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The Mages Present: CATACLYSM 4 - Mods please lock this thread.

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Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
The irony in this post is outrageous, you've been the fuel to this fire the entire time. All I've had to do is type a few words and let you distort the rest.
Dude, ever since I have been unbanned you tried so hard to be on my **** and I have not responded to you at all. you trolled and insulted me and I said **** to you. So don't give me that please. Hell, if you wanna keep harrassing me online and ****, go right ahead, I'll just ignore all your post and not respond to you, Now you take this **** in person and you will be dropped to the floor, case closed. try me.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Dark.Pch I think you're getting a bit ridiculous xD. Have fun getting kicked out of Cat4.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I don't understand what the **** you two are arguing about. I'm clearly the best peach. >_>
Dude, now you know. After you seen me in N.J, you should know better

Dark.Pch I think you're getting a bit ridiculous xD. Have fun getting kicked out of Cat4.
Ha ha, ha ha "xD" you want. Lets see you laugh with a black eye. Don't worry though, I'll kick your azz to a point where you will be able to walk out of the venue

Hey there Dark.Pch im a 17 year old pot smoker !!!!

I'm fawking you up too.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I hope you don't expect me to take you seriously. It's pretty ridiculous that you've resorted to making physical threats towards me. Good shiz.



Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Then dude, all you have to do is start your bull**** to me when you see me and not be a pusssy. And I'll drop your punk azz where you stand. Just do, open your mouth and talk **** and watch me fawk you up.

I mean, if I am clearly not gonna do anything and I am all talk as you say, then by all means, on saturday do it. Don't have no one protect you from the azz kicking nether, just come to me with your BS so I can just drop you. and as much as I hate you?, I will not hesitate.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Um... can I have some fighter info on Niko and Dark Peach please.

Like IRL fighting backgrounds and training/ experience. I'd like to start taking bets soon.

And Niko, no you can't say "If I can get shot and still go to a tourney I can take Dark Peach"

Sh*t son, this tourney seems to be quite high on the hype scale. Like, on a scale of 1-Hype, its like a 9... and the scale only goes up to 7!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Um... can I have some fighter info on Niko and Dark Peach please.

Like IRL fighting backgrounds and training/ experience. I'd like to start taking bets soon.

And Niko, no you can't say "If I can get shot and still go to a tourney I can take Dark Peach"

Sh*t son, this tourney seems to be quite high on the hype scale. Like, on a scale of 1-Hype, its like a 9... and the scale only goes up to 7!
Been jumped 2 times by punk azz people plus one fight in my foster home.. First time was because this dude was testing me in school, and just fawking with me. till one day I had enough and when he ask to fight me after school, I said ok. *of course he has his boys with him*

We go to a spot and end of the day and ended up fighting. Started beating his azz, toss him on to a car and continued the azz kicking on the ground. and his boys seeing him getting beat up, just came in and started jumping me like punks. But one of my boys came in and broke the fools off me and they all ran. Few scrapes and cuts don't do a thing to you. Then dude comes to school the next day and says he is sorry for what happen. All for the fact that he was getting beat up and needed his boys to save him. he was so embarrassed.

Second time I got jumped was my 2 or third year in high school. This gang just came into the handball court, one struck me from the back and I fell to the floor, then thats when they were pounding on me. maybe like 5-6 people. I got an azz kicking on one of them, but then all started comming at me at once. I had no choice but to just shield. What was messed up was no of the people/friends there did anything in fear. lil limpy with some cuts and all. but good enough for school the next day.

Then last fight I got into was at this foster home.This fat azz roomamte that I had kept messing with me like he owned the room and can do what he want. So one day he pushes me to the wall, and I just dropped him to the bed and started pounding his azz until the lady of the houses son pulled me off him, and I did not wanna stop pounding his fat azz. dude was a punk and got beat up by everyone around here. Dude has no respect and ran **** like if I was not in the room living there as well. I had enough of it so decided that once he starts with me again, an azz kicking is in order.

*idk why I posted all of this, just to be funny and you wanted to know my history*

I would not be posting all this **** and even posting to Niko right now if I was not seriously gonna fawk him up. I am doing it for his own saftey and BS in genral that is not needed at this tournament. I am here to do one job, place high with Peach in this region and have fun doing it. and of course have fun at this tournament in general. I am not posting this to sound tuff and **** over the net. I am posting this to be serious and avoid problems I don't wanna have. So for that pusssys own good and for a good time for me and him at this tournament, he best to fawk off on saturday. As I said, no one is stopping me from pounding on him.and as he said earlier he stop harrassing me after this tourny, so he will still be at it on saturday. So I am not the bad one here at all. He is asking for it with the BS, and he will get it.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
Looks like I have some IRL emotional threshold testing to do. Prepare for hugs after I win :) I'll be so overjoyed.
Dark, could you please just embrace Niko's.........embrace.........

Put aside the biases and think about the amazing avatars and sigs a picture like that could make. Think of the things a picture like that could achieve.

You guys could end the f*****g wars everywhere in the entire world with that picture.
LOLOL. ily guys.
no homo.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Ok Its not about the forums. I have been ignoring that fool ever since I was unbanned. and ever since I came back he has been trying to get me to respond to him for the longiest with harrassment posts and trolling. and I have not replyed to him at all. So that I don't care for.
Maybe if there was actually truth to what you said there wouldn't be any problems.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
lol there's nothing to worry about.

Niko and Dark aren't going to show up and IRL fight eachother lmao xD. They're mature people. They know what's up....they're there to play smash and have fun and that's what they'll do.

It's a rivalry and a dislike of eachother. Doesn't mean an ACTUAL fight will break out.

I wouldn't worry about it. They aren't two kids who plan on beating eachother up lolol....they're two respected smash players.

It'll be fine, but good looking out ;)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Maybe if there was actually truth to what you said there wouldn't be any problems.
Show me a post where I responded to him ever since I was unbanned besides this thread to talk about this crap.............alright then.

And If I have to back down from this tournament alll cause of me beating up this punk azz, then I will. cause as I said, nothing is stopping me if he starts his ****.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
I never intended there to be a fight, nor do I want one. I'd rather play in the tournament that I'm traveling 10 hours to attend than fight some 21 year old black guy in which I have no real anger towards.

Dark.Pch you need to grow up. If you do swing at me though because of my trash talking, all that is going to happen is your going to get kicked out of the venue. I'd like to stay so I'm not going to react.

Nintendude is a pretty cool guy. Same with Thumbs. Thumbs are you coming?!


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
just read Dark's big long post....LOL....i would hope what I said initially is true. There's going to be trash talk, but deal with it.

it's smash.
trash talk happens.
Dark, keep this a respected rivalry and don't turn it into one that's a joke.
Be a lover, not a fighter.
You dork. :D

And Niko, I know you just do all the things you do for entertainment so I'm not really worried about you wanting to fight xD xD. lolol. I actually expect you to be pretty cool to dark's face lol.



Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Before any of this drama even occured he insisted that I not even talk to him, so I'm not really even given the chance. So what should I do? May as well continue.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I never intended there to be a fight, nor do I want one. I'd rather play in the tournament that I'm traveling 10 hours to attend than fight some 21 year old black guy in which I have no real anger towards.

Dark.Pch you need to grow up. If you do swing at me though because of my trash talking, all that is going to happen is your going to get kicked out of the venue. I'd like to stay so I'm not going to react.

Nintendude is a pretty cool guy. Same with Thumbs. Thumbs are you coming?!
I'm hispanic first off, lets get that straight, and I told you before, I dont care if I get kicked out of the venue for beating your azz, that would make me more happy kicking your azz as if I won the damm tournament.

Any way to not cost anyone money and time over me kicking your azz, I will drop out from this tournament. As much as I want to go and do my thing, I'll pass on this for the sake of other smashers. This is not far to everyone else here.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Very small chance that I'm coming Niko. I was just in CT this past weekend for the Melee tourny there and it was awesome. I don't want to ride the bus again for 7 hours, so unless I carpool with some friends I'm not going.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2007
Oshawa 905
Ah alrighty then. I'll see you at COT4 or Ch5 then.

This tournament is going to be so much hype!!!! I'm stoked to see how well (or badly) Ally does.

EDIT: Dark.Pch isn't going anymore? I posted in this thread that he wouldn't show up. Third tournament now? Oh well, no drama.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2008
wth .... you seemed like a pretty mature person when i saw u... but your allowing words to get to u... if you were truly going to there to place high with peach... then you should just make a business decision and not allow personal feelings get in the way. Go to thye tourny, place high, not fight... end of it. Regardless... if you do feel that niko is out to get you your just admitting defeat if you go and fight because he successfully pissed you off... enough to make you get kicked out of a tourny. But if your not going, this post doesn't matter...

Very small chance that I'm coming Niko. I was just in CT this past weekend for the Melee tourny there and it was awesome. I don't want to ride the bus again for 7 hours, so unless I carpool with some friends I'm not going.
how much did it cost?


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA
wth .... you seemed like a pretty mature person when i saw u... but your allowing words to get to u... if you were truly going to there to place high with peach... then you should just make a business decision and not allow personal feelings get in the way. Go to thye tourny, place high, not fight... end of it. Regardless... if you do feel that niko is out to get you your just admitting defeat if you go and fight because he successfully pissed you off... enough to make you get kicked out of a tourny. But if your not going, this post doesn't matter...

10Pyronic_StarrapedmeinamoneymatchwithhisolimaratC3 and mademypeachfeelhorrible


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2006
you know, instead of dropping out, there's always the option that you could just not fight him... maybe i'm too radical lol

there's like a 75% chance (probably higher) that niko is high when he writes his posts... and he really does mean what he says when he talks about not having ill feelings... he's like the quintessential stoner, really easy to get along with lol


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
**** it, I was already placing bets...

Serious note, Dark Peach... You need to fight Niko! (Brawl not IRL I mean). Show up to at least settle this Peach score you guys have, then snub him for the rest of the tourney.

Niko will try to annoy you yes... but he will annoy everyone else while he's at it anyway so it'll be cool.

Show up and rep that dress tier!


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Cheapest way is two different buses (one from here to NY and then from there to CT) which cost $40 altogether for the trip there. Same for the trip back so overall is $80, which is a very good price considering the amtrak costs twice as much.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
wth .... you seemed like a pretty mature person when i saw u... but your allowing words to get to u... if you were truly going to there to place high with peach... then you should just make a business decision and not allow personal feelings get in the way. Go to thye tourny, place high, not fight... end of it. Regardless... if you do feel that niko is out to get you your just admitting defeat if you go and fight because he successfully pissed you off... enough to make you get kicked out of a tourny. But if your not going, this post doesn't matter...
Again, Its not about his words on here, for as I said, besides the serious talk in here, I have not said a word to him since I was unbanned. its about respect and seriously messing with someone just to be a dumb fawk.

Answer me this, for a person that does not like you and can't stand you with a passion, why would you continue to go at it with them, really when they say or do nothing to you at all. You are seriously gonna sit here and tell me he is a saint, and let him get away with this? Not one person on this site that has seen this BS can't say his punk azz does not deserve an azz kicking.

But as I said I am not here for the tool. I'm here for my own reasons and pride. But if he goes on with the harrassment offline just to be a ****, I am suppose to let it slide? Sorry but I don't let **** like that slide, thats why people get bullied until they do something. If you want something ended, you do it yourself.

Wether I go or not is still on the table cause of this tool. I'll give out my answer at 12am. And I also don't wanna let my partner down over this tool as well. I am also concerned about me not screwing this tournament up for smashers. I got thinking to do, my answer will be final if I go or not at midnight.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
They're not going to fight, lol.

I want to watch them play a money match or some shit, though.

I bet $5 on Dark.Pch. :)



Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Leesburg, VA

Again, Its not about his words on here, for as I said, besides the serious talk in here, I have not said a word to him since I was unbanned. its about respect and seriously messing with someone just to be a dumb fawk.

Answer me this, for a person that does not like you and can't stand you with a passion, why would you continue to go at it with them, really when they say or do nothing to you at all. You are seriously gonna sit here and tell me he is a saint, and let him get away with this? Not one person on this site that has seen this BS can't say his punk azz does not deserve an azz kicking.

But as I said I am not here for the tool. I'm here for my own reasons and pride. But if he goes on with the harrassment offline just to be a ****, I am suppose to let it slide? Sorry but I don't let **** like that slide, thats why people get bullied until they do something. If you want something ended, you do it yourself.

Wether I go or not is still on the table cause of this tool. I'll give out my answer at 12am. And I also don't wanna let my partner down over this tool as well. I am also concerned about me not screwing this tournament up for smashers. I got thinking to do, my answer will be final if I go or not at midnight.
stop being so ridiculous and go lmao.

Seriously. You'll probably place pretty well. Just go.

It'll be fun...not to mention two good peach players at a tournament means either way peach will get a pretty good placing :D

and yea...you're supposed to let little things like trolling slide. lol. Things get to you way to easily homie xD. I get why he does it. It's because your reactions are SOOO "LOL".....don't let him bug you so much dark. 99 percent of the things he says are obvious jokes/messing with you/totally not serious. xD

why so serious.

just go and place well. also remember you represent our character when you type big, long paragraphs that don't really make any sense and/or mean nothing (talking about you QQing about niko when he's obviously kidding or joking around with you).

You got this :D....just go and have fun. Nothing will happen and even if there's trash talk...that's just part of smash. So enjoy it. lol.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
I'm thinking skill wise Dark Peach has it to take Niko, but its all dependant on if he can keep his mind in the game with Niko's presence there... wait... sorry... Niko's annoying presence.

BUT thats all up in the air.

Dark Peach... y'know you could always have the officials kick him out if he gets too disrepectful.

You gotta show up to this! When you didn't go to OiN4 Niko even declined a recorded match with me as peach and yer tag... so you must! For the sake of the smash scene! If you go, and you beat him... and then you blow him a kiss and say "Sweet" like peach, I GUARENTEE you will get a national mention on one of the most epic Canadian threads there is...

The Southern Ontario Taut Power ranking!


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Very small chance that I'm coming Niko. I was just in CT this past weekend for the Melee tourny there and it was awesome. I don't want to ride the bus again for 7 hours, so unless I carpool with some friends I'm not going.
you there! are you going to CoT4?


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
wth .... you seemed like a pretty mature person when i saw u... but your allowing words to get to u... if you were truly going to there to place high with peach... then you should just make a business decision and not allow personal feelings get in the way. Go to thye tourny, place high, not fight... end of it. Regardless... if you do feel that niko is out to get you your just admitting defeat if you go and fight because he successfully pissed you off... enough to make you get kicked out of a tourny. But if your not going, this post doesn't matter...

how much did it cost?
Hai Thar. :D

I still think you're amazing at brawl.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
stop being so ridiculous and go lmao.

Seriously. You'll probably place pretty well. Just go.

It'll be fun...not to mention two good peach players at a tournament means either way peach will get a pretty good placing :D

and yea...you're supposed to let little things like trolling slide. lol. Things get to you way to easily homie xD. I get why he does it. It's because your reactions are SOOO "LOL".....don't let him bug you so much dark. 99 percent of the things he says are obvious jokes/messing with you/totally not serious. xD

why so serious.

just go and place well. also remember you represent our character when you type big, long paragraphs that don't really make any sense and/or mean nothing (talking about you QQing about niko when he's obviously kidding or joking around with you).

You got this :D....just go and have fun. Nothing will happen and even if there's trash talk...that's just part of smash. So enjoy it. lol.
I'm thinking skill wise Dark Peach has it to take Niko, but its all dependant on if he can keep his mind in the game with Niko's presence there... wait... sorry... Niko's annoying presence.

BUT thats all up in the air.

Dark Peach... y'know you could always have the officials kick him out if he gets too disrepectful.

You gotta show up to this! When you didn't go to OiN4 Niko even declined a recorded match with me as peach and yer tag... so you must! For the sake of the smash scene! If you go, and you beat him... and then you blow him a kiss and say "Sweet" like peach, I GUARENTEE you will get a national mention on one of the most epic Canadian threads there is...

The Southern Ontario Taut Power ranking!
midnite my answer will come, just wait and see if I go or not. But for now, off to a smash fest and practice this new style of mine I have been working on for weeks. Finally get to try this shizz offline. and if it works well.......oh man, fawk all high tiers.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2007
And just what the hell do I have to be scare of? I seriously don't like this kid-at-all. I don't respond to the idiot on these forums.I never thought I could dislike someone so much on here in my life. I'll play the tool and get this crap done with and be on my way.

When this is over, no hand shakes, no being friends, no friendlie games, no nothing, I seriously don't like the kid and want nothing to do with him at all. and nobody better not try to put me down for this ether, nothing is gonna change my mind at all. He best not even look my way.
SO much hostility

You can take me out of the pro bracket too. No ride, no housing, and the Ravens have a playoff game next Saturday which I really don't want to miss :p

Looking forward to the results though.
Thats prolly gonna be the best game next weekend.

Hope U got tix 2 the game!


This is to a point where it is harrassment. and isnt that against the rules on this site? ether way it is straight up harrassment, and now he wants to do it in person. I had people get on me before like he did for w/e reason, wether joking or not, but they got some sense into them and let it go. This is not the same with that tool. He is seriously asking to get his azz kicked.
I believe an *** - kicking is in order

At least ur approaching the scenario in the best way possible

take it outside, i don't feel like dealing with that
Lazy A**es LMAO!!!


Just to cheer ppl up LMAO too funny

I'd like CA vs USA. That'll be a first

Um... can I have some fighter info on Niko and Dark Peach please.

Like IRL fighting backgrounds and training/ experience. I'd like to start taking bets soon.

And Niko, no you can't say "If I can get shot and still go to a tourney I can take Dark Peach"

Sh*t son, this tourney seems to be quite high on the hype scale. Like, on a scale of 1-Hype, its like a 9... and the scale only goes up to 7!
U are a true hustler!

I never intended there to be a fight, nor do I want one. I'd rather play in the tournament that I'm traveling 10 hours to attend than fight some 21 year old black guy in which I have no real anger towards.

Dark.Pch you need to grow up. If you do swing at me though because of my trash talking, all that is going to happen is your going to get kicked out of the venue. I'd like to stay so I'm not going to react.

Nintendude is a pretty cool guy. Same with Thumbs. Thumbs are you coming?!
This statement offends me...
Leave D peach alone. If some1 don't like U, don't bother them. Cuz thats just idiotic.


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Snakeee, Shadow isn't going? Teams?

No he's not. I'd like to team, but you don't have any points on this and I think I can only make it for day 2. So, probably only if we'd still be in the bracket automatically. I have 30 points, and I'm not sure if that's enough or not. Can someone confirm this please?

Kadaj if I can't team with Diem, and you do have points, then I'll team with you so I'll let you know what happens with this as soon as I find out.

Niko would you want to have our MM here? It was for $50 no? It's up to you.
...and please can you and Dark sign a peace treaty so the younger players are not scared away from attending? lol.
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