It was...interesting lol. I wasn't able to make it to the opening ceremony on Friday, so they had to get a stand in member for the team. They got saddled with some pretentious ******* who said he could do artwork, but I could've drawn better than him as a Kindergartner (in fact I have lol). Also he loves the **** lol.
Anyway, QD texts me to get over here quickly because this guy was awful. I thought he was just exaggerating, but when I got there...uhhh...well let's just say that the player character's sprite looked like Rambo in red tights with a cape that didn't extend past his lower back, spike pits looked like donuts, and the reflection of frozen water looked like a giant hairy *****. So I worked my magic and everyone was happy but him, but we convinced him that I was there to lend a hand rather than to take back the reigns on what was mine. QD pretty much scrapped all of the other dude's artwork when he left lulzlulzlulzlulzlulzlulz.
Anyway, the final product turned out fine, but by the end of it, we didn't even care about the contest and were thinking more in the long term. Like putting it out in retail for that cash money. Progress will be slow with the dev team consisting two programmers and a writer lol.
Good times though. We also tried to see Inception, but good god the line for that was going out of the theater.
I'll definitely be around Thanksgiving weekend though. Though I'll be more excited for my birthday the Monday after :D.