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the domain of the originals


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2007
Concord, NC

God****, I hope I didn't really piss anyone off with that. It was just entertaining, as I figured more people would've said "wait, WHO'S waiting for me?" I think someone said Kiwiii was mad at me about that, and I'm sorry if that was the case, girl. I hope we're cool... =D

Also, some Smash drama leaves pretty entertaining stories... Things like "choke cords" and throwing things at a certain smasher while they slept. However, CStick, sorry to hear about the iPod dealie. It seems as though a bit of theft happened, as Falco no Jutsu lost his controller and Peter lost his Smash. I hope everything is resolved soon.

Roytards - Thanks for going. We may not have been the best there, but we all had fun, and even impressed a few people along the way.

Peter - We did excellently in those teams matches on the first day! Thanks for the support throughout the weekend and the helpful tips you gave me from time to time. We need to meet up, boi!

Luther - I was beginning to think your Bowser lost his touch earlier, but it's good to see he hasn't. Fun matches, as its the first time I think I've ever played you, surprisingly enough. And thanks for the Kirby support. Hearing the constant repetitive cookie cutter "Kirby Sucks" conversations got old and a little discouraging. In the end, I did better as Kirby in almost every match I played this weekend than with Marth. Thanks again!

Toasty, Gum, Ganon, and the others from So. VA - Man, it was fun as hell to meet you guys! Toasty, you gotta get that match uploaded or at least sent to me, I wanna ask for advice on the Marth forum to see what I can do to improve. Gum, whenever the Greens giveth, make sure you taketh. XD Keep up the high spirits and the excellent Samus. I wanna play with you guys again soon, so we'll keep in touch!

Karn/Knorr/anyone else - I don't remember who all hosted, but thank you guys for it. This was one of the best events I've been to, and it couldn't have happened without your, and everyone else's, help.

The guy that screamed about Superman 64/stole insulin strips for KT - you may have been crazy... but that was awesome of you.

The Dodgeball team I was on - You rock.

I'll finish this up later. I'm too tired for now.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
Greensboro, NC
Oh my god, the jubilee was so **** fn!

Toasty i ****ing loved your **** nachos!

Roytards are so **** hilarious and fun to play with, Nick's Elmo impersonation is the greatest thing 3v3r!

Malk and Karn, you two are the coolest guys on the planet XD. The nicknames, the jubilee, everything was great!

Stingers135, Risk was the most badass thing there, that and Shin-chan was hillarious. Action ******* FTW!

Dr.Neo~ i can't think of anything but laughter, well it was a pleasure and stuff. I will get my dollar back next time we meet!

~Zio~ Cool to have met you, sry about your coming about, but it was fun those days with you =P

C-stick~ its so bad to hear about the Ipod! that was really ****ing low of the ******* who might have taken it. Karma tends to be a ***** so they'll get whats coming to them.

Knorr (I'm starting to get confused on the names now but wtfe) the pancakes where so ****ing good and ****, god im going to get pissed when i wake up tomorrow and am not going to have any to eat...

Dodgeball~ God it was the funnest part of the weekend, i wish that it would have had lasted longer. But it was fun nonetheless
p.s. did you any of you find a SSBM case with the GC Fire Emblem game in it?


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2004
IF you played Dodgeball you are amongst the few who EARNED my respect along with the respect of my crew.

And Luther im pissed im not in your shoutout, It was me who devised a plan to keep you warm!

and to the new guys to the crew luther and peter we are more excited about having you 2 on the crew than Ali. and you guys sure as hell didnt disappoint!

The VA guys like Tope and Greg. It was fun as hell talking about random **** all night like Im all in your poon chuggin' my corn

Chillindud829 it was good hanging out with you again and next time i hope to be wearing a brett favre jersey when i see you.

Toasty all i can say is brown power!

Oh yeah I love team kids. Alex especially

And it was nice to meet all the Roytards finally. And as of right now im a bit too tired to type any more if I left you out it was probably on purpose.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
. . . Well, who was it I met?

Knorr/Karn ~ Thanks for hosting the event. I hope you guys decided on doing it again!

Nick-O-Teen ~ You're a riot. Never played you in smash, nor did I play any of the roytards, but you, my friend, are a riot.

Krii ~ It was you who was head of an anime club, right? Good going. Nice to meet you. Of course, I'm no good with remembering peoples names, so with the other 3-4 people I hung around with you, you guys are cool as hell.

Toasty ~ I think it was you I played friendlies in early in the morning Saturday, with the ness tips? I'm not sure, but hey you sure are full of energy. Sorry I couldn't put up more of a fight . . . ;)

Pac ~ Thanks for that ride.

oi, I'm having trouble trying to remember names here.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA

I'm the one who started that. (If you slept on the third floor, you know what I'm talking about.) I didn't think it'd escalate into the madness that it became. Surely, if I hadn't gone "Yeaaaahh," someone else would have done something to keep us all up until 6 in the morning.

I missed out on pancakes because I wanted to play smash, and before ya know it, doubles started. Those pancakes were so f'n huge I mean wow.

Also, I heard someone was missing a copy of smash. I relocated one of the tvs and cubes upstairs to the third floor for tourney matches. The copy of smash might have been the missing copy. Check the cube that's closest to the bathroom on that floor along the wall, if the set up is still there.

Yay - After years of AIM conversations, we finally meet and **** so hard. Teaming with you was the highlight of the weekend for me.

Chillin - Thanks for the Marth/Fox dittos. Your Fox is so good, and I guess the reason you got so many grabs on me in the Marth dittos is due to your experience. I think you see something I don't. Glad I got that **** recorded.

Chu - Now there's $2 I gotta get from you. You said you weren't sandbagging, and I believe you, so thanks for going full force. I was thinking of going to a random stage first match instead of letting you go straight to FD, but Ken did well against your ICs on FD at OC2, so I thought I had a chance, rofl. However, you are HACKING THE GAME by bringing Nana THROUGH the tail of Great Fox on Corneria with up + b.

G-reg - g-reg is f'n amazing. I pestered you for matches, but I wasn't leaving until I played the legendary Falcon. When the only tips I get are "just keep playing," I know I'm doing something right. Also, I chuckled watching you spam knees in teams.

I played a LOT of friendlies. Man, a lot of you are really good. Some of you, I played constantly. But I don't remember names very well, unfortunately. There was a Sheik player on the third floor, a Peach player in the garage, Pac (I think?), TC, and a slew of others that I just can't remember. Sorry, I fail. Next time, I'm gonna get some Post-Its and stick everyone's name on my body the moment I meet you. lol, and then ya'll can call me Sticky. And then I can team with Toasty. And then our team name can be Pop-tart. XD

A few last notes.

I really appreciated the cheap venue fee. Considering everything we got, that was insane for just 5 bucks.

If someone did steal CStick's IPod, please return it. That's about the nicest I can say it. If it just turns up somewhere from being misplaced or moved, then awesome.

That house was ridiculously amazing.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 24, 2002
Whoa, apparently I did have a forum account here from a long long time ago!

(This is the guy who randomly showed up and has never posted before... or so I think.)

I hung out with the Roytards and the guy who stole those things for RTFthe most, you guys were a blast even though I had to leave early. Watch out, though. I may of sucked this time, but next time I will be better. :)

And I'll finally play Nick and RTF next time too. And lose! :p


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2005
this tournament really was great, it shows me that NC will be a power state in the next game because i met people who i never knew who were pretty good and i noticed that alot of us were beating the out of staters and if not beating them coming really close to it, anyway this is an extreme run on sentence and i think i will end it with this note, "u gotta learn 2 crawl, b4 u learn 2 walk"


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2007
Raleigh NC
shout outs take too long,

i loved hanging with the NC originators i wish i could of gotten some more PAC! time,
slick willy has to get his vegence!!

Thx every body for coming out i enjoyed seeing all my out of town homies and i will see everybody next time.

Except Red Marth, your not allowed back to any of our tournies, as Malk said when i was taling to him about it "Trash talk is cool, maybe getting pissed over yr *** being handed to you is cool, but violence is not cool."
Your lucky i was too tired and couldnt find you the next day.

No respect. As well as to the mother ****er who ganked C-sticks i-pod.

Anyway love you all, till next time, peace.


Smash Cadet
Apr 20, 2007
Shout out time...

Roytards-Weird name, cool people. I twas fun as hell playing and hanging out with your team...

Red Marth-brilliant in your execution just like Hitman.

Toasty-the epic nachos are still epic...oh and the mid quick attack spike, good ****...

ChuDat-thanks for the match, it was fun as hell just trying to get one stock off of you...

And of course thank you for hosting Karn and Knor, SoVa had a blast and we hope to see you all at the next fest.

*Edit* And the real Ganon please stand up...I need to know who it really is...


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2005
You wanna strangle me son, Ill give you a head start.. because ive been trainin with ****in red marth.
Yo that **** was fun... thanks guys who hosted and thanks chris for lettin me sleep in that room with you and your GF ... and for the pancakes and the scope i rinsed my mouth out with...... but i would like to thank red marth most of all.... because today somone tried to choke me with a choke cord and i immediatly knew how to counter it.. Thanks red marth... CHOKE CORD


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2003
man why didn't i go to this ****.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
Just in case no one saw the ****ing ridiculous coincidence of a post I linked, this was from 2001, a thread called Make Yourself A Character [lol, googled smashboards choke cord to see if a thread was made documenting the most awkward and uncool moment ever, but then found this instead]

B^ Fart propulsion triple jump.

B> Run over and choke opponent with Gamecube controller cord.

B Pull out an AK and start shootin. Hold in to improve aim and get huge damage headshots.

Bv *** Pie. Shoves guy into the ground and stick *** in his face.

LOL! These are dumb i could think up better ones but i'm in a hurry gotta get off soon!

xS A M U R A Ix

Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2003
Raleigh, NC
I was totally gonna come to this and get free food / my *** kicked in smash brothers but then I found out it had a 5 dollar door fee and my cheap *** decided to opt for HD 300 on a 50 inch TV.

Seeing video game drama would have been awesome though. ****it.

Looking foward to playing everyone when Brawl comes out!

BTW, did anyone record match videos by any chance?


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC <CREW YGO>
Lolz @ epic post

Shout outzz Yo-

LOZR - My #1 shout out cause you are too **** good. I thought you had g-reg man. You should've went falcon on his *** :) Great stuff at this tourney, your gonna make our whole crew step up their game again.

TC - I think that you may be better than me lolz. Second tourney in a row you put me down son. I think I would've done better if I had went samus on you for that second match, but w/e your too good mangz...... Even though my falcon is prettier :)

59JS - SHHHUUTTT UUPPPPP!!! Slick willie you really held it down this tourney with a pools match over tope? Too **** good man. One of these days I will have to buy you some hushpuppies for being so good :)

TLOZ - Thank god we finally had a tourney where we didn't have to fight one another. I'm glad your showing people the link still, good shiz man. You just tell me if you ever want a spot on the power rankings cause yo' *** needs to be up there fo' real.

Jawsh - I wish you hadn't left during singles man, but I understand your reasons. Your Jiggz is getting too nasty, especially in teams with the **** rest combos. good ****

F-Yay - LOLZ mangz you are a trip son. we played a little bit and if i'm not mistaken then I think you only beat me with pichu.......... dang it lol. Our team is too nasty you know :)

TRC - Your really cool man. Almost getting shot with you was too fun. You South carolina guys make me realize how lucky I am to have a state as good as NC. Maybe I will head down to SC sometime, you know after I kill that guy :)

Yoshido - Yoshi man, that shiz was too good. you should've stay with him against me in pools. anyways your really cool too mangz I think i'm starting to like yall SC boyzz lol.

SK47 - You beat my marth with tha' samus lolz. It was good talking to you and TRC about random stuff on Saturday night man. I like that doc yo' keep it up! Hopefully we can play again soon.

Boxr - Your samus was pretty good mangz. too bad **** happens sometime, try not to let it get you down.

Twig/tha' NC Boss - Your too good mangz. Fun playing you as always mangz we gotta get together so we can put up that new rankings shiz. I'm thinking we might add some SC goodness? Just a thought yo.

Jolly/Brown_guy/Peter - good **** as always you guys are too cool. Jolly I'm gonna steal yo' shoes fo' real. Brown_guy maybe teams next time or something yo'. Peter we finally played even if it wasn't exactly your best characters.

2% - 2% is a better name than luther.............. but anyways your boozer is good and there is no way we're letting your *** off the power rankings, haha. You gave me the inspiration I needed in that teams match to pull it out with tha' boozer goodness :)

G-reg - I was going to steal the pink falcon from you till I realized that pink falcon is all about the love and there is always enough love to share when playing pink. Good **** against LOZR and Tope mangz. Nice stuff with 3rd.

Chu / Chillin' - Yall are never gonna post in this thread lolz, unless you have something to say about the choke cord incident, lolz. good **** beating my *** chu and chillin' I will beat your falcon the first time I try next time. It's cause you play the wrong color that's all :) Nice **** with 1st and 2nd.

vzakats - I learned how to say your name son! You should've stay with roy against me in pools mangz. That roy is too nas-tay keep it up :)

Ether - your marth is so good and I play alot of marth's too. But at least I was able to beat you some right? haha hope to play you again definitely. You put fear into the falcons and the sheiks ;)

C-stick - good matches mangz. What happened sucks majorly dude. NC owes you a collective favor I think or something like that?

Karn/Knorr/Malk/David - yall guys are too good and don't even need me to say anything about yall cause that's how we be rollin' in NC. Great tourney and way to rep NC!!!!

Tope - I sure wish you had stayed sheik against me in the tourney on FD. I might actually have beaten yous :) Your too fun to have at tourneys man good ****

Toasty - **** that Pika finally took a match from me haha. What would the VA guys say........squander? Haha just playing man your getting better and better with those low teirs. Maybe not Rainbow cruise next time?

Echo - good shiz in teams we could have done better though. Hey at least we knocked out SC right? Looking forward to more smash with you mangz :)

Munk and Adamz - Pretty sure yall are dead to the smash scene now but you will get a shout out anyways!!!! Yesh!

Ali - I missed you........ My falcon brother............ I needed your power ............. I'm thinking bout making a pink flamingo shirt or like some NC falcon power rings or something cause it would be epic............ lots of dots :)

Roytards - Yall guys are too funny. Great to finally meet and play the whole crew, cept certain peoples!! Haha, but yall are too funny and cool hope to see more of yall ;) Special shout out to the **** kirby player. Keep that shiz up mangz, keep it up.

Gawd I hope I didn't forget anyone, but I know I probably did. just remember your all in my heart....and stuff like that yo. Anyways This tourney was too much fun. It had Drama, Laughs, and a whole **** load of wings. Thanks everyone for making this one so good :)


lol at Jawsh for calling it and dang I use alot of happy faces in my posts gawd-


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006

I know d@mn well I wasn't performing my best there. HEY! LoZR! Wanna go to Raleigh sometime? I want to show that I'm not that bad. I want to show you ALL!!! It was my controller, I tell you!


Smash Champion
Feb 1, 2006
Johnson City Tennessee

First to James- I cant believe you forgot about me

Adam-We started out playing together. Look how much you progressed. Your a beast and i'll see you in like 2 weeks.

Trey- Your kool

Cory and Jeremy- i have to put you all together cuz i always get you all mixed up. Your both awesome to chill with and I'll see you all soon.

Greg- Your a really kool guy too. You all wouldnt taste the "orange soda" so I had to step up and do it.

Savage... ex- Your kool congrats on fifth glad to have met you.


Tope- Your kool when you dont want pancakes.

Chu- your kool. Your cocky but i guess you have the right to be. You beat me and twig two on one. After we took all your moneys. By the way our record against eachother is now 5 and 2. I beat you 5 you beat me two. Thats right.

Chillin- good seein you again. It was fun metting you the first time. Next time we need to ball for sure. Me and you vs greg and tope.

Twig- We make a good team.... 2v1s. Your really kool. I remember when we had beef. Your really kool now.

jolly- Your the man. too kool bro. Funny too.

Joel- Your really kool now too. A genius in trivial pursuit from the bc era. Great stuff man.

Random container of skin ointment that I'm looking at- You make me pretty

knorr- We are the master pancake makers. Next time we'll be more prepared Your really kool man. I'll see you soon.

toasty- I'm glad we got to play at the end. It was intense. Your the man, realy realy kool guy.

the guy who let me use his controller to play toasty. I told you i was bad at names. I'm sorry I forgot it again. It loke started with an S I'm pretty sure. But your kool too.
Oh yea, your name was vince

First of all you have improved so much and you all are very very kool

Yay- Whats up man. Lol. Dude your so funny I dont think we even go to play any. Sucks, next time we will for sure.

TRC- You used to be annoying to me and really bad at smash. in my opinion you were one of the koolest people there for sure. Great at smash too. Great guy cant wait to see you again.

Skat or sk47 whatever it was- you had a sick doc. You were kool too. Nice meeting you man hope to see you all again soon.

Malk- Almost forgot you. You little jewish boy, your the man. Too bad I had to school in the game that i never played before though.

karn- Great tournament, food, everything. Your kool AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNYAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Lion king is too good.

Jerod you had to beat up on me in the pools didnt you? Thanks. J/p Ill see you in like a week.

Luther- Dude you mean jerk head. Where was your bowser?

knorrs brother- gangster

Whover stole ipod-***got

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NEW COMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Choke Cord


If I missed anyone I'm really really sorry I tried to remember everyone. Hope to see you all soon.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Hey NEO, I really wanted to play you to see how far my Doc got. Well, since you'll be here in, like, 2 weeks, I might get that chance then, huh?:)


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2004
Oh yeah Dr. Neo good **** hanging out all weekend, Im not sure whatever beef that was between any of our crew but we all decided you are a cool guy. and us saying you are cool is pretty much the same as trusting you with our **** and that means a lot. Pac next time we are teaming for real.

Knorr Karn David Malk and his bro shawn you guys are the bomb diggity shiznit and IM glad i got to hang out with you guys at a tourney for once and next tourney you guys better bring Settlers of Caton!
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