@JCz: I can almost guarantee it'll be a no, simply because I pretty much have to stay over Saturday night (well I don't HAVE to, but it's a good deterrent from getting tickets), and he pretty much has to be home by Saturday night the next day for church. Maybe he can stay over on Sat/stay the night Friday and drive back on his own, but of course he has to be ok with it obv. Not to mention with Other M out, he'll most likely be disinterested in anything that might pull him away from it for long until he finishes it (don't blame him. It looks like a seriously amazing game, and I haven't even played a Metroid game before).
I'm sure he'll be checking the thread periodically though, but I'll be sure to bring it up to him. I'm sure he'll chime in one way or another though.
So I guess the carpool will be you, me, Guy, Count, Tant, Waffle (?), and a huge questionmark on Combo Knight and quinnydinny right?
That would make a full 2 parties if Combo Knight got DQ9 I forgot Guy is mad poor and doesn't have it.