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The Botanical Gardens of the Mushroom Kingdom

Are you awesome?

  • Well DUH!

    Votes: 160 30.8%
  • lolz no I'm a minority

    Votes: 245 47.1%
  • I'm confused :c

    Votes: 115 22.1%

  • Total voters


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
What is everyone's religious beliefs?

I'm not asking for a discussion on it - I'd simply like to know more about teh peaches.
Agnostic. I like to believe there is a God who guides us after life but the odds don't look good scientifically. Then again there's no proof/disproof which is why I am agnostic.

That being said, I'm fine with religious people but I hate religious people who constantly try to convert you or make you believe more in what they do. I've actually had someone who told me all my accomplishments in life were because God gave me the ability to do so, not that I actually worked hard for it. Genetic traits are all a luck of the draw, God has nothing to do with it.

And as for religious people who think you have to believe everything or you'll go to hell, if God is as understanding and all knowing as those same people say he is then he'll understand an atheist/agnostic's doubts about religion. IMO if a person is really a good person then God won't care whether or not they believed his existence.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
TemPesT- said:
Length, not too important imo, but Roxy's was clearly longer...

Roxy won the Interest, i was way more into his story, then i was for dark.peach's Roxy's actually made me lol a few times, something dark.peach's didn't do.

Roxy also wins the consistency imo, he had less typos and just a better flow with his grammar and sentence structure imo.

Graphics? meh. they were both structed decently, no complain on either wall.

Overall I say Roxy wins.

I hope this is somewhat what you were looking for <.<
Roxy - 2
Dark.Pch - 0


btw these people were literally the most random people I Could possibly find, I'll show you the post I sent them right now *after I edit*

My religion is Christian Baptist, it's a very 'wild' religion in my opinion. While christianity is solid in it's own right. I feel Baptist churches are morely inclined towards the music and overally dancing in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I know I went to one church where the sermon was three hours, however the 'actual' sermon was 15 minutes, and the rest of the time was the choir singing and dancing, while others get "slain in the spirit"*

*- slain in the spirit is the idea of being struck by the holy ghost, usually people have fits and dance tribally across the church floor.

Here's what I posted

I chose all of you because you were the last people to post in your respective subforums; you all also were over the age of 18 and I feel that many of you can judge with upmost maturity. In the end, you don't have to judge, but please tell me that you won't so I can find another candidate.

[Peachy Clash of the Titans]

Dark.Pch vs Roxy

The competition is who is the best at posting walls of text in the Peach Boards. The subject given to these two individuals is...

...why are boobies sooo amazing xD

I ask of you (if you have the time to) to read these two walls (entertaining walls to say the least) of text, and judge using our chart (in a 1-5 scale) of who's is better.

Here are the two walls of text

[Collapse=Roxy]I used to be an ***-guy. My attraction to breasts was limited due to my wandering eyes always wander to the posterior. You know, some days I think back to my ***-chasing days, and I laugh at my immaturity ; like an young manlaughing at his childhood photos in a scrapbook. I often wonder why I thought such fallacies, what brought me towards the light of the pure and joyous funbags that are boobies. It all brings me towards one story.

I was at the ripe age of 18. As we all know, the age of 18 is the time of a man's heightened sexuality; their peak so to speak. So it's obvious to assume I was all about chasing tail. However, I wasn't the most social guy in the world, or the most attractive. I was quite immature thinking that everything revolved around being smart, having a heart, being just an emotional guy in high school. Oh how I was wrong with that as well. I didn't get a girl all the way until Senior year. Oh senior year, how it taught me so much, from calculus and u.s history, to the soft touch of boobs.

I was walking down the D hall; it was crowded, just as it always is during 3rd period. Then it happened, while I was looking at a piece of *** i tripped on top of a girl, about a foot taller than I.

...and there we laid.

Did you know that 33 C is the most common bra cup size, and most preferred breasts out of men? This girl was 34c, her bra size was slightly wider, but it made all the difference to me ; after all, my face was buried in her tatas.

I thought this was heaven.

Her name was Sadie, a student who was considering majoring in drama. Due to her height, she didnt' get much attention from men her age, she was quite too tall. After brushing ourselves off and muttering many apologies to each other, we had small conversation, and went on our ways. The rest of the day went into a blur, all I could remember was her soft, succulent milk makers rubbing against my acne broken face. They were caring, clean, and smelled of the purest of perfumes ; she was trying to impress someone in her Drama Club i'm sure.

That night I couldn't even rub myself intimately, I wanted her, I wanted her breasts. My thoughts of being emotional were gone, my thoughts of *** were non-existant. There's no way a girl would ever consider putting perfume on her buttocks, it wouldn't make any sense, and sitting on rough chairs, concrete, wood, and other disgusting materials, how clean and soft could her posterior be? I have a simple answer to that ; no where near as amazing as breasts. I reached a point of self-actualization. I spent the next half-term finding her throughout the halls, talking to her regardless of her height. It was perfect for me, I could woo her with my conversations, and all along I got a look at her hooters. Eventually we began to date. Looking back on it I don't remember what I said to her, however I'm sure her breasts were leading me towards it. Something *** never did.

Then, before I knew it, it was coming to a close. Prom was coming around the corner, and me and her have been dating for a year. We danced slowly in the moonlight, and I laid softly into her breasts while wrapping my arms around her waist. I was in a temporary heaven, hwoever i've felt this all before, I wanted more. She pulled away from me and told me how much she cared deeply and loved me, and i exchanged the same vows. Progressively, she hinted me to lead her to my car, and I'll tell you one thing, I didn't hesitate to agree. In my car, we exchanged soft kisses, and she pulled down her black slick dress.

It was all I needed.

Sadie didn't lose her virginity that night. All I could muster up the ability to do was caress her breasts. I even remember crying tears of joy to myself. Their peach complexion, their rounded diameter, her rosy nipples, it was all perfect, just for me. They looked at me, calmly, happily, beautiful and pure. And my choice was made from that night on. That breasts are the only thing for me.

I'll tell you one thing, breasts have quite a power on men. While *** only allow the man to follow a distance behind physically, her breasts pulled men by the heart.

[collapse=Dark.Pch]Boobies are amazing. There is so much you can do with boobies. If you ever need to work out and out of a punching bag, you got the boobies right there. (assuming they are big enough). If you ever run out of Milk, you got boobies for that too. They indeed carry dairy products. People don't realize this ****. They also make good head rest.

Boobies help you save alot of money. If I was in bed with a girl I use her boobs. The hell with buying pillows. I have to free ones that came with my woman. So **** you sleepys trying to take my money! And they are so warm. When you put your head on them, you fall fast alseep.

They kill bordom. They are fun to play with. Why you think girls go gay? cause they like other females? No, cause they love boobs. And only way to get boob action is to be lesbians. Boobs creates lesbians. And this is what guys like. Ir even better, they create Bisexual females. That means when happy time comes along, its one guy with 2 girls............freaking awsome. Guys like this.

Boobs help people grow strong. Thus people breast feed. This how milk was discovered. Back in the day, cave man wanted happy time and be like

"Me think you hot. me want you in back of mountain. We make love, we kiss, then we bang bang"

When it was getting how, cave man was playing with boobs. And then he got squirted in the eye with something

"Huh, What be this? What be in here?"

Some got into his mouth

"Mmmm, this taste good. Do want, do want more"

So the cave man thurst for more milk, which turned on the female caveman. The Caveman then never got bored of happy time, and nether did the female, cause even if girls last longer then the fun ends, they still get pleasured cause of boobs.

"This thing that come from nipple with air in it good. No one know about this. We discovered tasty drink. Me want give name to taste drink"

Then it hit him

"Me got it. Me name it after girl me bang bang with. Me call it "milk"

The woman cave man had happy time with was milk. So thats where the name came from. And milk is very important in live today. Those people had happy time more, and more life was created.

Boobs understand you. And they have eyes. They a;ways look at you and understand you. And never talk back. Thats right ladies, you can learn a thing or 2 from boobs dammit! They dance for you. Help you sleep. It's its one supermarket. Feels so soft. They jiggle so they give you something to look at if you are having happy time with an ugly girl and can't stand to go through with it.

Boobies are the meaning of live and the foundation of the youth. This is why they are amazing. if it was not for boobs, none would be here. From the era of the gave man when they had nothing for babies to drink, they gave them milk. Thats how breast feeding started. Water was not always clean and healthy for babies. And you know milk helps one get strong bones. And that was needed in that era. Moving all those rocks and fun time up or being the mountains.

Boobs are amazing. Anyone who does not agree can burn in hell.

They are judged on this scale.

[Length - how long it is obviously, it doesn't need to be unnecessarily longer, however the longer the better when it comes to walls I guess.]
[Interest - It all needs to be able to keep your interest, it can't be a boring write-up]
[Consistency - this is where grammar and things of this sort comes in. Is the wall poster rushing?]
[Graphics - How it looks when it comes to cleanliness]
[Overall - your overall personal opinion, hopefully unbiased.]

The first three people will be choices used for the judging.

Thank you for your time.


Stitchface King
May 13, 2009
Poulsbo, Washington
What is everyone's religious beliefs?

I'm not asking for a discussion on it - I'd simply like to know more about teh peaches.
I find religion (mostly Christianity) to be something that's only good for getting a start on developing people's morals early in life. After that, I think people should just ditch the religion and live off of the morals/beliefs that they developed. That's what I did at least.

Of course, there IS a religion that is just too great for me to ignore, so I believe that from now on I shall believe in this one and only religion for me.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I can see your idea of religion being very smart 1LP, and I would say to an extent I agree. But sometimes it's nice to have something to lean on when things go wrong. To feel that there's a god out there willing to help you, plus the morals that you've established, feels better than just having those stable morals.

Hence why I'm a christian.


Stitchface King
May 13, 2009
Poulsbo, Washington
Religion and boobs...such interesting subjects. I should consider using one of those as my next subject for another blog video on YouTube. XD

Yes, I posted myself on the internet. Ugly little gay nerds with high voices can post blog videos too dammit!! D:<

I don't have a life...:urg:


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
I'm... agnostic-ish.

There are times where I have no doubt in god's existence, and other times where I can't believe people think there is one. I don't let that guide me morally though - as I have my very own and a very powerful personal code.

I really wanna go to a black church though. :p

I've recently gone to a Buddhist service, which I highly enjoyed.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
My opinion on the whole thing with the wall of text and boobies: Roxy's was better because... well... his was more entertaining. Roxy's was like a story about a kid who changed his views on female's physical appearence. Instead of ***, he liked boobs. Most importantly, his was a story. Dark Peach's was like a dictionary definition with examples. The whole caveman thing with god awful grammar... It was weird to say the least, and to be completely honest... I couldn't read through all of it. It wasn't that fun to read.

Just my opinion though =P


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
What is everyone's religious beliefs?

I'm not asking for a discussion on it - I'd simply like to know more about teh peaches.
Yay something interesting to talk about! (Scrolled through like the past 10 pages lol) ((Sorry, your garden-variety boob talk does not interest the bearer of a far rarer set :DDD))


Initially, just because we weren't raised with it. We were taught to be good and everything that went with that. Doing as you're told, being respectful, working hard. Being happy for doing these things because you were good. Being upset for doing something wrong just because it was wrong, and not because I would be punished for it (don't get me wrong, I got my *** whooped--but I was the best-behaved.) Just being a good kid because that was how I was raised.

As I got older (elementary school), and more aware of other people, I was happy to point out the hows and whys, showing everyone that it was impossible for God to exist. It was more a defense, really, usually conversations came to me "What church do you go to?", to which I responded that I didnt go to church. People would be in disbelief, and tell me that I was going to hell, and I'd dispel all of it, rip it apart at it's base. I couldnt go to hell because hell didnt exist (the center of the earth was molten metal!) They weren't going to heaven because heaven didnt exist (a kingdom can't be held up by clouds, clouds are just water vapor!) I took it further, allowing the possibility that God exists. Then I'd tell them that he wouldnt approve of them passing judgement, when it was his job, and that if God existed and made everyone, he gave me the ability to think for myself. I could defend myself forever, because I knew I was right. It felt good.

As I got even older (puberty), it got political. God hates gay people. Great, now I can't get married because separation of church and state isn't doing its job. The people who decide things are backwards idiots who live blindly, think blindly, and I have to suffer for it. Great. Maybe one day I'll be able to get married. But probably not, because there's a lot of stupid people out there to convince, and stupid people hate admitting they're wrong. Man I hate stupid people. Go Democrat.

Fast forward to today. I have far more radical beliefs than atheism. I'm sure you know the feeling you have when you can look at people who all think the same way (like being guided blindly by religion because someone told them so and they never questioned it), I've got that, and it's compounded. I spoke with someone who called themselves "androgynous", and our conversation reached a point where I talked about the comforts of following conventional beliefs. It's like everyone is huddled together, like penguins in the snow. In the center, all you see and hear is everyone else, it's warm, and while your world is small, it's comforting because it's filled with things you know and everything is easier to understand. Everyone close to you can reaffirm your beliefs, and your human need for an understandable pattern to life is satisfied. You're satisfied. But on the edge of the huddle, it's cold. But you can see, you can see everything. You have a view of the world. You can see the sky go on forever, the land go on forever. You can wonder what's out there, at the end of "forever." I feel like that. I can see so much, I can move freely, and I can explore. I won't freeze, because the snow is an illusion, it's a conventional belief that if I leave the huddle, I'll die, something bad will happen. But I've left for a quick second, a game of dash. Dash from the huddle, dash back. Test it, see how far I can go before I freeze. But I haven't frozen. I'm not going to freeze. I'm so far from the huddle, I can barely see them, but they look happy. They're content. I want to share with them everything I've seen, how you won't freeze if you just leave, how I've flown because I've tried, and if you tried you could fly, too. But they look so happy, so I let them have it.

That's how I feel about religion. People can have their beliefs if it makes them happy, and as much as I want to share how amazing it is to see things from the outside, if they're happy with what they have, let them have it.

(I wonder if anyone reads my ramblings~ Also, a personal success! A successful analogy that didn't involve food!)


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Well, I want to take the moment to take a step back and say that Dark.Pch's wall of text for the sake of the subject was better than mine. I was at an disadvantage because I personally like *** more than boobs, and Loli's subject was obviously geared towards Dark.Pch's favor. So, in order to make a long enough wall, I decided upon myself to do what my teach told me to do for essays I don't know the subject for.

Make an introduction, tell a story, close it all together. In the end, it keeps the writer much more interested because it's a story. People are naturally more engaged in knowing stories and reading it in a story like form, than read a book full of information. Think about it, when's the last time you've read a math book through and through? For a very very large amount of you, never.

So, i thought of some basic things about breasts that are liked (the nipples,their softness, their cleaness in comparison to body parts exposed throughout the day, etc.) and just made them sound nice. I guess it helped me out in the long run.

Anyways imo, Dark.Pch's had more thought put into it and had a better outlay of information. I had less information, however a better format and a way to catch the reader.

I think we're both even, and together we can rule the smashboards wall-of-text world ♥

Honestly I'm happy you were such a good sport and decided to battle me ^^


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
hmmm, religion...

I think it is harmful to the progress of humanity. A person who believes that "end times" is near has absolutely no incentive to preserve the Earth. (another reason would be religious extremists). Also, people following stone-age moral codes today are just ridiculous.
I also think it is impossible to rid ourselves of religion without outlawing indoctrination and having a higher level of education. I was born and indoctrinated into Christian Baptism, but left it in my early teens. I consider myself lucky to have experienced just how stubborn and foolish humans can be. Logic is just completely thrown out the window with some people. I will never be surprised at what people will believe and why.
Also, I consider indoctrination child-abuse.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Agnostic. I like to believe there is a God who guides us after life but the odds don't look good scientifically. Then again there's no proof/disproof which is why I am agnostic.

That being said, I'm fine with religious people but I hate religious people who constantly try to convert you or make you believe more in what they do. I've actually had someone who told me all my accomplishments in life were because God gave me the ability to do so, not that I actually worked hard for it. Genetic traits are all a luck of the draw, God has nothing to do with it.

And as for religious people who think you have to believe everything or you'll go to hell, if God is as understanding and all knowing as those same people say he is then he'll understand an atheist/agnostic's doubts about religion. IMO if a person is really a good person then God won't care whether or not they believed his existence.
holy crap, your the only person i have ever known to have the exact same thoughts about religion as me!


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
If I'm not too late, I'd like to vote for Dark.Pch's wall of text. I dunno why you guys didn't think his was funny. Roxy's was like a strange chick flick script or something...I dunno. Sorry Roxy, nothing personal, you're still in the lead.


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
If I'm not too late, I'd like to vote for Dark.Pch's wall of text. I dunno why you guys didn't think his was funny. Roxy's was like a strange chick flick script or something...I dunno. Sorry Roxy, nothing personal, you're still in the lead.
I dun like either of them. Actually, Dark's is alright but I found one major contradiction in his or at the very least, an irony.

"Boobies help you save alot of money. If I was in bed with a girl I use her boobs. The hell with buying pillows. I have to free ones that came with my woman. So **** you sleepys trying to take my money! And they are so warm. When you put your head on them, you fall fast alseep."

Women helping the cost efficiency of a man?

Buuuuuuuuuuuuull****. ;O

Kupo Rose

It's what my cutie mark is telling me ♫
May 19, 2009
Scotland, UK
Thats BS crap! who is this guy.
Just some random Sonic main.

And what amazing post? I can't recall making an amazing post in there. All I really do is debate in there.
I said epic WoTs.

Like these!

And really, you don't have to know what I am gonna do? it is that easy that you can spit this list of garbage in these situations? That list you made and what you would do iis straight BS. Thats all Peach gots. From hearling all this, I am 100% sure I would beat the hell out of you in a money match. And if you get this nonsense from playing these Peach players over there, then they simply suck Vs snake. This and what you said similar to this thread is the worst I have ever heard when it comes to a match up

"I don't need to know, You do one thing and thats it, I have this option and nothing you can do about it." Are you freaking serious with this garbage. Let me stick some brains into that head of yours genius.
You say: "1) Do you have a turnip in hand (You cannot jab, you cannot tilt, you cannot dsmash, you cannot usmash, you cannot use down-B)"

I can Float with a turnip and dish out, space my moves. And bring my air game to the ground. Let me guess, you think I will toss a turnip to a fair? You think that is the only option I have? or glide attack you to a jab? Is that the typical nonsense you gonna expect from me that you just have the answer to everything? And just saying Peach Can't down B with a turnip in hand clearly shows your brains. "Snake can't N-B with a grenade in his hand................" Seriously come on. Was this not obvious that you had to say this?

turnips are not only a weapon for damage. You just don't get one and toss them hoping to hit one. Turnips are a damm mindgame. Just by holding a turnip in your hand. You are already toying with your opponents head. When you get one, it buts your opponent on the defense cause they do not wanna get hit. You did not have to do anything to them to screw with them. Turnips are a tool to mess with the mind and THEN get your damage off.

"pluck turnip"
"toss it"

NO!^ There is about maybe 6 steps before you toss it. Also Peach can fight with items in her hand via floating. And she can bring that Floating to the ground for more of a confusing. Your opponent won't be able to tell when you will toss the damm turnip. She is like the drunken master. Maybe His wife, w/e. Just holding that thing in your hand can lead to so much confusing. Hell, might even confuse the hell out of you. Yes it is that serious.

You say: "Are you grounded or in the air?"

Ok, so what, this suppose to mean something. Peach excels both in the air or ground, and can mix up both at will. A good uplcose game with mess you up when I mix it up. But then you can't really tell or react upon me being in the air or ground. You something air worthy, I can bring it to the ground at will and vice versa. Congrats to me, I just beat your poor logic.

You say: "3) Are you facing towards me or away? (Only important if airborne)"
Ok? Peach has good defense from in front and behind her. And good evasion.

You think cause of all this crap Peach really can't do anything to snake and just lose. Your mind is as typical as I ever heard from a match up from these post. Then make some excuse for players if I was to beat them or get close to "they don't know the Match up, it is Peach vs Snake/ Meta. Come on, No way Peach is suppose to win" And guess where I hear this crap from? From arrogant players like you that actually think they know a match up but seriously don't.

You speak nonsense about the match up. try to john if I was to beat these people/characters, then go by your threroygrahic (w/e the hell you call it) to go on about a match up as your back up on this. I know much more about this match up then you, and basing this off Peach players that actually can't handle snake well (from what I am hearing here). I research ****, I go through the experience. I have won and lost to these characters. I know what works and dosent work, I know why I won and lost. I work at it, and sit coming up with **** to make the match a lil easier to win, then try it at tournies. If it works then I will work on it, if it fails I will scrap it. if it does not work but shows some improvement, I will work on it.

Don't sit here and tell me this crap about "all I need to know is blah blah blah and I got it." or your theroygrahic nonsense. cause if that was the case, I could just mind **** you in a match and I would not even have to try to beat you. I just have to do **** your WC Peach players don't do and not expect from a Peach. Then what huh? What you got now?

And you still fail to answer my question of if I was to beat you in a MM what would you say? What john would you have. I'll be blunt about this. You sir are an arrogant player and full of it cause you main snake. Plan and simple. And really don't know much about match ups (well this one for all I know). And you seriously think that a smart person with a mid tier, hell, I even add low tier as well, could beat the hell out of you cause you are snake and there is no way in hell you could lose right? You are immortal to mid tiers. if if the person is actually smarter than you are. "Nope, I'm snake no way in hell I could lose to mid tiers, no way at all"

Your arrogance and this insane logic you have to beat Peach (that stupid "all I need to know is" list) is by far one of the worst I ever seen. You don't know this match up well, you won't answer my question ,so proves your arrogance, and the fact you would make an excuse for some winning in these cases. If this is what I am getting from you, I am sorry and the WC Peach players can hate and flame me for this, but they seriously need to step it up, and YOU need to actually learn something. I'm shocked, actually shocked you play Edreese and get this from that beast of a Peach player? The hell? De que diablo loco......

Alright then. I am not gonna bring up players for Peach cause as I stated before, some pretty much do the same stuff all the time or complain about the match up. So you won't be playing straight or on point. ZSS and Peach have the same match up ratio for Meta. So I'll explain how this match up is from peach side.

Meta Knight:

This match up is a game of cat and mouse. You are always the mouse and can never be the cat, at all. You dare try being the cat, you are asking to get the crap beating out of you. (this applies to Marth as well) how does a mouse come out victorious from a cat? If you ever watch tom and jerry, the way Jerry handles tom. thats how you are suppose to do it here.

You have no buissness approaching meta. At all. Let him come to you. You can attack him from distance. He can't If he wants to hurt you, he has to come to you. Plus need to keep your Kill moves fresh. Meta is not that heavy and lucky for us, he can die well from us.

- Patience. If you play aggressive, throw this match out the window, you are not winning. Patience is important here for you don't need to be approaching meta. learn to be defensive, playing aggressive will have meta end you sooner than you expect. Certain characters you need to play aggressive. meta is NOT one of them. He is not having that.

- Evasion. You need to have good evasion when Meta is all over you. Once meta gets his hits in and is on you, he can stay on your azz and even kill you for it. So you need to know how to break away. With platforms this makes it hard, but easier at the same time. Learn how to break free him his pressure/rampage. Once you do, you can start the process of getting damage from turnips and having him come to you.

- Spacing. This is also important. With you have good spacing, it will make it hard for meta to touch you. His range is not that good. Only time he has decent range is his Ftilt and and think Fsmash. Bait his moves and space yours. Done right, you can break his crap and hit him. Add turnips to your spacing if in fear you kill moves will get weak. Just don't pick them up at the wrong time.

- Speed/quick relfexes. This is one of the reasons I find meta fun to play against. Cause with him, I have to play so fast. somewhat reminds me of melee. Don't stay in one place for too long. Don't roll alot, you will just eat a Dsmash or move into his attacks. Make it hard for meta to pin point you. This can reduce the chance or stupid kills he can get on you. This is also important cause his range is not all that. Meta hits your shield, recat as fast as possible with a counter attack. Meta sidesteps? short hop Dair or FC>bair if looking the other way. See meata rolling on to the stage? Reverse Fsmash him. But be quick about it all. The faster you are, the more problems meta will have. More than expected. Even for a character like Peach.

To me these are the 4 most important factors for beating this broken character. The most important one to me I would say is patience. Even if you suck at the last 3, patience can make up for it. Use these 4 things and use them as combinations. Or all at once if you are good at them.

Becareful when you have distance. Cause most will tornado to you. really when you wanna glide toss. so that is why when there is distance, I move in slowly and don't really bother getting a turnip. Cause they would tornado to you. And if he spamms Nado, limit the use of turnips and be aware of a tornado when you have a distance between you two. Turnips are a must and do help. But careful when getting one, really when he is at a distance he can reach you with tornado.

This pretty much goes for anything else you do, cause he you can do an air attack and meta can just tornado you out of it. Keep your eyes on meta all the time. Also I don't see many people doing this, and I seriously don't get why. But when Meta tornados your shield, aim it to where he is. Done right, Meta can NOT shield stab you, then punish out the shield with a grab or dash attack out of shield. Hell, even Jab him out of shield. This is what I always do to meta,s who tornado me and I shield. Seriously, your shield is more godly then you think.

And Metas to spot dodge to Dsmashes are typical metas. They will do anything to that move cause it is quick, so of course people will abuse it. Thats why I just short hop Dair and tell them to p[ack it up. But smart metas would replace that with Up-B out of shield or Nairs. Sometimes Fairs.

Ways to Deal with the Tornado:

(Distance tornado rush)- This is when a Meta spaces or camps moves like down air and know you won't move into them. So at this time a Peach would usually get a turnip. Then they move in with a tornado and hit you. Or if you are close to them and run away to get space or a turnip, a tornado would follow. So be aware of this. And get ready to Fsmash him.

(Tornado wall)- Ok I don't see many people doing this and I seriously don't know why. When Meta tornados your shield, MOVE your shield to where he is. Do this and meta will NOT, thats correct, NOT, shield stab you. No matter how small it is. Peach is not a big, fat character. She is one of the many few that can get away with this. From there, Dash attack out of shield, Ground float out of shield to an air attack. Or grab. Depends on how far he lands away from you.

(Tornado counter reversal)- If you ever get caught in it, Tap the contol stick up as fast as you can and the jump button. You will be able to jump out of it. Things I do is I jump out and float. Then Dair him and hits him out of it. Or jump and when he tornado is over and he falls to the floor, I fall right after and Dair or Nair. I can break out of that move like 80% of the time now.

(Tornado Break)- You can break the tornado by aiming for the for corners of the move. While People like Edreese do it with Bairs. I do it fair airs (just easier for me). All turnips can break the tornado. You have to play basket ball now. If you can shoot a turnip in the center of the move, it will clap him out of it. No matter what turnip it is. You gotta go for them three pointers. I was telling Mikey about this. Also if you are on a stage with platforms and he tornados, you can use the platforms to get above him and throw one straight down inside. Sometimes I just jump over meta and throw a turnip down. Really them spammy ones.

getting back on the stage is a pain. Don't test metas moves while recovering. Just leave them alone. To avoid a fight is not to start one. So don't Cause you gonna leave yourself open and take hits. Just chill out and move in and out in the air. Screw trying to fight him in the air cause you mostly likely gonna lose when returning. Just worry about getting back and don't abuse your air dodge out of fear when he is near you, you will take easy hits. Just move in and out and don't rush to get back on stage. You will be surprised on how this simple crap works.

Don't keep trying to get or focus on turnips so much. Cause you will just be open for a tornado. Most of these metas will just space moves and see if you would try and rush in and get hit. If not then the next thing is to see if you would run off to a turnip or float to some air attack, thats when they go in for the tornado. So just keep your eye on meta at all times.

A really good use of her jab screws up meta. And not just your typical Jab>grab and stuff like that. Jab to bait and even evade to lead openings on him and take a hit on him. But you need qucik reaction time.

If meta glides attacks you, toad it. screw trying to go and hit him with an air attack. Just toad it. if he does it out the shield and goes to glide attack. Toad it. If you seem him recovering to the stage glide attacking, go out and toad him. You 2 things can happen

- Meta takes the hit
- he does nothing and goes through you (In fear he would get spores to the face)

Ether way it is good for you. Now if he wants to cancel his up-B, You already got him where you want him. Why? Cause not you got that ******* second guessing wether or not to strike or not. And tokk away one of his best killing options. Not if you feel he catches on and he would cancel his glide attack when you go near him, you can just go out and nair him. I say Nair cause that move is not all that for killing, so why burn a kill move and stale it if he is not gonna die to begin with, save that free hit for a move like Nair. Now you can mess with his head about glide attack. or even attack out of the shield with up-B. Mindgames.

I'm sure you know you've wrote more. I cba to find them though.


Smash Rookie
May 14, 2010
New York City, New York
My religion is Christian Evangelical. I have been so ever since I was little since my parents are also Christians. I wouldn't say we're a hardcore Christian family. We don't really put much effort in trying to convert other people but we take our daily devotions seriously. Asides from believing in God I find it helpful to apply Biblical principles in real life.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Well, I want to take the moment to take a step back and say that Dark.Pch's wall of text for the sake of the subject was better than mine. I was at an disadvantage because I personally like *** more than boobs, and Loli's subject was obviously geared towards Dark.Pch's favor. So, in order to make a long enough wall, I decided upon myself to do what my teach told me to do for essays I don't know the subject for.

Make an introduction, tell a story, close it all together. In the end, it keeps the writer much more interested because it's a story. People are naturally more engaged in knowing stories and reading it in a story like form, than read a book full of information. Think about it, when's the last time you've read a math book through and through? For a very very large amount of you, never.

So, i thought of some basic things about breasts that are liked (the nipples,their softness, their cleaness in comparison to body parts exposed throughout the day, etc.) and just made them sound nice. I guess it helped me out in the long run.

Anyways imo, Dark.Pch's had more thought put into it and had a better outlay of information. I had less information, however a better format and a way to catch the reader.

I think we're both even, and together we can rule the smashboards wall-of-text world ♥

Honestly I'm happy you were such a good sport and decided to battle me ^^
Dude I am going for something beggier. I am trying to take over the Peach boards.

Just some random Sonic main.

I said epic WoTs.

Like these!

And really, you don't have to know what I am gonna do? it is that easy that you can spit this list of garbage in these situations? That list you made and what you would do iis straight BS. Thats all Peach gots. From hearling all this, I am 100% sure I would beat the hell out of you in a money match. And if you get this nonsense from playing these Peach players over there, then they simply suck Vs snake. This and what you said similar to this thread is the worst I have ever heard when it comes to a match up

"I don't need to know, You do one thing and thats it, I have this option and nothing you can do about it." Are you freaking serious with this garbage. Let me stick some brains into that head of yours genius.
You say: "1) Do you have a turnip in hand (You cannot jab, you cannot tilt, you cannot dsmash, you cannot usmash, you cannot use down-B)"

I can Float with a turnip and dish out, space my moves. And bring my air game to the ground. Let me guess, you think I will toss a turnip to a fair? You think that is the only option I have? or glide attack you to a jab? Is that the typical nonsense you gonna expect from me that you just have the answer to everything? And just saying Peach Can't down B with a turnip in hand clearly shows your brains. "Snake can't N-B with a grenade in his hand................" Seriously come on. Was this not obvious that you had to say this?

turnips are not only a weapon for damage. You just don't get one and toss them hoping to hit one. Turnips are a damm mindgame. Just by holding a turnip in your hand. You are already toying with your opponents head. When you get one, it buts your opponent on the defense cause they do not wanna get hit. You did not have to do anything to them to screw with them. Turnips are a tool to mess with the mind and THEN get your damage off.

"pluck turnip"
"toss it"

NO!^ There is about maybe 6 steps before you toss it. Also Peach can fight with items in her hand via floating. And she can bring that Floating to the ground for more of a confusing. Your opponent won't be able to tell when you will toss the damm turnip. She is like the drunken master. Maybe His wife, w/e. Just holding that thing in your hand can lead to so much confusing. Hell, might even confuse the hell out of you. Yes it is that serious.

You say: "Are you grounded or in the air?"

Ok, so what, this suppose to mean something. Peach excels both in the air or ground, and can mix up both at will. A good uplcose game with mess you up when I mix it up. But then you can't really tell or react upon me being in the air or ground. You something air worthy, I can bring it to the ground at will and vice versa. Congrats to me, I just beat your poor logic.

You say: "3) Are you facing towards me or away? (Only important if airborne)"
Ok? Peach has good defense from in front and behind her. And good evasion.

You think cause of all this crap Peach really can't do anything to snake and just lose. Your mind is as typical as I ever heard from a match up from these post. Then make some excuse for players if I was to beat them or get close to "they don't know the Match up, it is Peach vs Snake/ Meta. Come on, No way Peach is suppose to win" And guess where I hear this crap from? From arrogant players like you that actually think they know a match up but seriously don't.

You speak nonsense about the match up. try to john if I was to beat these people/characters, then go by your threroygrahic (w/e the hell you call it) to go on about a match up as your back up on this. I know much more about this match up then you, and basing this off Peach players that actually can't handle snake well (from what I am hearing here). I research ****, I go through the experience. I have won and lost to these characters. I know what works and dosent work, I know why I won and lost. I work at it, and sit coming up with **** to make the match a lil easier to win, then try it at tournies. If it works then I will work on it, if it fails I will scrap it. if it does not work but shows some improvement, I will work on it.

Don't sit here and tell me this crap about "all I need to know is blah blah blah and I got it." or your theroygrahic nonsense. cause if that was the case, I could just mind **** you in a match and I would not even have to try to beat you. I just have to do **** your WC Peach players don't do and not expect from a Peach. Then what huh? What you got now?

And you still fail to answer my question of if I was to beat you in a MM what would you say? What john would you have. I'll be blunt about this. You sir are an arrogant player and full of it cause you main snake. Plan and simple. And really don't know much about match ups (well this one for all I know). And you seriously think that a smart person with a mid tier, hell, I even add low tier as well, could beat the hell out of you cause you are snake and there is no way in hell you could lose right? You are immortal to mid tiers. if if the person is actually smarter than you are. "Nope, I'm snake no way in hell I could lose to mid tiers, no way at all"

Your arrogance and this insane logic you have to beat Peach (that stupid "all I need to know is" list) is by far one of the worst I ever seen. You don't know this match up well, you won't answer my question ,so proves your arrogance, and the fact you would make an excuse for some winning in these cases. If this is what I am getting from you, I am sorry and the WC Peach players can hate and flame me for this, but they seriously need to step it up, and YOU need to actually learn something. I'm shocked, actually shocked you play Edreese and get this from that beast of a Peach player? The hell? De que diablo loco......

Alright then. I am not gonna bring up players for Peach cause as I stated before, some pretty much do the same stuff all the time or complain about the match up. So you won't be playing straight or on point. ZSS and Peach have the same match up ratio for Meta. So I'll explain how this match up is from peach side.

Meta Knight:

This match up is a game of cat and mouse. You are always the mouse and can never be the cat, at all. You dare try being the cat, you are asking to get the crap beating out of you. (this applies to Marth as well) how does a mouse come out victorious from a cat? If you ever watch tom and jerry, the way Jerry handles tom. thats how you are suppose to do it here.

You have no buissness approaching meta. At all. Let him come to you. You can attack him from distance. He can't If he wants to hurt you, he has to come to you. Plus need to keep your Kill moves fresh. Meta is not that heavy and lucky for us, he can die well from us.

- Patience. If you play aggressive, throw this match out the window, you are not winning. Patience is important here for you don't need to be approaching meta. learn to be defensive, playing aggressive will have meta end you sooner than you expect. Certain characters you need to play aggressive. meta is NOT one of them. He is not having that.

- Evasion. You need to have good evasion when Meta is all over you. Once meta gets his hits in and is on you, he can stay on your azz and even kill you for it. So you need to know how to break away. With platforms this makes it hard, but easier at the same time. Learn how to break free him his pressure/rampage. Once you do, you can start the process of getting damage from turnips and having him come to you.

- Spacing. This is also important. With you have good spacing, it will make it hard for meta to touch you. His range is not that good. Only time he has decent range is his Ftilt and and think Fsmash. Bait his moves and space yours. Done right, you can break his crap and hit him. Add turnips to your spacing if in fear you kill moves will get weak. Just don't pick them up at the wrong time.

- Speed/quick relfexes. This is one of the reasons I find meta fun to play against. Cause with him, I have to play so fast. somewhat reminds me of melee. Don't stay in one place for too long. Don't roll alot, you will just eat a Dsmash or move into his attacks. Make it hard for meta to pin point you. This can reduce the chance or stupid kills he can get on you. This is also important cause his range is not all that. Meta hits your shield, recat as fast as possible with a counter attack. Meta sidesteps? short hop Dair or FC>bair if looking the other way. See meata rolling on to the stage? Reverse Fsmash him. But be quick about it all. The faster you are, the more problems meta will have. More than expected. Even for a character like Peach.

To me these are the 4 most important factors for beating this broken character. The most important one to me I would say is patience. Even if you suck at the last 3, patience can make up for it. Use these 4 things and use them as combinations. Or all at once if you are good at them.

Becareful when you have distance. Cause most will tornado to you. really when you wanna glide toss. so that is why when there is distance, I move in slowly and don't really bother getting a turnip. Cause they would tornado to you. And if he spamms Nado, limit the use of turnips and be aware of a tornado when you have a distance between you two. Turnips are a must and do help. But careful when getting one, really when he is at a distance he can reach you with tornado.

This pretty much goes for anything else you do, cause he you can do an air attack and meta can just tornado you out of it. Keep your eyes on meta all the time. Also I don't see many people doing this, and I seriously don't get why. But when Meta tornados your shield, aim it to where he is. Done right, Meta can NOT shield stab you, then punish out the shield with a grab or dash attack out of shield. Hell, even Jab him out of shield. This is what I always do to meta,s who tornado me and I shield. Seriously, your shield is more godly then you think.

And Metas to spot dodge to Dsmashes are typical metas. They will do anything to that move cause it is quick, so of course people will abuse it. Thats why I just short hop Dair and tell them to p[ack it up. But smart metas would replace that with Up-B out of shield or Nairs. Sometimes Fairs.

Ways to Deal with the Tornado:

(Distance tornado rush)- This is when a Meta spaces or camps moves like down air and know you won't move into them. So at this time a Peach would usually get a turnip. Then they move in with a tornado and hit you. Or if you are close to them and run away to get space or a turnip, a tornado would follow. So be aware of this. And get ready to Fsmash him.

(Tornado wall)- Ok I don't see many people doing this and I seriously don't know why. When Meta tornados your shield, MOVE your shield to where he is. Do this and meta will NOT, thats correct, NOT, shield stab you. No matter how small it is. Peach is not a big, fat character. She is one of the many few that can get away with this. From there, Dash attack out of shield, Ground float out of shield to an air attack. Or grab. Depends on how far he lands away from you.

(Tornado counter reversal)- If you ever get caught in it, Tap the contol stick up as fast as you can and the jump button. You will be able to jump out of it. Things I do is I jump out and float. Then Dair him and hits him out of it. Or jump and when he tornado is over and he falls to the floor, I fall right after and Dair or Nair. I can break out of that move like 80% of the time now.

(Tornado Break)- You can break the tornado by aiming for the for corners of the move. While People like Edreese do it with Bairs. I do it fair airs (just easier for me). All turnips can break the tornado. You have to play basket ball now. If you can shoot a turnip in the center of the move, it will clap him out of it. No matter what turnip it is. You gotta go for them three pointers. I was telling Mikey about this. Also if you are on a stage with platforms and he tornados, you can use the platforms to get above him and throw one straight down inside. Sometimes I just jump over meta and throw a turnip down. Really them spammy ones.

getting back on the stage is a pain. Don't test metas moves while recovering. Just leave them alone. To avoid a fight is not to start one. So don't Cause you gonna leave yourself open and take hits. Just chill out and move in and out in the air. Screw trying to fight him in the air cause you mostly likely gonna lose when returning. Just worry about getting back and don't abuse your air dodge out of fear when he is near you, you will take easy hits. Just move in and out and don't rush to get back on stage. You will be surprised on how this simple crap works.

Don't keep trying to get or focus on turnips so much. Cause you will just be open for a tornado. Most of these metas will just space moves and see if you would try and rush in and get hit. If not then the next thing is to see if you would run off to a turnip or float to some air attack, thats when they go in for the tornado. So just keep your eye on meta at all times.

A really good use of her jab screws up meta. And not just your typical Jab>grab and stuff like that. Jab to bait and even evade to lead openings on him and take a hit on him. But you need qucik reaction time.

If meta glides attacks you, toad it. screw trying to go and hit him with an air attack. Just toad it. if he does it out the shield and goes to glide attack. Toad it. If you seem him recovering to the stage glide attacking, go out and toad him. You 2 things can happen

- Meta takes the hit
- he does nothing and goes through you (In fear he would get spores to the face)

Ether way it is good for you. Now if he wants to cancel his up-B, You already got him where you want him. Why? Cause not you got that ******* second guessing wether or not to strike or not. And tokk away one of his best killing options. Not if you feel he catches on and he would cancel his glide attack when you go near him, you can just go out and nair him. I say Nair cause that move is not all that for killing, so why burn a kill move and stale it if he is not gonna die to begin with, save that free hit for a move like Nair. Now you can mess with his head about glide attack. or even attack out of the shield with up-B. Mindgames.

I'm sure you know you've wrote more. I cba to find them though.
Oh. Yea I remember those.

Peach boards are weird.

And this is coming from a guy surrounded by furries.
Yea, I would not talk dude. I alone> lucario boards.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
You don't understand. Its more than that. I want a place where I can talk about girls and not get infracted. A place where the straights are not inslaved by the gays. A place filled with lots of girls and lesbians. Where one can be himself and roam free. Where the gays will work for the straights. I am tired of being inslaved by them. taking over this place and doing what they want to the straight. This **** will come to an end once I take over. Heaven will land on thier heads!


Stitchface King
May 13, 2009
Poulsbo, Washington
You don't understand. Its more than that. I want a place where I can talk about girls and not get infracted. A place where the straights are not inslaved by the gays. A place filled with lots of girls and lesbians. Where one can be himself and roam free. Where the gays will work for the straights. I am tired of being inslaved by them. taking over this place and doing what they want to the straight. This **** will come to an end once I take over. Heaven will land on thier heads!
Sounds a little like the ZSS boards to me.

Sounds like a LONG task, but I'm sure you'll have fun with it. :chuckle:


I like spicy food
Dec 24, 2008
The Netherlands, sometimes Japan
Just some random Sonic main.

I said epic WoTs.

Like these!

And really, you don't have to know what I am gonna do? it is that easy that you can spit this list of garbage in these situations? That list you made and what you would do iis straight BS. Thats all Peach gots. From hearling all this, I am 100% sure I would beat the hell out of you in a money match. And if you get this nonsense from playing these Peach players over there, then they simply suck Vs snake. This and what you said similar to this thread is the worst I have ever heard when it comes to a match up

"I don't need to know, You do one thing and thats it, I have this option and nothing you can do about it." Are you freaking serious with this garbage. Let me stick some brains into that head of yours genius.
You say: "1) Do you have a turnip in hand (You cannot jab, you cannot tilt, you cannot dsmash, you cannot usmash, you cannot use down-B)"

I can Float with a turnip and dish out, space my moves. And bring my air game to the ground. Let me guess, you think I will toss a turnip to a fair? You think that is the only option I have? or glide attack you to a jab? Is that the typical nonsense you gonna expect from me that you just have the answer to everything? And just saying Peach Can't down B with a turnip in hand clearly shows your brains. "Snake can't N-B with a grenade in his hand................" Seriously come on. Was this not obvious that you had to say this?

turnips are not only a weapon for damage. You just don't get one and toss them hoping to hit one. Turnips are a damm mindgame. Just by holding a turnip in your hand. You are already toying with your opponents head. When you get one, it buts your opponent on the defense cause they do not wanna get hit. You did not have to do anything to them to screw with them. Turnips are a tool to mess with the mind and THEN get your damage off.

"pluck turnip"
"toss it"

NO!^ There is about maybe 6 steps before you toss it. Also Peach can fight with items in her hand via floating. And she can bring that Floating to the ground for more of a confusing. Your opponent won't be able to tell when you will toss the damm turnip. She is like the drunken master. Maybe His wife, w/e. Just holding that thing in your hand can lead to so much confusing. Hell, might even confuse the hell out of you. Yes it is that serious.

You say: "Are you grounded or in the air?"

Ok, so what, this suppose to mean something. Peach excels both in the air or ground, and can mix up both at will. A good uplcose game with mess you up when I mix it up. But then you can't really tell or react upon me being in the air or ground. You something air worthy, I can bring it to the ground at will and vice versa. Congrats to me, I just beat your poor logic.

You say: "3) Are you facing towards me or away? (Only important if airborne)"
Ok? Peach has good defense from in front and behind her. And good evasion.

You think cause of all this crap Peach really can't do anything to snake and just lose. Your mind is as typical as I ever heard from a match up from these post. Then make some excuse for players if I was to beat them or get close to "they don't know the Match up, it is Peach vs Snake/ Meta. Come on, No way Peach is suppose to win" And guess where I hear this crap from? From arrogant players like you that actually think they know a match up but seriously don't.

You speak nonsense about the match up. try to john if I was to beat these people/characters, then go by your threroygrahic (w/e the hell you call it) to go on about a match up as your back up on this. I know much more about this match up then you, and basing this off Peach players that actually can't handle snake well (from what I am hearing here). I research ****, I go through the experience. I have won and lost to these characters. I know what works and dosent work, I know why I won and lost. I work at it, and sit coming up with **** to make the match a lil easier to win, then try it at tournies. If it works then I will work on it, if it fails I will scrap it. if it does not work but shows some improvement, I will work on it.

Don't sit here and tell me this crap about "all I need to know is blah blah blah and I got it." or your theroygrahic nonsense. cause if that was the case, I could just mind **** you in a match and I would not even have to try to beat you. I just have to do **** your WC Peach players don't do and not expect from a Peach. Then what huh? What you got now?

And you still fail to answer my question of if I was to beat you in a MM what would you say? What john would you have. I'll be blunt about this. You sir are an arrogant player and full of it cause you main snake. Plan and simple. And really don't know much about match ups (well this one for all I know). And you seriously think that a smart person with a mid tier, hell, I even add low tier as well, could beat the hell out of you cause you are snake and there is no way in hell you could lose right? You are immortal to mid tiers. if if the person is actually smarter than you are. "Nope, I'm snake no way in hell I could lose to mid tiers, no way at all"

Your arrogance and this insane logic you have to beat Peach (that stupid "all I need to know is" list) is by far one of the worst I ever seen. You don't know this match up well, you won't answer my question ,so proves your arrogance, and the fact you would make an excuse for some winning in these cases. If this is what I am getting from you, I am sorry and the WC Peach players can hate and flame me for this, but they seriously need to step it up, and YOU need to actually learn something. I'm shocked, actually shocked you play Edreese and get this from that beast of a Peach player? The hell? De que diablo loco......

Alright then. I am not gonna bring up players for Peach cause as I stated before, some pretty much do the same stuff all the time or complain about the match up. So you won't be playing straight or on point. ZSS and Peach have the same match up ratio for Meta. So I'll explain how this match up is from peach side.

Meta Knight:

This match up is a game of cat and mouse. You are always the mouse and can never be the cat, at all. You dare try being the cat, you are asking to get the crap beating out of you. (this applies to Marth as well) how does a mouse come out victorious from a cat? If you ever watch tom and jerry, the way Jerry handles tom. thats how you are suppose to do it here.

You have no buissness approaching meta. At all. Let him come to you. You can attack him from distance. He can't If he wants to hurt you, he has to come to you. Plus need to keep your Kill moves fresh. Meta is not that heavy and lucky for us, he can die well from us.

- Patience. If you play aggressive, throw this match out the window, you are not winning. Patience is important here for you don't need to be approaching meta. learn to be defensive, playing aggressive will have meta end you sooner than you expect. Certain characters you need to play aggressive. meta is NOT one of them. He is not having that.

- Evasion. You need to have good evasion when Meta is all over you. Once meta gets his hits in and is on you, he can stay on your azz and even kill you for it. So you need to know how to break away. With platforms this makes it hard, but easier at the same time. Learn how to break free him his pressure/rampage. Once you do, you can start the process of getting damage from turnips and having him come to you.

- Spacing. This is also important. With you have good spacing, it will make it hard for meta to touch you. His range is not that good. Only time he has decent range is his Ftilt and and think Fsmash. Bait his moves and space yours. Done right, you can break his crap and hit him. Add turnips to your spacing if in fear you kill moves will get weak. Just don't pick them up at the wrong time.

- Speed/quick relfexes. This is one of the reasons I find meta fun to play against. Cause with him, I have to play so fast. somewhat reminds me of melee. Don't stay in one place for too long. Don't roll alot, you will just eat a Dsmash or move into his attacks. Make it hard for meta to pin point you. This can reduce the chance or stupid kills he can get on you. This is also important cause his range is not all that. Meta hits your shield, recat as fast as possible with a counter attack. Meta sidesteps? short hop Dair or FC>bair if looking the other way. See meata rolling on to the stage? Reverse Fsmash him. But be quick about it all. The faster you are, the more problems meta will have. More than expected. Even for a character like Peach.

To me these are the 4 most important factors for beating this broken character. The most important one to me I would say is patience. Even if you suck at the last 3, patience can make up for it. Use these 4 things and use them as combinations. Or all at once if you are good at them.

Becareful when you have distance. Cause most will tornado to you. really when you wanna glide toss. so that is why when there is distance, I move in slowly and don't really bother getting a turnip. Cause they would tornado to you. And if he spamms Nado, limit the use of turnips and be aware of a tornado when you have a distance between you two. Turnips are a must and do help. But careful when getting one, really when he is at a distance he can reach you with tornado.

This pretty much goes for anything else you do, cause he you can do an air attack and meta can just tornado you out of it. Keep your eyes on meta all the time. Also I don't see many people doing this, and I seriously don't get why. But when Meta tornados your shield, aim it to where he is. Done right, Meta can NOT shield stab you, then punish out the shield with a grab or dash attack out of shield. Hell, even Jab him out of shield. This is what I always do to meta,s who tornado me and I shield. Seriously, your shield is more godly then you think.

And Metas to spot dodge to Dsmashes are typical metas. They will do anything to that move cause it is quick, so of course people will abuse it. Thats why I just short hop Dair and tell them to p[ack it up. But smart metas would replace that with Up-B out of shield or Nairs. Sometimes Fairs.

Ways to Deal with the Tornado:

(Distance tornado rush)- This is when a Meta spaces or camps moves like down air and know you won't move into them. So at this time a Peach would usually get a turnip. Then they move in with a tornado and hit you. Or if you are close to them and run away to get space or a turnip, a tornado would follow. So be aware of this. And get ready to Fsmash him.

(Tornado wall)- Ok I don't see many people doing this and I seriously don't know why. When Meta tornados your shield, MOVE your shield to where he is. Do this and meta will NOT, thats correct, NOT, shield stab you. No matter how small it is. Peach is not a big, fat character. She is one of the many few that can get away with this. From there, Dash attack out of shield, Ground float out of shield to an air attack. Or grab. Depends on how far he lands away from you.

(Tornado counter reversal)- If you ever get caught in it, Tap the contol stick up as fast as you can and the jump button. You will be able to jump out of it. Things I do is I jump out and float. Then Dair him and hits him out of it. Or jump and when he tornado is over and he falls to the floor, I fall right after and Dair or Nair. I can break out of that move like 80% of the time now.

(Tornado Break)- You can break the tornado by aiming for the for corners of the move. While People like Edreese do it with Bairs. I do it fair airs (just easier for me). All turnips can break the tornado. You have to play basket ball now. If you can shoot a turnip in the center of the move, it will clap him out of it. No matter what turnip it is. You gotta go for them three pointers. I was telling Mikey about this. Also if you are on a stage with platforms and he tornados, you can use the platforms to get above him and throw one straight down inside. Sometimes I just jump over meta and throw a turnip down. Really them spammy ones.

getting back on the stage is a pain. Don't test metas moves while recovering. Just leave them alone. To avoid a fight is not to start one. So don't Cause you gonna leave yourself open and take hits. Just chill out and move in and out in the air. Screw trying to fight him in the air cause you mostly likely gonna lose when returning. Just worry about getting back and don't abuse your air dodge out of fear when he is near you, you will take easy hits. Just move in and out and don't rush to get back on stage. You will be surprised on how this simple crap works.

Don't keep trying to get or focus on turnips so much. Cause you will just be open for a tornado. Most of these metas will just space moves and see if you would try and rush in and get hit. If not then the next thing is to see if you would run off to a turnip or float to some air attack, thats when they go in for the tornado. So just keep your eye on meta at all times.

A really good use of her jab screws up meta. And not just your typical Jab>grab and stuff like that. Jab to bait and even evade to lead openings on him and take a hit on him. But you need qucik reaction time.

If meta glides attacks you, toad it. screw trying to go and hit him with an air attack. Just toad it. if he does it out the shield and goes to glide attack. Toad it. If you seem him recovering to the stage glide attacking, go out and toad him. You 2 things can happen

- Meta takes the hit
- he does nothing and goes through you (In fear he would get spores to the face)

Ether way it is good for you. Now if he wants to cancel his up-B, You already got him where you want him. Why? Cause not you got that ******* second guessing wether or not to strike or not. And tokk away one of his best killing options. Not if you feel he catches on and he would cancel his glide attack when you go near him, you can just go out and nair him. I say Nair cause that move is not all that for killing, so why burn a kill move and stale it if he is not gonna die to begin with, save that free hit for a move like Nair. Now you can mess with his head about glide attack. or even attack out of the shield with up-B. Mindgames.

I'm sure you know you've wrote more. I cba to find them though.
Most of those are copy + paste from his earlier posts.




Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
They came from me didn't it? Why am I gonna rewrite something on the subject when I have already talked about it else where. It's me being smart.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Yay something interesting to talk about! (Scrolled through like the past 10 pages lol) ((Sorry, your garden-variety boob talk does not interest the bearer of a far rarer set :DDD))


Initially, just because we weren't raised with it. We were taught to be good and everything that went with that. Doing as you're told, being respectful, working hard. Being happy for doing these things because you were good. Being upset for doing something wrong just because it was wrong, and not because I would be punished for it (don't get me wrong, I got my *** whooped--but I was the best-behaved.) Just being a good kid because that was how I was raised.

As I got older (elementary school), and more aware of other people, I was happy to point out the hows and whys, showing everyone that it was impossible for God to exist. It was more a defense, really, usually conversations came to me "What church do you go to?", to which I responded that I didnt go to church. People would be in disbelief, and tell me that I was going to hell, and I'd dispel all of it, rip it apart at it's base. I couldnt go to hell because hell didnt exist (the center of the earth was molten metal!) They weren't going to heaven because heaven didnt exist (a kingdom can't be held up by clouds, clouds are just water vapor!) I took it further, allowing the possibility that God exists. Then I'd tell them that he wouldnt approve of them passing judgement, when it was his job, and that if God existed and made everyone, he gave me the ability to think for myself. I could defend myself forever, because I knew I was right. It felt good.

As I got even older (puberty), it got political. God hates gay people. Great, now I can't get married because separation of church and state isn't doing its job. The people who decide things are backwards idiots who live blindly, think blindly, and I have to suffer for it. Great. Maybe one day I'll be able to get married. But probably not, because there's a lot of stupid people out there to convince, and stupid people hate admitting they're wrong. Man I hate stupid people. Go Democrat.

Fast forward to today. I have far more radical beliefs than atheism. I'm sure you know the feeling you have when you can look at people who all think the same way (like being guided blindly by religion because someone told them so and they never questioned it), I've got that, and it's compounded. I spoke with someone who called themselves "androgynous", and our conversation reached a point where I talked about the comforts of following conventional beliefs. It's like everyone is huddled together, like penguins in the snow. In the center, all you see and hear is everyone else, it's warm, and while your world is small, it's comforting because it's filled with things you know and everything is easier to understand. Everyone close to you can reaffirm your beliefs, and your human need for an understandable pattern to life is satisfied. You're satisfied. But on the edge of the huddle, it's cold. But you can see, you can see everything. You have a view of the world. You can see the sky go on forever, the land go on forever. You can wonder what's out there, at the end of "forever." I feel like that. I can see so much, I can move freely, and I can explore. I won't freeze, because the snow is an illusion, it's a conventional belief that if I leave the huddle, I'll die, something bad will happen. But I've left for a quick second, a game of dash. Dash from the huddle, dash back. Test it, see how far I can go before I freeze. But I haven't frozen. I'm not going to freeze. I'm so far from the huddle, I can barely see them, but they look happy. They're content. I want to share with them everything I've seen, how you won't freeze if you just leave, how I've flown because I've tried, and if you tried you could fly, too. But they look so happy, so I let them have it.

That's how I feel about religion. People can have their beliefs if it makes them happy, and as much as I want to share how amazing it is to see things from the outside, if they're happy with what they have, let them have it.

(I wonder if anyone reads my ramblings~ Also, a personal success! A successful analogy that didn't involve food!)
i am like loving this post

my religion was/is/idk Presbeterian but im more like agnosticish.

for some things that really seem godsend like, such as the really hard rainstorms always holding off when im outside, etc i will give god recognition/thanks for and i have no problem w/ peoples beliefs as long as your trying to convert me. but religious is mostly just kinda meh for me.
If I'm not too late, I'd like to vote for Dark.Pch's wall of text. I dunno why you guys didn't think his was funny. Roxy's was like a strange chick flick script or something...I dunno. Sorry Roxy, nothing personal, you're still in the lead.
personally i think a strange chick flick fits mighty nicely on the peach boards lol
They came from me didn't it? Why am I gonna rewrite something on the subject when I have already talked about it else where. It's me being smart.

on the WoT battle that i read+ comments i will admit that Roxys attracted my attention a bit more cause it was in story format, i actually believed it until he said it was fake then i was all like "****! ***** fooled me!"

on the other hand Dark. Pch's was classic Dark. Pch. it was like a funny informative way to use boobies that had me loling at various parts i loved the cave man part.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
What the hell is going on?

Now you're having a contest about who can write the longest wall of text about boobs?

And when I started a conversation about girls, people started getting infracted?! WTF is going on here?

The peach boards are acting straight... I have just entered the twilight zone.

Latin rite Catholic btw.
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