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the domain of the originals


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
Hey C-stick, before I forget or something, the Mourning Pirates talked about the tournament afterwords and we felt like **** about the ipod. It really threw a funk on Saturday evening, so if you ever want to come to another Jubilee you're tourney costs will be covered by us.
yeah C-stick gets in free for the next 50 bajillion Jubilees.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2006
My head hurts from all of the awesomeness.


Karn/Knorr/Malk and Cheese - Thanks for making this the best ever.

Toasty - Good friendlies man that ness is nice, and good nachos.lol.

59JS - Your Ganon is too good man.

Yay - Nice matches man, and maybe next time you wont give all your chips to Luther when we play poker.

Same goes to you LoZr.

...and you Dr. Neo.

Everyone in my crew - We're the best, around. Nothings gonna ever keep us down.

Everyone I played in friendlies - Good stuff, 'twas fun.

Tope/Greg - Nice **** mans. Fun hanging, playing poker and such.

Chillen/Chu - Good **** on coming down and taking our money. Next time Im gonna choke you with my choke cord.

Believe it. <3

I probably forgot some but, oh well.

I love all of you...well most of you.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
tournament was fun turns out we are better than alot of the guys who have been playin in tournaments for a while lol my boi matts ganon was the best there so does that mean he has the best ganon in nc hmmmmm...


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
tournament was fun turns out we are better than alot of the guys who have been playin in tournaments for a while lol my boi matts ganon was the best there so does that mean he has the best ganon in nc hmmmmm...
I feel like the Ganon part is a pretty lofty claim. Does Matt have an allies that the rest of us might know him by because as far as I know 59JS was the best Ganon there. I'm not at all trying to be offensive or start a fight I'm just saying.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
I feel like the Ganon part is a pretty lofty claim. Does Matt have an allies that the rest of us might know him by because as far as I know 59JS was the best Ganon there. I'm not at all trying to be offensive or start a fight I'm just saying.
lol he took him out twice in one on one knorr was there to see it no bragging just trying to get his name out pac! knows who he is ask him


Smash Apprentice
Aug 5, 2007
i am that ganon my name was dama at the tourney and i didn't do singles basically cause id be the only one, no excuse but i didn't, and i know where i would have placed, and i did beat the "number 1". his ganon is sick indeed, good reason he was number 1.

oh yeah yoshido is the sickest yoshido i've ever seen. i got owned by a marth player....who were you!! rematch! i enjoyd the tourney everyone was nice and the hospitality was top notch. see you guys at the next one!


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
see sir the problem is you didnt use that tag every match so your that one ganon on somebody's post instead of genki dama that amazing ganon who only lost to that nice marth and that **** pac! bless his captain falcon using soul...eh...but the tournament was great i enjoyed myself it hurt my feelings to see another pink falcon that is nicer than mine that makes 3 valentines special costumes in nc and thas way to many...lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2006
Greensboro, NC
hey, anybody in raleigh, I'm gonna be here for a week, and I'd love to get some smash friendlies in with anybody who's up for it. I have a car and a wii/copy of smash, and I can play any day until friday any time before 5pm. I know those aren't the best times for everyone, but if anybody wants to play, either pm me or call me

(336) 601-1587


Smash Apprentice
Dec 17, 2006
dude my falcon = marth **** , ask jolly
Im guessing thats the way you meant to type it?

And thats aside the point now, you need to get better so you can try to compete with this amazing undiscovered Ganon these guys keep talking about. Hes apparently too good.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
Im guessing thats the way you meant to type it?

And thats aside the point now, you need to get better so you can try to compete with this amazing undiscovered Ganon these guys keep talking about. Hes apparently too good.
lol Jolly.

Anyway Dama I'm not trying to say that you're not a good Ganon but in my opinion (and I believe most players you would ask) friendlies are not enough, you need to enter tournies. People play differently in friendlies, even players who say they play the same are generally more focused in tourny matches than in friendlies.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Im guessing thats the way you meant to type it?

And thats aside the point now, you need to get better so you can try to compete with this amazing undiscovered Ganon these guys keep talking about. Hes apparently too good.
lol yeah i guess it doesnt seem to plausable that he is better than 59 and still unknown it was our first tournament we started the game a semester ago so we didnt even kno about tournaments until not too long ago and we basically studied it in every aspect i got reasonably good better than most but matt and his ganon are on another level if only we had gotten some vids next time we come down we will bring some equipment

El Cancel

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2006
i've lost two copies of melee. boo. i'm not buying a 3rd one. boo. any news on the pillow?

anyways, i'm learning falcon even without the game.

dama, were you the ganon that played with fox in teams? and the one that did the mm with chu?


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I heard the story straight from Knorr's mouth
Slick Willy turns after the match, looks Knorr in the eyes and says, "this never happened"

so now it's your word against our resident evil warlock

I'm just playing, good **** dama, but Jeremy was on fire for that tournament. He genocide stomped THO like 9 times in a row


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
i've lost two copies of melee. boo. i'm not buying a 3rd one. boo. any news on the pillow?

anyways, i'm learning falcon even without the game.

dama, were you the ganon that played with fox in teams? and the one that did the mm with chu?
yeah thas him smh i hate being his spokesman but his wifi works every 3 days and i tried to get him to team with me or pac! like he was supposed to but i think he promised the fox he was gonna play


Half Genie
Aug 24, 2005
Scuttle Town
I'll be giving my shout-outs through many posts. And the first one goes to malk.

SUPA STYLES!!!!! There may be better falcons, but no of them have the supa style falcon punch.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2007
Concord, NC
This weekend was a lot of fun!

Shouts to Karn and Knorr for hosting. I enjoyed meetin everyone and enjoyed all the friendlies i played with everyone.

Im really glad i got to meet Chudat...he's the main reason i play Ice Climbers lol....

I didn't do that well in the tournament, but im glad i entered and had the chance to gain more tournament experience. And i plan on entering the next one also....

Oh, yeah....next time i want more pool money matches lol....


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
this took too long to write

Raleigh - thanks for having the scariest cook out i've ever been to.

Poker - thanks to you i only really spent $5 this weekend haha.

Smash Melee Vers. 1 - i f*cking love you flame cancels DAMMMNNNNNN!! DAMMNNNNN!!

Chicken wings - too good but man you gave me heart burn. gah

ali - you punk that is still in kuwait and wasn't there. this was a bad one to miss man, i wish you were there. hurry back, i miss ya.

teamcharlotte/coldblooded/whatever we are called - our crew is too awesome, can't wait to be back in charlotte permanently to hangout more.
ps. did we win the iron man challenge or what? i fell asleep i think. haha

knorr - we did the best we could with our team. no other team has as much flavor as us, or the balls to do what we do haha. PLUS we were the only team in pools to win a match against chillin/savage even though they used dk/bowser also, we should've had the last match...too close. Return of the Team Titans, maybe we'll get to that title.

yay - "****in c*ck". can't believe you won our .50 mm. i will win the low tier .75 mm we have next time. sh*t is serious haha. had fun playing you in smash and poker. CACK

yoshido - your yoshi is soooooo beast!! i was waiting for you to play him in your tourney matches, but you went jiggs!! whaaaaat?!! haha. you asking if i was gimpy was the greatest compliment ever to me. had fun playing you in our matches. REPTILEZZZZZ FTW

janet - ahnyongggg! ^^ ih jaen oppa ru bul luh. your sheik is so cheap and lame. at least you didn't chaingrab me the whole time. now you got to play my "weird" marth haha. but i think i'm going all bowser again so it's ok, i'll figure out a way to chaingrab you...somehow, so watch out. you finally acted like you knew me at this tourney daggum. our matches were too fun and those shdl's of yours are crazyyyy almost as good as flame cancels. DAMMNNN ****NNNNN!!! let me know of anything in nova. boh boh choo sae yo...haha jk.

tope - didn't get to play you in any matches this time around, but it was fun playing poker with you. good seeing you again.

karn - thanks for putting this tourney together again, like i already told you, i dunno how you put up with having a tourney at your house. but i appreciate it a lot, your tourneys are too fun.

roytards - good seeing you all again, i can tell you have all improved since the last time i played you all. glad you all came to this tourney and got to play all the rest of NC. i'm sure you all learned some new things about your game and have improved even more.
ps. nick, keep playing kirby if you want to man! don't listen to anybody, i'll admit it makes things even tougher for you, but you can find ways to win. i liked your ledge trick, very cheap...good **** haha.
ps dos. sorry katie i didn't get to play you =[ . i definitely will sometime soon, i hope you are still playing bowser...i'll teach you as best as i can, i suck though.

toasty - we only got to play one match! gah. we have to get more matches in next time. your ness is good man...in our match i was just hoping you wouldn't pull the combo from the video on me haha. even though i know when to watch out for it...still. nutella is too good, we gotta get some next time.

PAC - good matches man...we finally got to play some more this time around. your falcon is too good man. my 0% kill on you will never happen again, junk should've been recorded. i will always try that death combo now that i know that will happen haha. good seeing you again man.

Neo - good seeing you mannnn. sucks we had to play in pools, it wasn't fun to do. you still owe me a heart shaped pancake though next time! haha

l0zr - i'm liking that sky pigeon of yours. very nice. i wish i were able to play you more often and longer than i do. i want to learn some things from you haha. but good **** placing 4th(?) right?

TLOZ - i was watching some of your matches, i love your link. you gotta teach me sometime, it was fast and made me want to play link haha.

59js - you coming to the garage when me and Tc were in our pool match saying "i got some news, i just beat tope!" was too funny hah. fun friendlies we had, we need to play some more. your ganon is siiiiiick.

anybody i left out/played - it was fun


Smash Ace
Dec 20, 2005
Seoul, SK
can't edit..gayyyy

vZakat - nice to meet a fellow low tier main. we only got to play one match also =/ but it was fun. next time let's get some more matches in.

peter - since it won't let me edit...you can have my smash copy if twig is just giving me his vers 1 and not trading.

anddddd smash drama is funny - unknown players/choke cords


Theory Coder
Feb 28, 2004
In a world of my own devising
I'm so tired I can barely stay awake sitting here. I had so much fun just in the afternoon I was there for, but it was so worth it. I'm so glad I decided to come to this.
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