I really hope you're just trolling, otherwise you're a complete idiot. "Mashing the usmash into armadas shield"... do you realize he was conditioning him? Earlier when they played, armada got repeatedly hit by it. So in GF, he continuously did that to make armada constantly hold his shield up, and later started getting free grabs instead, while armada would expect an upsmash. That right there is called a mindgame, something you've probably never used before.
People have been playing this game for a long time, and when someone travels to another continent to enter a tournament, you can be sure they'll do the utmost of their ability to win. Thing is, armada doesn't play jiggs, he plays peach: his best character. If jiggs was that ridiculous, a lot more people would use her by now. Fact of the matter if, people don't.
Also, peach can do a FC aerial to punish uptilting if the peach is fast enough. The problem is that you don't KNOW what your opponent is going to do, so doing that is often a risk. What's this... more mindgames? Maybe I shouldn't go into that with someone who still thinks Hbox had an undeserving win.