I Ok i lied theres is one other thing that is just dumb,"Excessive stalling or abusing terrain to not engage the enemy is prohibited, and can be enforced by a tournament director only. This will result in a loss of the match." wow! How wrong is this? It might be worse than the smashballs. In there terms this is like saying i cant play run away storm or try to win the match by time. The ~~~~~~~
Wiz has stated and re-stated what this means. The only thing it effects (that we know of) are the Sonic stalls where he goes under a stage and homes all day. The reason he said "abusing terrain or excessive stalling" rather than "no Sonic Ceiling Stalls" or whatever they're called is because it's beyond likely that somebody would find Ike's Ceiling Stall (hypothetically, of course), then show up and do THAT all day. Once again, Wiz has made it abundantly clear that it's a precautionary measure so that somebody doesn't find out a similar (but unbanned) technique with a different character, sit on it until the first big cash tourney, and then win it easy-cheese. Because, honestly...if I found out Snake has an infinite stall, I'd be willing to sit there all day and stall as soon as I get a lead. And since everything is decided by highest % when tied in stock, I don't see how you could be opposed to this (unless, of course, you just checked the rules, thought "that's stupid" and came back here to post about it without reading further).
Oh, and the complaints about smashballs are stupid. The Landmasters, Snake's Helicopter thing, and so on and so forth are a likely KO at middle-%s on a small or medium-sized level at best. Not that it really matters. The only thing that comes remotely close to being a probable KO at low %s is Super Sonic.
Not that any of this really matters. You're right in saying that Smash Balls are overpowered because of the simple fact that all the "FS-counter stages" are gone. If you REALLY are genuinely afraid of FSs, then you should be begging for Hyrule Temple and New Pork City to be unbanned. My lovable doppleganger Lamewadd over on SRK said it best between flames, that if you're really afraid of FSs, then they should bring in New Pork and Hyrule Temple as counters to the "multi-attack" FSs or whatever they're called (though it also works as an effective counter to Yoshi's and Diddy's FSs as well). Runaway would be quickly settled by bringing back in the timer, lightning and keeping in FSs.
Funny how All Brawl seems to work better than anything else, eh?