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The Brawlplusery - Brawl+ Codeset - Updated 3rd April

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Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Can we get the site for the nightly builds added to the OP?
Toss in a disclaimer that these are ever changing codesets and changes are experimental for the next official release, blah blah blah.

I just figure that way people don't have to constantly ask where people are always getting these new codesets and wonder what people are talking about as far as changes when they are still playing 4.0.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Ok then let me specify, Fast fall only during jumps. not specials, etc. Also, you can FF as you regularly would during an attack, but not rising attacks.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
Ok then let me specify, Fast fall only during jumps. not specials, etc. Also, you can FF as you regularly would during an attack, but not rising attacks.
Then you're still giving every character something that functions almost identically to a djc. It lets you perform any aerial right by the ground as you leave it and then immediately land afterward. This just screams broken.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Speaking of DJC, would it be a bad idea to give Yoshi/Ness their DJCs back? Add a bit more uniqueness to these two and give more separation between Lucas and Ness. There's not really a reason to give them back other than uniqueness though.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2008
Usually when someone mentions them getting the DJC, someone brings up the loss of their rising Fair as an argument. Maybe if there was a way to keep the DJC without losing rising Fairs....


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Usually when someone mentions them getting the DJC, someone brings up the loss of their rising Fair as an argument. Maybe if there was a way to keep the DJC without losing rising Fairs....
Not to mention hurting Yoshi in other ways like his airdodge double jump recovery.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Uh... who not just give Ness/Yoshi a char specific ff anytime code? That'll give them djc and not **** their already terrible recoveries and it adds an advanced technique to the game. It'll also give Ness/Yoshi some much needed combos (lets face it, both of these characters are pretty suck lmao). It'd make up for Ness terrible momentum and short hop.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Uh... who not just give Ness/Yoshi a char specific ff anytime code? That'll give them djc and not **** their already terrible recoveries and it adds an advanced technique to the game. It'll also give Ness/Yoshi some much needed combos (lets face it, both of these characters are pretty suck lmao). It'd make up for Ness terrible momentum and short hop.
This was actually an idea that crossed my mind (and the one that made me post asking about adding DJC for them) but I was honestly unsure how either of these characters play in Brawl+ at all. It could be -too- big of a buff which would be bad, however if they're lackluster as is, it could be the buff they need.


Smash Hero
Dec 26, 2005
Arlington, Va
Well, Ness' uair would have to be sped up and it's knockback decreased at lower percents so he could combo with it. Nair would be fine. Dair would be useless for low ground djc's. He would be able to alternate utilt to uair to u-tilt if you did that. His bair would work well as a ko move. It works similarly to Peach's current fc, but she can use float to recover and follow people around with it so it's balanced in that regard (I think this new form of djc would be easier, but since fc'ing was easier than djc'ing in melee there's nothing wrong with that).

If you give him this then the only thing he would need would be a uair speed increase and a running speed increase. Maybe a recovery buff. That's all he would need. I haven't played with the recent change to his d-smash and running attack, but I'll try them out tonight.

His only problem then would be his lack of range (in b4 fair), susceptibility to combos, bad recovery (if the buff still leaves it bad), and aerial momentum.

And please don't say Ness isn't a fast character. The last two smash games, he was definitely above average in terms of speed. His physics are totally weird, but this would simply just make it so he doesn't really deal with those things anymore.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Then you're still giving every character something that functions almost identically to a djc. It lets you perform any aerial right by the ground as you leave it and then immediately land afterward. This just screams broken.
with the way I explained it, you can't DJC during any attack unless its ff'd the way you normally do. you always mistunderstand what I say -_-
you would ONLY ff during your jump at any moment without actions. just your jump. I was thinking attacks but character specific would be ness, and he'd have to ff to cancel the rising attack. that way, he can have rising and DJC'd attacks. also DJC in b+ wouldn't be broken because characters have landing lag. 64 had 0% and I believe melee had 50%. brawl just has 100% lol


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
with the way I explained it, you can't DJC during any attack unless its ff'd the way you normally do. you always mistunderstand what I say -_-
you would ONLY ff during your jump at any moment without actions. just your jump. I was thinking attacks but character specific would be ness, and he'd have to ff to cancel the rising attack. that way, he can have rising and DJC'd attacks. also DJC in b+ wouldn't be broken because characters have landing lag. 64 had 0% and I believe melee had 50%. brawl just has 100% lol
*cough* ALR *cough*

You would still be able to ff cancel your jump as you leave the ground and then throw out a 2 or 3 frame nair or whatever, which would still come out very close to the ground and be very ridiculous.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
*cough* ALR *cough*

You would still be able to ff cancel your jump as you leave the ground and then throw out a 2 or 3 frame nair or whatever, which would still come out very close to the ground and be very ridiculous.
I was just thinking of a way to make the game more technical. besides, I know there's ALR IN B+, b+ is not the same as brawl. ;l
besides its just something to test and its an idea, im not saying this is law and should be permanent. besides, I even sparked a few ideas from other members. I get what you're saying and you're listing negatives, but do you see absolutely no posititives? it wouldn't be a one sided thing anyway like in 64


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
* cough *
I was just thinking of a way to make the game more technical. besides, I know there's ALR IN B+, b+ is not the same as brawl. ;l
besides its just something to test and its an idea, im not saying this is law and should be permanent. besides, I even sparked a few ideas from other members. I get what you're saying and you're listing negatives, but do you see absolutely no posititives? it wouldn't be a one sided thing anyway like in 64
Who cares what's in brawl when we're talking about brawl+? Brawl+ has ALR.

And the only "positives" I see are extremely quick shield pressure and shffl games. Quick shffls are good and fine and all, except when they're happening two inches above the ground.
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
I'm sorry, but I really say Ness doesn't need much now. He's already good now. A few more things could be optimized though

My personal wants are:
-Is there anyway to make the fair have more of a trapping effect, or give the earlier hits some stun? If I'm not mistaken, wouldn't this help its priority as well?

-Aerial PK Fire should autocancel at FH height. Aerial PK fire is useless now. You lag enough for your opponent to just SDI out of the fire before you're out of your landing lag, and I don't believe it's possible to PK Fire Lag Cancel with an AD anymore. I would say just reduce the lag, but then SH PK Fires might become a bit too good as a follow up to itself, which isn't what the move should do.

-Dtilt having a tiny bit more stun. DC Dtilt utilt is a good mindgamey move, but for a move with such crap range as the dtilt, can we at least make dtilt utilt legit?

-Slight recovery boost?

Note that these are wants, not needs.

And please don't say Ness isn't a fast character. The last two smash games, he was definitely above average in terms of speed. His physics are totally weird, but this would simply just make it so he doesn't really deal with those things anymore.
He isn't slow now. And beside the fact that he's never had a fast running speed. Ness has always relied on ATs for his movement to be anything above average, and even then he was never what I would call "fast".


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Who cares what's in brawl when we're talking about brawl+? Brawl+ has ALR.

And the only "positives" I see are extremely quick shield pressure and shffl games. Quick shffls are good and fine and all, except when they're happening two inches above the ground.
I thought brawl+ was taking the best of the other smash games? falcon reverse knee was in melee, and if it weren't talked about it probably wouldn't be included. ;B also someones ability to do moves 2inches above the ground to sheild pressure you with percise timing is pretty good technical skill imo. but brawl+ is supposed to be the "pick up and play" game so I guess asking for some depth is a bit too much.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I thought brawl+ was taking the best of the other smash games? falcon reverse knee was in melee, and if it weren't talked about it probably wouldn't be included. ;B
And in what smash game could you ff before the apex of your jump with every character?

also someones ability to do moves 2inches above the ground to sheild pressure you with percise timing is pretty good technical skill imo. but brawl+ is supposed to be the "pick up and play" game so I guess asking for some depth is a bit too much.
It's not that brawl+ is "anti-depth" or "anti-tech skill." It's that being able to shield pressure with aerials two inches off the ground in rapid succession is borderline broken.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
how else can ness do rising aerials and DJC? ness is pretty bland in brawl+. he has few combos but that's it. also, I can't talk about other smash games but I can't make up ideas either? also your second reply is irrelevant because I didn't say brawl+ was anti depth or tech skill and explain how its broken if EVERY character could do it? I understand that its bad but for some but not broken


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
how else can ness do rising aerials and DJC? ness is pretty bland in brawl+. he has few combos but that's it.
That's nice. Last I checked we were talking about every character here. Not just ness. I could maybe see ness getting it as a specific character buff, but I am firmly against this going in as a universal mechanic as you want it.

also, I can't talk about other smash games but I can't make up ideas either?
You said that "brawl+ is taking the best of all the smash games" as an argument to support an idea that has never been in any smash game. So basically, you made a horrible argument and then tried to misrepresent my position when I called you out for it. Great job.

also your second reply is irrelevant because I didn't say brawl+ was anti depth or tech skill and explain how its broken if EVERY character could do it? I understand that its bad but for some but not broken
Correction: Your reply is irrelevant. You were suggesting that the reason we wouldn't include this is because it requires tech skill, which is completely and utterly false. Not to mention that by saying that you were "asking for some depth," you're suggesting that brawl+ is a shallow game to begin with.

And how can you not see how insane shield pressure on every character isn't broken? Sure, maybe the characters, themselves, wouldn't be horribly imbalanced (I mean, the characters with slow aerials would only be bottom tier), but just as a game mechanic, it's highly highly imbalanced, and basically ruins the whole point of having a defense game.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Speaking of DJC, would it be a bad idea to give Yoshi/Ness their DJCs back? Add a bit more uniqueness to these two and give more separation between Lucas and Ness. There's not really a reason to give them back other than uniqueness though.
This is where we started Ness/Yoshi only instead of the whole cast.

Uh... who not just give Ness/Yoshi a char specific ff anytime code? That'll give them djc and not **** their already terrible recoveries and it adds an advanced technique to the game. It'll also give Ness/Yoshi some much needed combos (lets face it, both of these characters are pretty suck lmao). It'd make up for Ness terrible momentum and short hop.
This is affirmation of the topic and proposal to allow FF Anytime to allow them to DJC or not DJC.

This was actually an idea that crossed my mind (and the one that made me post asking about adding DJC for them) but I was honestly unsure how either of these characters play in Brawl+ at all. It could be -too- big of a buff which would be bad, however if they're lackluster as is, it could be the buff they need.
This is reaffirmation. The discussion since has been about Ness mainly, ignoring Yoshi.

Looks like you're just not following the flow of conversation, Leaf.
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
just an idea to add more depth to the game, jump canceling? like FF no matter what point you are in your jump. just an idea. there's obvious negatives and positives. but just an idea :lick:
*argument against it here*

except during tumble. but i mean, instead of a sarcastic yea you can try to list why it was either good or bad. i dont think ive played with a ff anytime code.
*argument against it again*

Ok then let me specify, Fast fall only during jumps. not specials, etc. Also, you can FF as you regularly would during an attack, but not rising attacks.
*Leaf replies*

Which part of that mentions any character specifically? If it was meant to be only about Ness, then it was worded quite poorly.


Stuff here
Feb 14, 2006
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I retract the previous statement. I'm just ******** and Skip/Leaf have been arguing about all characters instead of just Ness/Yoshi, but yeah. It was just me and thesage going with Ness/Yoshi only.

Every character having the FF Any time code would be ******** for reasons mentioned, but I'm still not against Ness/Yoshi having them. :x


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
hey, as much as I love reading big walls of text, I won't, and im not arguing. arguing online is for losers and online gangstas. it doesn't matter, because at least my idea sparked a few new ones. its called brainstorming. ;l

ah ma gaaazz
I wasn't being character specific, someone else was. ;B and stop thinking im implying **** unless I directly said it lol. here's my direct points since people are confused

- I want to FF before my apex of my jump (I can understand why this is bad but not broken) shouldn't be implemented because it is bad
-someone comes up with the idea of it for ness/yoshi but says it will hurt ness
-i figured my idea could apply to ness in a sense that he should FF to cancel his jump before he reaches its max height, so this way, he can use rising aerials and DJC (pretty good idea to me)
meh I have a different thought process so sorry to all who's confused. except leafgreen. lol.
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
The problem with the FF anytime code is just what it sounds like. You can FF at literally ANY time.

FF during hitstun for uber combo breaking with a tech. FF during PKT/2 when you mean to push the PKT downward and killing yourself.

You can pretty much insert GHNeko's post from the last page here, honestly. xD

FF during DJ for those two would be nice, but if Fox's laser can lock someone in their shield at the lowest decent shieldstun setting, wouldn't Ness and Yoshi DJCing aerials lightning fast be able to actually pull off a shield break combo?

hey, as much as I love reading big walls of text, I won't, and im not arguing. arguing online is for losers and online gangstas. it doesn't matter, because at least my idea sparked a few new ones. its called brainstorming. ;l
No johns.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
The problem with the FF anytime code is just what it sounds like. You can FF at literally ANY time.

FF during hitstun for uber combo breaking with a tech. FF during PKT/2 when you mean to push the PKT downward and killing yourself.

You can pretty much insert GHNeko's post from the last page here, honestly. xD

FF during DJ for those two would be nice, but if Fox's laser can lock someone in their shield at the lowest decent shieldstun setting, wouldn't Ness and Yoshi DJCing aerials lightning fast be able to actually pull off a shield break combo?

No johns.
random, but I said FF only before you reach the apex of your jump, not specials, hitstun, ONLY JUMP NUGGUH and leaf pointed out how it can lead to sheild breaker then I admitted its bad but not broken then he goes on and on even after I admitted it.



Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I love it when randoms argue against me that have no idea what they're talking about, and when I prove them wrong, they make all sorts of excuses and try to lay the blame on me using non-existent evidence.

Skip2MaLoo said:
hey, as much as I love reading big walls of text, I won't, and im not arguing. arguing online is for losers and online gangstas. it doesn't matter, because at least my idea sparked a few new ones. its called brainstorming. ;l
Oh, aren't you the tough one!

random, but I said FF only before you reach the apex of your jump, not specials, hitstun, ONLY JUMP NUGGUH and leaf pointed out how it can lead to sheild breaker then I admitted its bad but not broken then he goes on and on even after I admitted it.
I "go on and on," eh? Four paragraphs are too much for your fragile mind to handle? Apparently, seeing as this:
also your second reply is irrelevant because I didn't say brawl+ was anti depth or tech skill and explain how its broken if EVERY character could do it? I understand that its bad but for some but not broken
Is hardly conceding that you were wrong and is still quite argumentative.

But seriously, congratulations! Really, great job. You officially made it onto my "people to never take seriously ever again" list.



Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
So about that Snake ftilt to fsmash combo.....:grin:

What does it take to be a part of the ppl who help decide stuff? I kinda know stuff about my characters and have done well in bawrl and brawl+ :)


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Im tough, harder than a geodude. yeah but, act your age man. don't try and look or sound smart when you're arguing online :\

anyway is it possible to change the direction of aerial pkfire, or ness' momentum when using it? kinda like lucas'? I think it would help his recovery to an extent. I don't think yoshi is that bad of a character to really need a DJC but ness on the other hand really isn't that good in b+. is it also possible to make the push psi magnet gives off a bit stronger? not squirtle buff like a few nights ago but just something to toy with. also, when you guys find a way to make hitboxes, im going to slap hoes with my snake (lucas)


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
speaking of squirtle...he's too **** :(

green leaf i know this isn't the thread for it but you check this more often...what do u do in fox vs squirtle? or is squirtle too good?
Jun 29, 2006
Oklahoma City
Aerial PK Fire giving an upward and backwards momentum boost would make it autocancel, or at least enable PK Fire Lag Cancels again.

Can that be done? Because that's a great idea in theory


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Yes let's make Ness ungimpable...
it doesn't have to be that large like lucas' super pk fire jump stuff lol. ness really isn't that good in b+. at least from the codeset I last used. he has a few combos but nothing that great to the point where if he was ungimpable he'd be in akumaknight tier.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
speaking of squirtle...he's too **** :(

green leaf i know this isn't the thread for it but you check this more often...what do u do in fox vs squirtle? or is squirtle too good?
I post in this thread the most often, but I do check the character threads fairly frequently, as well. I'll respond in the fox thread.

Skip2MaLoo said:
Im tough, harder than a geodude. yeah but, act your age man. don't try and look or sound smart when you're arguing online :\
Oh, give it a break. This project wouldn't exist if arguments didn't happen online. Arguments can be and are highly constructive when people are arguing intelligently (unlike yourself). Almost every decision on this project so far has been decided by form of debate. Can you imagine what kind of chaos things would be if it wasn't?

And just because you aren't intelligent doesn't mean other people can't be. I don't "try to look or act smart" online; what you see here is simply me.
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