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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Soul...Heh, naw, I can't abandon the board for like 3-4 years again. =P

John, that teams video with Link and Yoshi is funny as hell. I played like *** that whole night. No johns, though. Got my **** straight wrecked. That was that other fest we went to at the other kid's house, whose name I forget, because I blow *** with names, right? I don't remember playing the Yoshi/Link team last fest, and I wasn't too ****ed up. However, that Steel Reserve was delicious, and so was that cherry vodka you had. ^_^

Yeah, I don't have a car or license, and I can't do fests at my place anymore, but if I can get a ride, I'll come out and play some more smash for sure. Gotta wreck some **** with my 2007 meta game!

Best way to get a hold of me would probably be on Facebook, since I'm on that **** all day. Ahhhhh, I love being unemployed. Especially for 3 years now. I DON'T GIVE A ****! Yayuhz! I probably won't check back on these boards too much. ****, I'm such a bum...

Tech_chase, thanks man. What's your Youtube channel?

Man...lookin back through some really old posts in this thread is funny as hell. Gotta find the page where I went into explicit detail when I ****ed this one girl with a big ol' butt. =P

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Are you still living around the same area? If so, lemme know(and you'll probably have to give me the address again), and next time I can go to a smashfest I'll drag you along with me.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Juggle, can you rent me that room thing for 2/12? I know it costs some money and if you need me to give it to you first I'll stop by North Quad next time I'm in AA/Plymouth.

To everyone else, I'm probably going to do a 2/12 tournament.


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Juggle, can you rent me that room thing for 2/12? I know it costs some money and if you need me to give it to you first I'll stop by North Quad next time I'm in AA/Plymouth.
As long as I reserve it two weeks ahead of time, there is no late fee. So if you'll be in AA sometime before 1/26, I'd appreciate that, thanks.

I'm completely down for Smash tonight. I'll try to get Dan and maybe some other scrubs like Moose.

What's The Point

Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Since I need to give Juggle some money I'd go to AA for smash. I don't particularly feel like going home, so I can take some one from EL if this happens and they want to go.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
WTP , let me know if you go to aa. I'd like to tag along in your car if possible. I mean I know I have a car but if your already going over to aa there is no point in wasting gas. I'll just drive up to your apt. in el (i think I remember where it's at.) And we can leave from there.

This is assuming you go btw.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
@tutu, let me check how many I have in MI. Because the majority of them are in NJ, and I don't want to sell one of my japanese ones. I know one of the ones in my possession should be Juggles, so I can't sell that. I definitely have one I can sell, and Lain is currently using another that he may buy from me. (I told him he could hang onto it for KTAR and he said he may buy it after.) I miiiight have another non-japanese one in MI, not sure right now. (in class)

If I can find another here, then yeah I'll sell you 2. I can also sell you one tonight, and one next week if Lain doesn't buy the other one off me.

For the smashfest tonight. I think it would be worth it for EL and Gifts to come. Because that many people being there, and the fact that KTAR is days away pretty much ensures Lain will come, Gio will be there, I will be there, Tutu would come if you picked him up, you guys.. so WTP, Gifts, Rabi?, fZk?, Sumer? I'm sure Juggle will show up for a while, maybe more melee guys (including maybe Duck who would play brawl)

Should be at least ~8 people if you guys come down.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
@tutu, let me check how many I have in MI. Because the majority of them are in NJ, and I don't want to sell one of my japanese ones. I know one of the ones in my possession should be Juggles, so I can't sell that. I definitely have one I can sell, and Lain is currently using another that he may buy from me. (I told him he could hang onto it for KTAR and he said he may buy it after.) I miiiight have another non-japanese one in MI, not sure right now. (in class)

If I can find another here, then yeah I'll sell you 2. I can also sell you one tonight, and one next week if Lain doesn't buy the other one off me.

For the smashfest tonight. I think it would be worth it for EL and Gifts to come. Because that many people being there, and the fact that KTAR is days away pretty much ensures Lain will come, Gio will be there, I will be there, Tutu would come if you picked him up, you guys.. so WTP, Gifts, Rabi?, fZk?, Sumer? I'm sure Juggle will show up for a while, maybe more melee guys (including maybe Duck who would play brawl)

Should be at least ~8 people if you guys come down.
I could bring my recording set up also. :D

@tutu/Roller I'll see if I can get my controller from my friend that he is borrowing. And if I do go tonight I'll bring it up with me. So if roller doesn't have an extra one to sell, I could possibly sell mine to you.


Aug 7, 2007
North Muskegon, Michigan
Yeah I need a 2nd one to play Tales of Symphomia :3

プリせアちゃん かわいい ですよ。
Symphonia. With an 'N', maaan.

That series is so good, though. Vesperia is soooo good, too. The PS3 version better come across - with an 'advanced' 360 version, if you please. Freakin' Westerners, never buying these awesome games...


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2010
Ann Arbor, MI
Vesperia was horrible. Two Mary Sue Protagonists? Infinite mystic arts? Tidel Wave? I mean Para Ball was broken in symphonia, but that's no guaranteed win in every fight in the game.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
Tutu do you still need a ride?

And Ill be leaving in 15 minutes to go and pick up WTP. If anyone in EL wants to go either hit me or WTP up before 8.

Oh and tutu I have 2 controllers for you to pick from if you dont like rollers.


¡Me gusta tejer!
Feb 22, 2010
Richmond, MI
We wont get there till around 9 ish.

Oh and I cant bring my recording set up. :(

I forgot one of the splitters at home. I'll just grab it the next time I'm around there.


Smash Ace
Jun 12, 2009
East Lansing, Michigan
I want to come. D: WTP knows where I live if you pick him up before you get me (if you do), but if there isn't room in your car or other people called for spots first I understand. ^^

Also, I have a dazzle and splitters and everything to record if you want me to bring recording stuff. o.o;
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