Here come your idiosyncrasies once again.
Do you at least know how to spell? Do you know what the concept of phonics is?
I dam sure know how to spell, in ma own language. When im talking enlgish i know i wont spell it all right, but this isnt the point 'aight? Just gtfo with grammar nazzi.
If energy is sizable then answer the exact same question... different size batteries is the result of different wattage needing to power a unit per amount of time. Not size of energy, try again.
Have you got a brain? Have you? Post like you have one so that we can discuss about it.
After you've gotten your lazy *** back here and posted maybe I'll check your next piece of **** post...
I did not post because you sure dosent look like you know what you are talking about.
So, ima say this only once: The electrolaser article on wikipedia(mainly your source of info for it) has no real pictures of it. It has a really good concept, but it dosent quite make sense on how you would do it.
Im asking for pictures, because, for your info, it is impossible for it to be a steel hand-gun. Now, you know why?
First, the steel handgun itself would be a excelent heat conducter, and just to achieve the heat to ionize the air to create the plasma inducted channels, the gun would be so hot that it would melt any human contact with it, and thats how the guns fails number 1.
Second, a small gun cant store the electrical energy needed to be shoot. Energy itself isnt sizeable, first because is a vague concept, energy dosent quite exist, we made what we call energy as a solution to work with soemthing.
Eletrical energy is the result of the "difference of electric potential" that chosen two things have, with this things then generating what we would call a eletric current. This eletric current has a size, it dosent "dont exits" like tiers do. Besides being small it still uses space.
Sure you can maintain some good ****load of electricity in a gun like that, but blatanly saying electricity isnt sizeable dosent quite make it.
Third reason Zamus flails(yeah like magikarp): Just because we can theoritically make a electrolaser weapon(not like zamus tho) it dosent mean Zamus`s weapons nescesseraly needs to be like ours.
Like most things on this threads, most characters should work on a X way, but because of lol-phail desing and lol-phail characteristics they end up not working as the expected way.
TL;DR Dont be

just because someone disagrees with you, if you noticed i never offended you, just the arguement so dont get ranty on me. Now respond please.