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The Mages Present: CATACLYSM 4 - Mods please lock this thread.

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Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Zaf my remark about being bugged for two days was directed towards Dark.Pch xD. I have your christmas present btw. It's a rotten peach. Suits you perfectly.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ok, time to get serious, I will post this here and now tojust get it out there and say you have not been warned.

Look at what this fool left me on my profile:

"Cat4 is going to be full of misery for you lulz. I'm going to be at your back for...2 days?! IRL?!?"

You all know he has nothing better to do but to troll me and try to piss me off. Now I warn you now,If he actually tries to test me, I will not back down to kick his azz, and I don't mean the game. thier is a level of tolorance for something like this, and he tends to go way too far. Yhis harrassment is crazy.

No one is stopping me from beating his azz if it continue. idc who you are or if I get kicked out of the venue. I am here to have fun and do well at this tournament. and I will not have BS on my way. the dumbazz can even take this as a threat. He keeps going on with this and even in my matches, I will not freeze up to drop my controller and beat his punk azz.

Also to avoid this, I would also advise I not play him. since I want nothing to do with him or BS to begin with. playing him for a bo3 is really nothing. I play, get this over with, and then be on my way to what is more important.

My first and last post to you since I was unbamnned Niko_K, I am serious here, don't **** with me in the tournament, don't start **** and don't interfere in my matches cause I swear on my dad, if you keep going at it and testing me/bugging me at this, nothing is gonna stop me form beating your azz. You want your matches you got them, when it ends, you stay out of my way and say **** to me for the whole 2 days. no friends, no hand shakes, no friendlies matches, no nothing, and no one is gonna get me to be friends with you. Before we play and after you say **** to me and stay out of my way.


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
LMAO @ this nonsense between niko k and dark pch that has been going on for like 4 months. niko k you're really ****ing annoying, dark pch is no saint but you are clearly in the wrong here, get off his nuts plz. dark pch dont worry, niko wont try **** in person, he seems like the type that likes to say a lot when he's sitting at a computer then in person he wont say ****.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
LMAO @ this nonsense between niko k and dark pch that has been going on for like 4 months. niko k you're really ****ing annoying, dark pch is no saint but you are clearly in the wrong here, get off his nuts plz. dark pch dont worry, niko wont try **** in person, he seems like the type that likes to say a lot when he's sitting at a computer then in person he wont say ****.
He's what you call a joker :laugh:

Seriously, Dark Pch, I know that at this point no amount of convincing will make you change your mind, but you're taking this completely the wrong way lol.

Oh god why am I getting involved with this?



Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
LMAO @ this nonsense between niko k and dark pch that has been going on for like 4 months. niko k you're really ****ing annoying, dark pch is no saint but you are clearly in the wrong here, get off his nuts plz. dark pch dont worry, niko wont try **** in person, he seems like the type that likes to say a lot when he's sitting at a computer then in person he wont say ****.
niko is a joker
he is being taken tooooo seriously.
anthony is right lol

i also dont wanna actually see them fight, it'd be stupid
if u play the matches, just play them
dont get kicked out niko
dont make me drive you there for nothing


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
LMAO @ this nonsense between niko k and dark pch that has been going on for like 4 months. niko k you're really ****ing annoying, dark pch is no saint but you are clearly in the wrong here, get off his nuts plz. dark pch dont worry, niko wont try **** in person, he seems like the type that likes to say a lot when he's sitting at a computer then in person he wont say ****.
honestly I dont care for crap like this. you know? Its competitive gaming, this **** is what keeps it hype and interesting. I have been trashed talked before in my matches cause obviously I am not liked and what the other player to win. So its nothing. Hell I think I have done it a few times in tournaments? (doubt it though, I am not that kind of person.

But this dude really wants to go too far. And he already knows that I hate the kid. He stays trolling me 24/7 when I do or say **** to him. And I think an azz kicking is in order. Now he is just doing it to just be an azzhole.

Like I said before, i'm just saying this now, so if you see me drop him where he stands, you won't be surprised. I have more important things to worry about in this tournaments then some 17 year old drug dealer. So he best to just cool it with the crap. I would not have a problem with the boy at all if he calm this **** down, and I even tried once before to be cool with him, but the ***got continues. so no one can say I never tried and I am the bad one here.

I said my peace, we will see what happens on saturday

And Zaf, if you dont want Niko to get kicked out and make your drive a waste, you best to talk to him and calm his azz down.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
"joking" with one person who clearly hates you for SEVERAL MONTHS is ****ing ******** and annoying, not funny.

This is to a point where it is harrassment. and isnt that against the rules on this site? ether way it is straight up harrassment, and now he wants to do it in person. I had people get on me before like he did for w/e reason, wether joking or not, but they got some sense into them and let it go. This is not the same with that tool. He is seriously asking to get his azz kicked.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada

This is to a point where it is harrassment. and isnt that against the rules on this site? ether way it is straight up harrassment, and now he wants to do it in person. I had people get on me before like he did for w/e reason, wether joking or not, but they got some sense into them and let it go. This is not the same with that tool. He is seriously asking to get his azz kicked.
just ignore him
if you see a post from niko
skip it

he probably wont bother you in person
forget it,
dont try to swing at him, because you will miss
and no one needs to get kicked out the venue


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
just ignore him
if you see a post from niko
skip it

he probably wont bother you in person
forget it,
dont try to swing at him, because you will miss
and no one needs to get kicked out the venue
Don't they make "ignore user" features for this kind of purpose?
Ok Its not about the forums. I have been ignoring that fool ever since I was unbanned. and ever since I came back he has been trying to get me to respond to him for the longiest with harrassment posts and trolling. and I have not replyed to him at all. So that I don't care for.

But now he wants to take this in person. and this is what I am getting at, not the interent, and nothing is stopping me from throwing the first punch if he goes on.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You people best to talk to him. Cause once I get to the venue and I see him, I wont say a word to him. or be anywhere near him. I'm actually doing my part to avoid him. Tell that fool to do the same. But as you can see, he want's to start ****. so no one dare come to me like I am the bad one here at all.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
...At least make it a turnip fight

Seriously though, Dark, Niko has been messing with you all this time completely because he knows it bothers you. Stop taking every word someone says to heart, and Niko stop acting like a kid. It's getting out of hand, just end it.

EDIT: and Zaf I'm sorry I just want to try to team with someone that I know for a fact is amazing, and also if you play Yoshi I haven't had too much luck teaming with a Yoshi player. It's just not a good combination of characters. So sorry if I sounded like a jerk/a high school girl lol


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
...At least make it a turnip fight

Seriously though, Dark, Niko has been messing with you all this time completely because he knows it bothers you. Stop taking every word someone says to heart, and Niko stop acting like a kid. It's getting out of hand, just end it.
Did you not read where I said I have been ignoring all his post ever since I was unbanned and dont respond to him?

I said what I had too.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
EDIT: and Zaf I'm sorry I just want to try to team with someone that I know for a fact is amazing, and also if you play Yoshi I haven't had too much luck teaming with a Yoshi player. It's just not a good combination of characters. So sorry if I sounded like a jerk/a high school girl lol
haha, its cool no worries.
just wanted to try a different zss partner, seeing my partner in montreal is a zss.
and cuz ur sex as well o.o

i don't play yoshi, i just support my friend who play yoshi by using a yoshi avatar
i use mk lol
bit of gaw
bit of dk

try and drag bum with you o.o

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
How about a double ZSS team, Snakeee? :D

j/k, I'm teaming with darc, we'll beat some team we shouldn't normally be able to again LOL


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Don't know where everyone is magically getting the idea that I'd like to fight Dark.Pch, that's ridiculous. I'm allowed to trash talk no? I won't touch him, but I'll trash talk when I feel like it lmfao.

That being said I think I'll stop harassing Dark.Pch after this event.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Talk and mess with m,e when he feels like it.....

Someone is getting knocked out. You all have been warned about this and just wait for it. Soon as he starts with me, he is getting drop where he stands.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
You need to stop over reacting. Trash talk is a part of every tournament. Especially with international attendance. Just another example of how much you over react. Honestly, I'd rather not have to fight you over something so petty.

It would be pretty silly to attempt to fight me because of trash talking. I'm not getting kicked out because of this stupidity. If you can't handle trash talk then you should bring ear plugs along.

Trash talk at every tournament is inevitable. It's not just you whos going to be trash talked either, I'm entitled to trash talk anyone I like at the tournament, and so is everyone else.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I'm only posting to you right now cause it is a serious matter.

You say 2 ****s to me. What part of I dont like you don't you ****ing understand. You think this **** is cute. it is not. You keep my name and anything dealing with me out your potty mouth.

I have no clue why you stay on my case but for the internet, I could care less, now this is getting to offline. You come into any of my matches talking ****, and I will kick your azz., and I don't care what the hell happens to me. Lets see you laughing with a black eye and bruses back to canada.

You turned this **** into something not funny anymore. I don't like you, you are a peaice of **** and scum to even the Peach boards. I hate you, what more can I say to describe your dumbazz? you come at me for no reason and keep going at it when everyone tells you to **** off and give it up. Take a hint, I can't stand you. I warn you for your own good cause I seriously don't want to have to fawk up a 17 year old pot head over a damm game, but try me at this tournament and I swear on my dad, I will beat your azz. you will get the azz kicking you had comming to you for months.

Niko, take this as a warning and advice. I really don't wanna have to go through this ****. I am not here for you and could give a fawk about you in general. so best stay out of my way, away from me and not say **** to me or in my matches. And if you plan to break this rule,You best to have people to protect your punk azz from me, I freaking swear. Do your thing and play your tournament matches and worry about making it into the pro bracket and forget about you testing me in risk of an azz kicking. So I freaking dare you to harrass me at this, you best to just end it here.

From how you been and acting and all the bull**** you did, you lost the right to trash talk me and it be cool/legit.


Smash Champion
Oct 21, 2007
st catharines, ontario
Talk and mess with m,e when he feels like it.....

Someone is getting knocked out. You all have been warned about this and just wait for it. Soon as he starts with me, he is getting drop where he stands.
didnt u wanna team with niko before(that shows alot of hospitality) Now you don't even want to see him. :confused:


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I always thought Niko was just trying to get into your head so that he'd have an advantage in a money match...

I don't know what to think anymore LOL

On a brighter note, do we have any solid confirmation on a live stream for this weekend? I'm planning on having some friends over to watch the epicness.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I'm only posting to you right now cause it is a serious matter.

You say 2 ****s to me. What part of I dont like you don't you ****ing understand. You think this **** is cute. it is not. You keep my name and anything dealing with me out your potty mouth.

I have no clue why you stay on my case but for the internet, I could care less, now this is getting to offline. You come into any of my matches talking ****, and I will kick your azz., and I don't care what the hell happens to me. Lets see you laughing with a black eye and bruses back to canada.

You turned this **** into something not funny anymore. I don't like you, you are a peaice of **** and scum to even the Peach boards. I hate you, what more can I say to describe your dumbazz? you come at me for no reason and keep going at it when everyone tells you to **** off and give it up. Take a hint, I can't stand you. I warn you for your own good cause I seriously don't want to have to fawk up a 17 year old pot head over a damm game, but try me at this tournament and I swear on my dad, I will beat your azz. you will get the azz kicking you had comming to you for months.

Niko, take this as a warning and advice. I really don't wanna have to go through this ****. I am not here for you and could give a fawk about you in general. so best stay out of my way, away from me and not say **** to me or in my matches. And if you plan to break this rule,You best to have people to protect your punk azz from me, I freaking swear. Do your thing and play your tournament matches and worry about making it into the pro bracket and forget about you testing me in risk of an azz kicking. So I freaking dare you to harrass me at this, you best to just end it here.

From how you been and acting and all the bull**** you did, you lost the right to trash talk me and it be cool/legit.
The irony in this post is outrageous, you've been the fuel to this fire the entire time. All I've had to do is type a few words and let you distort the rest.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
didnt u wanna team with niko before(that shows alot of hospitality) Now you don't even want to see him. :confused:
That was my LAST attempt to be cool with him. And as you can see, if failed, thanks to that ***got. I'm done with the ****.

I always thought Niko was just trying to get into your head so that he'd have an advantage in a money match...

I don't know what to think anymore LOL
He could have kept it simple and average rivary. What he does is not rivary or close to it. its straight up stupidity and harrassment. and you can't be rivals with a person who hates you to the core.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I don't even hate you! I never have. I've been nothing but calm with you and have just poked at some funny things you've said over the past. You just let this insignificant things effect you so strongly. I don't even know why I need to explain myself, it's soooooooooo obvious.

If you just calmed down everything would've stopped in like, april.
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