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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Smash Ace
Sep 26, 2009
Fort Washington,MD/ College Park, MD
so yea it looks like ill be coming to this. because im lazy and dont wanna look back what time are we meeting at said buffalo wild wings?

edit: i couldn resist the chance to rematch w/thunderhorse in our mario vs sonic olympic match haha


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
so if i was 15 seconds faster, i might have been in a fairly nasty crash. but because i was slow going home, i got to watch a truck swerve off the road, jump the curb, and crash into the side of a grocery store. silly drunk drivers


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Lol @ Nate, well maybe not lol, thankfully you weren't part of that and we can laugh at someone now.

JCaez- I will check out simple and clean remix later


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
lol I'M PRETTY SURE decent fitted pants/jeans and a collared shirt + decent looking shoes will get you in
khaki pants + black button up shirt + dress shoes = cheap at target/walmart lol
It's not that I don't already have something to wear for it. Far from it, I have a few outfits I could use, but not anything particularly new. Besides, khaki pants from Wallmart? That's Ganon-tier dresswear.

You can run and tell that, homeboy.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Oh god...

That was played on a very laggy computer monitor btw, as that was the only way I could record at the time.



Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
oh wow, that was really slow. I was faster than that in 06, i was still playing with Kurt and Nate and Derek then. HOpe lag tv was the only reason


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
I'll do it! I need to practice for a bit though. So it might be a while...i wish i had jumped on the competitive scene in 04 or 05, i would've actually been pretty good IMO


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Oh just fair warning, I can't be the Legion taxi this weekend. I'm not even coming back to Westminster after work on Friday. I'm picking maXXXpower up from the airport and then smashing in College Park, then on Saturday we're going to the rally thing in DC, then hanging with toasty toast, then I dunno what.

You guys GOTTA check this out: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=11498275

Start here and keep reading. He's already on Chapter 12.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
Give me your numbers. Everyone. PM it to me and i'll PM mine back to you.
Here is the plan:

We meet up at L'efant plaza metro station around 11. If anyone wants to grab breakfast with me, i'll be in DC a bit earlier before we me.

Then after we meet up we get a good spot for the rally. Afterwards site seeing(no details here yet) and then we hit up adams morgan.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
You know what? Chu has inspired me. I think it's time that I come up and front about me. The real me. Let's get philosophical.

So I was reading the old thread, and saw Tant mention a list of about 15 or so Brawlers in MD/VA that quit some time before 2010. Among them my name showed up, and it took me back to fond memories 3 stocking Kojin on his own counterpick and placing 33rd out of 100 or so in my first tournament (C3, two weeks before Chu's Thanksgiving bi-weekly of that same year. I also lost to spectacularly to PS and a Diddy as well as Tant/Crismas in teams) while Quinnydinny got ****** with Ninajlink first round winners and Chu in losers. And I read about Junebug becoming a top ranked player. I knew he definitely getting well known, but I had no idea he was being considered for S-class. It wasn't all too long ago that I beat him in tourney and we spent some time playing friendlies so he could learn the Falco match up.

And that got me thinking: what would've happened had I stayed in the Brawl scene? June was only at about my level when we met in tourney, and now all of a sudden he's considered one of the best of the best in MD/VA (props to you June. Keep on doing your thing my dude). It's amazing how much he improved in so little time, not only his skill set but his social standing in the Brawl community. But if I had stuck around, could I have potentially been as good as him? Would I have been a Falco to fear? Would I have been the best Falco in MD/VA, or hell even the EC (or at least one of the most widely known)? Would I have just been the very best, like no one ever was?

Then I think to myself "why does it matter? It's Brawl. lulzlulzlulzlulzlulzlulzlulz"


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I like the ending of that story.

Was that the ECRC C3? I remember that one well. It was probably my best Brawl tourney ever. So many high-ranking players there and I managed to beat G-Reg and P~S and some other good players and snag 9th :bee: Only lost to Plank's MK (twice) but they were close as hell matches.

Man I'm so glad I quit that game!


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2007
Columbia, MD
You guys played at the best time imo......infact from when I started late 2006 till now....the best years of smash including melee and brawl had to be between 2006 - 2009

Although MLG DC was pretty fun.........


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I like the ending of that story.

Was that the ECRC C3? I remember that one well. It was probably my best Brawl tourney ever. So many high-ranking players there and I managed to beat G-Reg and P~S and some other good players and snag 9th :bee: Only lost to Plank's MK (twice) but they were close as hell matches.

Man I'm so glad I quit that game!
Yep! That was in fact ECRC C3. I remember I was mad nervous because I thought it might be an invitational or something like that. Good times.

Laijin, I assume by 11 you mean 11 AM right? For some reason I had a mental picture of 11 PM before I read the part about breakfast.

Chapter 2: WiFi

Why is WiFi so bad? Even ignoring the fact that I'm playing Brawl,

Yeah I'm supposed to be writing the first thing that comes to mind, but let me backtrack to my current situation.

An old troll bro of mine invited me to take part in a WiFi crews tourney. I dunno whether I was feeling masochistic or whether I just felt nostalgic for the good ol' days where I looked like a ****** when I up tilted instead of looking like a ballerina, but I accepted. Lord almighty in heaven I accepted. It was really weird playing a fighting game on the moon at first. I swear I expected Falco to just burst out and say "I told you bro! I told you about the moon!" as his win quote. But I adapted pretty fast. It's gotten to the point where I can change quickly between Falco's Brawl iteration and his P:M iteration with very little trouble. I mean I suppose it shouldn't take much effort to spam jump + B x2 and the occasional A button. And I even learned the crucial Brawl AT of placing the cursor around MK on the character select screen and pressing A! But this isn't chapter isn't about Brawl...that's for a later chapter if you all like these!

Anyway, playing on WiFi is pretty much one of the worst experiences I've ever had in my life. It's like flossing with barbed wire. I didn't think it would be so bad, honest I didn't. But I guess without it, I would've never borne witness to my temporary partner (an Ike. He was a bit more savy when it came to WiFi and picked a character that isn't horribly mangled with a few frames of lag) buffering a neutral B offstage by accident and saving me from impending death with it while he fell to his own demise. Erruption too good lulzlulzlulzlulzlulz.

It became pretty clear from 1v1s that I still had it though. I was going pretty even with my first (actual) cowardly teammate, and pretty much winning 3/4ths of the matches I had with my second teammate, and both of them continued to play Brawl WiFi consistently in my absence. I still had it. I'm still waiting for the first match to go down (HotGarbage, who's on my team vs Umby, who's looking for vengeance against me for our last tourney meeting where he lost by a very unfortunately placed laser when he had victory in his grasp), but I'm confident I can take a rusty Yoshi and a PT/Diddy pretty nicely. HotGarbage just has to get rid of this vengeance-fueled Marth first.

But good things...nah nevermind, it was never a good thing. Point is lag got so bad that I spent about 15 minutes spamming Metaknights "***!" taunt, and I take a look at the clock, and I saw that only 27 seconds had elapsed! After that, I knew it was time to fold.

Online play is just best left to Pokemon.

If you guys like these, I'll continue writing these chapters. If not, go to Adams Morgan tomorrow!!!!


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
Brawl's WiFi is not fun. If I were to quantify “fun,” Brawl's WiFi would have a negative value, because it actually negatively influences my enjoyment even after the game terminates. I would compare playing Brawl's WiFi to water boarding.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
It's ok guys! I made it back safely. Seb, CK, no need to worry. My car didn't get towed and I was so good at being sober that I made it back with no hours of sleep in between.

Now I'm going to sleep.

Chapter 3: Sleep



Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I think your chronicles would be more interesting if they weren't about Bawrl.

So guess what? I'm gonna be in Vegas all week. But I'm coming back Friday night and definitely going to Shell Shocked on Saturday. Who's in? And thumbs said he wants to go drinking afterwards.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Dude. I didn't get back to you cause my phone died + I was beyond not sober. lol.
Really awesome night though. :O
It's all good. I was hanging with thumbs and CK. We saw you guys come out of The Reef soon as we were about to get in lol.

I think your chronicles would be more interesting if they weren't about Bawrl.

So guess what? I'm gonna be in Vegas all week. But I'm coming back Friday night and definitely going to Shell Shocked on Saturday. Who's in? And thumbs said he wants to go drinking afterwards.
One, my last chapter has nothing to do with Brawl...unless you want to make a connection that the whole chapter was a subtle jab at what extended exposure to Brawl makes you do, which I suppose is a fair point :p

Second, it was intended to be a parody from the start. And what subject says "joke" more than Brawl! XD

I guess I could do a real talk chapter, but that wasn't my intention when I started it. It's hard to write a real talk chapter when you don't have buttsex or telepathy though.

But yeah, Shell Shocked next weekend is gonna be amazing. Thumbs already said he wanted to drink with the rest of us after the tourney. And since we'll be starting earlier, we won't be screwed over by stupid long lines. And we'll have more people. And we'll have Laijin. And maybe Jason if he comes to Shell Shocked again?
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