options are to airdodge, or Cape it on reaction, and both of those can still put you in a bad spot because his f-air will still sourspot you. Always, always keep your second jump, recover high. If he sour spots dsmash us, well for one it sends in a horrible trajectory, forcing us to use our double jump. And unless the Game and Watch makes a really bad mistake we'll make it on.
Second spacing issues...Okay umm all he has to do is b-air, and we're screwed. Unless if we're really close inside of him then our aerials outspeed his, but however he can just always up B, and reset the situation. And keep on using b-air to keep us out, that's also the reason why we can't follow up with anything, or use any strings on him. It's really painful to wrack up damage in this match-up. You'll most likely trade hits with him, but he'll take the least amount of damage.
And here comes the KO'ing part. Well...Game and Watch has plenty of options to K.O us. Fsmash our RCO lag, Up Smash: This move goes through everything we have, is the biggest hitbox I've ever seen in my entire life (Yea...bigger then Snake's u-tilt get @ me!) and it's easy as pie to land. Oh and then there's d-smash. Oh where would I be without it? Well firstly this goes through all of our aerials ROFL! Sends us in a bad trajectory as stated above if sourspotted and kills us at like...90%...very quick, lagless, can spam multiple times. When in doubt GnW, just dsmash us. For us? Well...we could dsmash too but it's fairly easy for him to bucket break, and you will rarely rarely land an fsmash unless he makes a big bobo and whiffs an aerial.
You guys may have already covered some of these points, but I'm just explaining my opinion on why I think Game and Watch is 65:35 or worse for us.