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Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
alright so you are currently taking biology right?
I've already passed bio.
our brains have developed so much. we are a social population, we have developed morals for ourselves based on what we've grown up on.
you almost NEVER see somebody using another person as a meat shield.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
alright so you are currently taking biology right?
I've already passed bio.
our brains have developed so much. we are a social population, we have developed morals for ourselves based on what we've grown up on.
you almost NEVER see somebody using another person as a meat shield.
Do you constantly see yourself or other people on a life or death situantion on witch you need to use someones body as a meat shield?

And no, morals dont exist in life or death situation. You guys just dont get it, life isnt playing video games and going to parties, the real life, in witch our "animal instincts" are revealed still exist. We just dont use it really often.

Are you on university sam?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
That is if you live in a overprotective country like USA (no offense dude, but its true) where parents will be shocked in disgust at the sight of a nipple or when watching violence or sexual innuendos in cartoons, and were kids are sent to therapists to forget the sight and are overprotected by everyone.

In other countries, we are a lot looser when it comes to taboos, and we treat things like death naturally or simply get over it relatively quickly. Also, we are not impressed by the sight of a nipple.

The point is: what morals you have depend on how you were raised.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Do you constantly see yourself or other people on a life or death situantion on witch you need to use someones body as a meat shield?

And no, morals dont exist in life or death situation. You guys just dont get it, life isnt playing video games and going to parties, the real life, in witch our "animal instincts" are revealed still exist. We just dont use it really often.

Are you on university sam?
I'm a Junior.

and a question, have you seen a person DIE right before your eyes?
you go into complete shock, thoughts rush through your head, "I could be next" stuff like that, some people go crazy, some people run away, some people get so stressed and shocked that they go in the fetal position or something (lol), some people e go into shock and try to trick themselves into thinking the person isn't dead and go to help them, even in battle, focus on the fight or the complete shock override the thought of using that very person who you cared so much about as a shield.
If you cared about somebody and they got killed you'd respect their body like REL said.
If you use them as a shield you're barbaric.

EDIT: ET too late, Firion is just too pro


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
tocador, think for a second that we are not animals, but humans. We have two extra factors coming in: psychological and socioligical thoughts. A sane human being won't defile the body of another human being for their own protection, and if they do, they would need some time to consider it... ESPECIALLY if both have a relationship of a sort, which in Popo's and Nana's situation, brotherly(?). A sane human being wouldn't defile their loved sibling's bodies... And you take optional psychology/sociology classes in college.

And Sam, I meant as in stack the hammers. They can also close the gap between Link and themselves, which is a big plus. And if Link wants to fire a fire arrow, it takes some preparation to start the fire in a realistic setting. First he'd have to take the arrow, find some oil/flammable material that takes a while to burn out, find a source of heat, ignite the arrow, then take the stance and aim. Considering he's 10-12 years old (depending on which Link), it will take too much time. If IC's are paying attention, as soon as Link drops the bow in order to have both hands free (or pulls it up to his shoulder for quick access), they can break the defensive stance and make a run for Link's position. Link, startled, will start to get his equipment back while the IC's also see this and re-set their defensive formation.

In close range, both IC's beat link. In close range, a single IC can beat Link, he's 10-12 years old, and a strong blow from a heavy blunt weapon from an adult will leave him on the floor (even more so if the IC's body has endorphins coursing through it due to the blinded rage caused by the death of the other one). In close range, Link doesn't win.

Mid and long range, Link can win, duh, arrows are too tough to pass by unscathed. But with proper planning and clear orders from one another, it's no impossible task, in fact it's VERY possible... Which is why you don't hear of many single archers who have saved their own lives in situations where they're outnumbered.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
And Sam, I meant as in stack the hammers. They can also close the gap between Link and themselves, which is a big plus. And if Link wants to fire a fire arrow, it takes some preparation to start the fire in a realistic setting. First he'd have to take the arrow, find some oil/flammable material that takes a while to burn out, find a source of heat, ignite the arrow, then take the stance and aim. Considering he's 10-12 years old (depending on which Link), it will take too much time. If IC's are paying attention, as soon as Link drops the bow in order to have both hands free (or pulls it up to his shoulder for quick access), they can break the defensive stance and make a run for Link's position. Link, startled, will start to get his equipment back while the IC's also see this and re-set their defensive formation.
1) if they were to stack their hammers if they both wanted to hide they'd have to hide behind one another.
2)I had said before, he'd have some sort of device to light the bombs, the same could be used to light the arrow
3)link has had experience with the bow and arrow, you think it would take him that long?
4)bow gets linked to the quiver.
5)are you sure wood hammers would protect against bombs? *raises eyebrow*

In close range, both IC's beat link. In close range, a single IC can beat Link, he's 10-12 years old, and a strong blow from a heavy blunt weapon from an adult will leave him on the floor (even more so if the IC's body has endorphins coursing through it due to the blinded rage caused by the death of the other one). In close range, Link doesn't win.
are you sure IC's are adults? they are pretty short, and don't look very mature themselves. they are not as experienced in fighting compared to link. link beats out one climber.

Firion is a lowly mid tier character.

Use ex-death instead.
Main Bartz/Butz.<-Coolest guy evar.

Ex-Death or Tidus to be a tier *****.
gameFAQ's sucks at making tier lists, don listen to them. I'm already very experienced with Firion I'm not giving him up.
why do you think I main TL anyways?
teersR4queers as they say.

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
I don't go on the GFAQS Dissidia boards. For the month or so I played the game, it was meh there. Now, there are new***s. However, I know enough about the competitive aspect of the game.

Firion is mid-ish but Bartz is just too awesome >_>


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
1) if they were to stack their hammers if they both wanted to hide they'd have to hide behind one another.
Exactly. And hunched for that realistic touch!
2)I had said before, he'd have some sort of device to light the bombs, the same could be used to light the arrow
Nope he wouldn't, only devices and weaponry he has in the games are the ones he has in this battle. How he lights them up in the game... Magic, maybe? Here he'd have to use realistic lighting equipment, preferably oil and fire.
3)link has had experience with the bow and arrow, you think it would take him that long?
How much experience? Less than a year? Link doesn't even age in WW, and TL is 10 yrs old... In fact, the game is SO far from being realistic, you can start the game, grab the bow for the first time in Link's life, and immediately be a master archer. It's relative to the player's skill. In a REAL-LIFE scenario, he'd be so unexperienced due to not having a teacher in which to teach him the basics. Only thing I can say "Yes!" to is his swordsmanship, and Orca wins a medal for that one since he teaches Link everything, includying how to parry.
4)bow gets linked to the quiver.
...? No idea what you mean. Explain, please? :D
5)are you sure wood hammers would protect against bombs? *raises eyebrow*
It's not like IC's are going to stand there and wait for a bomb to explode near them, much less let Link light one. As soon as Link drops the bow in order to have full attention of the bomb, they'll be running towards Link! And bombs don't explode as soon as they touch the ground, either. Even dynamite takes a while to explode due to the danger it presents! ... Unless Link makes his own bombs and made the fuses himself, but as far as I know, he buys them at shops, safety precautions and all.

are you sure IC's are adults? they are pretty short, and don't look very mature themselves. they are not as experienced in fighting compared to link. link beats out one climber.
They're eskimos, they're supposed to be small. And not as experienced in fighting, but even a small child bully falls to two same-sized adults... Their muscles are just that more developed, and so is their reaction speed.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I don't go on the GFAQS Dissidia boards. For the month or so I played the game, it was meh there. Now, there are new***s. However, I know enough about the competitive aspect of the game.

Firion is mid-ish but Bartz is just too awesome >_>
bartz is meh IMO
EDIT: there is no way I'm going to change mains, deal
and kewkky: nintendo fails at making sense deal.
hell, the bombs might be primed like grenades.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
tocador, think for a second that we are not animals, but humans. We have two extra factors coming in: psychological and socioligical thoughts. A sane human being won't defile the body of another human being for their own protection, and if they do, they would need some time to consider it... ESPECIALLY if both have a relationship of a sort, which in Popo's and Nana's situation, brotherly(?). A sane human being wouldn't defile their loved sibling's bodies... And you take optional psychology/sociology classes
You dont get it. Its like talking to a door.

Yeah, but i cant blame you. You wont ever feel what im talking about right now unless you are in this situation.

@Sam: Yeah i've seem one person die in front of me, but he wasnt my friend or anything, just a random gy that had been hitten by a car. I didnt feel **** =/.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

I'm going into college. I know how the world works.

Next, all of what you're saying probably looks fine and dandy in a textbook, but that's not how things work in RL. I grew up in Jersey and have been to Guatemala to visit relatives. When someone dies, people freak out.

In Guatemala, a funeral's held and everyone in town, people who don't know the dead guy, participate.

Your the one who's getting brain washed by the media, son. The media preaches that the world is a cruel, cruel place with absolutely no hope. Crime and murder are off the charts while drug lords rule the streets.

That isn't an accurate depiction of the world.

Our compassion and emotions are what seperates us from animals, but even they have emotions.

If a Baboon is killed by someone, the males of the clan will come back to take away their fallen friend.
A dog will get sad when you leave it, but overjoyed when you return.

What your saying is stupid and limited. Your just getting this off of what your learning in school.
If your seriously going off with this, then let me paint you a picture.
'You and your parents are walking down the street when a sudden gang war starts up and you're in the crossfire. Your mom and dad are shot. They're bleeding and crying out in pain. A thug sees you and readys his gun.'

You mean to tell me that you're gonna pick up your dad's suffering body and shield yourself from the thugs bullets? No, you wouldn't.

And seeing some random guy die doesn't necessarily mean the viewer is absent of emotion. Movies like Saw are filled with killing. People don't care if it's not someone they know.

Even under extreme circumstances, people still have rational thought. They still process emotion. That's a fact.

If what you're saying is true, then starving people in Africa should just eat babys, kids and the elderly so they don't starve. Is that happening?


The world doesn't work that way.

Popo is gonna tend to Nana if she's hurt. No meat shield. That's ********.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I dont want to be rude, but if you dont know what's life about(biologicaly speaking) and you think that feelings > survival instinct, im no place to argue because i will be talking to a wall.

Under adrenaline, you dont have any other feelings that can overcome it, and plus, survival instinct totally overcomes feelings, dont give me this BS.

Everything you are saying is based on your thought of how life is and how everyone shares feelings about random people dying. Now let me ask you something, if you are going to die and the only way to live is to use a "dead mans body from guatemala" as a meatshield to survive, will you do it? Of course you will.

You say you wont because you think feelings are your stronger emotion and that you are rational under danger/pressure.

You are wrong. Studies disprove you and i dont need to argue with a child(no ofense meant) about opinions when i know facts.

I dont want to be rude, but even when wrong you guys think you are right, whats your problem? You guys just cant see you are wrong and keep trying to convince me with opinios when i have studied this. Really, there's a line between "arguing" and "thinking everything you say is right, and the others are wrong". Jeez.

Edit: What usually separates us from animals are 2 things: A thumb and reason. Animals have feelings. Dont talk of what you dont know.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Time to bust out philosophy...

@Toc-throwing human "morals" out the window is a mere worldview...people sharing that common worldview would revert to survival instincts in that type of situation...

but not everyone shares the same worldview

Relationships with people we meet in our lives affects our worldview whether we know it or not...
Popo and Nana have a blood bond ALWAYS together, having one without the other is like having half finished story.

The way we look at ethics and how they change are the foundations of our worldview...
in that sense...no one is wrong in saying what they would do..."Studies" on something such as this are useless...scientists don't personally know EVERY single person on this planet...so you're "facts" are merely scientists supposedly "proven" assumptions...when I bet you bucks...that more than half the time their statements have come off as false.

About adrenaline trumping all- I personally don't become too excited when a high-stress situation arises...I'm still the same "me" to other people...if someone falls when we're running I go back to get them...(and you can't tell me it wasn't high stress...Me and my friend were chased by a malicious dog once and he tripped...I didn't leave him there...I helped him up as fast as possible and we were running again)

No one can really determine what the other will do if their demise falls upon them unexpectedly it all boils down to the values in the other person's worldview.

The above statement applies to you to REL. You can't assume that Popo actually will stop what he's doing and rush to Nana immediately if she falls in battle.

now...@ REL
Also fast fact- Cannibalism has been reported in Africa, it happens...so the answer to that question is YES.

referring to animal's emotions- I feel that's just us superimposing our ideas to certain actions of an animal.
The media show both extremes of human nature...both of which are grossly wrong assumptions.

If you don't feel any different from seeing someone getting ran over by car...that doesn't make you "bad" or "emotionless" it's just a different perspective of someone's worldview.

With that being said...both assumptions over what Popo would do...are in a sense wrong...because we don't know Popo's worldview...true they're alwasy seen with each other and if one is out of the picture it's like a blank spot on the family portrait...but we still can't assume what will happen.

@toc's edit- prove animals have feeling and prove it to a point where I can't say that you superimposed that idea upon from our idea....you shouldn't try and bash other people's thoughts like this because this is what ensues because of it.

A dog wagging it's tail?- I don't count that as being "happy"...that's just an idea we imposed upon it...it could be "mad" "sad" or "jealous" for all we know.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
before I call this:

think arrows shot by a 12 year old would be cusioned by very thick parkas?
Nope, but the aim, finesse AND skill a 12-year-old can muster, especially considering no one taught him how to use a bow, AND given the fact that he had never used the bow before the moment he got it in his inventory much less had time to practice or learn how to use it, makes his "extreme bowman skills" unrealistic in a real-world scenario...

His weakness as a child both mentally and physically is just too extreme, IMO. I wouldnt've replied in this match at all, guess it's the guy-who-stated-how-old-TL-was's fault.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
Sometimes I wonder how much faith ToC actually puts in his facts and studies :dizzy:

I mean if he had a little sister that he spent his whole life with get shot next to him by some crazy *** murderer. I really don't think he will just grab his own sister's body, and use it as a meat shield.

Great debating guys on this matchup, it reminds me of the good old days.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
yeah, i wonder where we started to trail off?

(thinks to the begining of the boss battle/kirby shenannigans...)


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
wanna know how it all started?
knowing that TL had the range advantage toc thought that popo could just use nana as a shield to not die as early, or vice versa.
that's where we got into this whole thing on morals


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
When i started discussing about that i said i was off topic and that TL would win no matter what popo would do with nanas corpse. I started debating about it because people try to prove they are right, even when they dont have scientific comprovation on their side, whereas i had.

Arguing over the internet is just lame, people wont see that most of what they say is BS. Sure i can sometimes say some BS over things i dont know, and if proved wrong i will concede my loss. But people are dumb, annoying, and worthless. They dont want to lose no matter what, even if i went to their houses with the best scientists over the world to prove them, they wont agree with me and say im biased.

So yeah, i dont care more about this, because its useless to discuss via internet about human science. So yeah, w/e with that discussion, i dont need to argue with people that are that proud of their theorys.

A good example is kewky, that pmed me saying that he lived more than i had(wtf? does he know me) and said that my opinions are null because what he thinks is true is what counts. Thats how bad people over the internet are.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Double post of doom.

I never argued that IC's would win with that move, i said it was a possibility. But then people started BS'ing about how popo would rather take arrows in the heart than use her as a protection to live. And how human "morals" overcome a animal instinct that keeps us alive.

Even after proving people wrong i still have to hear BS from kewky and such.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
ToC: You have no human morals which is a flaw.

Also three things destroy ToC's meat shield, three things we all as humans have regardless of survival. Even after so many years of revolution we have not adapted away from these things regardless of survival extinct. These three things separate us from most animals.





Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Toc, if you saw your mom get shot, what would you do?

also, i meant trail off as in the whole thread


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
JOE!, TL wins.

In these fights, range, size and muscles are everything. While TL lacks two of them, IC lacks all.

TL wins because ICs need each other to kill TL, and TL has very high chances of killing one of them before they get close to him.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
ToC never considers the human emotion in any of the battles so it's hopeless to argue with him. He also thinks he proves everyone wrong the majority of the time and gets mad if we don't think he is right.

If i saw my mom got shot i would try to do something, i never said i wouldnt.

But you guys keep misunderstanding my point. If the only way you could live was by using your dead mom's body as a shelter, would you? Of course you would!

You mainly kirbywizard, keep misreading/misinterpreting my posts not because you made a mistake, but its almost *** you wanted to piss me off.

Did i say here that it is ok for someone like your mom to die witought you reacting? No. What i said here is that, if needed, you would kill your friend to save your son, or to live you would let a friend die(instinctive).

You guys say that what separetes us from animals is the fact we have emotions and feelings. Wrong. Animals have this too, but the thing is they cant use reasoning, so thats why they seem to dont have those.

Again, i didnt say here that your mom and **** is the same thing, i said that your primal instinct is to save you/your genetic material as hard as you can. I never said popo would be happy doing it, i said his instinct would be to try to survive at all costs, and by doing so meatshielding witought regards.

God dam, you guys just seem you cant read =/, but w/e. And kirby wizard, i dont even try to prove anything to you guys, its impossible to discuss, because no one wants to accept that they are wrong, hence why even with scientific prove people disagree with me. I dont care what you think, if i have enough to sustain my so called "opinions". You guys live in wonderland, really, where everyone is good and cares for each other, and they'd rather kill themselves to use someones body as a meat shield.

Really, grow up, life isnt a cake.

ToC: You have no human morals which is a flaw.

Also three things destroy ToC's meat shield, three things we all as humans have regardless of survival. Even after so many years of revolution we have not adapted away from these things regardless of survival extinct. These three things separate us from most animals.



Wow, you really fail. Your telling me then that a animal that is a "mom" dosent love its baby?

Morals, so you think that just because animals dont have a complex society they dont have morals? Have you ever seen a animal bullying another of his species? Better, have you ever saw a animal with "prejudice"? Animals dont have morals because they dont need them. We have them because our society has created a "non-moralistic" place, where prejudice/hate and such exist.

Again, altruism is to basicaly live in a society and help each other. Animals do it too, more than humans, because they do it witought even thinking.

I like you. Just because you think animals arent rational you think they are emotion-less beasts. We didnt create emotions, emotions are reactions our brain have to the world based on our vivency, whereas it changes from person to person, making morals very hard to define among human society.

Whereas animals "morals" are simple. Because they just live, and unintentionaly apply those to their lifes.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Wow, you really fail. Your telling me then that a animal that is a "mom" dosent love its baby?
dude many animals abandon their babies. sharks will eat their babies. there is a significant difference between us and animals. Social animals are different cases, but many species don't give a ****


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
dude many animals abandon their babies. sharks will eat their babies. there is a significant difference between us and animals. Social animals are different cases, but many species don't give a ****

There are mans that ***** childs. There are masoquists. There are rapists. There are the serial killers. And there is a whole bunch of other stuff in our society.

But yeah, this shouldnt matter you know, because our morals are much superior to other animals as we have feelings and can disntinguish from right or wrong, my bad.

@JOE!: Sure, maybe i'd say, onoes, but after seing my only choice to live is to:

1.Run(not possible :D)

2.Meatshield, i would meatshield to try to survive, because thats basically instinctive.

Im not saying i wont feel anything, or go right away for the meatshield, but after analising that my survival chance only exists with a meatshield, i would do that, just like everyone else.

Edit@Sam: Some spiders eat their mom's when they are born, but is that because they dont "love her?". No, the mom after giving birth to the spiders cant provide food for them, so the only choice to keep her baby's alive is to give herself as food.

A "mom" sacrifice herself to feed her "babies". Nah, this is BS right?

I could give tons of examples of how nurtering a bat can be, or how dogs can have emotional conection with humans, but i would prolly be wrong because kirbywizard/kewky are always right and im not.

Edit2: JOE!, you can go ahead and change the MU, TL will win this one. Im just discussing to prove a point, nothing MU related anymore. I gave up on IC way back, when TL had arrows to use.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA

Oh my gosh...I thought I was slightly peturbed when I posted earlier but I'm starting to lose my patience now...

@Toc- your proof is trying to assume what someone would do in that situation and people don't always recat like that...period...

@everyone else- Just because someone has a different perspective from you doesn't mean they have no morals or no emotions...it's just their perspective DEAL WITH IT!

:mad: NEXT MU PLEASE! :mad:
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