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The Louisiana Thread: Flarefox Forever - We are alive.

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
<3 Jnig is my hero

Are you referring to the Shreveport guys? No one else said they were going for sure.

You oughta bring that tier guy with you to Shreveport and ride with them!

Also this tourney gonna be mad free no one good is going so you'll bank



Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
<3 Jnig is my hero

Are you referring to the Shreveport guys? No one else said they were going for sure.

You oughta bring that tier guy with you to Shreveport and ride with them!

Also this tourney gonna be mad free no one good is going so you'll bank


Btw, does Texas have any kind of 64 scene? I've looked at tournament threads for TX every now and then, and found some side tournaments for 64.

I play Melee too, so I can always plan on making a trip over to play that, but I prefer to show up for 64 competition.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 4, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Does america have a 64 scene?

Idk. Tyler has yet to do anything with 64, though I play it more than melee.
But less than brawl.

Florida has one, and there is some northern stuff near NJ. Cali has the infamous isai and some other guys.

It's definitely sparse, but sometimes people pick up and play it for fun or if they think it is easy. I usually carry my 64 around with my Melee setup, so maybe I'll investigate it a little bit when I hit up a TX tourney.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2011
Shreveport, LA
That's right, the same mk that beat both razer and denti to win the whole damn thing. SO SALTY!

People going to Tyler, when do yall plan on leaving? I might join yall.

The same MK who 3-stocked Reflex in that matchup just last month :O. (Link to that, it's game 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whSwRgfbM_w)
Uhh whale, we were planing on leaving that morning because its only like 1.5 hours from Shreveport. We can make plans otherwise though.


Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
You can be at my tourney between 11 and 12 for registration.
Which means leave Shreveport at ~10
Which means leave BR at ~7?
Early. Unless you can house with them~

Also if y'all are running late the day of just text me so I know how far you are~
903 521 7233


GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
I've decided that I'll go to Tyler, but as to when I'm leaving depends on when I work on Friday. If I work in the morning, if it's alright with yall, I'd like to stay the night in Shreveport. If I work at night, I'll just make the long drive in the morning.

Also, I've decided to go to APEX. Registering and booking my flight right now.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2011
So the one Who's Tyler? I can't go to is the same one JNig is going to. Wow this sucks...

Go to the next one too please :/


Deleted member

riot is probably one of the most fan pleasing and hard working companies out there. as they should be, seeing as how they stumbled upon the most popular game in the world. but still, props to them for delivering. this new patch might bring me back into playing LoL for real.

but the community is still worse than terrible.


The Floatinator
Oct 28, 2012
Slidell, Louisiana
Quick question:

Which do you think is better? A low-cost tourney or a higher-cost one? (Example: $5 entry vs $15). This is, of course, assuming that the pay-outs are determined by the entry fees going toward the pot.

Do you think, given significant advanced notice (like maybe 2-3 months in advance) that players, both casual and professional, would want to enter? Or do you think the high-price would be too much of a turn-off? Do you think it would be better to have significant advanced notice on a cheap tourney?

Or maybe a balance between the two, like a $10 entry?

Mr. game and watch

Smash Master
Sep 10, 2010
Tyler, Texas
Depends solely on the tourney.

My tourneys have all been $5 entry fee. Why? Only 17 entrants past 2 times, and mostly scrubs at my tourneys.
No need for big bucks.

However, if my tourneys brought in about ~30 players a day, and they were mostly competitive, I'd do $10 entry.

If we had a regional, I'd go for $15. National, $20 max.


Edit: so what I'm saying is, new players barely want to spend $5 on a tourney.
Pros prefer higher buy ins/bigger pot.

Deleted member

eric i found the n64 to gamecube controller adapter but i only found one site that makes it and its $30. you know of anything cheaper?

(smashcon eric, not eet. unless of course you know the answer eet)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
riot is probably one of the most fan pleasing and hard working companies out there. as they should be, seeing as how they stumbled upon the most popular game in the world. but still, props to them for delivering. this new patch might bring me back into playing LoL for real.

but the community is still worse than terrible.
Riot works hard at making money not making a better game ;....;



Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Nah Tura, the majority of what they do is to make things fun for the casual player. Sure they do some things as a money grab but they kind of have to considering how ****ing big they are. They could never afford to keep the game going if they didn't make at least some money.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Nah Tura, the majority of what they do is to make things fun for the casual player. Sure they do some things as a money grab but they kind of have to considering how ****ing big they are. They could never afford to keep the game going if they didn't make at least some money.
I could explain my view on LoL as having a market drive metagame if you're interested but let me just compare it to dota2. Dota2 balances all heroes with changes to older heroes that bring them to competitive viability. They make money from vanity items which is plenty apparently. Riot gets 10$ million from a Chinese company and releases 1350 rp skins and stops releasing 4800 ip champs, as well as reduce ip gain. In addition when was the last time you saw Annie get a buff or see competitive play?



Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
Nah Tura, the majority of what they do is to make things fun for the casual player. Sure they do some things as a money grab but they kind of have to considering how ****ing big they are. They could never afford to keep the game going if they didn't make at least some money.
****in casuals ruin my ****in game.

riot should just hire me and exclusively take my opinions on how to make their game.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Tura, like I said, they make things fun for the -casual- player. You're talking about things being competitively viable which just doesn't matter for casuals. You mention Annie and while I love Annie, the majority of the players probably wouldn't like that play style because she doesn't have a gap closer. The only 'balancing' they do for competitive players is to make sure no one is completely OP. They do the bare minimum for the competitive scene so it looks like they have a competitive scene to draw in more casuals. Notice the vast majority of their balance changes are to make it so casuals don't flip out about ****.

Also, notice Taylor said 'fan pleasing.' That means they listen to the casuals because casuals far outweigh 'pros' as a player base. Fun for you doesn't necessarily mean fun for the majority of players.

All that being said, you could always fall back on the argument that they make things fun because they have to if they want to make money. No one's going to spend money on a free game that isn't fun, but that doesn't change the fact that they are pleasing the fans and making things fun for them.

As for IP cost and gains? I play enough to get FWotD and maybe 200 more IP a day at most and I still have enough IP to get a new 6300 IP champ every 3ish weeks. That's plenty.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Brawl is probably even more terrible lol.

Also problem being that one champ every 3 weeks as opposed to new champ every 2 weeks. I'm not arguing that LoL is bad or unfun etc. I'm arguing that it is competitively terrible. If that makes sense? Which is what matters to me.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Getting a new champ every 3 weeks vs new ones every 2 weeks, that doesn't matter at all. I don't want every champ that comes out and I barely even play the game. Like I said, 1-5 games a day at most. It's easy to get more IP than me if you want every new champ.

As for competitively terrible? I don't really know since I don't play it competitively.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I could explain my view on LoL as having a market drive metagame if you're interested but let me just compare it to dota2. Dota2 balances all heroes with changes to older heroes that bring them to competitive viability. They make money from vanity items which is plenty apparently. Riot gets 10$ million from a Chinese company and releases 1350 rp skins and stops releasing 4800 ip champs, as well as reduce ip gain. In addition when was the last time you saw Annie get a buff or see competitive play?

The ****? Why would you buff Annie? She was incredibly good for an incredibly long time and she is still very solid. Her biggest problem is that the mid lane currently has very strong characters on every end of the spectrum that cause most of the generalist APs to suffer.

In a fight, Annie is a generalist with a focus on high CD burst/lockdown while maintaining utility past that point with her short range AoE stun, longer ranged single target, and respectable sustained damage from her average cooldown Q/W and Tibbers aura/attacks.

In lane, Annie is okay. She is not a lane focused character, but being a generalist, she has abilities to let her cope with it (that used to make her incredibly good until the lane bullying mids started to come out) in her average cost spells for harass/farm, Q's mana return allowing for mana management as a significant form of sustain and as a farming tool, her amazing auto attack by mid lane standards (she used to have more range than anyone in the game but level 15+ Trist and, I THINK, Ashe and that range is still significant) that lets her last hit creeps and harass champions, and her shield that turns mid lane AA trades in her favor for most match-ups.

She doesn't NEED a buff. She needs two things. First, for Diana to be nerfed (that ***** is a bad influence on the game right now because she absolutely invalidates a lot of mids like Annie without having any real drawback for picking her like Leblanc or other similar characters do). Second, to be played by a big name team or popular streamer and she'll suddenly be FotM. After that dies down, she'll be around for months to come.

How would you buff her without pushing her into stupidity? Would you rework her and ignore the players who enjoy her kit and have been playing her since before release?

Now, I love to ***** about Riot, but, for the most part, they do their job well. I don't think I've ever been mad at a rework they've done (I play Kat, Garen, and Eve), even if I don't think they went far enough with Twitch. The balancing changes you hear people complain about are the only ones you hear about. You never hear people compliment the way they toned down Ezreal to acceptable level or bumped MF up to viability because you never hear anything positive. You will always hear QQ instead of support unless you actively search for it and even then, you quickly forget about it because the things that effect you are the things that oppress you.

As for their pricing scheme? It works. That doesn't make them money worshiping demon-summoners (like MK players). It's how they get the revenue to continue doing the things I like them doing (in addition to continuing upkeep of the game, stuff like holding large events, continuing to give people content, supporting those who support the game, and expanding their staff to include employees from the player base who have a passion for the game and want to see it done right). Skins are a completely peripheral luxury. As long as they make them well, I don't care what Riot wants. I'll pay for my name-brand Ezreal if that's what I want to be seen wearing.

Mogwai got hired why not?

No offense to Okuser, but Mogwai is kinda the best possible man they could've hired. Qualified, passionate, and one of the most knowleagable people I've ever met in addition to being an outstanding person to represent you and being able to present his stances well.

Don't mind my soapbox. I'm bored at work.


Barely keeping the competitive scene alive isn't quite fair either. The metagame has a lot of viable options and is pretty deep in its own right from picks and bans onward. You can say DotA is deeper, but they have less defined role assignments and whether that is better or not is up to preference. Both games have their fair share of champs you ought not be playing in a serious match.

Past that, they put the time, money, and publicity into making their events a success. There are some sacrifices made to casuals (such as nerfs targeting pubstompers and any time ever spent on developing 3s or Dominion), but that's part of any game. I don't see where the hate for how they treat the competitive scene comes from.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
My point being here, is that newer characters are released at a high ip price which gain is reduced of, are doing older characters jobs ex Annie better. Is Annie a weak character? Relatively yes. Overall? No. But due to the power curve that influences people to pay for newer champions the necessity of which is HIGHLY debatable. Riot is the only moba that does that. By appealing to people with the ease of access and illusion of being free ( you will spend some money on it, possibly a lot ) it also bullies stuff like HoN out of the market. ( tbh that was conjecture on my part but w/e). As for viable competitive picks I call bull****. Corki or eZreal bot lane. Ad carry balancing is ****ty as hell. I could also begin to rant about itemization. But I'm typing this on my phone and my thumbs hurt. I won't even go into how much better Dota bans are. 107 champions and we have 6 bans.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
In other words...

Annie's okay.

Is she okay, Ryker? :troll:

Smooth Criminal
See, I knew this would come.

@Turaz - What? Annie is a hella bad example, bro. Older cheaper champs? How about, Alistar, Amumu, Blitz, Cho, Corki, Mundo, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu, Ryze, Shaco, Soraka, Taric, Teemo, Twisted Fate, and Udyr? How about ANIVIA, EVE, JAX, KARTHUS, KAT, MORGANA, and MALPHITE? All of those are viable choices and part of the current metagame. Eleven of those have been given IP cost reductions. In the case of Anivia, Blitz, Corki, and Karthus, they were reduced from 6300 to half of that. In addition to that, champions released past 2009 that are similarly a part of the metagame have also received drops. The 6300 ones alone (including the previously mentioned 4, but not characters like Malz and Garen who aren't a huge factor currently) bring us to 9 that received a price drop.

Use all the facts, man. They aren't intentionally ****** older characters with new releases to get money.

As for your comment about ****ty as hell ADC balance, have you seen the recent changes? Do you know what current Ezreal does? Do you know which ADCs were played at IPL last weekend?

Between that and your sidelong itemization comment, you're proving highlighting why I'm saying they do a fairly good job. They've fixed the ADC problem well and the itemization that you don't like (matter of preference, although I agree with you) got completely overhauled in the patch last night.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Annie is a great example.

Orianna ulti is just as decent as Annie, she outlanes annie, she roams better than annie, and arguably clears better than annie. Also has a shield and ms buff

Nocturne, Teemo, Shaco, Udyr, Ryze, and Nidalee are all subpar picks. Ew. I also rarely see taric despite my own opinions on him

I'm just saying if you give me a champion that's older, a new one is probably better, does a better job, or does more across the board. Maybe not in EVERY case, TF will probably always be good because of his global etc.

But when's the last time you saw Janna?

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Annie is a great example.

Orianna ulti is just as decent as Annie, she outlanes annie, she roams better than annie, and arguably clears better than annie. Also has a shield and ms buff

Nocturne, Teemo, Shaco, Udyr, Ryze, and Nidalee are all subpar picks. Ew. I also rarely see taric despite my own opinions on him

I'm just saying if you give me a champion that's older, a new one is probably better, does a better job, or does more across the board. Maybe not in EVERY case, TF will probably always be good because of his global etc.

But when's the last time you saw Janna?
IPL 5. Janna was picked twice and went 2-0.

You obviously don't understand the merits of a good example. I'm calling Annie an outlier and she is your primary example for every argument you bring up. You say if I give you a champ that's older you can give me one that's better. That's not fair at all. I can say Karma and you can go, "Yeah, Jayce is better." There's no comparison, if you want to say that they fill that they accomplish the character's defining feature better, then you can attempt to do so, but you won't find one with TF, Anivia, Karthus, Nunu, or Jax. I've supplied five examples to the contrary. You're the one who's saying that Riot is intentionally ruining other champs and I don't think that's true.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2011
Same here

eric i found the n64 to gamecube controller adapter but i only found one site that makes it and its $30. you know of anything cheaper?

(smashcon eric, not eet. unless of course you know the answer eet)

All I could find was the same website.


Pretty expensive :\ but I plan on buying a few for each monthly. I could probably make my own it doesn't look very hard but I don't have time very busy with other projects.



Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
It's still in the fire right now. The biggest task right now is finding people in our region who can contribute to the circuit. Right now, we have connections with AL, GA, and TN. I think things will be on hold until we can get MS up and running. At least with MS, we can have a straight solid circuit running from LA to GA.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Wall of text, but important Wintercon info***

Holy balls. All the way to TN lol.

Does MS even have a developed scene?
Last I heard from Erick, smashcon is working with MS, and it sounds like things are really close to having a circuit there (i don't know how large). I know he mentioned having a venue in Bay St. Louis which would be perfect for me because that's a 30 minute drive. They had a tourny the same day as PBS in Hattiesburg, I'm not sure where else. With Wintercon approaching, I'm stuff has slowed. I know after Wintercon, smashcon will be right back at it.

By the way, we are confirmed for Jan 20th. It is a Sunday, not the most convenient of days, but I emphasize now, plan accordingly! We will also be on a tight schedule, we have a big line up of games and we want to run things as quickly as possible so it is important that you be on time. We are currently working out the details to put in the thread, but as of right now with the beta schedule, we open at 11am we will start Brawl/64 doubles at 11:30. We are offering melee dubs and singles, MK9, SF4, P:M, Mario Kart, UMVC3, and we might add some other traditional fighters. There's quite a selection for this con which is why we are on a tight schedule.

Same rules still apply, if you are going to be within 10 minutes late of the tournament you want to be in, give the TO for that tournament a call and or text. Best call because the TO's will probably be running around like crazy and won't notice a text. I hate to be saying this, but it's happened a couple of times in the past: don't rely on anyone to pay your venue fee for you. I hate people calling me up and asking if they were in the tournament for me to say no and them tell me so and so was supposed to pay for them. Also nothing higher than a $10, less than $1 accepted as payment. You are responsible for knowing the tournament details like payment, location, and event times, etc.

If all goes smoothly and we have time, we'll run a free side event for fun. We'll have the thread up soon, but the most important thing you guys need to do is plan accordingly. Save up money, plan who you will carpool with, know which tourny you want to enter, etc, etc.

One more thing, after the Wintercon is over, when the results thread is up, please give us feedback on our performance, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, etc, post them there as well. This will serve as our temporary feedback system until we can get an inbox for the smashcon website so you guys can communicate with us.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I barely even play the game. Like I said, 1-5 games a day at most.

add me on league. stingers135

and league was designed to OPTIMIZE their income, straight up. the high costs for new champs, are designed to take as long as possible while still holding your interest. runes are literally only there to be IP sinks to encourage you to buy champs with RP. lol Im not mad about it since theyre a company, thats what they do, but they dont simply "do some things as a money grab", the whole game is based around the business model


Smash Apprentice
Nov 22, 2010
Bsppppppppppppppppppppp...... I lost your number. Curlz I need a job for spring semester.
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