This! God I want to see M2K play like the bad *** he is.
marth/fox all seriously. If he plays near perfectly he has a chance. I really would like m2k to get top 3 at least. Tall order(he might be able to beat hbox/armada) his matches with those guys are always tight. I think it would take somethhing special for him to beat pp much less mango.
also pardon the tennis references but I find that the current trends in tennis over the years have great correlation with the trends in smash (melee)
sampras (ken) the first champion
federer (m2k): a man who makes the game look so easy as he flies/floats around the court gracefully with rediculous unhuman precision in his prime. Ironically dethroned in 2008 by nadal, same time m2k lost to mango.
nadal (mango): we still love u rafa. Bring it back and **** djoker at the USO.
djokovic (pp): well as history has a way of repeating itself, Wimbeldon crowned a new champ, will Genesis shine its lights of glory on PP, as the new champion of melee