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Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Wolf doesn't have to move, right? Makes it easier for Samus to close the gap. And, also averting concentration between shooting Samus and noticing her shots so you can activate your reflector should also drop your aim's accuracy. And still, where does it say that Wolf is a sharpshooter, or has better aim than Samus? Samus spends her whole adult life shooting, it's only fair to say she's got better aim.
You completly misread the point were "Samus needs to dodge her own bullets, run, dodge wolfs and still aproach", were wolf just need to walk bakc and shoot and use the reflector once in a while. Wolf is a trained arwing pilot. To be this you need to have basic shooting skills, because its a demand among soldiers. A 4 years training at least. Now call the noobish,

Show me how fast Wolf can shoot. Give me a video, so i can compare it with Samus's shots.
Lurk a few pages back, when someone posted(paya i think) a SFA with wolf. Its like a sub-machinegun.

And wolf gets around this by activating his reflector, which diverts his attention from aiming at Samus to noticing where she's shooting, if they're getting close to him, meaning his accuracy will drop a lot... And a LOT more if Samus gets the upper hand, and Wolf is moving and Samus is the one sniping...
No. Samus cant sniper agaisnt a reflector, because it reflects. Plus, reflector is "translucido", meaning you can look through it. And man you are biased, you are saying that running and dodgin and shooting makes your aim better than just activating a reflector?

And I can't see how a reflector will last forever without a power source to fuel it. Or how can a knife cut through advanced metallic armor. If you are aiming to say "maybe it's of advanced tech, so it can cut through other advanced tech", then her grapple beam is advanced tech and can grapple onto anything she desires and can't be reflected according to everything in her games.
And i cant see how samus can shoot for ever. You dont know what the knife is made off. Judgin wolfs high tech it can just be a armor piercing knife, as its a futuristic battle. Grapple thing was solved, get over.

So let me get this straight... This affects Samus, but not Wolf? And how can Wolf have that amazing awareness, that as soon as Samus shoots, he knows it will/won't hit him, giving him time to aim? Plus, the 6/10 thing doesn't mean that every 10 shots, 6 may mis... It only means that there is a 60% chance of missing. She might miss all 10 shots, as well as hit all 10... No room for assumptions in a battle, since one mistake means you're shot.
60% miss chance its a number. Sure she can get all of them right, but thats called luck. Going by reality she WILL miss 6 of the 10. When someone miss is pretty darn easy to see, as the giant ball of doom isnt going to hit you. Plus, i never said wolf was the sniper, but being still gives him the upper hand. And you are the one confusing assumptions with math, sorry pal.

ugh, you don't seem to understand. Unless his reflector is a flat surface that adjusts to her cannon's angle, it won't be reflecting towards her anything that she shoots. If she aims straight forward, the shot will reflect straight towards her. If she is in front of the reflector, has her arm extended sideways, angles her elbow 135* towards her, and shoots, that's 45* that she's shooting at his reflector. And due to the reflector's obvious circular/elliptical nature, it will reflect the shot somewhere theat is NOT a 180* degree, meaning straight back to her arm. If she's shooting from low and aiming for Wolf's head, then the shot won't reflect back at her arm, but instead will be reflected towards the sky.
The only way a 135 degres shot will reach its target is if you are relaly close, or else, going by the "reflector is a kirby-like ball", it wont hit wolf even if puts the reflector down.

It doesn't work that way in physics. Angled shots will alter the reflection. Grab a ball, and throw whatever you want at it and see if it can be bounced back at you. Then, throw it sideways and see if it can be bounced back at your hand OR your body. Chances are, no it will not bounce back.
Chances are samus will need to enter the "reflector ball" to fight wolf before she can do anything. Or best, why are you sure samus will be able to approach at all?

[quoote]Edit: To make a point, wolfs gun is just as fast(if not faster) than samus canon, and he sure is fast being semi-wolf. So what do you guys have in head that they both cant just do a "old-west" duel style? AS far as i know, wolf can change from turtle and texas style when he wants, he dosent need to stay still and use the reflector, he can dodge too you know?

Hhow can he shoot as fast as Samus? Prove it.[/QUOTE]

How can samus shoot as fast as wolf? Prove it.

@Grapple: "O MY GOD A BLUE THING IS COMMING AT ME, LET ME HAVE MY REFLECTOR ON AND LET IT GRAB ME". If samus goes for the grapple it will open window for shooting to go out. Putting down the reflector and shooting isnt hard. At all.

If samus grabs wolf, he can shoot her, or cut the thingy. I mean, why in earth would snake keep the reflector if samus wont be able to shoot with the grapple going on? Using it is asking "Dodge it, or let it grab you so you can face-**** me with lasers".


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Lurk a few pages back, when someone posted(paya i think) a SFA with wolf. Its like a sub-machinegun.
JOE clearly stated that we were using the Blaster from Brawl, so shut up.

No. Samus cant sniper agaisnt a reflector, because it reflects. Plus, reflector is "translucido", meaning you can look through it. And man you are biased, you are saying that running and dodgin and shooting makes your aim better than just activating a reflector?
If Wolf is Reflectoring, Samus could easily just run up to him and attack... Pretty simple imo...

And i cant see how samus can shoot for ever. You dont know what the knife is made off. Judgin wolfs high tech it can just be a armor piercing knife, as its a futuristic battle. Grapple thing was solved, get over.
Show me where Wolf would ever need an armor piercing knife.

Grapple thing was solved in our favor, look at my last post, and stop being ignorant.

The only way a 135 degres shot will reach its target is if you are relaly close, or else, going by the "reflector is a kirby-like ball", it wont hit wolf even if puts the reflector down.
Samus Grapples Wolf, hits him with a charge shot, dead.

Chances are samus will need to enter the "reflector ball" to fight wolf before she can do anything. Or best, why are you sure samus will be able to approach at all?
Samus can approach incredibly safely. Samus shoots, Wolf reflectors, Samus runs in, dodges shot, rinse repeat.

@Grapple: "O MY GOD A BLUE THING IS COMMING AT ME, LET ME HAVE MY REFLECTOR ON AND LET IT GRAB ME". If samus goes for the grapple it will open window for shooting to go out. Putting out a reflector and shooting isnt hard. At all.

If samus grabs wolf, he can shoot her, or cut the thingy. I mean, why in earth would snake keep the reflector if samus wont be able to shoot with the grapple going on? Using it is asking "Dodge it, or let it grab you so you can face-**** me with lasers".
You clearly don't understand. Samus approaches like I stated above, then fires, sidesteps, and immediately grapples at mid range, or, even better, she could shot 2 shots on either side of him, giving Wolf 3 options: 1. Sidestep and get shot one way, 2. Sidestep the other way and get shot, or 3. Stay where he is and get grappled. Either way, Wolf gets damaged.

Samus wins. Why is this still being debated? Stop being stubborn and admit your loss, most of your points hold no water, and the ones that do are of little help to you.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Stuff that I'm about to counter with a previous conversation with JOE!
v read below tocador
anyways, as for blasters:

for spacies ive been using their smashbros blasters seeing as the only other ones were in assualt, and it was all the same.

So wolf has the very powerful one, no charge ability.

Also brought up with Fox: what is preventing samus from shooting in melee range?
But I thought Smash wasn't canon?

well Wolf has the relfector that's what...<.<
its not canon, but where esle besides Assault (and Lol adventures) do the starfox crew leave the arwings? and when they do, they all have the same gear and a few differences here and there
no, he gets that blaster, but as if it were real.

kindof like how fox's laser was so dangerous in the pit match because it was rapid-fire

this kills just about all of wolf's best options....Samus now has him beat in almost every aspect...oh yah and just in case of a "it's not clear" john


Samus has melee know-how because she is Zero Suit Samus, but in power armor.

Why is a knife, claws, teeth and free hand > metal armor?

Wolf's blaster, (like all the **** spacies, does anyone look back in the thread, or read the Ops at all?) it brought from Smashbros into real life. It travels faster than it would in the game, and has MUCH more range. Yet the rate of fire is slower, but very powerful comparatavly

Also, Other M counts, all it is showing is samus doing things other than run, aim shoot...
^this too...you even quoted this post, this shows that Samus now has the fighting ability to beat wolf for sure in close range...and that she definitely has him beat in long range


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
JOE clearly stated that we were using the Blaster from Brawl, so shut up.
Ok, what ever then, but it still shoots, and still hurts.

If Wolf is Reflectoring, Samus could easily just run up to him and attack... Pretty simple imo...
If samus wont shoot, wolf will be shooting, not so simples.

Show me where Wolf would ever need an armor piercing knife.
Hes a space mercenary, that fights people, and that fights off the arwing. Plus, why wouldnt he use a better knife if he is hired to kill??

Grapple thing was solved in our favor, look at my last post, and stop being ignorant.
Your last post was BS. If samus throws a graple, wolf can shoot her until she fades. If she dosent, he will reflect/run/shoot. So stop being arrogant.

Samus Grapples Wolf, hits him with a charge shot, dead.
How can you shoot and grapple? They come from the same hole. Dont be silly.

Samus can approach incredibly safely. Samus shoots, Wolf reflectors, Samus runs in, dodges shot, rinse repeat.
Samus shoots, wolf dodges, wolf shoots, runs back, samus dodges, shoot, repeat. And why do you assume samus will shoot first?

You clearly don't understand. Samus approaches like I stated above, then fires, sidesteps, and immediately grapples at mid range, or, even better, she could shot 2 shots on either side of him, giving Wolf 3 options: 1. Sidestep and get shot one way, 2. Sidestep the other way and get shot, or 3. Stay where he is and get grappled. Either way, Wolf gets damaged.
No. Wolf can shoot before she does, and keep it, while reflecting at the last moment can make him maintain a volley of lasers. Plus, 2 shots dont cover 3 places.

Samus wins. Why is this still being debated? Stop being stubborn and admit your loss, most of your points hold no water, and the ones that do are of little help to you.
You are the one being a prick thinking just because you can your opinions are the best. You just got turned down, what do you say =/. IF you cant argue like people dont try to.

@Marthage: The only way we can compare their projectile speed is with smash bros. Unless you give me numbers, the only real comparison we can make is comparing their speed projectile in smash.

Going by smash samus beam is the same speed as wolf blaster.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
welcome back to the thread SOLID :p

So, lets break it to ranges, shall we?

Long range:?

Mid range: samus wins due to grapple beam

Close range: samus wins due to armor and grapple beam?


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
How can you shoot and grapple? They come from the same hole. Dont be silly.
Actually the grapple beam is on her left hand while the arm cannon is on her right

EDIT: JOE samus has a better fire rate than wolf, wolf cant even fire if he's got the reflector up, if wolf shoots samus shoots better, killing wolf b4 he gets off a shot
^long range


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Ok, what ever then, but it still shoots, and still hurts.
....Do you use wolf in brawl...transferring that to real life, it would have sub-par range for a gun...Samus outranges wolf with her cannon by a lot now....that makes a big difference in the battle...

Plus-easy on the name-calling...it doesn't really help your arguments when you start calling names and stuff, you're just decreasing chances of getting your point across...

@joe-samus would win in long range now...*points to above words*


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
HOW CAN SAMUS SHOOT A GRAPLE BEAM WITH BARE HANDS? She shoots it with her canon. She cant shoot both things at the same time(beam + grapple).

Long range: Wolf wins as samus is the one needing to approach.

Mid range: I really can see it, grapple beam inabilitates her shooting capacities, leaving wolf able to shoot her down.

Melee: A knife + gun + reflector > Hand + canon.

And JOE!: You said how knife + gun > armor? Simple as that a kevlar < bullets. Since the ancient history to now, no protection was able to completly hold of any shots, it still takes damage. Plus, melee weapons are almost sure to cut through armor.

And quesiton: How can you guarantee that wolfs armor isnt able to take any shot from samus?

@Marthage: JOE! said it had range, really long range. So your post is kinda useless.

@Sam: Wolf can keep shooting and dodgin or shooting and reflecting at last moment. It isnt like he is unable to move for 4-6 seconds, its basicaly a split second and bam he can shoot againg. Plus samus needs to dodge her shots, and wolf shots, and aproach.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
Douple post of ownage.

After meditating, samus has the advantage in melee, thats why he wants to approach. And wolf wins in long range, thats why she approaches. In mid range(the transition process) wolf can run and reflect if he sees any shot, were samus will try to approach to get melee on him.

Wolf is semi-wolf, semi-humanoid, therefore able to run more than any "super man", as wolfs runs 2 to 3 times faster.

In the running marathon wolf wins from samus, so in mid'ish to long wolf is able to run and always make the range bigger.

Samus grapple tho, cant be launched with bare hands, it just dont make sense, it must come form her cannon. Tho, or she shoots or she fires. In the mid range it is too risky because she will be shot down, while in melee is far more plausible.

The battle lies in wolf maintaing distance with samus approaching. Id give it a tie, or samus advantage based on how she can be really creative in the grapple using.

Peace out homies, back in some hours.

@Solid: Stop being arrogant, it just isnt cool and just make's me want to ignore you. You are not dumb, and knows lot of stuff, but the way you put them into words isnt nice to read/listen too. So please try not to be so like this, and try to argue withough insults and discarding peoples arguments/facts.

Edit: O ****, no one told me thats how the grapple was shot. I blame you guys for not telling me this.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
Douple post of ownage.

After meditating, samus has the advantage in melee, thats why he wants to approach. And wolf wins in long range, thats why she approaches. In mid range(the transition process) wolf can run and reflect if he sees any shot, were samus will try to approach to get melee on him.

Wolf is semi-wolf, semi-humanoid, therefore able to run more than any "super man", as wolfs runs 2 to 3 times faster.

In the running marathon wolf wins from samus, so in mid'ish to long wolf is able to run and always make the range bigger.

Samus grapple tho, cant be launched with bare hands, it just dont make sense, it must come form her cannon. Tho, or she shoots or she fires. In the mid range it is too risky because she will be shot down, while in melee is far more plausible.

The battle lies in wolf maintaing distance with samus approaching. Id give it a tie, or samus advantage based on how she can be really creative in the grapple using.

Peace out homies, back in some hours.

@Solid: Stop being arrogant, it just isnt cool and just make's me want to ignore you. You are not dumb, and knows lot of stuff, but the way you put them into words isnt nice to read/listen too. So please try not to be so like this, and try to argue withough insults and discarding peoples arguments/facts.

Edit: O ****, no one told me thats how the grapple was shot. I blame you guys for not telling me this.
You still haven't shown me how Wolf's blaster outranges Samus's cannon...and I have legit proof still unless
seriously tocador, wow....
JOE! Would wolf's blaster range be translated into a sub-par range in the MU because in smashbros the blaster has bad range...so it's real life equivalent should have a sub-par range


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
tocador said:
Samus grapple tho, cant be launched with bare hands, it just dont make sense, it must come form her cannon. Tho, or she shoots or she fires. In the mid range it is too risky because she will be shot down, while in melee is far more plausible.
ur blin...
tocador said:
Edit: O ****, no one told me thats how the grapple was shot. I blame you guys for not telling me this.
yo I said this like 3 times ho could you not see this? OMG,
yo! people! dude! this is too much!
UncleSam said:
Actually the grapple beam is on her left hand while the arm cannon is on her right
UncleSam said:
picture of grapple beam
okay 2 times but you get the picture, don't you see that you miss things when you are biased?

EDIT: ok maybe I might have went a little overboard there but you make really stupid points/accusations/assumptions you should stop doing that


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
No one posted that pic before, so yeah..... How was i suposed to know ><. When you said "with left hand" i understood as if she was throwing it like a rock. Never knew she had that stuff.

But ok if you guys want it:

Wolf wins long range cause of reflector, so then samus is forced to approach with 2 options:

1. Force the reflector and own with grapple beam to then encourage a texas duel.


2.Approach more.

If she goes for the texas style, wolf can at least try to get some visor shots, and maybe survive while samus just has better weaponary.

If she approaches and manages to get melee, she wins, grapple + canon can overcome reflector, so then she will get a free shot.

I think samus has a easier tiem aproaching than wolf has defending, tho she will manage to sneak in 90 times in 100.

Samus win then =/. If you want numbers, 900/100 is ok, or maybe 879/121 just to make it look professional.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
No one posted that pic before, so yeah..... How was i suposed to know ><. When you said "with left hand" i understood as if she was throwing it like a rock. Never knew she had that stuff.
I thought it was implied that it would be super high-tech or something like just about everything else in this battle


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I r dumb, dont make assumptions ><. And in brawl/melee/64 she threw it trough the canon, so yeah, thats how i tought it was.

And did you like my summary :p?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Ok, what ever then, but it still shoots, and still hurts.
Only if it hits.

If samus wont shoot, wolf will be shooting, not so simples.
I understand that, but what you aren't getting are the vast options Samus has. She has a counter for practically anything Wolf does. Wolf shoots, Samus shoots. Wolf reflects, Samus approaches. Etc, etc.

Hes a space mercenary, that fights people, and that fights off the arwing. Plus, why wouldnt he use a better knife if he is hired to kill??
Show me a battle where Wolf fights anyone with armor of Samus's quality.

Your last post was BS. If samus throws a graple, wolf can shoot her until she fades. If she dosent, he will reflect/run/shoot. So stop being arrogant.
I'm being a bit arrogant, true, but that is overshadowed by how closed minded and mulish you are being. Samus will only throw a grapple if the opportunity presents itself, she won't wildly be flailing it around. She'll ONLY use it if she is at the correct range, and if Wolf is in his reflector, or in a transition period between 2 actions. Besides, she can shoot, forcing a reflector, and then grapple after that, LIKE I SAID BEFORE.

How can you shoot and grapple? They come from the same hole. Dont be silly.
Yup, I'm the silly won. Sam proved you wrong. Don't be ignorant.

Samus shoots, wolf dodges, wolf shoots, runs back, samus dodges, shoot, repeat. And why do you assume samus will shoot first?
No. Samus shoots, Wolf dodges, Samus immediately grapples, if that doesn't work, Wolf will still have to dodge the grapple, in which case Samus could get an opening to kill him. It doesn't matter who shoots first, because Samus can switch from defense to offense A LOT easier than Wolf can.

No. Wolf can shoot before she does, and keep it, while reflecting at the last moment can make him maintain a volley of lasers. Plus, 2 shots dont cover 3 places.
Wolf can shoot before she does, woohoo for Wolf... What you don't understand is that Samus can Shoot-grapple-shoot, shoot-shoot-grapple, etc etc and mix it up each time.

You are the one being a prick thinking just because you can your opinions are the best. You just got turned down, what do you say =/. IF you cant argue like people dont try to.
I'm not saying my opinions are best. Believe what you want, be stubborn, etc. but I'm just stating facts.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I didnt knew about the grapple thingy, thats why i tought wolf could hold his own on mid'ish range.

But now w/e, now that sam showed me truth i shall rest in peace....
or until the next mu starts

Call JOE!.

@Solid: Epic sig btw. Jizzed in ma pants while reading it xP.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I didnt knew about the grapple thingy, thats why i tought wolf could hold his own on mid'ish range.

But now w/e, now that sam showed me truth i shall rest in peace....
or until the next mu starts

Call JOE!.

@Solid: Epic sig btw. Jizzed in ma pants while reading it xP.

Thanks about the sig, Falcon is too good.

Yeah, JOE! where you at?


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
this is the voice automated mailbox for...*static then in JOE!'s voice* JOE! *static*
at the tone please record your message, when you are finished recording hang up or press "1" for more options...


^that's where JOE! is at...

anyway, on topic...what do you guys think the next mu should be???


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2009
Rayquaza's the sky god. He could plausibly make the air pressure equal to the pressure at the center of the sun or something.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
okie, back from seeing inglourious basterds. friggen epik movie

anywho, Wolf's (and all spacies) blasters have essentially infinate range, seeing as theyre energy based and dont really follow gravity.

But, i believe Samus is too tank for even Wols to not let her kill him.

New MU soon


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
bring a few Effing samus mains in here. Match up is 60 - 40 for wolf, appraoching, both sides shut each other down, wolf shuts samus down harder than samus shuts wolf down though.

Wolfs appraoch with B air mind games and blaster cover, we approach with powersheilding and z airs. worlf is faster though, if samus misses with her approach she's F'ed, sheer options it'd be tied.
almost ALL samus mains on this site have beaten most metroid games, so don't get your panties in a knot before asking them, they will know more s*** than you my friend.

EDIT: that was horribly late, but better late than never I s'pose


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
bring a few Effing samus mains in here. Match up is 60 - 40 for wolf, appraoching, both sides shut each other down, wolf shuts samus down harder than samus shuts wolf down though.

Wolfs appraoch with B air mind games and blaster cover, we approach with powersheilding and z airs. worlf is faster though, if samus misses with her approach she's F'ed, sheer options it'd be tied.
almost ALL samus mains on this site have beaten most metroid games, so don't get your panties in a knot before asking them, they will know more s*** than you my friend.
this is a joke, right?

anywho, new match, and PSI is ALLOWED!

also, for those interested here are the results so far:

winner/draw x2:
:pikachu2:,:roymelee:,:zerosuitsamus:,:warioc:,:dk2:, :ivysaur: ,:samus2:

winner/draw x1, Loser/draw x1:
:metaknight:,:pit:,:charizard:,:shiek:,:zelda:, :lucario: ,:diddy:,:yoshi2:,:snake:,:squirtle:,:falco:, :wolf:

loser/draw x2:

now, should i perhaps seperate the brackets further based on draws?

Making it: win +1, draw +0, loss -1?

if so:

score x2:
:pikachu2:,:roymelee:,:zerosuitsamus:,:warioc:,:dk2:, :ivysaur:

score x1:

score x0:
:metaknight:,:charizard:,:shiek:,:zelda:, :lucario: ,:diddy:,:yoshi2:,:squirtle:,:falco:

score x-1:

score x-2:


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
A big canon.

OK, jk. Canon means taht each character can go by its in-game performance and isnt limited to RL physics. As in RL mind-crushing moves or boulder smashing with mind wont happend, in a canon MU things like this can happen.

And i go for mewtwo, he is jsut AWE-SOME.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
You should make like this: Looses 3 times = eliminated. With a winner bracket, a loser bracket, a xwin 1loss bracket, and xwin 2 loss bracket.

Or just use like smash tournaments use.

ps: Double post of win.


Smash Master
Oct 14, 2008
Troy, NY
I should dig up my alter ego's posts on the spamus vs. m2 for this since m2 would prolly **** ness canon-wise...
we'll see tho

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