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Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
kirby is male

anyways, as for blasters:

for spacies ive been using their smashbros blasters seeing as the only other ones were in assualt, and it was all the same.

So wolf has the very powerful one, no charge ability.

Also brought up with Fox: what is preventing samus from shooting in melee range?
Wait . . . so Wolf's only getting his Brawl blaster that pretty much only stuns enemies?

Also, JOE said it himself. Wolf stays still when using the reflector.

True, Samus is no gladiator. I'm just using that as an example that similar weapons have been used in battle that hinder usage of the wrist.

A punch requires only the swing of an arm to do damage. The wrist doesn't affect the damage a punch will do. If anything, it'll damage someone who doesn't know how to punch. Samus can still punch Wolf even though she loses mobility of her wrist. You just wind your arm back just like a regular punch and let it go. It would deal more damage for it being so big and long (haha insert dirty joke line). Look at one handed sword. With it being an expansion of your strength, you deal more damage than what you would do with a knife. The knife only expands you strength so much because of its length. The sword's better length does more damage, not necessarily because of the blade, but because you have more surface area for your force to be exerted by. Same deal with Samus.
The cannon itself would do a great deal of damage. Wolf isn't super human strong. He could be compared to having similar body structure, anatomy and intelligence to a human. His speed would only be a perk to being a humanoid wolf. A punch from Samus' extremely durable armor would devastate Wolf, be it from her hand or cannon.

You can't say that Samus lacks hand to hand combat when Wolf is never seen fighting hand to hand as well. Samus deals with enemies face to face. Wolf deals with enemies from his ship.

You can't say that Metroid: Other M will have some "ZOMG" change done to it like other games have had. This is Nintendo we're talking about. They're very predictable. Samus is the main character. Samus is in an action-adventure type game. Her close combat skills are being shown for the first time.
Nintendo isn't gonna change it up into a RPG with Ridley as the main character showing off his stats. It's safe to say that game is gonna be just like the trailer is, bar none.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
no, he gets that blaster, but as if it were real.

kindof like how fox's laser was so dangerous in the pit match because it was rapid-fire


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
REL38 i understand you say it should be just like other games, but it may just NOT be. Team ninja(from ninja gaiden) are the ones producing this game, so you can never guess what they will do with spamus.

Sure, it can just show that spamus knows karate, but it can sure show the oposite, WE DONT KNOW. We cant assume things will be like this if they didnt even happened. I dont really care what a trailer shows, its just a trailer, and when people say she is able to man-handle people on melee, when noone other games showed her doing that isnt what id call "real".

So as far as im concerned, she isnt proficient on melee, because the game wasnt even launched.

And for wolf, hes a humanoid-beast. A wolf. Wolfs hunt, and therefore have some melee experience. Sure, maybe wolf never fought melee before, but it is a thing that you just know. A example is walking. No one teaches you how to walk, you just learn, because your past-generations knew how to, and was crucial for survival. Its the dominant characteristic that enabled you to live. You dont just forget it.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
youre slightly conrtadicting yourself Toc, remember this: who is sinside the Power Suit? :p
Obviously it's not Zero-Suit Samus, because she's another character in these fights, so it's Wolf vs the suit... Wolf wins, because he can put it on, and now he's manipulating Samus!

How does Wolf's blaster work? I remember that in the ZSS discussion, she was given her paralyzer, and people didn't let her use it because you can't fire a round of pure plasma (or electiricity, I forgot... But both are the same so blah) and expect it to go forward, since the particles will just spread everywhere and dissipate right after they leave the weapon... So how does Wolf's blaster work? Plasma, laser...?


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
youre slightly conrtadicting yourself Toc, remember this: who is sinside the Power Suit? :p
Talking boobs.

@Kewky: Whe didnt give zamus the blaster not because it isnt possible, but because it would be unfair. Imagine a laser vs sword fight. No fun at all =/.

So it really dosent matter if wolfs gun was made of poo, we call it real so it is.

BTW, they are lasers.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
@Kewky: Whe didnt give zamus the blaster not because it isnt possible, but because it would be unfair. Imagine a laser vs sword fight. No fun at all =/.
Isn't it what you're doing right now? single-hit-killing HOMING lasers, versus non-homing concussive shots? Sounds unfair to me... And if the Brawl blaster is used, then Samus would definitely win because of the rate of fire AND range.

So, what do we do?

PS: Star Wars was awesome, and it was laser vs (laser)swords all the time. And we know lasers can't deflects lasers the way lightsabers deflected laser shots. [/offtopic]


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I dont understand you.

Are you saying that wolfs weaponary is imba compared to samus?

What we do is: Spamus lost, she cant win in long range because of reflector and in melee a knife + gun + hand vs hand + piece of metal, the first option wins.

WE do our best to make fights equal, but in certain MU's one just counters the other to hard, or just blatantly wins(or tie ><).


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
REL38 i understand you say it should be just like other games, but it may just NOT be. Team ninja(from ninja gaiden) are the ones producing this game, so you can never guess what they will do with spamus.
Did you forget Yoshio Sakamoto, co-creator of Metroid? He's involved in this, as well as Nintendo. What you're doing is dismissing this, because if things when this way, well, Samus just got a whole lot better. If Nintendo made a game where Samus could perform karate, then she knows karate. It's canonical. It cannot be dismissed.

Sure, it can just show that spamus knows karate, but it can sure show the oposite, WE DONT KNOW. We cant assume things will be like this if they didnt even happened. I dont really care what a trailer shows, its just a trailer, and when people say she is able to man-handle people on melee, when noone other games showed her doing that isnt what id call "real".
It's the official trailer showing the official game created by Nintendo, the official owner of the Metroid series. Samus didn't show any form of melee in any of the other games? Well, yeah, of course she didn't, because the games were not designed that way. Bowser wasn't getting his tail grabbed by Mario in the NES days. In fact, if you touched Bowser, you'd die. But look, in Super Mario 64, we see Mario swinging Bowser around with his two hands. If that had been a trailer, and we were discussing Mario, you'd probably dismiss it for the same reason.

So as far as im concerned, she isnt proficient on melee, because the game wasnt even launched.
It's made by Nintendo. The trailer was shown to the world by Nintendo. It's official. Stop dismissing it. It's canonical. There's nothing else to discuss. Samus' melee has gotten a whole lot better in this match. I know, it doesn't make Wolf look good now, but dismissing it isn't going to change anything. You can dismiss it if you want, but you have no reason for doing so. Just because the game isn't out doesn't prove anything. It's coming out.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
DAM, i found it.

On the OP the description says "Same status as their previous fight".

In the op it specify what isnt the same, the ability to shoot ****-load of missles/lasers. Meaning the is the same samus just withought the "Spamus".

In the previous fight we didnt count metroid other M in the MU.

Therefore metroid other M dosent count for this discussion.

Thanks JOE! :D.

Edit: A trailer dont usually reveal the whole game, maybe spamus will have a ancient disease that will kill her slowly and debilitate her, maybe she can only get spicy hot in karate with a power up and for a momment, we dont know, trailer are too call peoples atention not to reveal the truth of the game, thats why we cant use a trailer to call the real game. Plus, i stated why it wouldnt count even if she was chuck norris in other m :D.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
DAM, i found it.

On the OP the description says "Same status as their previous fight".

In the op it specify what isnt the same, the ability to shoot ****-load of missles/lasers. Meaning the is the same samus just withought the "Spamus".

In the previous fight we didnt count metroid other M in the MU.

Therefore metroid other M dosent count for this discussion.

Thanks JOE! :D.

Edit: Trailers dosent reaveal the whole game, maybe spamus will have a ancient diseas that will kill her slowly and debilitate her, we dont know, trailer are too call peoples atention not to reveal the truth of the game.
the one I was in, there was no need for other M,
but that doesn't mean you can just dismiss the fact like that.



Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
DAM, i found it.

On the OP the description says "Same status as their previous fight".

In the op it specify what isnt the same, the ability to shoot ****-load of missles/lasers. Meaning the is the same samus just withought the "Spamus".

In the previous fight we didnt count metroid other M in the MU.

Therefore metroid other M dosent count for this discussion.

Thanks JOE! :D.
It's a good thing that Metroid: Other M occurs between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, hence, MF is post-MOM.

Edit: Trailers dosent reaveal the whole game, maybe spamus will have a ancient diseas that will kill her slowly and debilitate her, we dont know, trailer are too call peoples atention not to reveal the truth of the game.
That's been overdone already. First with Phazon, then with the X parasites. That will happen in Fusion. The trailer does reveal Samus using close-combat. But, if you're so confident about what you said before, why would you go back and edit? Stop making **** up. :bee:

I'm curious if MOM was ever brought up and mentioned by JOE! that it wasn't allowed in the first place. Let's be honest here.

I'll be back later. I need to write a story.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
The thing is, you are assuming she will be proficient at melee, and im assuming she will have a disease that will kill her if she uses her melee combat. You cant say im wrong, or vice-versa. We havent played the game, and dont have a clue about the truth under it. You cant prove me wrong, i cant prove you wrong, we are making up stuff arround that game. See? MOM its just too situational to even be counted. There is no point on using it.

O yeah, when you say "SAME STATUS AS PREVIOUS FIGHTS" means they are the same. If metroid other M wasnt included in the past fight, it means it wont be included in this one.

@Sam: I forgot to ask when i read your sig: If you and adum are like clark kent and suckeman, who is superman and who is clark kent? If you'd ask me, adum is superman and you are the ordinary man :D.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA

Samus has melee know-how because she is Zero Suit Samus, but in power armor.

Why is a knife, claws, teeth and free hand > metal armor?

Wolf's blaster, (like all the **** spacies, does anyone look back in the thread, or read the Ops at all?) it brought from Smashbros into real life. It travels faster than it would in the game, and has MUCH more range. Yet the rate of fire is slower, but very powerful comparatavly

Also, Other M counts, all it is showing is samus doing things other than run, aim shoot...


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

Samus has melee know-how because she is Zero Suit Samus, but in power armor.

Why is a knife, claws, teeth and free hand > metal armor?

Wolf's blaster, (like all the **** spacies, does anyone look back in the thread, or read the Ops at all?) it brought from Smashbros into real life. It travels faster than it would in the game, and has MUCH more range. Yet the rate of fire is slower, but very powerful comparatavly

Also, Other M counts, all it is showing is samus doing things other than run, aim shoot...
If so, why does dryn say that because of other M samus has a more proficient melee combat just because of that game?

No other game has showed samus wooping ***, except other M. The weird thing is, other M is in-between 2 other games, and in none of the 2 she uses it. Not the prequel or the sequel. So this is basically a assurance that "samus dosent know karate".

And a question, what does other M offers to the discussion? Its a trailer, a crowd atractive movie that is suposed to attract people to play the game.

Of course it will show her doing some *** wooping, but you cant really base a discussion arround that. So if you gonna count other M you may just specify what "new" is in the game.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Other M in no way shows her doing karate, but what is does show is her using her canon in MELEE RANGE

something people have been saying she cannot do here


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
@Sam: I forgot to ask when i read your sig: If you and adum are like clark kent and suckeman, who is superman and who is clark kent? If you'd ask me, adum is superman and you are the ordinary man :D.
It's a paradox tocador because Clark Kent and Superman are the same person, not one or the other, so I am both Clark and superman, and adum is both clark and superman


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Ok, got it. But still, activating a reflector dosent take long(1st frame on brawl must mean something) meaning he can activate it as soon as samus points that thing in close range, and then BAM, GG.

But really, if wolf manages to stay long range he can make it, whereas in melee range it is even-ish but i think because a more "manuseable" weapon, and a knife(you dont know what it is made of, maybe it can cut the thing samus armor is, maybe it cant, but high-tech vs high-tech wolf weaponary should be able to make it), whereas samus with one hand and a canon should strugle more.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
she has a grapple beam, if she takes hold of wolf in that range, i doubt he'd go "oh, reflector!"


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
How can a beam grapple? For it to grapple it must be a thing, that can be holded by wolf or reflected. Or better, cut down.

And whats the point of "holding someone" and loosing your only melee weapon when he can still shoot you?


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
magnetics, electro statics, or, it could be an actual cable of sorts that has a clining energy of sorts (like electro statics)


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
If they are magnetics based, they can be cut or reflected. Eletro static can glue into things. And the third option can be cut/reflected.

But one thing, all the things the grapple can be can be reflected, meaning that it is useless in mid-long range because of reflector, and in melee it would only make samus canon useless withought shooting properties. So whats the point with it?


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Grapple Beam grapples on surfaces that can be grappled, not necessarily things that can be grabbed onto. She opened Omega Ridley's chestplate with the grapple, as well as other bosses' areas of weakness... If anything, she can grapple to Wolf himself. If Wolf is in melee range and activates his reflector, and by some miraculous thing it reflects the grapple beam, then Samus can deactivate it and sit back and relax while Wolf is immobile, or repeatedly shoot at him in an angle that the reflected shots won't hit her, forcing him to keep the reflector activated and him motionless.

Long range? Samus shoots repeatedly while closing the gap between both, usually forcing Wolf to activate and deactivate his reflector when a shot (or shots) might hit him. Wolf will need a MUCH better aim, since his rate of fire is slow compared to Samus's...

Mid range?
Same scenario.

Close range? She can use the grapple beam, shoot with much more accuracy while maintaining the same firing speed, as well as moving around and evading his shots. If Wolf activates his reflector, she shoots at him from an angle that won't hit her if the shots are reflected. She keeps shooting, until either his reflector runs out a la StarFox: Assault, or until Wolf decides that standing still means he won't be winning any battles, where he will welcome the hits of who knows how many concussive shots...

And if Wolf thinks he can knife/bite/claw/duke it out against Samus's protective armor, what amounts of high-tech weaponry has Samus dealt with that have breached her armor? Unless I'm wrong, the only way to breach it is to run out of energy tanks, where then Samus takes the full blow of the attacks and dies... meaning Wolf will have to empty out Samus's energy tanks before he can take her down, something Samus doesn't have to worry about Wolf having... And the energy tanks are suit upgrades, which is allowed according to the OP, since without energy tanks the suit doesn't function.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Not really lol. Deactivating a reflector is very easy, and you can see trough it, meaning it wont be hard at all for a shar-shooter as wolf to land a shot. Samus while shooting needs to dodge her own shots wich will make her lose the aim frequently and giving even more tiem for wolf to shoot or run. If samus fires whiles shooting she will lose accuracy thus leaving more time to wolf to shoot.

In the long range, i can see wolf shooting more than samus, and she dodging more. Shooting a laser pistol is much faster than a beam-canon.

In mid range: Samus will have even LESS time to dodge deflections and wolf will then shoot more.

In close range: Samus only option is to go melee. Grapple/Shoots are reflected and fast, meaning that any reflector hit is prolly a hit on samus. When in melee wolf has a more usable weapon with a knife and a reflector to redirect beams and such. Sure, samus is nimble, but one hand + canon that isnt that trusty to shoot arent that reliable.

You understood it all wrong, i explained it for you.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
Not really lol. Deactivating a reflector is very easy, and you can see trough it, meaning it wont be hard at all for a shar-shooter as wolf to land a shot. Samus while shooting needs to dodge her own shots wich will make her lose the aim frequently and giving even more tiem for wolf to shoot or run. If samus fires whiles shooting she will lose accuracy thus leaving more time to wolf to shoot.
lolno she can aim while dodging.

In the long range, i can see wolf shooting more than samus, and she dodging more. Shooting a laser pistol is much faster than a beam-canon.
1)look above
2)samus' cannon has a better fire rate than wolf's blaster
In mid range: Samus will have even LESS time to dodge deflections and wolf will then shoot more.
samus has crazy good reaction time, remember the last 2 debates where we discussed this?
In close range: Samus only option is to go melee. Grapple/Shoots are reflected and fast, meaning that any reflector hit is prolly a hit on samus. When in melee wolf has a more usable weapon with a knife and a reflector to redirect beams and such. Sure, samus is nimble, but one hand + canon that isnt that trusty to shoot arent that reliable.
wolf is immobile while using the reflector and he can't shoot while using it.
also I don't see how grapple beam gets reflected >.>

You understood it all wrong, i explained it for you.
just pointing things out


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Not really lol. Deactivating a reflector is very easy, and you can see trough it, meaning it wont be hard at all for a shar-shooter as wolf to land a shot. Samus while shooting needs to dodge her own shots wich will make her lose the aim frequently and giving even more tiem for wolf to shoot or run. If samus fires whiles shooting she will lose accuracy thus leaving more time to wolf to shoot. It doesn't matter if her accuracy is poor, she's shooting to make him move and **** up his aim too, as well as set him up for a gap closing. To properly aim and shoot at Samus he'll have to stay still and aim, then shoot. And where does it say that Wolf is a better shot than Samus, much less a SHARPSHOOTER, holding a one-handed pistol that shoots blasters? If anything, Samus has more accuracy since she has more experience shooting stuff and aiming... Which is why she's got lock-on in the Samus games, as well as lock-off.

In the long range, i can see wolf shooting more than samus, and she dodging more. Shooting a laser pistol is much faster than a beam-canon. Wolf's rate of fire is slower than Samus's, proved by her games and Wolf's games (which apparently is Brawl, according to Joe!). She can run and shoot just for the sake of getting him to mess up his aim constantly, as well as make it easier for her to get closer. Wolf will be looking back and shooting, as well as dodging Samus's shots, his speed will be SLOWER than normal, while Samus is running after Wolf and shooting, as well as evading his shots, but she also doesn't have to worry about terrain the same way as Wolf does, which is constantly looking for Samus and running from her to maintain the long-distance fight.

In mid range: Samus will have even LESS time to dodge deflections and wolf will then shoot more. No, Samus and Wolf will have the same rate of fire, but both will be dodging more and moving slower, since there's now not much time to evade shots... Meaning Samus can spam her cannon while moving closer and evading Wolf's blaster, while Wolf is still trying to run away, looking back to evade and shoot at Samus, while also paying attention to his surroundings and thinking of a way to gain more distance. All of that coupled together means that Samus will be faster on foot.

In close range: Samus only option is to go melee. Grapple/Shoots are reflected and fast, meaning that any reflector hit is prolly a hit on samus. When in melee wolf has a more usable weapon with a knife and a reflector to redirect beams and such. Sure, samus is nimble, but one hand + canon that isnt that trusty to shoot arent that reliable. Samus can force Wolf to activate his reflector then angle her arm 45* to the right, so the shots are reflected 90* to the left when they bounce off the reflector, meaning they'll miss Samus by 45*. She can literally stand in front of Wolf and spam her cannon forever while Wolf is there motionless, it's a checkmate. And are you intentionally ignoring the fact that Samus IS ZSS but with a protective armor on? She's still a super athlete and very good in hand-to-hand, the extra defense from her armor is supposed to be good against knives, claws, teeth and projectiles. In close range, Samus has this in the bag.

You understood it all wrong, i explained it for you.
You understood it all wrong, i explained it for you.

Oh, and even if he activates and deactivates his reflector fast, it's still time wasted and distance closed between Samus and Wolf.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil

lolno she can aim while dodging.

Aiming while dodge(walking or running) makes your accuracy go down by at least 35%(running makes it goes down 60%).Meaning that 3.5/6 of 10 shot of here while dodging will miss(math geek), giving enough time for wolf to shoot and make her dodge even more, giving him more shoots.

1)look above
2)samus' cannon has a better fire rate than wolf's blaster]
No it dosent :D. Gime numbers, and i will give you numbers, give me opinions/assumptions, ill give you butt-****.

samus has crazy good reaction time, remember the last 2 debates where we discussed this?]
Bullets dodgin reaction time? Plus, it was canon last match, it isnt possible for someone to doge like, volleys of bullets non-stop and shoot with prescision.

wolf is immobile while using the reflector and he can't shoot while using it.
also I don't see how grapple beam gets reflected >.>]
And i dont see how a bram can grapple. Only reasonable answer is, it isnt a beam, its a "thing". Things can be reflected, just lurk a bit above and you will see me and joe discussing.

just pointing things out
Me too, isnt that fun :D?


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
"It doesn't matter if her accuracy is poor, she's shooting to make him move and **** up his aim too, as well as set him up for a gap closing. To properly aim and shoot at Samus he'll have to stay still and aim, then shoot. And where does it say that Wolf is a better shot than Samus, much less a SHARPSHOOTER, holding a one-handed pistol that shoots blasters? If anything, Samus has more accuracy since she has more experience shooting stuff and aiming... Which is why she's got lock-on in the Samus games, as well as lock-off.

In the long range, i can see wolf shooting more than samus, and she dodging more. Shooting a laser pistol is much faster than a beam-canon. Wolf's rate of fire is slower than Samus's, proved by her games and Wolf's games (which apparently is Brawl, according to Joe!). She can run and shoot just for the sake of getting him to mess up his aim constantly, as well as make it easier for her to get closer. Wolf will be looking back and shooting, as well as dodging Samus's shots, his speed will be SLOWER than normal, while Samus is running after Wolf and shooting, as well as evading his shots, but she also doesn't have to worry about terrain the same way as Wolf does, which is constantly looking for Samus and running from her to maintain the long-distance fight.

In mid range: Samus will have even LESS time to dodge deflections and wolf will then shoot more. No, Samus and Wolf will have the same rate of fire, but both will be dodging more and moving slower, since there's now not much time to evade shots... Meaning Samus can spam her cannon while moving closer and evading Wolf's blaster, while Wolf is still trying to run away, looking back to evade and shoot at Samus, while also paying attention to his surroundings and thinking of a way to gain more distance. All of that coupled together means that Samus will be faster on foot.

In close range: Samus only option is to go melee. Grapple/Shoots are reflected and fast, meaning that any reflector hit is prolly a hit on samus. When in melee wolf has a more usable weapon with a knife and a reflector to redirect beams and such. Sure, samus is nimble, but one hand + canon that isnt that trusty to shoot arent that reliable. Samus can force Wolf to activate his reflector then angle her arm 45* to the right, so the shots are reflected 90* to the left when they bounce off the reflector, meaning they'll miss Samus by 45*. She can literally stand in front of Wolf and spam her cannon forever while Wolf is there motionless, it's a checkmate. And are you intentionally ignoring the fact that Samus IS ZSS but with a protective armor on? She's still a super athlete and very good in hand-to-hand, the extra defense from her armor is supposed to be good against knives, claws, teeth and projectiles. In close range, Samus has this in the bag

Dont quote like that, its a pain in the *** to respond too.

The first 2 paragraphs are allready closed. While shooting your accuracy goes down if you are walking. To dodge extreme fast shots makes you at least to run or roll to dodge, witch makes your accuracy to go down at least 60%.

With 6 of 10 shots missing, wolf has enough time to run away/shoot/dodge/bake pankakes, you call it. With him running or shooting and running, he will get distance and threat samus withought being harmed as samus will be.

@3: When you shoot in close range, and it is reflected, you cant just "walk slowly", because the thing IS FRIGGIN FAST and will hurt you if you dont move. So samus needs to run for her life or die instead. And while samus dodges, wolf shoots, still, therefore with more accuracy.

@4: You are nuts, and dont have a clue of how much BS the 90 degress thing is. If you shoot down a reflector in your front, the shot will go bakc to you. Sure not in your face, but it will **** your arm, and you will lose your arm. Good trade hu?

Edit: To make a point, wolfs gun is just as fast(if not faster) than samus canon, and he sure is fast being semi-wolf. So what do you guys have in head that they both cant just do a "old-west" duel style? AS far as i know, wolf can change from turtle and texas style when he wants, he dosent need to stay still and use the reflector, he can dodge too you know?


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
The thing is, you are assuming she will be proficient at melee,
No I'm not. Watch the trailer. If you have, you know I'm not assuming.

and im assuming she will have a disease that will kill her if she uses her melee combat.
I have more proof that she's proficient with using melee attacks than you do have that she has a disease that kills her if she uses melee tactics.

You cant say im wrong,
No, I cannot, but what I can say is that you don't have any proof anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. What I can also say is that there's no reason for me to believe you're right. I, on the other hand, have a trailer showing Samus use different melee tactics.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Tocador. Saying Samus isn't skilled in hand to hand combat (karate I guess we're saying) because you say Other M for some reason doesn't count would be like saying that Link is not a good sailor, because he only sails in one game. That argument isn't valid in the least bit, so don't give us that bull****.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Dear god....due to what I see...Wolf has his blaster from brawl now correct? If this is so then wolf's whole method of winning is out the window...now Samus outranges, out powers and out speeds wolf's projectiles....

Up close she has the grapple beam to take away stuff or just to throw wolf, and I don't think Wolf's teeth or claws can pierce that armor from things already stated...so she wins there...

I was pro wolf at first because he could out run and gun Samus with his SFA blaster and that was all...up close it's an obvious samus win...Samus can disarm him with the grabble beam and later grab with her free hand and clobber with the cannon hand....a nice blow to the head would do it....


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Aiming while dodge(walking or running) makes your accuracy go down by at least 35%(running makes it goes down 60%).Meaning that 3.5/6 of 10 shot of here while dodging will miss(math geek), giving enough time for wolf to shoot and make her dodge even more, giving him more shoots.
Wolf doesn't have to move, right? Makes it easier for Samus to close the gap. And, also averting concentration between shooting Samus and noticing her shots so you can activate your reflector should also drop your aim's accuracy. And still, where does it say that Wolf is a sharpshooter, or has better aim than Samus? Samus spends her whole adult life shooting, it's only fair to say she's got better aim.

No it dosent :D. Gime numbers, and i will give you numbers, give me opinions/assumptions, ill give you butt-****.
Show me how fast Wolf can shoot. Give me a video, so i can compare it with Samus's shots.

Bullets dodgin reaction time? Plus, it was canon last match, it isnt possible for someone to doge like, volleys of bullets non-stop and shoot with prescision.
And wolf gets around this by activating his reflector, which diverts his attention from aiming at Samus to noticing where she's shooting, if they're getting close to him, meaning his accuracy will drop a lot... And a LOT more if Samus gets the upper hand, and Wolf is moving and Samus is the one sniping...

And i dont see how a bram can grapple. Only reasonable answer is, it isnt a beam, its a "thing". Things can be reflected, just lurk a bit above and you will see me and joe discussing.
And I can't see how a reflector will last forever without a power source to fuel it. Or how can a knife cut through advanced metallic armor. If you are aiming to say "maybe it's of advanced tech, so it can cut through other advanced tech", then her grapple beam is advanced tech and can grapple onto anything she desires and can't be reflected according to everything in her games.

The first 2 paragraphs are allready closed. While shooting your accuracy goes down if you are walking. To dodge extreme fast shots makes you at least to run or roll to dodge, witch makes your accuracy to go down at least 60%.

With 6 of 10 shots missing, wolf has enough time to run away/shoot/dodge/bake pankakes, you call it. With him running or shooting and running, he will get distance and threat samus withought being harmed as samus will be.
So let me get this straight... This affects Samus, but not Wolf? And how can Wolf have that amazing awareness, that as soon as Samus shoots, he knows it will/won't hit him, giving him time to aim? Plus, the 6/10 thing doesn't mean that every 10 shots, 6 may mis... It only means that there is a 60% chance of missing. She might miss all 10 shots, as well as hit all 10... No room for assumptions in a battle, since one mistake means you're shot.

@3: When you shoot in close range, and it is reflected, you cant just "walk slowly", because the thing IS FRIGGIN FAST and will hurt you if you dont move. So samus needs to run for her life or die instead. And while samus dodges, wolf shoots, still, therefore with more accuracy.
ugh, you don't seem to understand. Unless his reflector is a flat surface that adjusts to her cannon's angle, it won't be reflecting towards her anything that she shoots. If she aims straight forward, the shot will reflect straight towards her. If she is in front of the reflector, has her arm extended sideways, angles her elbow 135* towards her, and shoots, that's 45* that she's shooting at his reflector. And due to the reflector's obvious circular/elliptical nature, it will reflect the shot somewhere theat is NOT a 180* degree, meaning straight back to her arm. If she's shooting from low and aiming for Wolf's head, then the shot won't reflect back at her arm, but instead will be reflected towards the sky.

@4: You are nuts, and dont have a clue of how much BS the 90 degress thing is. If you shoot down a reflector in your front, the shot will go bakc to you. Sure not in your face, but it will **** your arm, and you will lose your arm. Good trade hu?
It doesn't work that way in physics. Angled shots will alter the reflection. Grab a ball, and throw whatever you want at it and see if it can be bounced back at you. Then, throw it sideways and see if it can be bounced back at your hand OR your body. Chances are, no it will not bounce back.

[quoote]Edit: To make a point, wolfs gun is just as fast(if not faster) than samus canon, and he sure is fast being semi-wolf. So what do you guys have in head that they both cant just do a "old-west" duel style? AS far as i know, wolf can change from turtle and texas style when he wants, he dosent need to stay still and use the reflector, he can dodge too you know?[/quote]
Hhow can he shoot as fast as Samus? Prove it.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
The reflector can only reflect projectiles, it can't block physical attacks.
FINALLY somebody replies... ok we know the above and the fact that wolf can't use his gun-knife-thing while his reflector is up, we also know...
magnetics, electro statics, or, it could be an actual cable of sorts that has a clining energy of sorts (like electro statics)
the grapple beam could be a cable like JOE said, a cable is a physical object no denying it. cable goes through reflector.
you guys can figure out the rest for yourselves
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