I started hanging out with an old acquaintance from high school and it seems like we're super hitting it off and she really likes me. She's really pretty and reminds me of Scarlett Johannsen, and she's intelligent, articulate and independent which is an incredible turn on to me. I hate to say it, but I'm not used to hanging out with and messing around with girls that I actually truly respect as people, as opposed to someone I tolerate and indulge in the hope of sex. We've only really hung out twice but she's a great conversationalist, loves music, has an open mind about everything, is down with old retro games (we played the entirety of Bubble Bobble in a sitting the first time we hung out), and is just a general awesome person with nerdy tastes. And she isn't a prude when it comes to intimacy. and she texts me good morning texts every day o.o idk how i feel about that one, but aside from that she doesn't appear to be an overly emotional or clingy/dependent type and it's just nice because no female has ever been so nice and affectionate to me. I dunno if she's looking for a relationship or what, we haven't hung out in over a week so I'm kinda confused there.
I dunno if I even want to get in a serious relationship right now, even though I've been single for years. There's also this other girl, who out of nowhere is hitting on me and flirting hardcore (over facebook, admittedly, but still) and now on a nearly daily basis is telling me how gorgeous and attractive she thinks I am. This is a gorgeous hispanic girl with one of the most astounding hip/butt combinations I've ever seen, let alone been with. She's also REALLY funny, which is something that I've struggled to find in many girls. I'm aware a lot of it is just flirting and doesn't necessarily mean she'll just be down to hook up, but all this attention is the opposite of what the rest of my life has been like. It's very superficial, sure, but I feel like I'm somehow "better" now that I know that some beautiful girls think I'm attractive. Superficial or not, I really needed the ego boost at this point in my life and even just these little things have done wonders for my mental health