neo does have a top MK and it's gay as ****. but he doesn't use him in tourny outside of emergency MK dittos (though that's really rare now since he's beating top mk's all over).NEO is incredibly sexy, and he is one of the reasons I keep playing Marth.
But sometimes I get really philosophical and ****. I mean the way I see it is this:
Take a lower tier character like say, Wolf.
Wolf can't win anything alone. We all know this.
Yet Wolf is a unique character. No other character can do everything Wolf can, with the Reflector, laser, bair, nice jab, dthrow setups.
MK does everything Marth does but BETTER. Fair and dtilt zone? MK does it better. Gimp? MK does it better. Juggle? MK does it better.
It just seems pointless. And from what I gather, playing MK like you play Marth works. And from what I heard Inui say at APEX, M2K thinks NEO has a top MK rofl
sorry double post, i could delete this but im too lazy