Yes it has been awhile! I miss mlg events and meeting everyone! That was so fun.
Also yay! I have found fun in this game again. I played Lucas for awhile last night. It's like everytime I recover to the stage it's an achievement. Lmao
Yes they were! And I know that feeling of achievement haha. You should totally stay with Lucas.
Sorry for this random blurb, but I got to thinking about something due to something posted elsewhere.
I just got a huge reminiscent/nostalgia wave of like 2-3 years ago of these boards thanks to a post in the Ness boards and I don't know but it is really semi-upsetting how like nothing "new" game-play wise is ever talked about in here or anything. Plus all the oldies are gone for the most part and never even post anymore. I also can't believe it's almost been 2+ years since I began posting here as my first boards really.
I started out knowing nothing at all about Lucas and now I know pretty much every single detail about this character down to the frame data. I know how Lucas does against every character in the game and it's just wow the change. I've never been a top player, but I've always been a researcher in terms of Lucas to help out in any way I can. However, now even I'm starting to get better with my Lucas.
I remember staying up late at night writing MUs for the original MU chart instead of the like "exports" I also remember doing the Stage exports and being the discussion leader of this place and doing my random cleaning sprees to make sure things looked nice. Or just discusing things with rPSI. This room has seen it's fair share of mods like Levitas(who I doubt anyone of the newer people know at all) and rPSI and then after him we had me as a DL for a while then after the DLs got canned it got traded off to like TB and then Krys but I don't know if there was anyone between that time period since I stopped brawl for a bit.
I even remember when no one even knew who FAE was before he started to do well. xD I also remember before Mekos was big too and all there really was actively was Pink and Nasty.
I also am reminded of all the times me and a few of the other Lucas mains had to debate other boards that Lucas wasn't that terrible of a character and deserved his spot at the bottom of mid-tier and now other people are finally seeing it is really cool. It's funny cuz we used to joke about it and now it's like an actual reality.
Anyways, the Lucas boards were always a "dead" place and even now it isn't the most active place on SWF but still it has that little spark of energy left in it in a different sense. It's a lot brighter I guess. However, I know like not one of the new people in this thread or the skype chat so it's really different for me to not know any of these Lucas mains/posters.
Now I apologize for the little history lesson/ramble but it was just something that came to my mind at this hour at night. It also makes me want to focus on something. Lately, I have been trying new characters just for fun, but I'm going to stop that.
I'm going to focus my full effort into making my Lucas better than it ever has and learn even more than I already know about this character. I don't know where this drive is coming from but it is something I want to do. I'm also going to get to work in these boards more so if you see me poking around, don't be afraid to hit me up on Skype or something.
Anyways apologize for the little big post. ^^"
@Mekos: I need to talk to you about Lucas doubles more. I have some ideas and the like and I know you created that one thread but I want to expand Lucas Doubles train of thought a bit more.
@FAE: I also need to talk to you a bit about your technique sometime because you are by far the flashiest Lucas so I may hit you up later.
@Pink: I need your help for some MU prowess since you have the largest knowledge of Lucas' MUs in the competitive sense and by far my favorite Lucas style to watch play and the learn from.