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Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Has to deal with physical shortcomings in a real world scenario.
so do the climbers >.>
they have the mindset of working together because they suck individually. link>IC's long range
if one dies
link>IC short range
the majority of situations end up as link winning
I say 650-350 link.
I'm done for now seeing as you guys are never going to stop complaining until you get what you want which has been happening alot.
it's what leads to flame wars
*goes to play dissidia*


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Yeah, spinning with a bag of bombs/arrows and a boomerang just dosent work, unless he wants everything to fall from his back, he cant really spin :p.

But aproaching link as IC just dosent work man, getting arround arrows/bombs/"boomerang" with bare hands and pink meatshield is just no.

@Sam: I r plausible and not a spoiled kid, stfu ¬¬


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Yeah, spinning with a bag of bombs/arrows and a boomerang just dosent work, unless he wants everything to fall from his back, he cant really spin :p.

But aproaching link as IC just dosent work man, getting arround arrows/bombs/"boomerang" with bare hands and pink meatshield is just no.

@Sam: I r plausible and not a spoiled kid, stfu ¬¬
link uses the master sword with one hand
free hand goes around his back to keep things in place.
and I know you aren't spoiled but you complain... ALOT

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Lol, Dissidia. I had my fun with the JP version. I'm waiting for 5.55 OFW to be hacked so I can finally play Tales of Vs >_>

And Sam....holding on to all that crap with 1 hand?

Ridiculous setup+probable chance of messing up.


Tbh, I don't care who wins...I don't like either character(s).


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Lol, Dissidia. I had my fun with the JP version. I'm waiting for 5.55 OFW to be hacked so I can finally play Tales of Vs >_>
Ima order Tales of Vs. off of playasia once I get the money.

And Sam....holding on to all that crap with 1 hand?

Ridiculous setup+probable chance of messing up.
not hold, put your arm around your back to keep it adequately in place.
so **** doesn't fly everywhere. plus, the quiver is securely on his back.
I don't know where the bomb bag is I prolly just thought he had one or two.
bomb bag would prolly just be strapped onto his waist, the bag is closed so it's not like **** is going to fly anywhere anyway.


Tbh, I don't care who wins...I don't like either character(s).
MRG reasons.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

By human nature, survival is #1 priority. But people have something called emotions that would prevent the meatbag shield idea. If they didn't know each other, then yes. The other climber would DEFENITELY use the dead body. But they actually KNOW each other. Be it sibling or loved one. In RL, a guy won't use his wife's dead body as shield nor would a sister use a bros body for shield (and vice versa). Human emotion and compassion will not allow for that idea to work. It would make sense if they didn't know each other, but it's safe to assume they love each other.

And there's no chance of a bomb being thrown back. A smart person would hold it until the fuse reaches a certain point. Only an idiot would throw it without thought.

Also, Linky wins long range, but I'm still unsure who gets close range.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
This is why i usually complain.

Any questions?
because ppl don give reasons? yeah I can understand that
EDIT: about meat shield stuff, humans have morals, people SAY they are going to do that stuff but when the time comes do they REALLY do it? they are partially in shock, partially in the heat of battle. making decisions like that in a split second while your thoughts are everywhere, doing it isn't as easy as you think. popo would prolly freak out and shake nana or something. or just ignore her altogether.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
the bomb bag would prolly come with a lighting device.
carrying around a bag of explosives without a way to prime them is dumb.
that same lighter can also be used to light fire arrows.

in ET's words:
flaming climbers


Smash Journeyman
Feb 4, 2009
I thought it was going to be interesting.

Anyway, Ice climbers win at close range if there is two of them, TL wins at long range and at close range if there is only one climber left.

It's clear who wins here.

It's not Toon Link.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I thought it was going to be interesting.

Anyway, Ice climbers win at close range if there is two of them, TL wins at long range and at close range if there is only one climber left.

It's clear who wins here.

It's not Toon Link.

you clearly said that TL wins in more places than IC's do how does little linky not win?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Has he not?
he's a trained swordsman, he has a shield for a reason.
and are you really sure that blocking a wooden mallet with a shield will cause stun?
the shield absorbs the blow link feels almost nothing, and can attack accordingly

Emperor Time

Smash Lord
May 11, 2008
The planet with a forgotten name
Ok, so if he's shielding from the front and parrying from the back, he'll definitely lose balance. If not, hes in a VERY awkward position. And by the time he's done with one climber, the next will be ready to attack.

EDIT:If the parry doesn't have weight in it, the climber could possibly overpower him.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Ok, so if he's shielding from the front and parrying from the back, he'll definitely lose balance. If not, hes in a VERY awkward position. And by the time he's done with one climber, the next will be ready to attack.

EDIT:If the parry doesn't have weight in it, the climber could possibly overpower him.
IC's can't surround him because of spin attack, if he sees one repositioning itself, he could use a GTFO move and do anything from there.
and that's if there are 2 climbers and they both somehow
manage to survive arrows, and bombs.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
One IC could be trying to tangle Link with the rope, while the other is waiting for Link to make a move at the rope so he can hit him with the huge, heavy (most probable) hammer and make young, weak 10-12 year old Link tumble due to the recoil.

And they don't have to approach. The game's a stalemate if Link decides to go bow+arrow. They could position themselves A La Spartan so their mallets protect them: One IC standing up with the hammer like this || protecting the body, and the other one behind the first Climber, the hammer going between the legs, like this = protecting the feet. The top Climber can be hunched down so as to be shielded by the hammer.

If Link moves sideways to try and get close to the climbers, then they move according to where Link is heading. If Link decides to get closer with the bow pulled, then it's only a matter of time before he's close-ranged, and they approach HIM while he shoots just 1 arrow and possibly misses due to the hecticness of being in close range while holding a long-range weapon.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Has he not?
he's a trained swordsman, he has a shield for a reason.
and are you really sure that blocking a wooden mallet with a shield will cause stun?
the shield absorbs the blow link feels almost nothing, and can attack accordingly
He's a 12 years old kid that was trained by a old man for a few hours.

Call that "trained swordsman"?

And no, morals dont exist. People alway want to leave, is your biological instinct. So no, popo wont be "oh god my friend/sis died oh noes", he gonna be "JACKPOT, meatshield + sexshield ftw".

If we are being realistic: For link to carry a bomb sack, bow, boomerang and spin, is a no go. Bombs are heavy, at least 500g each to do some damage, if he carries 2 thats all ready 1 kg! A quiver + bow is a good 5kg more, and a sword + shield will weight at least 6kg. Being nimble with an extra 12kg and things bouncing is kinda hard, not to mention unrealistic to spin and dont get all the things to fall off.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
He's a 12 years old kid that was trained by a old man for a few hours.

Call that "trained swordsman"?
than how did he beat ganondorf?
how did he survive multitudes of darknuts and other trained warriors?
IC's have way less experience than he does.

And no, morals dont exist. People alway want to leave, is your biological instinct. So no, popo wont be "oh god my friend/sis died oh noes", he gonna be "JACKPOT, meatshield + sexshield ftw".
yes they do. there have been tests, it's how people react, popo and nana have such a bond that, one or the other wont do **** like that, maybe YOU would but you must not have friends


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

No one did tests, and if they did, they failed.

A human instinct is based on passing your genes ahead, to get you genetic material alive on earth, thats your only purpose. If you need to kill someone to do it, you will, because its your NATURAL INSTINCT, ITS BEEN PROVED.

So dont talk BS sam, admit you are wrong, because sometimes people make mistakes or dont know want to accept that they are wrong, dont be like those people.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
than how did he beat ganondorf?
how did he survive multitudes of darknuts and other trained warriors?
IC's have way less experience than he does.
The enemies in the Link series are disappointingly easy. Have you ever noticed that whenever Link is fighting lots of enemies, only ONE of them comes forth and actually battles, while the other one waits for you to target them (or kill the current target)? In real life, both would be jumping on top of you, and you wouldn't be able to parry or do ANYTHING while the second one was there kicking your ***.

And WW Toon Link only beat Ganondorf because he had Zelda, A SECOND PERSON, shooting Light Arrows from far away. That's 2v1, makes sense that Ganondorf lost... Why wouldn't it make sense that 2 angry eskimos beat a 10-12 year old kid in another 2v1 scenario?

yes they do. there have been tests, it's how people react, popo and nana have such a bond that, one or the other wont do **** like that, maybe YOU would but you must not have friends
He won't be all "Yeah, meatshield AND necrophilia!", but he WILL be angrier and have all sorts of endorphins pumping throughout his body, INCLUDING adrenaline. It'll be a hell of a fight for 10-12 year old Link, overpowering a who-knows-how-old, freakin' angry, mallet-wielding, drug-drunk Ice Climber.



Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY

No one did tests, and if they did, they failed.
type in "morality test" you'll find them everywhere.

A human instinct is based on passing your genes ahead, to get you genetic material alive on earth, thats your only purpose. If you need to kill someone to do it, you will, because its your NATURAL INSTINCT, ITS BEEN PROVED.
that's animal instinct. if we we're like you say then why are there gay people?

So dont talk BS sam, admit you are wrong, because sometimes people make mistakes or dont know want to accept that they are wrong, dont be like those people.
look above.

@kewkky- they all attack, but sometimes they hit eachother lol.
at the ganondorf battle, true, I'm just giving examples, link has loads of battle experience, while IC's have little, link has faced situations like this before he can easily create distance.
and arrows>IC's
I believe we've established this.
again like I said link has the advantage long range and close when there is only 1 climber, climbers have the advantage only in short if they have both.
I'm still not convinced.
Link has more fighting experience than the IC's do.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC

Link has more fighting experience than the IC's do.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Doesn't Ganondorf have more fighting experience than Zelda and Link in WW? How did he lose, exactly...? I'm thinking he got double-teamed.

And in long-range, IC's could still turtle a la Spartan with their giant mallets. Set them up like a fence, and hide behind them while either Link wastes arrows, or he gets closer, where ICs then take the battle since it'll be close-range. And if Link moves sideways, then ICs move sideways too. Link is forced to approach, since he's the one who's ready to kill, while Ice Climbers can wait out until Link's arms get tired from holding the heavy bow and pulling the bow strings tightly, as well as carrying all that weight (extra equipment)...

Once Link gets close, IC's separate and take Link from both sides, still using the mallets to cover their vital areas until they reach melee range, then it's all over for Link. It doesn't take a master hammerman to use something big as a shield,why not use the hammer's giant head?


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav

No one did tests, and if they did, they failed.

A human instinct is based on passing your genes ahead, to get you genetic material alive on earth, thats your only purpose. If you need to kill someone to do it, you will, because its your NATURAL INSTINCT, ITS BEEN PROVED.

So dont talk BS sam, admit you are wrong, because sometimes people make mistakes or dont know want to accept that they are wrong, dont be like those people.

Stop, Toc. You know this is total BS, but you won't admit it.

You don't even see that crap in movies cuz they know it doesn't happen by any stretch of the mind.

Popo's reaction would be tend to Nana or what Kewwy said.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Doesn't Ganondorf have more fighting experience than Zelda and Link in WW? How did he lose, exactly...? I'm thinking he got double-teamed.
correct me if I'm wrong, Zelda had light arrows, which stunned ganon.
my god.
you can't damage ganon, unless you parry or have Zelda hit him with a light arrow.
play WW

EDIT: emphesis on arrows,
what the IC's don't
how can they reach him without one dying and the other going mad/die as well?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
correct me if I'm wrong, Zelda had light arrows, which stunned ganon.
my god.
you can't damage ganon, unless you parry or have Zelda hit him with a light arrow.
play WW

EDIT: emphesis on arrows,
what the IC's don't
how can they reach him without one dying and the other going mad/die as well?
She could never hit Ganon unless you distracted Ganon, and she shot him while he was paying attention to you, right? That's 2v1, Zelda alone couldn't do a single thing. :D

Range or not, the scenario is pretty much the same as IC's vs TL/YL... They'll wait until Link gets close enough by turtling, then when Link gets close, they'll overpower him and outnumber him. In real life, a 10-12 year old kid has no chance of overpowering or outspeeding two adults.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

Stop, Toc. You know this is total BS, but you won't admit it.

You don't even see that crap in movies cuz they know it doesn't happen by any stretch of the mind.

Popo's reaction would be tend to Nana or what Kewwy said.
LoL, you are so controled by the midia you dont have a clue of what you are talking about.

What grade are you? Really? When you get into high school you will learn what im talking about on biology class. If you still dont beleive me ask to a cience teacher of your or google it. Just please dont talk BS in front of me.

@Kewky: I still dont see how IC can overcome arrows with dodgin by itself. Witought using nana as a meatshield of course.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
LoL, you are so controlled by the media you don't have a clue of what you are talking about.

What grade are you? Really? When you get into high school, you will learn what I'm talking about in biology class. If you still don't believe me, ask your science teacher or google it. Just please don't talk BS to me.

@Kewky: I still don't see how IC can overcome arrows with dodging by itself. Without using nana as a meatshield, of course.
Fix'd for you. Since bad grammar and age/grade insults don't mince.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
LoL, you are so controled by the midia you dont have a clue of what you are talking about.

What grade are you? Really? When you get into high school you will learn what im talking about on biology class. If you still dont beleive me ask to a cience teacher of your or google it. Just please dont talk BS in front of me.
... What...? O_O"
No, it's no a natural instinct to use someone else's body as a human shield, much less if you had strong feelings towards them (brotherly, friendly or romantically... Anything's fine). If he was a war soldier and you were a war soldier and you knew nothing about him/her, THEN you might consider it. But not while respecting their bodies.

@Kewky: I still dont see how IC can overcome arrows with dodgin by itself. Witought using nana as a meatshield of course.
Like I've said in all of my posts: They're not dodging, they're simply staying still, using the hammers to make a wall to protect them from Link's arrows. They'll also move according to where Link is moving: if he goes to the right in order to get a clear shot at the IC in the back, they'll move to the right as well and cover their exposure. They'll also be hunched behind their giant hammers so that they cover every part of their bodies. It's using their weapons defensively!

When Link gets close, he will only have time for one shot since he's no master archer, and he'll have to get ready for the battle close-quarters. Depending on where he hits an IC, he killed or didn't. If he didn't, then he's going to lose. If he DID kill the IC, then chances are he'll win but not by much, since he'll have a crazed person trying to kill him due to the loss of a loved one, blinded by rage.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
... What...? O_O"
No, it's no a natural instinct to use someone else's body as a human shield, much less if you had strong feelings towards them (brotherly, friendly or romantically... Anything's fine). If he was a war soldier and you were a war soldier and you knew nothing about him/her, THEN you might consider it. But not while respecting their bodies.
Unless nana was popos girlfriend, it is his natural instinct to live, keep alive his genetic material, because this is every animals instinc on earth, to keep your "life" on. A relative, even tho you should love him and stuff, isnt necessary for you to live, you dont need him. Biologicaly speaking his just more competition in the world that will just steal your food and such.

Sure you can have feeling for him because thats what now-a-days society consider normal, but when danger kicks in, and you need to fight for survival, you will do anything you need to survive. So as long as you dont depend on this person to pass your genes forward(wife/son) you dont need them, and they will sure be a great shelter for arrows.

This wont help at all the current MU, but this is like sam said: A bunch of kids that dont understand **** about RL and want to argue that "but i have feelings too" when they dont know at least a bit of biology and such.

God, this is stressfull.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Range or not, the scenario is pretty much the same as IC's vs TL/YL... They'll wait until Link gets close enough by turtling, then when Link gets close, they'll overpower him and outnumber him. In real life, a 10-12 year old kid has no chance of overpowering or outspeeding two adults.
alright if they are say 30ft away from each other, if IC's are waiting, it takes an arrow about a second to hit one, take in all of the reaction times, the guess work of where they think it's going to hit and put up the hammer.
this is just an example there are many other situations of range in which they can be in.
EDIT: kewkky the wooden mallets are the size of their heads not their whole bodies, if it was the size of their whole bodies they couldn't even wield it in the first place.
and they are wooden I can't stress this point any more, fire arrow can burn wood.

What grade are you? Really? When you get into high school you will learn what im talking about on biology class. If you still dont beleive me ask to a cience teacher of your or google it. Just please dont talk BS in front of me.
what grade are you in?

EDIT: awesome pic. MRG
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