I like the ending of that story.
Was that the ECRC C3? I remember that one well. It was probably my best Brawl tourney ever. So many high-ranking players there and I managed to beat G-Reg and P~S and some other good players and snag 9th

Only lost to Plank's MK (twice) but they were close as hell matches.
Man I'm so glad I quit that game!
Yep! That was in fact ECRC C3. I remember I was mad nervous because I thought it might be an invitational or something like that. Good times.
Laijin, I assume by 11 you mean 11 AM right? For some reason I had a mental picture of 11 PM before I read the part about breakfast.
Chapter 2: WiFi
Why is WiFi so bad? Even ignoring the fact that I'm playing Brawl,
Yeah I'm supposed to be writing the first thing that comes to mind, but let me backtrack to my current situation.
An old troll bro of mine invited me to take part in a WiFi crews tourney. I dunno whether I was feeling masochistic or whether I just felt nostalgic for the good ol' days where I looked like a ****** when I up tilted instead of looking like a ballerina, but I accepted. Lord almighty in heaven I accepted. It was really weird playing a fighting game on the moon at first. I swear I expected Falco to just burst out and say "I told you bro! I told you about the moon!" as his win quote. But I adapted pretty fast. It's gotten to the point where I can change quickly between Falco's Brawl iteration and his P:M iteration with very little trouble. I mean I suppose it shouldn't take much effort to spam jump + B x2 and the occasional A button. And I even learned the crucial Brawl AT of placing the cursor around MK on the character select screen and pressing A! But this isn't chapter isn't about Brawl...that's for a later chapter if you all like these!
Anyway, playing on WiFi is pretty much one of the worst experiences I've ever had in my life. It's like flossing with barbed wire. I didn't think it would be so bad, honest I didn't. But I guess without it, I would've never borne witness to my temporary partner (an Ike. He was a bit more savy when it came to WiFi and picked a character that isn't horribly mangled with a few frames of lag) buffering a neutral B offstage by accident and saving me from impending death with it while he fell to his own demise. Erruption too good lulzlulzlulzlulzlulz.
It became pretty clear from 1v1s that I still had it though. I was going pretty even with my first (actual) cowardly teammate, and pretty much winning 3/4ths of the matches I had with my second teammate, and both of them continued to play Brawl WiFi consistently in my absence. I still had it. I'm still waiting for the first match to go down (HotGarbage, who's on my team vs Umby, who's looking for vengeance against me for our last tourney meeting where he lost by a very unfortunately placed laser when he had victory in his grasp), but I'm confident I can take a rusty Yoshi and a PT/Diddy pretty nicely. HotGarbage just has to get rid of this vengeance-fueled Marth first.
But good things...nah nevermind, it was never a good thing. Point is lag got so bad that I spent about 15 minutes spamming Metaknights "***!" taunt, and I take a look at the clock, and I saw that only
27 seconds had elapsed! After that, I knew it was time to fold.
Online play is just best left to Pokemon.
If you guys like these, I'll continue writing these chapters. If not, go to Adams Morgan tomorrow!!!!