Yea, they shouldn't have items so people can continue to win tournaments by shielding, walking and tilting with Snake. Anyone who didn't play melee would think playing with no items is the most ******** thing ever. Brawl is a campfest without items, and that is the main reason why a lot of people don't like it. If you disagree that camping and being a defensive douche isn't the best strategy, then you don't know ****. Playing with items would actually fix that, and make this game more of what it is supposed to be. PARTY GAME WOOOOO
Items fix camping. Items also introduce a whole can of worms into the mix, a can we do not like. Especially items like the Golden Hammer and Smash Ball.
What does that have to do with me?
SamuraiPanda (I think) called you COUM earlier, so I assume you're COUM. As such, you're an SRK-member. Yet, you claim no one with half a brain would claim there's evidence for items not being broken when at least 10 people claimed said thing on SRK in that one single thread alone.
Wiz never said anything of the sort, though. He said there was more solid evidence presented to him to support keeping items than to support banning them, which is true (although you are right that the evidence in support of keeping them is really not much at all, given the low level of play on display), but I hardly think he considers that evidence conclusive proof that items don't warrant a ban.
Yet, he's ignoring
our evidence, some of it even using the videos he's using as evidence against him. I think SamuraiPanda pointed out at least one match where what we said could happen actually happened but it was dismissed as "Well, the skill level isn't that high" (then why the
hell are you guys using those videos to begin with?!).
You can't have it both ways. Either the videos are useless or we can use the videos to prove our points. MrWizard ignoring all of our evidence using the "evidence" he has to allow items is pretty much saying "I have proof items aren't broken, you cannot refute this no matter how hard you try".
To be pedantic, it's impossible to conclusively prove that anything doesn't warrant a ban, as it's always possible that a feature of that thing could be discovered in future which renders it broken. This is why we don't ban based on suppositions and theories, no matter how obvious their factuality may be; it's a slippery slope. If a theory regarding some feature's affect on the game is so obviously true, it shouldn't be hard to present real, gameplay evidence...). Items-on is simply the default format until someone provides a compelling argument for items' unsuitability for tournament play. As yet, though, all Wiz (and I) have seen is abstract theorizing.
It's not supposition or theories. It's not a theory if it has actually happened and is proven to be possible. It's not a theory that in an important match, a Final Smash could spawn at the right time for you to grab it without your opponent being able to do jack and then you'll proceed to win using the FS since the game works in a way that allows for it to happen... easily.
We don't need to actually record a match of it happening to prove it since it's possible. Smash Balls spawn a lot more often than the average item, hence, most matches will feature at least 1-2 Final Smashes. If the people using them are any good, said FS:es will KO. Most matches will thus have 1-2 KO:s based on FS:es. That's bad.
Logic, common sense and experience do not bear consideration in this matter when your premises are based entirely in the abstract. What Wiz is asking for is very simple; concrete evidence (i.e. a substantial quantity of match footage and tournament results) that items are detrimental to the game. If your views are as self-evident as you guys act like they are, providing this should be a breeze, but so far none of you have managed it.
That's because he knows we won't bother conjuring up said evidence since it'd require us to actually host items-on tournaments using the ruleset he proposes (which we
hate and even most itemnites hate it). By demanding tournament resulsts based on items, he's ensuring that SWF won't bother producing said results.
Because I'm pretty sure that if we point out tournament results from back in 2001-2003 when items were still in use (in 2003, only somewhat), we'd get a "Brawl isn't Melee!" in our face, hence we need footage and tournament results for Brawl.
My point in bringing up Snake was that people should be able to understand why EVO has chosen to include items. If you pay attention at tournaments without items and smashballs, it becomes apparent that being campy and patient in your sheild, and spamming the most effective attacks is the winning strategy. It seems quite logical that turning off items would encourage this type of play, and so far it really has. In such a new game, playing with items is just as valid as playing without them, maybe even moreso because the game was made with the intention of being a random crapfest. My view is that Brawl isn't a very good tournament game, so if you strongly disagree then just ignore me and don't start a brawl versus melee argument.
This is not why. SRK just
likes items. SRK went ahead and created their own ruleset based on what its memberbase thought and the memberbase like items on. Most of the people with a say in the matter don't even play Smash on a such a level that they'd actually start camping using every trick in the book.
That's cool. When you've figured out how to provide an actual case to prove my words lack substance, I'll be waiting
Anyone with a more than rudimentary grasp of the English language can figure this out simply by going through your posts in this thread... or any other thread as of late.
But wait, people would rather have it be like this:
Jiano and OS are two of the campiest players around. They don't even camp
well. They just camp for the sake of camp. They almost never even attempt to approach or try to mix it up, they just camp and hope the other person magically misses shielding. Translation: They're not very good.