Heyyyy....It's been a while since I posted so I'd like to share something.
Forward Smash: Crash Course

Crash begins his Forward Smash by eagerly winding up his foot and raising it above him. He seems anxious to let loose as he charges the move, barely able to hold any composure, and when he finally cracks...
ssssSSSHaaaWOOOOOOOOOM! Crash rams his foot forward, unleashing so much force that he leaves the ground! He kicks his foot out with so much might that his damage, knockback and KO power reaches deadly heights; this move, as you might guess is an extremely powerful attack. It has a very impressive range due to being over-the-top in addition to its strength, but since Crash is throwing his entire weight and force into the move, there's a catch:

Performing this Smash Attack causes Crash to land on his back. He overshoots his momentum and is promptly thrown off balance in a goofy fashion, and while the animation is swift, it leaves Crash briefly vulnerable right after doing this. You need to be strategic when using this Smash, because foes will pounce on you once the kick is launched. He'll get up on his own if you don't press anything, but if you press A while he's like this...

Crash will quickly rebound, flipping forward and slamming his fists in front of him! Y'know how Link has a secret slash when performing a Forward Smash? Well, Crash can do something similar! You can trick foes into thinking Crash is vulnerable while he's on his back, and when they get in close you can hit them with this surprise! The range, damage, and knockback aren't as robust as his kick, but the rebound is quite reliable for anyone who wants a good followup. Afterwards, he'll return to his idle stance with little endlag.
With this move, Crash provides a layer of unpredictability to anyone facing him. He's making a fool of himself sure, but he puts so much energy into his mannerisms that he's clearly a threat. He's a silly but highly energetic and dangerous fighter; clumsy at times and crazy in most others.