Smash Lord
same old story over and over.I had an introspective moment thinking this a while back.
Tryhard Cactuar doesn't exist at the moment.
I used to be more motivated to improve, but at some point I lost a lot of confidence in my play and since then I haven't wanted to put in that kind of effort and possibly lose. I also didn't really get to practice against anyone who was relevant to the metagame other than M2K outside of tournaments. So instead I **** around a lot and continue to use my 3 year old style, and refuse to improve/eliminate the weak areas in my gameplay.
Basically, I succumbed to the idea of just playing for fun. I'm just not the player I was 2-3 years ago unfortunately. I probably still have the underlying composition as a player to be a potential top level threat, but it is unlikely that I'll put in the required effort to get there.
Or maybe I'll switch to Jigglypuff and be a tremendous d-bag to everyone.
what a horrible attitude. Let all the people you played lately in tournament know of this. Why are you even telling us this? Can't you guys simply attend tournaments and say you play your best instead of making everyone else feel bad cause you're claming you're not trying or not motivated to play.
I'm so tired of this.