On what I've seen from here, I don't think the E4's teams should be monotype'd, it looks like it kind of takes away from what it takes to gain a postbit or whatever it's called. Of course, I'm far too lazy to participate in this, so I personally couldn't care less.
I kinda agree with Leafy here it seems as if almost everyone is running through you guys, E4 members. Other people are going as far as beating you guys with their own mono-type teams... and one person is using UU teams, but we all know who that is. This is obviously a cakewalk. Am I the only one who sees no fun in that? I might be.
If there's no change in difficulty from one icon to another then this whole thing won't be difficult... just an extremely long and boring quest to reach the Master Ball. I propose a new system where the difficulty increases. But the core system of beating all 4 of you in a row would remain the same. You start with no icon and fight your way up all the way to a Master Ball. Something like this:
For Pokeball- you guys use monotype teams
For Great Ball- only half of your teams are monotype
For Ultra Ball- you guys can craft your own teams with no type restrictions
For Master Ball- something really hard like we can't use items... idk I'm just throwing ideas out there
So that means you guys would have 4 teams in all. One for people w/o the Pokeball icon, one FOR the people with Pokeball icons, one for people with Great Ball icons, and one for people with Ultra Ball icons.
We don't need to use my scenarios for difficulty increases but just some system to gradually make this harder for each postbit icon we get, while keeping the same system we have to get the Pokeball icon. That way it remains fairly easy for everyone to get an icon, but a true test of skill to reach the Master Ball.