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The Captain Falcon Q&A Thread


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
i listen to you <3

i suck but people seem to think im pretty good

and they still dont listen to me because i dont like to make text walls
It's more impressive to say something meaningful in a few, spare words, then with a wall of text.

People are just impressed with walls of text here on smashboards.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
I figured out today that utilt knocks Pikachu out of his forward b. Did anybody know this? Is it useful?
I think so...
I guess any of out tilts should right. Or any move? I just figured Falcon wouldn't be able to pull something like that off.

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
I figured out today that utilt knocks Pikachu out of his forward b. Did anybody know this? Is it useful?
I think so...
I guess any of out tilts should right. Or any move? I just figured Falcon wouldn't be able to pull something like that off.
I don't think it's disjointed, so anything should be able to hit him out of it. Obviously the timing could be hard, but I never saw skull bash as a threatening move.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
Sourspotted Forward Airs are called Flub Knees.
Get ooooooutta here Red-Blue you're so craaaaazy

Also I call them gimp knees.

Because they gimp people.

Also it depends on how charged up skull bash is.

Also Skip my definition of "pro" falcon players are
1. Go to (offline) tournaments
2. Play as Falcon
3. Actually do pretty well (or at least looks good)
4. Vids or it didn't happen.

Also Player-3, if it makes you feel any better I don't think you're very good <3 Actually XD I have no idea because I haven't seen you play at all.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Get ooooooutta here Red-Blue you're so craaaaazy

Also I call them gimp knees.

Because they gimp people.

Also it depends on how charged up skull bash is.

Also Skip my definition of "pro" falcon players are
1. Go to (offline) tournaments
2. Play as Falcon
3. Actually do pretty well (or at least looks good)
4. Vids or it didn't happen.

Also Player-3, if it makes you feel any better I don't think you're very good <3 Actually XD I have no idea because I haven't seen you play at all.
I do all, although for some odd reason the weekly i goes to never adds my matches. He keeps them private. Why? idk. lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
Get ooooooutta here Red-Blue you're so craaaaazy

Also I call them gimp knees.

Because they gimp people.

Also it depends on how charged up skull bash is.

Also Skip my definition of "pro" falcon players are
1. Go to (offline) tournaments
2. Play as Falcon
3. Actually do pretty well (or at least looks good)
4. Vids or it didn't happen.

Also Player-3, if it makes you feel any better I don't think you're very good <3 Actually XD I have no idea because I haven't seen you play at all.
i dont think im good personally but melee vets are like

dude your cf is the sex in barlw

then i play him in melee and pull off triple knees and im like

**** BRAWL


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
Anybody have any advice for fighting Wolfs.
I got murdered this weekend by a decent Wolf. I was hosting a tournament at my school, and not a lot of people play, so I didn't enter myself, because I didn't want to just **** everyone.
This one guy came, and I've never seen him before. I beat him once, but after that he beat me three times in a row, and he ended up winning the tournament.

I was at a loss for how to deal with him. Any quick advice?


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Anybody have any advice for fighting Wolfs.
I got murdered this weekend by a decent Wolf. I was hosting a tournament at my school, and not a lot of people play, so I didn't enter myself, because I didn't want to just **** everyone.
This one guy came, and I've never seen him before. I beat him once, but after that he beat me three times in a row, and he ended up winning the tournament.

I was at a loss for how to deal with him. Any quick advice?
get him offstage and keep him there. knee gimp his up b if he's coming sideways or diagonal head on. if he's coming straight up, attack it from the sides. jab works well in this match up. space him out with jab jab > nair. avoid his laser, as he can force you to approach which is where you are weakest at. I believe an auto canceled fair can outprioritize his fsmash and forward b, test that out.

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
You can DI up and avoid the last of the three fsmash hits (the one with knockback). Wolf has a lot of kill moves, but they are all telegraphed. If you get ahead one stock, you should be able to rack up a lot of damage if you don't run into something obvious. A lot of Wolfs like holding down while returning to the stage with their side B as a lame method of racking damage. It's not a KO threat, and I sometimes find that a charged fsmash or a utilt can hit easily if they're being predictable.

By the way, Falcon can do the same thing with Falcon Dive (holding down on the control stick to prevent a sweetspot after starting the move) and it will latch onto opponents without invincibility frames, even if the move would have auto-sweetspotted otherwise. I don't know if anyone else does this, but it's great. Pretty much a free 17% unless your opponent is waiting at the middle of the stage or spamming spotdodge.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
get him offstage and keep him there. knee gimp his up b if he's coming sideways or diagonal head on. if he's coming straight up, attack it from the sides. jab works well in this match up. space him out with jab jab > nair. avoid his laser, as he can force you to approach which is where you are weakest at. I believe an auto canceled fair can outprioritize his fsmash and forward b, test that out.
Oh ****e! If that's true, I'd have been golden. Yeah, that fsmash always gets me. And his dsmash kept killing me.
**** Wolf. Falcon's grab game isn't nearly as good against this guy then other characters.

Also, are you sure about the jab thing? I thought wolf had a pretty good jab game?


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Oh ****e! If that's true, I'd have been golden. Yeah, that fsmash always gets me. And his dsmash kept killing me.
**** Wolf. Falcon's grab game isn't nearly as good against this guy then other characters.

Also, are you sure about the jab thing? I thought wolf had a pretty good jab game?
jab spacing with nairs. like literally two jabs jump and use an nair (ff it). again, I warn you, I play weird. nair spacing works well on people who play defenesive and gives shield pressure.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
jab spacing with nairs. like literally two jabs jump and use an nair (ff it). again, I warn you, I play weird. nair spacing works well on people who play defenesive and gives shield pressure.
I try to play super defensive. It's hard though against Wolf and his lasers.
Also, I counter picked Jungle **** at one point, but he did pretty well there. Is that a good Wolf stage... I keep thinking I should have picked Distant Planet. I think I would have fared better.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
I would've CP'd lylat or frigate. those stages screw people over with poor recovery options. im not that defensive of a player so idk what to say.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Got ya. Yeah, I got to practice on Lylat. I'm not terribly comfortable there, but it should be good for Falcon, eh?
I don't personally like lylat but its said to be a good falcon stage. my question to you all is how do you fight olimar on stage? >_<

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
It sucks. I normally go for bairs and nairs, you really can't approach at all on the ground. Knees will kill him really early if you manage to land one, but imo Olimar is Falcon's worst matchup.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
Hehehe, Olimar's love attacking out of hitstun though, I've dthrow > dash dance > regrab as they toss out random fair and land


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2009
Falcon on oli is just terrible.......Oli has liek....a 45-50% combo on him -_-
Only way i deal with Oli is by hopping around and attacking as fast as i can ....usually with a u-air...then liek....hop around some more XD


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
Augh! Don't say that!
Stay! Fight the good (uphill) fight!
Falcon is not, and never will be tourny viable in brawl

unless some broken AT comes out, like falcon punch becoming a projectile

all these " combos " barely help him at all.

i love playing him, and ill keep playing him, but just so you know, he will NEVER be tourny viable


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2009
Falcon is not, and never will be tourny viable in brawl

unless some broken AT comes out, like falcon punch becoming a projectile

all these " combos " barely help him at all.

i love playing him, and ill keep playing him, but just so you know, he will NEVER be tourny viable
This isnt very fair. Falcon is better than most ppl believe, imo, and I can beat everyone at local tourneys with him, even MKs. It is extremely difficult, no doubt, but just playing CF makes you a much better player. Playing CF is the equivalent of swinging multiple baseball bats...when you move to other chars, you find you have an easier time because of the effort put into mastering technics which are absolutely needed to play Falcon.

CF has his purpose, and he CAN win if you put enough effort into it in tourneys. Saying a char isnt tourney viable at all assumes that there arent other players that can do it, which simply isnt true.

t3h n00b

Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2008
Laurel, Maryland
No one has won with Falcon at a major Brawl tourney (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure). That doesn't mean no one can place with him, or even potentially win a tournament in the future, but they would need a large amount more skill than everyone else, and pretty much all the players with the most skill are using high tiers and winning tournies. You can beat MKs with Falcon maybe, but not the best MKs with Falcon.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
This isnt very fair. Falcon is better than most ppl believe, imo, and I can beat everyone at local tourneys with him, even MKs. It is extremely difficult, no doubt, but just playing CF makes you a much better player. Playing CF is the equivalent of swinging multiple baseball bats...when you move to other chars, you find you have an easier time because of the effort put into mastering technics which are absolutely needed to play Falcon.

CF has his purpose, and he CAN win if you put enough effort into it in tourneys. Saying a char isnt tourney viable at all assumes that there arent other players that can do it, which simply isnt true.
No, thats not anything i meant at all

when i said captain falcon isnt tourney viable, i meant that as a CHARACTER he cannot beat other characters.

Falcon has no techniques to master, all you do is mindgame and read your opponent
beating someone with falcon basically means two things
1- you are better with the basics of the game than the opponent
2- you are better with your character than they are theirs
3- they play ganondorf

i place pretty well in tournys with falcon, and i enjoy him, but falcon is a HORRID character.
he is better than ganondorf, and that is really it

ganon dorf is......

i still play him though

local tournaments?
where do you live... im just curious

PLAYERS can be tourny-viable, not falcon


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2008
Dead. *****es.
Falcon is not, and never will be tourny viable in brawl

unless some broken AT comes out, like falcon punch becoming a projectile

all these " combos " barely help him at all.

i love playing him, and ill keep playing him, but just so you know, he will NEVER be tourny viable
There ya go. Thats what we like to hear.

This isnt very fair. Falcon is better than most ppl believe, imo, and I can beat everyone at local tourneys with him, even MKs. It is extremely difficult, no doubt, but just playing CF makes you a much better player. Playing CF is the equivalent of swinging multiple baseball bats...when you move to other chars, you find you have an easier time because of the effort put into mastering technics which are absolutely needed to play Falcon.

CF has his purpose, and he CAN win if you put enough effort into it in tourneys. Saying a char isnt tourney viable at all assumes that there arent other players that can do it, which simply isnt true.
Honestly there isn't enough backing up your response. The tourneys you went to are not the best players playing their best game at the Highest level of competitive play.

That is where all of the credibility is, and where people can make a difference. And Falcon just isn't there.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
Ooooh... I'll take him there.
You better bet I'll take him there.

To quote Ralph, from the Honeymooners,
"One of these days, Alice... POW! Right to the MOON!"


Smash Rookie
Feb 15, 2009
There ya go. Thats what we like to hear.

Honestly there isn't enough backing up your response. The tourneys you went to are not the best players playing their best game at the Highest level of competitive play.

That is where all of the credibility is, and where people can make a difference. And Falcon just isn't there.
I never said i was playing the best MKs. I know i would lose against the best MKs with Falcon, that's not the point. If we start arguing over whos playing against better players, youll find that even the best players have some weaknesses (granted, MK/snake are S-tier specifically because they have very few). Youre asking me to play against the absoulte best people in the world, which simply isnt practical. I play east coast (NY) so take it for whats it's worth. I really dont appreciate personal attacks, and I dont plan on questioning where you live or your credibility, since i trust that many players who post here are at least decent.

I was simply stating Falcon can play consistently against supposedly untouchable characters, given enough skill. I could play MK and spam whorenado/d-smash all day if i wanted to join the endless ranks of MKs, but Falcon is fun to play because he's very challenging to master (and makes you a much better player as a result). If you dont have the time to do that, fine, spam MK or snake or D3, idc.

Sorry I dont just buy into your senseless negativity.
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