Imo it makes sense to force this into taking a long while anyway, kinda. Just consider the rarity and catching ability of a Master Ball as compared to any of the special Pokeballs. It's much rarer, and much better. So getting the Master Ball should take that much longer/be that much harder to get. Plus like Firus said, the Elite Four for this shouldn't be too hard to beat either considering the battling experience most of them have. So it's more just a game of patience than anything else. And on that note, it also means that acquiring a Master Ball shows your status as a long-standing member of the Poke Center community. So it's like a double whammy.
But that's just my take on it.
Yeah, the harder it is to achieve the Master Ball, the more of a statement it makes.
I think the 4:1 having to win Ratio is stupid and you're needlessly demanding the battlers to put out more work for the same result. The worst part of it all is having the schedule times on 16 different occasions in order to battle, which takes days on its own, while spriters can pop in anytime over like a two week period and don't have to worry about such a thing.
If someone can beat all four of you once, why should they have to beat all four of you four times to prove that?
We're using battling and spriting as the two different media with which to award the PC community, but they're not actually supposed to be 100% equal because they're entirely different. Hell, just think about how it works in-game: you can go into a contest on a whim and be done within 15-30 minutes, whereas getting to the E4 takes all game and getting through the entire E4 takes quite some time, not to mention potential healing and whatnot in-between.
I also think you're giving less credit to spriting than should be given. Spriters don't just have to "pop in anytime over a two week period" without worry, making a good sprite that follows a prompt isn't an easy task, nor is it just a matter of popping in. Plus, whereas each battle with the E4 is a battle between you and the other person, you can make a great sprite for a contest, only to have someone submit something of epic levels like
this and completely destroy your chances of winning. I wouldn't say that the amount of work required for the two contests is equal, but to call it a 4:1 ratio just because you're only winning one contest per postbit is an understatement.
You're beating the members multiple times because winning against someone once doesn't necessarily mean you can beat them every time you fight them. You may just happen to have a team that perfectly counters theirs, or maybe a lot of crithax/parahax/etc. plays a big role in their loss.
We've gotten complaints that it's too easy and now we're getting complaints that it's too hard. We can't please everyone, so we're just going to keep it as-is unless the results start to show that our current system is indeed too hard.