So I guess I get everyone else then? haha
Seems like it

. But they were people who I assume you wanted to room with anyway like CK, Seb, and Yo.
Glad you had a good time! We were impressed that you made the drive on such short notice. You are a trooper.
Chuck's new house is officially a great place to livestream. New Legion HQ?
Yeah it's been pretty difficult to free up time for the legion these past few weeks, what with QD's gamejam, Cape staying over, and everything else I was telling you about last night. I really wished you guys could've come over here though because I would've liked Gray to have been there. You guys have to meet him one of these days. In a nutshell, he's like the anti-Jason (where Jason is mean, manipulative, arrogant, and always looking for way to screw the system, Gray is chill, lax, and really doesn't have a mean bone in his body whatsoever. I've never seen him angry or irritated at anyone or anything before). But beggars can't be choosers and the sacrifice was well worth it.
As for Chuck's house being the new Legion HQ, hell yeah it should be! We need to livestream Rockband one of these days.
Ah, that's why you weren't at the hot tub store. I would've stopped in if you had been there.
Sounds like TH had a great birthday, that's pretty cool, surprise cake. I didn't even get a birthday cake from anyone last week. Waffle's bday is coming up though! More celebrating!
When's Waffle's birthday again? I hope it's the weekend after next otherwise I won't be able to be there
