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The Imperial Legion, MD/VA crew. Xanadu Tuesdays, Legionary Wednesdays


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Speaking of pokemon, some of this new **** is bonkers. Shell break, butterfly dance, gear change, and coil are all silly. The ghost chandelier getting shadow tag, **** monkey getting a boosted flare blitz from encourage, Jaroda getting a nasty plot boost from leaf storm with contrarian.

Anything else I missed?

Oh yeah, ditto getting eccentric and becoming the best revenge killer ever.

WUT? did I hear this correctly?


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Allow me to explain

Ditto gets a new dream world ability called eccentric, where he transforms immediately upon switching in. In gen 4, when he transformed, he'd copy any boosts that the opponent has to their stats, but keeps his own HP. If he has a choice scarf, he can use another move upon using transform, and the speed stat he copied would get a 50% boost. With eccentric, he no longer needs to waste a turn turning into the other pokemon and copying their stat boosts.

This means he can switch in to a sweeper who has set up, copy their boosts, and kill them provided the ditto has a choice scarf to outspeed the other pokemon.

That's one silly thing

Another one is shell break. It increases attack, special attack, and speed by 2 levels, and lowers defense and special defense by one level. Provided that white herb is still in this gen, this is the best set up move ever.

Butterfly dance ups Sp. attk, Sp Def, and speed by one level, Gear changes increases attack one level and speed 2 levels, and coil increases attack, defense, and accuracy by one level.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
This means he can switch in to a sweeper who has set up, copy their boosts, and kill them provided the ditto has a choice scarf to outspeed the other pokemon.
Technically you never want to switch in Ditto. Just come in after something dies, auto revenge it, and repeat maybe once or twice more depending on how well they are prepared to counter their own set up Pokemon +1 speed level and you've just single-handedly swept an entire team with Ditto.

**** Monkey won't be a big deal, since with a single Flare Blitz, he'll just transform into Daruma mode and have a Flare Blitz running off of 40 base attack. GG **** monkey.

Jaroda is so legit with his support options, and Perversity Leaf Storm means he can pull his weight offensively too without being shut down by Taunt users. I'm definately including a Double Screen variant of it on my team, since this was exactly what I was hoping from out of Torterra...only Jaroda isn't donkey **** and Jaroda is one fedora away from being Hazama without legs. Seriously it's got the snake motif, it's primary color is green, it has shifty gold eyes, and it looks smug as ****. Also it learns Troll, Torment, and Taunt. Hazama would be proud.

Shell Break is why I might consider using Cloyster as my spinner...but who needs spinning when you have Espeon?! Magic Barrier their Stealth Rock back in their face LOL!

Also you forgot Overconfidence on Salamence and Gyarados for abilities that will be completely nuts.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
you guys are reading too far into ditto, speed was never the question with his hold item that only worked with ditto that uber boosted his speed. but in the end, hes a ditto. his low hp + entry hazards + priority moves = bad times. if someone switchs in a ditto on me the ONLY THING I WILL BE THINKING is hellz yeah i know exactly where i stand against him and his movepool. no guessing required.

@ kaiser - white herb + shell break...dont be an idiot. why waste your item spot for something that can be burned by intimidate on accident. you predict a switch and shell break on that than roll over the team, same as dd from 4th gen.

overall theory - having looked over 5th gen a bit now, i dont see much change coming. youre going to see the same general style as 4th, a ton of great looking ideas on paper that just dont pan out. there will be clear cut tiers and prediction will still rule this game.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
you guys are reading too far into ditto, speed was never the question with his hold item that only worked with ditto that uber boosted his speed. but in the end, hes a ditto. his low hp + entry hazards + priority moves = bad times. if someone switchs in a ditto on me the ONLY THING I WILL BE THINKING is hellz yeah i know exactly where i stand against him and his movepool. no guessing required.
The speed item for Ditto only worked as a Ditto. Once he transformed, the item no longer worked for it.

That being said, with HP EVs maxed out, Ditto effectively has base 77 HP with no EV investment (it'll have about the same amount of HP as a Scarfgon, which while not especially bulky, can take a priority hit or two). It really doesn't need any other EV investment, since it just straight copies all of the transformed Pokemon's stats. It'll still beat out a Scarfgon, to use my previous example with full EV investment in speed because Ditto just straight takes your 454 speed stat (299 or 328 + 1.5 Scarf boost) and adds his own 1.5 bonus from scarf. And then takes your whole attack stat as well. And defenses. All without any EV investment whatsoever other than HP (in which he will be very slightly inferior in this particular example, but I digress).

But you have a point in knowing exactly what you're up against...well because it's your own Pokemon. You do have to take some guessing into account, because while your Pokemon is copied, the player's mindset is not - for better or worse.

I don't imagine Ditto is going to be too good for normal play, but it's sure as hell going to be scary fighting a Ditto transformed into a Lucario with an SD set up that has better HP than regular Lucario, and will outspeed and CC you. And your priority attack is resisted. Since he's choiced though, good predition will beat him, which is why I'm wary of tossing him into OP territory just yet ;). I don't even think he'll make it to the top of OU, but I do think he will have a certain niche though, and it would be a mistake to be unwary of it.

~Ditto won't be Uber or Top Tier OU, but he will be a fairly strong Pokemon now and won't be a complete sex slave like it is now.

Other than that I agree though: White Herb + Shell Break is silly when you can have a more reliable item on your Pokemon, and I don't think 5th gen will completely turn the current metagame upside down. But there will be a few interesting tweaks to it.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
So, the usual this weekend. Graphix Gaming on Saturday and I wanna leave from my house around 9:30am, which means I'll be passing Owings Mills Metro around 10. Friday night we're going to see a band at the Greene Turtle in Westminster at 9pm if anyone (over 21) wants to come. You're free to crash at my house or whatever. I'm watching the game on Sunday at BWW though, fair warning.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Th, the lucario thing will never happen. Anticipate the transform and cc it. Its dead even if it goes first.
You won't even get the chance to do anything about it with its new ability since it doesn't use up a turn to transform. Actually switching Ditto into an attack wouldn't be very smart. I'm talking about just having it come in after one of your Pokemon bites it. Even if you have to trade some Pokemon to keep getting Ditto in, they'll either A. be losing their Pokemon too trying to revenge your Ditto with their check/counter or B. Eventually lose their one or two Lucario switch ins due to repeated +2 attacks sooner than you'll lose your other 5 Pokemon.

There's nothing anyone can do to prevent that. Doesn't mean it's an auto-win, but there's absolutely nothing you can do about having someone just replace a dead/sacrificial Pokemon with Ditto.

So, the usual this weekend. Graphix Gaming on Saturday and I wanna leave from my house around 9:30am, which means I'll be passing Owings Mills Metro around 10. Friday night we're going to see a band at the Greene Turtle in Westminster at 9pm if anyone (over 21) wants to come. You're free to crash at my house or whatever. I'm watching the game on Sunday at BWW though, fair warning.
In it to Double Rainbow Challenge it. It's going to be a full rainbow all the way.

Might even look like a triple rainbow.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Most of the new stuff should be on Serebii, but it's alot less detailed than the specific discussion threads in Smogon. For example, the description for Magic Mirror on Serebii neglects to mention that it can reflect Stealth Rock (and other entry hazards) and Taunt, so if I switch Espeon/Xatu in on a suicide lead when they SR or Taunt, not only am I not taunted or have SR on my side of the field, they instead would have SR set up on their own side, or be taunted.

As to how Ditto's stats work, transform and eccentric copy every stat of the transformed Pokemon except for HP, which is why EVs in any stat of Ditto's other than HP is a waste. It even copies some item buffs like the Choice items, since they are buffs applied to your stats directly. Other items like Life Orb and Charcoal and the like will not be copied because they apply to your attacks/attack BP rather than your stats.

So let's say you have a normal 4/252/252 Jolly Salamence with 1 DD under it's belt and a Life Orb. It's stats would look something like...

HP: 307
Attack: 553 (369 + 1.5x applied from Dragon Dance)
Defense: 196
Special Attack: 230
Special Defense: 196
Speed: 492 (328 + 1.5x applied from Dragon Dance)

Once Ditto switches in, it copies all of those stats except for HP. Peroid. Doesn't matter if he doesn't have a 4/252/252 spread or that he didn't DD himself, he just takes those stats. That's why no EVs other than HP matters, and that's why there's no reason not to just max out Ditto's HP EVs. He doesn't copy items though unless the item has a permanent effect on his opponent's stats. If Salamence had a Salac Berry for whatever reason instead of a Life Orb, and it activated, it would copy the stat increase from that as well.

Now let's look at Ditto's stats when it automatically transforms into Salamence after being put out:

HP: 300
Attack: 553
Defense: 196
Special Attack: 230
Special Defense: 196
Speed: 492

I'm unclear if eccentric copies the opponent's ability as well, or if Ditto's ability remains eccentric. If it also copies abilities, Salamence also has to deal with either Intimidate firing back on him or Ditto now having access to Overconfidence. Now you apply your own item to Ditto. Most people will run a Choice Scarf on it, so let's just say that this Ditto has one too. Now its stats look like:

HP: 300
Attack: 553
Defense: 196
Special Attack: 230
Special Defense: 196
Speed: 738 (492 + 1.5x applied from your Choice Scarf)

So now you have a Scarf Salamence with the power of a DD behind it. Now let's just play devil's advocate and say that it can copy abilities too. It gets even worse if your Sala's ability was Overconfidence and Ditto could take it, meaning that each kill nets him a 1.5x boost to his attack. A Choice Scarf user with those stats that gets 1.5x his attack power each time he kills. All with ZERO turns of set up and no risk getting him in.

Of course if you have a Mamoswine with you, then there should be no problem at all :p. Nothing's going to stop Ditto from switching out and coming back in suddenly as a Mamoswine with your Choice Band Mamoswine's power but the speed of a Choice Scarf Mamoswine all in one package.

That should about illustrate how his stats should work.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Too bad you can only have 1 of any type pokemon in competitve play.

Does Machamp gain any abilities? It doesn't look like there are any hard counters to Machamp yet in new gen.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
It's...interesting, I'll say that.

It's not what he needed, which were:

1. A fire priority attack
2. Brave Bird (so he isn't a bird. Neither is Crobat, and that's not stopping it)

These two changes alone would make Charizard OU even without SR changes. I guarantee it.

But I'm messing around with a Solar Power set since it takes advantage of its naturally higher base special attack, and so far the results have been overwhelmingly pleasing. The ability to OHKO almost any bulky water bar Gyarados and 2 hit KO Blissey without making him utter priority bait is very nice. But the fact that he has no way to reliably boost his speed outside of a mixed set is troubling. And the fact that he dies very quickly due to his own recoil damage isn't fun either. I've been trying a set of...

@life orb
~Fire Blast
~HP Ground/Focus Punch/Dragon Pulse
~Sunny Day/Roost

Fire Blast in sun ***** **** hardcore. Solar Beam coming off of Solar Power (giving it "STAB") and LO ***** bulky waters. HP Ground for Heatran and other Flash Fire users. Sunny Day to set up sun in case Ninetales is banned (which it won't be) and not to mention if a TTar/Hippo/Politoed think they're gonna be smartasses and come in to switch weather (I just switch it back if I predict that they're going to come in. Now they have to run, giving me a chance to Fire Blast the switch in, or they die to Solar Power LO Solar Beam). Sunny Day is pretty much a special Swords Dance now that doesn't go away once you switch out. Other options are Roost to regain lost HP (completely dependent on whether Roost is legal with Solar Power. Sources say it might be), and Focus Punch for if you really hate TTar, Balloon Heatran, and Blissey in case sun isn't up. Dragon Pulse is if you really hate dragons.

Seems to be a solid set. Tweaking EVs to perfection and seeing if there's any other item I can use that won't kill me in 5 turns. Hopefully one that will cure the issue of speed.

I also want to try to take the best of both worlds: Solar Power Bellyzard. But without a fire priority move, it would get revenged, so I'm going to try the above set before I try my hand at a mixed set. It's biggest boon I think is that this gives an opportunity for Charizard to play some nasty mind games though between the Solar Power set and the Bellyzard set.

So in the end...I'm not sure it makes me happy per say. I would gladly trade Solar Power for the two things I mentioned above. But it's got me thinking on a good set, which is nice.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
@ ceez - ill be joining you for graphix gaming as long as you got room for me in your vehicle. 930 though, thats pretty early but ill make it happen.

@ th - correct me if im wrong here but sunny day DOES NOT increase fireblasts poor accuracy, id still run flamethrower.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I never said it did. The attack will remain 85% accuracy, but the accuracy loss is acceptable for the amount of power you gain. Flamethrower would never guarantee a 2 hit KO on Blissey. Flamethrower would never OHKO Gyarados after Stealth Rock, which Fire Blast guarantees (for some asnine reason, Fire Blast does more damage to Gyarados than Solar Beam does under the sun). In fact I don't remember any set other than Azelf that has Flamethrower recommended over Fire Blast. It's going to miss a few times, but most times you'll be happy to have the extra power, especially with as many multiples as Charizard will be having (1.5 STAB, 1.5 sun, 1.5 Solar Power, 1.3 Life Orb).

I would rather take a 15% chance of missing and Gyarados ****** me than deal with a 100% chance of not doing enough damage to Gyarados and it ****** me.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Just got an ethereal stone in the DQVC, score!

Nimzo is getting annoying. Argh, need my Gothan robe.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Th i would help, sorry ill be in nj playing brawl tomorrow hanging with peeps

We will soon though. If anyone has a psp, you should definitely be getting kingdom hearts birth by sleep.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Yep, so long as JC is at the metro to pick me up.

JC, on Sunday, will you drive me back to the metro, or go to BWW then back to the metro?


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
10am, be there.

On Sunday I'm going to BWW specifically to watch the game so yeah, I'll take you back to the metro before that.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 16, 2008
Chambersburg PA
random pokemon fact - while looking at pokes that i wish were good in previous gens but never were, i stumbled onto the fact that blaziken can now learn speed boost, im expecting big things outta this guy. also lolz at smashboards telling me that outta is not a spelling error yet smashboards is.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
pilgrim da bess? Our front page has the theme...

We're the main cast though. If you want to be the evil characters, well then ill just have to defeat you!


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Alright then: Crew members, choose an evil ex-boyfriend! As crew leader I'll take Gideon, and of course Bandit will be the chick.

btw, DQ9 stuff: I got the ultimate dagger, get ***** TH! I just wish I would get some **** ultimate weapons that I actually use...

Oh, and I came up with a new strategy for Nimzo and went back to killing him in 5-6 turns. Then at lvl 41 he learned Kaboomle (whatever) and started attacking 3 times per turn (ouch). I beat him once, but the very next fight he wrecked me. So I've kinda hit a brick wall. Dammit. I don't get my Gothan robe till lvl 69. RAGE! I need a new strat :(

Oh and here's the final layout for that lvl 99 Ruby Ruins of Gloom:
3 - r5 SE
4 - r6 NW, r6 SE
5 - r6 C, r5 W
6 - r6 N, r9 N, r7 NE
7 - r9 NE, r6 NE
8 - r6 NW
9 - r7 NE, r8 W
10 - r5/6 S, r4 SW
11 - r4 S, r1 SE
12 - r7 E, r9 SE, r1 SE
13 - r4 C, r4 E, r5 SE
14 - r10 W, r10 NW
15 - r7 NW, r6 SW, r7 W
16 - r6 C, r7 S


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Alright then: Crew members, choose an evil ex-boyfriend! As crew leader I'll take Gideon, and of course Bandit will be the chick.

btw, DQ9 stuff: I got the ultimate dagger, get ***** TH! I just wish I would get some **** ultimate weapons that I actually use...
JCaesar stole the power of my favorite Scott Pilgrim villain! What a ****!

He also stole the power of the ultimate dagger! Super dickery!

Good thing I don't give two ****s about the ultimate knife though ;)


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
I thought you wanted me to play Chrono Trigger????! :mad:

Anyway with Blazblue practice taking up as much time as it does, I don't play as frequently as I used to, but I still play it when I get the chance. If I actually wanted to practice Smash again like I did in my + days, I'd have no time for it.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Kingdom hearts stole me away from any other games period until i complete it

Th you cant beat magus? Just wait till you try the solo fight with him...


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
What can I say? I'm still thoroughly enjoying grinding for better grottoes and finding new ways to beat the snot out of Nimzo.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2008
peein' in all there buttz
Kingdom hearts stole me away from any other games period until i complete it

Th you cant beat magus? Just wait till you try the solo fight with him...
There's another fight with Magus? sadface :(

And by Kingdom Hearts I assume you mean Birth By Sleep? It's the only KH game I haven't played yet other than the original Chain of Memories (though I did play the PS2 remake) because I don't have a PSP.

What can I say? I'm still thoroughly enjoying grinding for better grottoes and finding new ways to beat the snot out of Nimzo.
I suppose it's because you still have something to look forward to. I've gotten literally everything I needed except for the white tux outfit, which I still have no idea where to get (I imagine it's a DQVC thing or a later DLC quest) and the Somnia gloves, which are only found by beating Mortimer or whatever that thing's name is, who won't be available for a loooooooooooooooooooong time.

I guess I do have to spend some time grinding for the Gringham Whip though, but I hate navigating that stupid dungeon.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
I'm very much looking forward to the DQ5 outfit I'm getting from Nimzo, yeah, but it's not why I'm still playing, and I'm not gonna stop playing after I get it. I play because I still enjoy the game, trudging through new grottoes to see what's there, fighting legacy bosses, hunting down new equipment, etc.

I know, valuing gameplay over aesthetics is a foreign concept to you :p
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