Smash Master
Its only natural 4 sum1 2 believe something so logical...You're equally ******** for blindly assuming that M2K is better than Japan's best MK when Japan just sent players who AREN'T EVEN THEIR BEST and beat M2K.
M2K may be the best MK in the world, but it REALLY isn't certain. Yeah, it's pretty obvious that he's the best in north American, but Japan's best MK (Akira, afaik) might be better.
It's really ignorant to just assume that M2K is the best MK in the world.
@Clel: No, I'm pretty sure that Havok used his Snake.
Until proven wrong I believe Brood is better than Richbrown wait I meant vice-versa cuz Rich BEAT ADHD whereas Brood cudn't...
This is my point my evenly ******** friend
Has Japans BEST MK been beasting like M2K??? No...
Therefor I assume that M2K is better...
I'm a Sonic main & currently I think X is da BEST SONIC in da world. Can any1 PROVE otherwise? No... Every1 is entitled to an opinion its just that 2 me ur idea of ANY1 being better than M2K with MK is ridiculous...
Therefor we agree 2 disaggree