Look at your numpad, the numbers stand for a direction input that assumes your opponent is on your right.
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
236 means you press down, down-forward, forward, the traditional hadouken input.
623 means you press forward, down, down-forward, the traditional shoryuken input.
P.S. To all those with blazblue, I'm hosting a room right now. (applies only to 360 BB'ers)
Edit - Room's down for dinner, it might be back up later
Edit 2 - GGs X, sick Rachel and Tager. Fun Hakumen dittos (a little depressing too haha)
Sorry my hakumen sucks so hardcore (especially against Rachel, whom you are the first I've played), I'm still figuring out the game in a lot of ways. Any tips?
Also sorry I disbanded so suddenly, but I'm pretty tired. We'll play again soon anyway, right? :D